Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 942 The battle with Daiwu!

"Well, that's pretty much it."

After seeing that it was getting late, Dawu breathed a sigh of relief and said to Lu Ze.

Today's day of explanations and experiments has almost exhausted Daigo's knowledge reserve about Steel Pokémon.

Not only that, but Lu Ze also benefited a lot from the various training tips for Steel Pokémon he discussed.

After all, the sources of Lu Ze's various knowledge about the steel system came from Dad Lu, Lu Xingguo, Mo Qiancheng and Mo Anguo plus all his own experience.

Especially Mo Qiancheng, as one of the top kings in the world, and as the world's number one steel king, Mo Qiancheng's experience is seriously no worse than Dawu's.

Well, Daigo must have more experience with rock-type Pokémon than Mo Qiancheng.

However, because the two worlds are different, Dai Wu and Mo Qiancheng have similar experiences.

But some are really different.

That's why Dawu felt that he benefited a lot from some of Lu Ze's experiences.

"By the way, can I have a battle with you?"

On the way back to the hotel after dinner, Lu Ze also challenged Dawu.

"Of course you can."

Dawu smiled and nodded. He also recognized Lu Ze's strength very much.

Except for the lack of master-level Pokémon, Lu Ze's other Pokémon are not weak either.

"Then let's make a deal, let's have a battle tomorrow."

As Dawu said, he waved to Lu Ze and prepared to return to his room.

"Okay, tomorrow's battle is over, and it's time for me to go find my friends and travel with them."

Lu Ze smiled and waved to Dawu before returning to his room.

"Crossword Bat, Kirbymon, tomorrow we will fight against one of the top combat powers in the world. Are you excited?"



Crossbat and Kirby nodded at the same time.

Although Crossbat, Kirby, Electabuzz, and Crayfish are all king-level Pokémon.

But there are differences between Pokémon with king-level strength.

Crossbat and Kirby are on the same level.

Charizard is a little worse, and Electric Monster, Iron Claw Lobster and Scallion Ranger are a little worse, belonging to the third level.

Lucario and Iron Warrior belong to the fourth level.

If divided by realm, it can be roughly divided into four levels: beginner, intermediate, advanced and about to break through.

Lucario and Iron Warrior are at the elementary level, Shock Monster and the others are at the intermediate level, and Charizard is at the advanced level.

The Crossbat and Kirby are about to break through to the master level and the king level.

Although this is just Lu Ze's own division, he doesn't know how others divide it.

However, you can probably determine the level of the king-level Pokémon in your team.

But unfortunately, Charizard is not present in this battle.


Lu Ze turned his head and looked at the seven Pokémon with king-level strength.

"If nothing goes wrong, tomorrow's match will be a six-on-six or three-on-three match."

"I won't talk about the three-on-three match. Crossbat and Kirby will appear, and the remaining one will depend on the situation."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, several Pokémon nodded at the same time.

Although they also wanted to play, after all, they had not experienced a close battle for a long time.

But they also understand that this battle is for Sister Tou and Kirbymon to break through.

The two of them have already reached this level when they were in this world.

What you are waiting for is an opportunity. When the opportunity arrives, you can successfully break through to master level strength.

And now, Lu Ze's challenge to Dai Wu is because of this.

Daigo's Metagross is a Pokémon with master-level strength, which can put a lot of pressure on Crossbat or Kirby.

In other words, a sense of oppression!

Understanding this, they didn't have any dissatisfaction with Sister Tou and Kirbymon's appearance in the battle.

Some are just motivation for yourself!
When I reach the level of eldest sister and the others, Ozawa will definitely prepare this opportunity for me!
There is a saying that under the leadership of Lu Ze and Crossbat, the relationship between Lu Ze's Pokémon is also very harmonious.

Although there is competition, it is healthy competition.

But despite saying that, if it was a six-on-six battle, all seven Pokémon would want to participate!

Seeing the anticipation in his Pokémon's eyes, Lu Ze also smiled helplessly.

"If it's a six-on-six match, well, I can't guarantee who will play. It'll depend on the situation tomorrow."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, the Electric Shock Monster and Iron Claw Lobster nodded, and then found their positions and got ready to sleep.

Be mentally prepared for tomorrow's battle.

Although I am not sure whether I will play, I still have to work hard to play!

If he can play, his poor condition will not only make it difficult to face Ozawa.

It’s also difficult to face teammates who haven’t played!

Don’t have that face!

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Lu Ze took his Pokémon to the Pokémon Battle Arena in the hotel.

After warming up with his Pokémon for a while, the noble-looking Daigo also appeared here.

"Good morning, Lu Ze."

"Morning, Daigo."

After the two smiled and said hello, they were ready to fight.

After standing on the opposite side tacitly, Daigo took out his elf ball.

"The decision is yours, armored bird!"

"Go, Electric Shock Monster!"

Not surprisingly, the first Pokémon Daiwu chose was the armored bird that Lu Ze had thought of.

Originally, it would be best for Daigo's armored bird to be dealt with by Charizard.

But if you electrocute the monster, that's fine too.

After both sides released the Pokémon at the same time, Daiwu also looked at Lu Ze and took out a coin from his pocket.

"The coin hits the ground and the battle begins!"

As Dawu said, Lu Ze nodded noncommittally.

This method is commonly used by Pokémon trainers when fighting without a referee.

And this way also represents.

This battle is a regular battle.

A regular six-on-six battle!

Elf:Armored Bird

Gender: male

Properties: Steel, Flying
Trait: Keen Gaze (The change in Pokémon's hit rate with this trait will not be reduced by the opponent in any way, and it ignores the improvement in the target's dodge rate ability.)
Qualification: Orange

Basic skills: slightly

Genetic skills: slightly.

and did not carry the road.

This is also what Lu Ze agreed with Dawu yesterday.

Except for the Mega Evolution Stone, other paths will not carry it.

Lu Ze, like Dawu, wanted a head-on battle.

To a certain extent, carrying objects is more of a test for the trainer than the Pokémon.But Lu Ze's idea is to let the two of them, Crossbat and Kirby, successfully break through.

In head-to-head situations, the pressure they face is the greatest!

Daigo's armored bird is of king-level strength.

But obviously, Daigo's Armor Bird is similar to Lu Ze's Crossbat and Kirby. They are the kind of Pokémon that are one step away from reaching master level strength.

"Electric Shock Monster, this is a tough battle!"

Lu Ze said, but his eyes were fixed on the falling coins in the sky.

"Armor Bird, Wave of Evil!"

"Electric shock monster, [-] volts!"

The two of them commanded their Pokémon the moment the coin hit the ground.

But the difference is that Daigo directed his armored bird to attack in a tentative manner.

And Lu Ze used his full strength as soon as he made a move!

The electric shock monster's [Hundred Thousand Volts] and the armored bird's [Evil Wave] collided in the air, and then exploded suddenly.

But just as the black smoke fell, dark clouds began to gather in the sky, and heavy rain began to pour down.

"Are you asking for rain? When?"

Dawu couldn't help but be a little surprised when he felt the heavy rain falling from the sky.

The electric monster on the opposite side is so proficient in [Pray for Rain]?

But the next second, Daiwu suddenly reacted.

[Pray for Rain] Coupled with the identity of Shock Monster, an electric Pokémon, it is not difficult to guess what the next attack will be.


He spoke subconsciously, but when Daigo just spoke, thunder and lightning had already fallen from the sky and successfully hit the armored bird.

There are no guaranteed skills in the real world.

The reason why [Thunder] after [Pray for Rain] has a very high hit rate is because it is fast.

[Thunder] It is guided by rain, plus it is fast in nature.

Most Pokémon cannot avoid the [Thunder] of [Rainy Day].

Even Lu Ze's cross-shaped bat would have a hard time avoiding the [thunder] coming from the electric monster [Rainy Weather].

Even if you have mental expectations, being able to dodge once out of five times is considered very good.

Not only was the armored bird on the opposite side not as fast as the cross-shaped bat, but he also didn't expect it, so it was surprising that he was able to avoid it.

"Come back, armored bird."

Before the second [thunder] fell, Daigo put his armored bird back into the elf ball without hesitation.

He is not a reverse attribute master like Xiaozhi, he is someone who has truly won the championship!
He naturally knew that if he did not take back his armored bird, his armored bird would not be able to withstand the attack of the electric monster.

[Thunder]'s restrained attack, two hits are enough to take away the armored bird.

The interval between these two attacks was enough for the armored bird to change the weather.

However, if changing the weather requires losing Armor Bird, it is better to replace it with a Pokémon that is not afraid of electric skills.

It's not like I don't have such Pokémon.

"The decision is yours, telekinesis puppet!"

After Daigo took the armored bird back, he threw the elf ball again.

Elf: Psychic Puppet
Gender: no gender
Attributes: ground, super power

Ability: Floating (Pokémon's ground attribute damage with this attribute.)
Qualification: Red

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

"Electric shock monster, Volt replacement!"

Lu Ze didn't hesitate. Dawu sent a telepathic clay puppet on the ground with super attributes. His own electric monster would not be able to fight such a battle with inferior attributes.

"Go, ironclaw lobster!"

After the electric shock monster was gone, the Iron Claw Lobster appeared.

Facing [Phantom Light], Iron Claw Lobster directly used [Water Jet] to crash into it.

He is a Evil-type Pokémon and is immune to Psychic-type attacks.

Seeing this scene, Daigo was also a little helpless.

He had just sent a ground-type Pokémon that was immune to electricity, and he immediately replaced it with an evil-type Pokémon that was immune to super powers.

Daigo shook his head helplessly, and when he was about to ask the telepathy puppet to use [Earthquake], he suddenly saw the iron claw lobster rushing in front of the telepathy puppet.

"So fast!"

Daigo was also a little surprised, but soon his eyes became serious.

Watching the Iron Claw Lobster hit his telepathic clay doll with its pincers, just when the Iron Claw Lobster opened its mouth to use [Crush], Daigo spoke.

"Charging beam!"

The [Charging Beam] close to the face was instantaneous, not only interrupting the attack of the Iron Claw Lobster, but also directly knocking the Iron Claw Lobster back two steps.

And these two steps are enough.

An elegant smile appeared on Dawu's face again: "Nianli earth puppet, teleport!"

After the telekinetic clay puppet used [Instant Movement] to increase the distance, it immediately used [Bright Sunny Day].

While changing the rainy weather, he also changed the weather to suit himself and make his opponents unhappy.

Lu Ze was shocked. He knew that Daiwu's telepathic earth puppet could use the [Solar Beam] skill.

"Shadow Clone!"

But unfortunately, it's too late.

By the time Lu Ze reacted, the Nianli soil puppet had successfully changed the weather.

The current weather is a little unfavorable to Lu Ze.

However, Lu Ze was not too anxious. Looking at the iron-clawed lobsters that almost covered half of the venue and rushed towards the telepathic clay puppets, Lu Ze was also slightly nervous.

"Sunbeam, shoot!"

Dawu waved his big hand, and the light spots on the telepathy puppet's face began to flicker, and then a grass-green energy beam was released, turning all the shadows of the iron-clawed lobster that rushed towards it into nothing.



However, the iron-clawed lobster finally came to the telepathic puppet.

In Dawu's surprised look, a pair of pliers hit the body of the Nian Li Dou.

But I have to say that the telekinesis puppet is indeed meat.

Under the [Adaptability] feature, the two double-restrained [Secret Attack] attacks did not take away the telepathic puppet.

Although it is indeed unlucky and it didn't hit the vital point, let's hit it with a critical hit.

But it can also be seen from the side that Daigo's telekinesis puppet is indeed very fleshy.

After an attack, the crayfish raised its claws again.

However, this time his attack did not fall directly. Instead, he used the [Provocation] skill on the telekinetic clay puppet.

After using [Provocation], the telekinesis puppet froze in place.

The [Teleportation] that was about to be used cannot be used anymore.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Iron-clawed Lobster directly used the [Crush] skill.

Under the sun, the black tooth-like energy suddenly closed and hit the body of the telekinetic earth puppet.


Seeing the Nian Li Dou fall to the ground, Dawu couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Using the shadow clone as a cover, did the main body use burrowing?"

Dawu looked up at Lu Ze. After the shadow of the iron-clawed lobster disappeared, Dawu also understood the two holes in the field.

"What a good idea!"

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