Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 944 The strongest opponent!

"Swing wildly!"

Seeing Super Lucario using [Sword Dance], Daigo also quickly asked the Ancient Armor to step forward and prepare to interrupt Super Lucario's strengthening.

"So fast?"

Lu Ze's face looked a little ugly. He knew that the ancient armor on the opposite side had the preemptive skill of [Water Jet].

But he really didn't expect that the ancient armor, with the increased speed of [Water Jet], could arrive in front of Super Lucario before Super Lucario's [Sword Dance] was completed.

The ancient armor's tail swung suddenly, and while turning around, it also whipped Super Lucario away who was using enhanced skills.

As expected, the enhancement of [Sword Dance] was interrupted.

This time I really lost my wife and lost my troops.

Lu Ze looked at the situation on the field and was thinking about it.

Seeing Super Lucario throw out the [Wave Missile] and being blocked by the Ancient Armor's [Salt Water], Lu Ze was also thinking about whether to let Super Lucario change his attack method.

The ancient armor does not have many long-range attack skills.

And importantly, many of the long-range attack skills of the ancient armor are rock-type skills.

Super Lucario is four times more resistant to rock-type attacks.

This leads to the fact that among the long-range attack skills of the ancient armor, only the water-based skills can cause normal damage to Super Lucario.

On the other hand, Super Lucario's long-range attacks, whether steel or rock-based, can restrain the ancient armor.

Coupled with the characteristics of Super Lucario [Adaptability].

"Super Lucario, Cannon Cannon!"

Lu Ze thought of this and directed Super Lucario directly.

Super Lucario nodded, and at the same time the bone rod in his hand disappeared, the [Cannon Light Cannon] was released towards the ancient armor.

"Did you react?"

Daigo also smiled helplessly, he naturally knows me, Lucario, relatively well.

If Super Lucario uses long-range attacks and doesn't engage in close combat with his Ancient Armor, his Ancient Armor really can't do anything against Super Lucario.

At best, you won’t lose, but it’s also difficult to win.

Lu Ze is not the kind of careless trainer. Coupled with his waveguide power, it is difficult for him to find opportunities.

Dawu raised his head and looked at Lu Ze: "In that case, come back to Taikoo Armor."

Daigo took out the elf ball and put the ancient armor back into the elf ball, then hesitated.

I still have Armor Bird, Ancient Armor, Metagross and Boss Cordora left.

Among them, Metagross and Boscodora put pressure on Kirby and Crossbat.

Then only the armored bird is left.

But, what about pressure?

There was a smirk on Daigo's face, but he quickly shook his head and gave up the idea.

Forget it, don't put too much pressure on me.

So be it.

After Daigo shook his head slightly, he took out the armored bird's elf ball.

"Go, armored bird!"

The armored bird's weaknesses are only fire and electricity.

As for Super Lucario, there should be only one [Thunder Fist].

Oh, by the way, there is also a [Fire Kick].

However, the probability of [Fire Kick] is low, and many Lucarios will not use this move.

Although Lucario can learn this skill, it is still relatively difficult to learn.

For Lucario.

Moreover, even if the opponent replaces Super Lucario and replaces it with Shock Monster, it will be of no use.

I was caught off guard just now, but I won't be again now.

A confident smile appeared on Daigo's face again, looking at Lu Ze's Super Lucario.

Lu Ze couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the smile on Dawu's face.

The armored bird that impressed Lu Ze the most was [Sa Ling] and [Invisible Rock].

These two skills are very disgusting.

If Daigo uses these two skills, his remaining Pokémon will be in trouble.

Crayfish and Scallion Ranger were already down, and there weren't any remaining Pokémon that could clear the spike.

If Daigo really did this, and was really arranged by Daiwu.

When your Pokémon comes down, half of its physical strength may be gone.

The Crossed Bat, which is restrained by the rock element, may be even more uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, Lu Ze quickly commanded Super Lucario to launch an attack.

There is no need to worry about long-range attacks. Lucario's only skills that can cause double damage to the armored bird are [Thunder Punch] and [Fire Kick].

That's right, Lu Ze's Lucario can do [Fire Kick].

This is what I learned from the fire-breathing dragon.

Although Lucario doesn't like the [Fire Kick] skill very much, and his proficiency is not very high.

But he does.

Lu Ze's Super Lucario suddenly rushed towards the armored bird.

At the same time as the [Wave Missile] was thrown out, Super Lucario also used [Electric Flash], heading towards the armored bird at about the same speed as the [Wave Missile].

"Armor bird, attack with wings!"

Daigo calmly commanded his armored bird.

My armored bird has replaced the metal feathers on its wings several times.

Not to mention anything else, the steel consumed every time the metal feathers are replaced is enough to buy a house in Manjin City.

My armored bird has been replaced more than once.

Each replacement makes the armored bird's wings more powerful, and the metal feathers on the wings are sharper and harder.

Watching the armored bird's body turn into a stream of light in the air, its wings cut away the [Wave Missile] and hit Super Lucario at the same time.

Although he was probably hit by Super Lucario's [Thunder Fist], compared to the damage suffered by Super Lucario, Armor Bird was much better.

"Good will to fight."

Seeing Super Lucario standing up again after rolling backwards and rolling twice on the ground, Daigo also praised him again.

Not only Daigo, but also the armored bird also had a look of admiration in his eyes.

But unfortunately, Super Lucario can't beat him.

The armored bird shook his head slightly. Compared to Super Lucario, the shock of the electric monster just now gave him a bigger surprise.

So now he is even more interested in electric monsters.

Super Lucario's words.

Will the electric monster come out if I defeat you?

The armored bird spread its wings and took off again. When the [Air Blade] was released, the armored bird followed the [Air Blade] and flew towards Lucario just like Super Lucario.

But compared to Armored Bird's confidence, Super Lucario was a little panicked.

The bone rod in his hand condensed again, and it seemed that only in this way could he feel a sense of security.

The bone stick was swung, constantly breaking each [Air Blade] into pieces.

But what about the armored bird that follows closely behind?
Facing the armored bird's wings that glowed again, Super Lucario also raised the bone club in front of him.


Like the breaking of glass.

After the bone club in Super Lucario's hand was in a stalemate with the armored bird's wings, a crack appeared on it.

The appearance of a crack was followed by the sound of shattering.In the blink of an eye, the bone rod was covered with cracks.

Then it broke.


Super Lucario didn't even have time to look at the broken bone club in his hand.

Without the resistance of the bone rod, Super Lucario was once again blown away by the wings of the armored bird.


He shouted at Super Lucario who was struggling to get up again.

However, Super Lucario did not look back, he just nodded with his back to Lu Ze.

Seeing Super Lucario like this, Lu Ze also understood what he was thinking.

"Now that you've decided, let's do it!"

"Super Lucario, Fire Kick!"

Facing the armored bird charging at him again, Super Lucario jumped into the air.

After finding the correct position, the flames burned on his calves, and he kicked the armored bird down.


The flame-burning calves collided with the armored bird's white light-covered wings.

Super Lucario, who no longer had much physical strength, was unwilling to give up and suddenly mobilized the little power left in his body.

The next second, the waveguides of Lu Ze and Super Lucario merged.


Super Lucario shouted, and then fell to the ground at the same time as the armored bird.


Looking at Super Lucario who barely got up and had very little energy left, Lu Ze did not hesitate.

"Super Lucario, survive from desperate situations!"

"Armor bird, hold on!"

Seeing Super Lucario charging towards him, Daigo quickly commanded the armored bird to activate [Hold On].


A hard punch to the body of the armored bird, without this [hold on].

Super Lucario, who only had a little physical strength left, would definitely be able to take the armored bird away at this moment.

Unfortunately, the armored bird used [Hold On] and had the last bit of energy left.

After gently waving its wings and flying Super Lucario away, Super Lucario lost its fighting ability and exited the super evolved state.

"Come back, Lucario, you have done a great job."

Lu Ze shook his head slightly bitterly and put his Lucario back into the elf ball.

Lucario has tried his best and brought out his strongest side, but the result still doesn't work.

This is indeed a gap in strength.

After taking back Lucario, Lu Ze directly threw the elf ball that shocked the monster.

"Electric shock monster, [-] volts!"

"Armor bird, Feather!"

When he saw the electric monster appeared, Daigo also showed a smile that was true.

While the electric current was surging on the electric monster's body, Daigo also quickly asked the armored bird to use the [Feather Perch] skill.

Originally, I planned to let the armored bird use [Sunny Day] if the electric monster on the opposite side used [Pray for Rain].

But yes, the armored bird has already entered a state of residual health, so it is appropriate to kill him with an electric shock monster.

A happy smile appeared on Daigo's face. [Feather Qiu] is a skill that allows the user to temporarily lose the flying attribute.

For the armored bird, this is equivalent to directly eliminating the weakness of the electric system.

Although the two weaknesses of fighting and ground have been added.

But the opponent is an electric monster!
Dawu laughed, but Lu Ze's face darkened.

Forgot that the armored bird has this skill!

Lu Ze patted his head in displeasure.

This is really my own problem. I have clearly seen the skills of the armored bird on the opposite side.

Still didn't notice it.

But luckily, the Electric Shock Monster was not allowed to use [High Speed ​​Star]...

Otherwise, this would be really stupid.

However, if the flying element is lost, the armored bird will only have the steel element.

A pure steel-type Pokémon facing an electric monster?
Lu Ze also had a smile on his face again.

"Electric shock monster, pounce on it!"

Seeing the armored bird trying to take off, Lu Ze directly commanded the electric monster to rush forward.

The armored bird on the opposite side has only lost its flight attribute, but it can still fly.

But how could Lu Ze let him fly?

If he flies, won't the weakness of the ground system disappear?
The electric shock monster is very fast, and it uses [Rock Blockade] the moment it rushes over.

Facing the rocks falling from above, the armored bird could only give up its plan to fly and duck to the side.

With just this dodge, the Electric Shock Monster had already rushed in front of the armored bird.


He crossed his hands and hit the armored bird. The armored bird flew backwards and hit the rock that had just fallen.

The powerful force of the electric shock monster caused the armored bird to fly backwards and smash into several rocks. It lay on the ground, losing its ability to fight.

Lu Ze smiled so hard when he saw this scene.

[Cross Split] actually hit a critical point.

In other words, a critical hit caused damage.

The [Cross Slash] with four times the damage directly killed the armored bird with only about half of its physical strength.

Daigo was silent. After taking his armored bird back into the elf ball, he released his ancient armor again.

He did not choose Metagross or Boscodora.

Although Lu Ze didn't say it, the two of them tacitly chose the mode of fighting against generals and kings against kings.

The opponent of Metagross is the Crossbat, and the opponent of Boscodora is Kirbymon.

Although no one expressed it, this tacit understanding still existed.

After the ancient armor appeared, the electric monster became even more excited.

Looking at the ancient armor on the opposite side, the Electric Shock Monster's face showed his signature enthusiasm again.

The stronger the opponent, the more excited he is!
And there is no doubt about the strength of the ancient armor!
If the strength of Lu Ze's Pokémon is distributed among the four echelons of the King level.

In addition to the two master-level Pokémon of Metagross and Boscordora, the Pokémon that have just appeared are all in the first echelon like Metabat and Kirby. of.

As long as there is an opportunity, he can directly break through and become the first echelon of king-level strength with master-level strength.

Lu Ze looked at the reappearance of the ancient armor, thinking about the master-level Metagross and Boscodora in Dawu's hands, and couldn't help but sigh.

This is really the most difficult battle he has fought since his debut.

Even the finals of the World Youth Championship are not as stressful as this ordinary battle.

Daigo is not the strongest person he has ever met.

But it is definitely the most powerful opponent he has ever encountered.

"Electric Shock Monster!"


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