Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 941 Dawu and Junsha were shocked!

"Yes, the power of waveguide."

Lu Ze didn't mean to hide it. He glanced at Dr. Lawrence who was being controlled behind Metagross in displeasure, and then looked at Daigo.

"I lost track of you, what should I do next?"

Lu Ze has really never experienced anything like this.

Even in the world he lives in, there is also a church.

But all he did was kill the church's base and stop the church's actions.

All the remaining aftermath work or other matters were handled by Zhuge Ziyu and Mo Qiancheng.

I basically never asked about it.

So he didn't know what to do when faced with the current situation of being lost.

"Next, go to the police station and ask for Miss Junsha."

After Dawu raised his head and glanced at the already bright sky, he said to Lu Ze.

"Then, shall we go there?"

"Well, let's go."

After Daigo nodded, he stood on Metagross and flew towards Miare City.

Lu Ze also rode on the armored bird and followed Dawu.

I thought Dawu would ask Miss Junsha and the others to come over.

The result will pass.

But yes, I have been in two places.

We still need to let Miss Junsha and the others take a look.

I don't know about those Pokémon either.

After Lu Ze thought about the Pokémon in the base, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"However, this situation can be considered a relief for them."

Lu Ze became even more irritated when he thought of the empty eyes and zombie-like movements of those Pokémon.

This villain who does physical experiments on Pokémon deserves to die!

Lu Ze looked at Dr. Lawrence and the others hanging under the Metagross in front with murderous eyes, wishing to kill them now.



After taking a few deep breaths, Lu Ze also forced himself to calm down.

Miss Junsha and the others should be able to get more information from the two of them.

Dr. Lawrence's mouth is difficult to pry open, but it shouldn't be difficult for the assistant next to him.

But there is one thing to say, Daigo's armored bird is indeed not very fast.

After flying in the sky for a while, Dawu and Lu Ze finally arrived at the door of the police station in Miare City.

Miss Junsha, who was on duty, immediately led them into the police station after seeing Dawu.

After Lu Ze and Da Wu explained everything together, Miss Junsha also sent someone to check.

"This is…"

But when Dr. Lawrence and his Pokémon were released later, not only Miss Junsha, but also Lu Ze and Dai Wu were also silent.

Except for those few king-level Pokémon, the remaining senior-level Pokémon were all dead.

Without exception, they were all Pokémon that ate the black energy cube.

Looking at the Pokémon with painful expressions, Lu Ze and Daigo also turned to look at Dr. Lawrence.

"Hahaha, the last thing humans need is this kind of useless pity!"

Dr. Lawrence laughed: "If you abandon this compassion, the world will be dominated by us humans!"

"Pokémon only deserve to be reduced to this!"

Lu Ze didn't wait for him to finish speaking and punched him in the stomach.

"It's because of people like you that humans and Pokémon collide!"

Lu Ze's voice was cold. Whether it was this world or the world he was in, there had been large-scale victories between humans and Pokémon.

No matter which world it is, both sides of the war have suffered heavy losses.

"How many people in history have worked hard for the harmonious coexistence of humans and Pokémon? Do you think you are smarter than everyone else?"

Lu Ze looked at Dr. Lawrence with a mocking look on his face, and then noticed Dr. Lawrence's pocket.

"There should still be something like that."

As Lu Ze said that, he put his hand into Dr. Lawrence's pocket.

Sure enough, there were two such black energy cubes left inside.

"Electric shock monsters, spray flames!"

After throwing the two black energy cubes in his hand into the air, Lu Ze commanded the electric monster to release [Spray Flame].


Flames passed through the air, leaving not even ashes on the two remaining black energy cubes.

"There is no need for this kind of thing to exist. If the alliance asks about it, let them come to me."

After Dawu stopped Miss Junsha at the side, he said firmly to Miss Junsha.

"He is no longer useful. Just let me do the news."

Lu Ze looked at Dr. Lawrence with cold eyes, as if he were looking at a dead person.


At the same time as Lu Ze spoke, Deoxys appeared instantly.

"mind control!"

In the shocked eyes of Dawu and Miss Junsha, Deoxys's eyes flashed with blue light.

The next second, the super power of Metagross controlling Dr. Lawrence was broken.

Dr. Lawrence was controlled into the air by Deoxys' superpower with a face full of pain, and his mind was constantly being invaded by Deoxys's superpower.

Mewtwo can erase other people's memories, and Deoxys, whose superpowers are comparable to Mewtwo, can naturally do it after consulting Mewtwo.

Not only can he erase memories, Deoxys can also obtain parts of his memories through violent means.

For example, about this black energy cube.

After a moment, Dr. Lawrence fell from the sky, and Deoxys also looked at Lu Ze and shook his head slightly.

"He said that this Frenzy Energy Cube has just been successfully tested, and the test results have not yet been collected."

Lu Ze looked at Dr. Lawrence who looked like a fool and nodded with satisfaction.

In this case, this evil energy cube will no longer appear in this world.

This is the result of violent means, and even Deoxys can't do anything about it.

Dr. Lawrence has become a fool.

It's a pity that Deoxys didn't look at the information about Team Flare's other bases.

That's all he can do.

But that's enough.

The key point is this black energy cube.

As long as this black energy cube is solved, the remaining matters of Team Flare will be left to Miss Junsha.

If I remember correctly, Team Flare seemed to have been dealt with by Ash and the others in the end.

All he can do now is to prevent Pokémon in this world from suffering less harm.

Not only had Dr. Lawrence's memory been erased, but his brain had also become a fool during the examination just now.

In addition, the last two remaining black energy cubes were destroyed.

Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you."

After nodding and thanking Daiwu, Lu Ze took his Pokémon and walked outside.

I don’t need to participate in what happens next.

As long as Daiwu was around for what happened just now, the alliance wouldn't come looking for me.

Without talking about Daigo's former league champion's strength and identity, it is enough to just say that Daigo is the young master of the Zivchi family.

Besides, what if the alliance comes to find him.I am not from this world either.

"Wait a moment."

Just as Lu Ze walked out of the police station, Dawu's voice came from behind him.

"Let me formally introduce myself. I am Daigo Zivuki from the Hoenn region. My specialty Pokémon are steel-type and rock-type Pokémon."

Dawu stretched out his hand towards Lu Ze with a warm smile.

Lu Ze didn't hesitate. He stretched out his hand and said, "I'm from, well, it's a new town. Lu Ze, I don't have any Pokémon types that I'm good at."

After Lu Ze thought for a while, he still didn't say anything about the different world.

As for Zhenxin Town.
Which boy doesn't have a fantasy in his heart of starting from Zhenxin Town.

"Okay, let me treat you to dinner."

Daigo smiled: "Just think of it as thanking you for what you did just now."

Just now, Dawu had the same idea as Lu Ze.

But he did not have Deoxys.

Metagross is okay in terms of combat, but it's still not very good if you want to destroy memories or check memories.

Therefore, unless he directly kills Dr. Lawrence, there is nothing he can do against Dr. Lawrence.

And the cost of killing Dr. Lawrence is too high.

Not all righteous people in the Alliance are righteous. If Dr. Lawrence is still alive, they will definitely use all means to get the formula.

Or maybe Dr. Lawrence would reveal it on his own initiative.

After all, it can be understood from his words just now that he is a guy without any mercy.

The interest is coming, maybe he will also be interested in revealing the confusion caused by this.

Fortunately, Lu Ze nipped this situation in the cradle.


After Lu Ze thought for a moment, he nodded.

"I walked away in a fit of anger. I almost forgot that I had something else to do with you."

Walking on the road, Lu Ze smiled and said to Dawu next to him.

"Oh, are you looking for me?"

"Yes, Zfuqi Daigo, the former champion of the Hoenn region, I have admired your name for a long time."

"Ah, haha, it's okay."

Dawu smiled sheepishly, then suddenly remembered what Lu Ze had just said, and asked curiously again.

"By the way, you haven't said why you are looking for me?"

"We'll talk about it later during dinner. I'll treat you this time."


Dawu looked at Lu Ze with a smile, nodded and agreed.

By the way, since he has grown so big, apart from that guy Mikri, he is probably the only one who wants to invite me.



Lu Ze and Dawu left together, and Xiaozhi and the others on the other side had also gotten up.

"Let's go to Aromatherapy City!"

As soon as Xiaozhi got up, he couldn't help shouting.

"Um, are you up?"

Citron sat up in confusion, rubbed his eyes and asked Xiaozhi.

"Well, we will leave for the next city later."

Xiaozhi said and turned to look at Lu Ze's position.

"Hey? Where is brother Ozawa?"

Xiaozhi was a little surprised: "Did Brother Xiaoze get up so early?"

"Is there a note here?"

Citron, who was wearing pajamas, also stood up, but as soon as he stood up, he saw the note left by Lu Ze on the table.

"Xiao Zhi, Citron, I have something to do when I go out. I don't know how long it will take."

"After I'm done, I may challenge the two gyms that Xiaozhi challenged at the beginning. After all, I can't lag too far behind Xiaozhi, right?"

"So, you just go ahead and I will catch up with you."

"I may go to you directly after the matter is over, or I may challenge those two gyms first."

"Or maybe I will wait for you in Aromatherapy City. After all, Xiaozhi is also a guy who loves to get lost."

"Well, good wind!"

After Citron and Xiaozhi read the note, they raised their heads and looked at each other.

"Brother Ozawa must have something important to do."

"Tell me, will Brother Ozawa return to his own world?"

The two spoke at the same time, but compared to Citron, Xiaozhi was a little disappointed.

"Pickup pickup."

"No, if brother Ozawa returns to his own world, he will tell us."

Citron and Pikachu saw Xiaozhi like this and quickly spoke to comfort him.

"Besides, brother Ozawa also said that he might catch up with us, he might come to us after challenging the gym, or he might just wait for us in Xiangxun City, right?"

After Citron finished speaking, Xiaozhi felt better.

"Yes, I have already made an agreement with Brother Ozawa before. If he wants to leave, he will definitely tell us."

After Xiaozhi figured it out, he regained his vitality again.

"Then, let's go to Xiangxun City. Let's go to Xiangxun City and find Brother Ozawa!"

After Ash put on his hat, he said firmly to Citron and Pikachu.

"Pickup pickup!"

"it is good!"

After Citron and Pikachu nodded at the same time, they began to pack their things and prepare to set off.

Xiaozhi turned his head and looked out the window.

Brother Ozawa, we haven't had a formal battle yet!
This is our agreement!


Lu Ze, who had already had breakfast and came to the training ground, didn't know what Xiaozhi was thinking.

He had already told Dai Wu when he and Dai Wu were having dinner.

He wanted to ask Dawu for advice on how to cultivate Metagross.

By the way, there are also some maintenance methods for Steel-type Pokémon.

There are a lot of Steel-type Pokémon in his team.

Both Metagross and Lucario need to be well maintained in order to show their handsomeness.

Look at Daigo’s Metagross!
His Metagross doesn’t just look very handsome because of its sparkle.

His handsomeness is inseparable from Daigo's daily maintenance.

"Cultivation of Metagross is actually quite simple."

Daigo said and touched the metal monster's body with a smile.

"Besides, the body maintenance of the metal monster is also very important. Come and touch my metal monster."

As Daiwu said this, he took Lu Ze's hand and placed it on his Metagross.


"Yes, that's right."

Daigo smiled: "Metrogross's body is constantly fighting, so a smooth body is also needed."

"In addition, Metagross is a steel-type Pokémon, so even if its body is smooth, it won't affect him at all."

"Normally, if you have nothing to do, you can let the metal monster use rock grinding and iron walls to try."

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