Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 943 Dawu’s praise!

Chapter 943 Dawu’s praise!
Daigo said with a smile on his lips.

"This battle seems to be getting more interesting!"

Daigo took out the elf ball, put the telekinetic clay puppet that had lost its fighting ability back into the elf ball, and murmured in a low voice.

"The rest is up to you, Cradle Lily!"

Daigo throws the Poke Ball, and Cradle Lily appears on the field.

Elf:Cradle Lily
Gender: Male

Attributes: Rock, Grass
Ability: Suction Cup (Forcibly replacing the Pokémon's skills Tiger Squad and Red Card are invalid.)
Qualification: Red

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

The moment he saw the Cradle Lily, Lu Ze was ready to replace his Iron Claw Lobster.

Although Cradle Lily is a rock-type and grass-type Pokémon, the water-type skills of Crayfish can still cause normal damage to Cradle Lily.

After all, Daigo's cradle lily does not have the property of "drawing water".

However, Daiwu seemed to have seen through Lu Ze's thoughts. The moment Lu Ze took out the elf ball, he directed it at Cradle Lily.

"Cradle Lily, use a tight restraint!"

The damage of the [Tight Binding] skill is not very high, but the important thing is the [Tight Binding] effect.

Under the effect of [Restraint], the opponent cannot change Pokémon.

Just like the current iron-clawed lobster, after the iron-clawed lobster is tied in place by vines, the red light released by Lu Ze's elf ball has no effect on the iron-clawed lobster.

"In this case, we can only fight."

Lu Ze was a little helpless, but fortunately, the iron-clawed lobster was not too afraid of the cradle lily.


Lu Ze was flashed by the warm sunlight, which was the last remaining heat of a sunny day.

But [Sunny Day]?
Lu Ze was shocked. The effect of [Sunny Day] had not disappeared yet.


Lu Ze quickly looked up at Cradle Lily.

Sure enough, the [Solar Beam] from Cradle Lily's mouth has been released.

The target is the iron-clawed lobster rushing towards the cradle lily.


The iron-clawed lobster was hit head-on, and its entire body was engulfed by the intense white light.

"Cradle Lily, energy ball."

The white light disappeared, and [Sunny Sky] lost its final glory.

The Iron Claw Lobster was half-kneeling on the ground, and the double-damage [Solar Beam] was still very lethal to him.

But fortunately, I didn't lose all my strength.


Daigo's light voice came.

Cradle Lily's figure swayed, and then the emerald green [energy ball] hit the iron claw lobster.

At the same time, the [Restraint] effect on the Iron Claw Lobster was triggered, and the vines growing on its body once again caused damage to the Iron Claw Lobster.


[Energy Ball] hit, and the iron-clawed lobster was also blown back and flipped over several times.

"Come back, Ironclaw Lobster."

Lu Ze silently took out the elf ball and took the iron claw lobster back.

This time it was indeed his problem.

Knowing that there is a Cradle Lily on the opposite side, Daigo will definitely let the Cradle Lily come out to face the Claw Lobster with restrained attributes.

In the end, he didn't change Pokémon directly.

This finally led to the fall of the iron-clawed lobster.

Dawu still looked at Lu Ze with an elegant smile, and Lu Ze would naturally not disappoint him.

After putting a smile on his face again, Lu Ze threw his elf ball.

"Go, onion ranger!"

Cradle Lily is a rock and grass type Pokémon.

Whether it is a fighting or insect type Pokémon, it can cause double the restraint damage to Cradle Lily.

Onion Youbing happens to be better at these two skills.

"Scallion Rangers, strike head on!"

As soon as Cong Youbing landed, Lu Ze issued an order to Cong Youbing.

The green onion soldiers were very fast, and the green onions in their hands rushed straight towards the cradle lily.

Cradle Lily didn't show any fear.

After all, there is nothing he can do if he is afraid, and his speed is indeed not fast, not to mention that the [head-on strike] used by Cong Youbing is a preemptive skill with a high speed bonus.


The green onion hit Cradle Lily directly on the head, making Cradle Lily feel dizzy.

But the next second Cradle Lily responded.

[Powerful Whip] directly knocked away the green soldiers who wanted to continue attacking him.

[Head-on blow] Compared with [High-five surprise attack], although the skill damage is higher, it does not have the [coward] effect of [High-five surprise attack].

This is why Cradle Lily can directly launch a counterattack.

After Cradle Lily used [Powerful Whip] to send the Onion Rangers flying away, she did not rush to pursue the victory, but directly used the [Take Root] skill.

He was still a little sore from the [head-on blow] just now, and he needed to recover some strength.

Just when Cradle Lily used [Take Root], Onion Rangers rushed forward again.

Although there is no speed bonus of [Head-on Strike], Onion Ranger is still very fast.

Cong Youbing's eyes were filled with determination.

He knew that Cradle Lily was stronger than him.

But how can it be!

It's a strong player!

At this time, Cong Youbing's swordsmanship became clear again, and his sword core was already covered in dust after not having a high-intensity battle for such a long time!

But it’s not a big problem. After this battle, my strength will definitely increase again!
Onion Ranger was very fast, and accelerated again the moment he approached the cradle Lily.

He waved the green onion in his hand, completely ignoring the [parasitic seeds] released by Cradle Lily towards him, and directly chopped Huashan with the power of the green onion!


Cradle Lily's head was attacked again. Although it was not as good as the last attack, it was still very painful.

The subconscious [Powerful Whip] was released again, but Cong Youbing's pupils flashed with light, and the shield in his hand directly blocked the vine's whipping.

【see through】!
Dawu was a little surprised by Cong Youbing's reaction ability. After all, he could see clearly that Lu Ze was not commanding Cong Youbing at all.

In other words, except for the [head-on attack] at the beginning, everything else is Cong Youbing's own fighting method.

After blocking Cradle Lily's [Strong Whip], Onion Ranger did not hesitate and struck out again with [Cracking Tiles].

"The cradle lily, the mountain is overwhelming!"

Under Daigo's command, Cradle Lily seemed to be more agile. Facing the Onion Rangers who were rushing towards them, they pounced directly on them and overwhelmed the Onion Rangers.

Onion Youbing was really unable to react, and was directly pressed under him by Cradle Lily.

"The power of the earth!"

Daigo commanded again, and Cradle Lily also used [Power of the Earth] while Onion Ranger was still in the [Paralysis] state!
After Cong Youbing was hit by [Power of the Earth] again, he didn't have much physical strength left at this time.Lu Ze was about to give instructions, but Cong Youbing seemed to have expected it. He turned his back to Lu Ze and directly reached out to stop Lu Ze's movement.

The next second, the shield disappeared, and the Onion Ranger, who was holding green onions in both hands, looked resolutely at Cradle Lily, which was not very far away from him.


The Onion Ranger, holding green onions in both hands, sprinted towards Cradle Lily again.

Daiwu also noticed something was wrong, and quickly commanded Cradle Lily to block the charge of Cong Youbing.

"Cradle Lily, tie the grass knot!"

【see through】!
Onion Ranger, who once again used [See Through] to resist Cradle Lily's skill, also had a courageous aura to move forward.

【Meteor Assault】!
The whole duck was wrapped in a strong aura and rushed towards the shocked Cradle Lily.

Before Cradle Lily could react, Green Onion hit him directly.

The fighting-type ultimate move is the powerful [Meteor Strike].

Under the double damage of attribute restraint, Onion Ranger directly killed Cradle Lily, who was much stronger than himself.

Looking at Cradle Lily, who had fallen to the ground and turned around with eyes wide open, Cong Youbing also had a smile on his face.

But before the smile fully unfolded, the [Parasite Seed] was triggered again, taking away the last bit of Cong Youbing's physical strength.

"Come back, Cradle Lily."

Daigo smiled and took the cradle Lily, which had lost its fighting ability, back into the elf ball, and then looked up at Lu Ze.

"Your Onion Rangers are very good."

"I think so too."

Lu Ze smiled and took out the elf ball and put his Onion Ranger back into the elf ball.

Although Cong Youbing was a bit reckless in this battle, after experiencing this battle, he will gain more from his growth than from his failure in this battle.

"Onion Ranger, you did a great job!"

After Lu Ze softly praised Cong Youbing's elf ball, he looked at Daigo opposite and took out the elf ball again.

"Go, ancient armor!"

"Go, Lucario!"

Both sides released their Pokémon at the same time.

Compared to Dawu, Lu Ze was even more surprised.

Unexpectedly, Daiwu would send out an ancient armor of rock type and insect type.

I originally thought Daigo would continue playing Armored Bird.

He also thought about letting Lucario super evolve and directly kill the armored bird whose physical strength is not at its peak.

As a result, Daiwu actually sent out ancient armor.

By the way, didn’t Daigo bring any other Steel-type Pokémon with him this time?

Or did he bring it all?

Lu Ze didn't know, but it didn't matter even if it was ancient armor.

My own Lucario still has an attribute advantage.

Elf: Ancient Armor
Gender: Male

Properties: rock, insect
Ability: Battle Armor (Pokémon with this attribute will not be hit by vital points, even skills that are sure to hit vital points will not hit vital points.)
Qualification: Red

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

After taking a look at the information about the ancient armor, Lu Ze did not choose to take back Lucario.

Instead, he directly chose super evolution according to the plan.

"Lucario, super evolution!"

Looking at Lucario, who exuded the light of evolution, the surprise in Daigo's eyes also turned into a bit of envy.

Lucario is also a Steel-type Pokémon and one of the Pokémon he wants to obtain.

But compared to Metagross, Lucario's rarity is not much different.

Coupled with the characteristics of Lucario's waveguide, to become a Lucario trainer you must at least possess the special power of waveguide.

Obviously, Daigo didn't.

Dawu was also surprised that Lu Ze would choose Lucario to fight.

He knew that Lucario was not the most powerful among Lu Ze's Pokémon.

Even among the king-level Pokémon, Lucario is still at the bottom.

Is it because of super evolution?

Daigo thought for a moment and then smiled.

Also, among Lu Ze's Pokémon, except for Lucario, none can Mega Evolve.

Looking at the majestic Super Lucario after the Mega Evolution, Daigo's eyes changed from envy to full of fighting spirit.

Lu Ze's trainer is very strong.

A Pokémon that is so strong that it is only one or two masters away from becoming a champion.

Except for the cheating area in the Kanto region, in other regions, as long as there are one or two master-level Pokémon, you can successfully challenge all the way to become the champion.

But in the Kanto area, the four kings all have one or two master-level Pokémon.

In addition, the attributes of the four heavenly kings restrain each other, forming a closed loop.

Therefore, the Kanto region has never had a true champion.

Even if he is as strong as Yuryudu, the champion of the Johto region, he is still dominated by Ke Na in the Kanto region.

To become a champion, you must at least challenge the remaining three kings.


Dawu shook his head slightly, and he roughly guessed what Lu Ze was thinking.

I want to rely on the pressure of my own master-level Pokémon to force Crossbat and Kirby to successfully break through and become master-level Pokémon.

After all, these are the two Pokémon closest to master-level strength among Lu Ze's Pokémon.

Unfortunately, this road is indeed a bit difficult.

"Ancient armor, tearing claws!"

Facing the charging Super Lucario, Daigo's expression became serious again, and he commanded the ancient armor.

Wielding the bone club formed by the power of the waveguide in his hand, Super Lucario kept colliding with the ancient armor.

However, the strength of the ancient armor is indeed not weak. Even though Super Lucario has super evolved, it is still slightly at a disadvantage in front of the ancient armor.

Lu Ze watched the two Pokémon collide and was thinking about a way to break the situation.

Super Lucario is still a little weaker after all, and if he wants to defeat his opponent, he needs to find opportunities to strengthen.

Compared with Super Lucario, the speed of the ancient armor is not fast, and can even be said to be a bit slow.

Is it possible to start from here?
Lu Ze thought about it, and the ancient armor in the battle suddenly changed its moves.

After grabbing Super Lucario's bone club with the [Tearing Claw] in his hand, he opened his mouth and fired [Water Wave], sending Super Lucario flying away.

"Ancient armor, take advantage of the victory and use salt water!"

After seeing this scene, Daigo quickly commanded his ancient armor to continue attacking Super Lucario.

"Super Lucario, block, then sword dance!"

Lu Ze knew that Super Lucario was not strong enough, so he could only make dangerous moves, forcefully block the opponent's attack, and then take the opportunity to use enhanced skills.

As long as it can be strengthened successfully, Super Lucario will be qualified to compete against the ancient armor.

(End of this chapter)

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