Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 945 Crossed Bat VS Super Metagross

Looking at the confident and arrogant smile on the electric shock monster's face, Daigo also laughed.

"Prime Armor, Earthquake!"


"Electricize the monsters, we also use earthquake!"


The Pokémon on both sides stamped their feet fiercely at the same time, and seismic waves instantly extended from the feet of the two Pokémon.

After the two seismic waves collided in the middle, they gradually dissipated.

But just as [Earthquake] was released, the two Pokémon rushed toward each other at the same time.

The electric shock monster is faster. Halfway through the sprint, [Lightning Flash] accelerates and rushes towards the ancient armor.

The next second, a black foot appeared in the pupils of the ancient armor.


With the collision of flesh and flesh, the ancient armor finally succeeded in crossing its arms and blocking the electric monster's [stomp].

The attack of the electric shock beast did not stop. After the close-fitting [electromagnetic wave] was released, it directly enveloped the ancient armor.

The ancient armor fell into a [paralysis] state, but at the same time, his claws also left two scars on the body of the electric monster.

Insect skill [Cross Scissor]!
The electric shock beast lowered his head and glanced at the scars on his body, and the smile on his face became even more wild.

Taikoo Armor tilted his head slightly in confusion. He had never encountered such an opponent before.

"Prime Armor, Earthquake!"

Dawu frowned slightly.

Looking at it now, his ancient armor has the upper hand.

But if the electric monster is not dealt with quickly, the ancient armor will soon be at a disadvantage under the influence of [electromagnetic waves].

Although the ancient armor is stronger than the electric shock monster, the electric shock monster is a fighting method.

What a big surprise for him!
The ancient armor nodded, and was about to stamp his feet when facing the electric monster that was so close, but was whipped away by the tail of the electric monster.

The two tails behind the electric shock monster are not just decorations, they are still very good as attack weapons.

After the Taikoo Armor was pulled out, the Electric Shock Monster did not hesitate and strode forward to chase after the Taikoo Armor.

The ancient armor that had just landed was hit by a punch from the electric monster before he could get up.

[Plasma Lightning Fist]!
Dawu was stunned for a moment.

this skill...


When Daigo was stunned, the electric monster punched again.


The [Explosion Punch] hit the ancient armor and directly dented the earth.

"Iron tail!"

The attack of the electric monster is very strong, but Daigo's ancient armor is not generally strong in physical strength.

Even if he was beaten like this by the Electric Shock Monster, he still didn't lose his fighting ability.

But Lu Ze wouldn't give him this chance.

The strength of the electric shock beast seems to have improved!
If it were said that the strength of the Electric Shock Monster just before the battle was still in the second echelon.

Now, he has taken a step ahead of the Iron Claw Lobster and successfully broke through to the first echelon with the Crossed Bat.

In this case, take out the ancient armor first!

When facing Metagross or Boscodora, we might be able to break through again.

The Electric Shock Monster is the type that becomes more ferocious and exciting the more you fight it.

Although the chances are not very high, it doesn’t hurt to try.

So just after the electric shock monster's [Explosion Fist] hit, Lu Ze's waveguide sensed that the ancient armor still had some strength left, Lu Ze would not hesitate to command the electric shock monster to attack.

[Iron Tail] whipped it down hard, directly knocking the ancient armor in the pit away from its ability to fight before it got up.

Daigo came back to his senses, or in other words, he had come back to his senses when he used [Explosion Fist] to electrocute the monster.

But he also understood that the ancient armor was no longer good.

Lu Ze’s electric monster...

Dawu looked up at Lu Ze and suddenly laughed.

This guy Lu Ze.

Really good!

I didn’t expect that there would be a connection like Zeraora.

As a trainer who has seen and fought many mythical beasts, Daigo can naturally recognize Zeraora's signature skills.

This is why he lost his mind in the battle just now.

He had never thought that ordinary Pokémon could learn the exclusive skills of mythical beasts.

Daigo smiled, happily.

"Come back, Ancient Armor!"

"The rest is up to you! Metagross!"

After Daigo took back the ancient armor, he took out a Poke Ball that was obviously different from other Poke Balls.

Lu Ze could recognize that it was Metagross' elf ball.

Is it Dawu’s giant metal monster?

Really looking forward to it!
"Electric Shock Monster, do you want to see how powerful Metagross is!"

Lu Ze looked at the electric shock monster excitedly, and the electric shock monster was also excited.

The golden hair on his body was flabby, and his muscles were tense.


There is no such thing as fear.

Even the oppressive feeling brought by Metagross's master-level strength did not give the Electric Shock Monster any feeling of fear.

Not to mention Pokémon with master-level strength, we have seen a lot of mythical beasts.

The eldest sister and Kirbymon even killed gods!

I just faced a Pokémon with master-level strength!

Electricity surged from the electric shock monster's body, and its violent momentum was released unbridled.

Daigo didn't have any thoughts when he saw this scene, he just gently picked up the Mega Evolution Keystone.

"Mega monster, super evolved!"

As Dawu's voice fell, the Mega Evolution Keystone in Dawu's hand and the Mega Evolution Stone on Metagross also complemented each other, emitting colorful light representing mega evolution.

Elf: Metagross★
Gender: no gender
Attributes: steel, psychic
Features: Hard Claws (Contact skills are more powerful.)
Qualification: Gold

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

Items carried: Metagross Super Evolution Stone.

"Super Metagross!"

When Lu Ze saw this scene, he also had a fanatical expression on his face.

He suddenly found that he was enjoying this battle a little bit!
This is something I have never done before.

Is it because I have never challenged a strong person before?

Lu Ze was excited, and so was the Electric Shock Monster.

Especially after seeing the super Metagross after super evolution.

"Electric shock monster, say hello to [-] volts!"

Lu Ze waved his hand, and Dawu pushed out with both hands.

"Giant golden monster, strong mind!"

As Daiwu's command sounded, blue appeared in Metagross' eyes, the color of Daiwu's exclusive mental power.

[Psychic Power] forcibly controls the [[-] Volts] that shocks the monster.

Although it is not possible to make the [One Hundred Thousand Volt] of the Electric Shock Monster return to attack the Electric Shock Monster, it is still easy to make [One Hundred Thousand Volt] change its direction.

"Golden Monster, Comet Fist!"

"Try it, Plasma Lightning Punch!"

Lu Ze stared feverishly at the super Metagross charging towards him with an unstoppable force, and said to the electric monster.

The Electric Shock Monster nodded, released [Plasma Lightning Fist], and rushed towards the Super Metagross. "boom!"

The two Pokémon collided, creating a violent storm.

The storm spread and the smoke and dust scattered.

Within a moment, the figure of the Electric Shock Monster flew out of the smoke.

The already powerful Metagross became even more powerful with the blessing of the [Hard Claws] feature.

However, it was enough for Lu Ze to be able to maintain a stalemate with the electric shock beast.

After all, the power of Electric Shock Monster is not very powerful.

The strength of Dengeki Monster is that he has no partiality or shortcomings.

After the electric shock monster flew backwards, the Super Metagross attacked again.

Very quickly, [Bullet Punch] hit the electric monster.

The electric shock monster quickly stabilized his body and suddenly stepped on the ground with his feet.


The two Pokémon exchanged six punches again.

The four fists of Metagross and the two fists of Electric Monster collided.

However, the Electric Shock Monster suddenly smiled, but before the Electromagnetic Wave of the Electric Shock Monster was released, the Super Metagross hit its head on the Electric Shock Monster's head.

Electrically shock the monster and lose its ability to fight!

Lu Ze sighed slightly and put the electric monster back into the elf ball.

"Thank you for the electric shock to the monster, and then leave it to the cross-shaped bat!"

As Lu Ze said that, he took out the Poke Ball of the Crossed Bat from his arms.

"Crossword Bat, the rest is up to you!"

A smile appeared on Lu Ze's face. It had been a long time since he had officially fought against the Crossed Bat!


After the cross-shaped bat came out of the elf ball, he couldn't help but become a little excited.

In fact, the Crossed Bat and the Electric Shock Monster are quite similar in some aspects.

In other words, the Electric Shock Monster was influenced by the Crossed Bat.

The Crossed Bat is always excited when facing an opponent stronger than itself.

Just like facing the super giant Metagross now.

To be honest, Lu Ze was actually quite unsure.

After all, the one facing him was Daigo's super Metagross.

Not only is he very powerful, Trainer Daigo is not weak either.

The most important thing is that Crossbat is weak in attributes when facing Metagross.

With her Poison and Flying abilities, she is not only restrained by Metagross's Super Element.

Neither of his two main systems could cause much damage to the Metagross.

The Poison system is immune and the Flying system is resisted.

To be honest, the cross bat is really difficult to fight.

Originally, it was planned to have Crossbat face Boscodora and Kirbymon to face Metagross.

Although Boscodora is also immune to the poison element, it is also four times more resistant to the flying element.

But the good thing is that Boscodora is very slow.

The cross bat can definitely use the kiting tactic.

But this doesn't work for the Super Metagross.

Although the speed of Super Metagross cannot keep up with Crossbat, it is enough to prevent Crossbat from flying kites as unscrupulously as it faced Boss Cordora.

Coupled with Lu Ze's consideration of Cross-Zibat's own wishes.

In the end, it was decided that Crossbat would face Metagross, and Kirbymon would face Boss Cordora!
"The Crossed Bat is coming!"


The Crossed Bat let out a clear groan, showing no fear at all when facing the super giant Metagross that rushed over.

From birth to now, her self-confidence that she has basically never lost has allowed her to completely ignore the aura of Metagross.

With its wings waving, the Crossed Bat quickly retreated, and at the same time, a series of [Shadow Balls] were also quickly thrown out, hitting the Super Metagross.

Upon seeing this, the Super Metagross had no choice but to give up chasing the Crossed Bat, and stayed where he was and punched a [Shadow Ball] to resist the attack from the Crossed Bat.

The cross-shaped bat did not panic and continued to attack the super giant metal monster.

[Shadow Ball] and [Evil Wave] are continuously released.

Although the Super Metagross can easily withstand the attack of the Crossed Bat.

But he was also restrained from moving by the cross-shaped bat's non-stop attacks.

"Mega monster, wall of light!"

After seeing this scene, Daigo thought for a moment and made a decision.

Use [Wall of Light] to reduce the damage of the cross bat's attack, and then forcefully attack it.

Even if it takes damage from the cross-shaped bat, it must be attacked.

Otherwise, it would be too passive to be involved like this all the time.

Metagross punched out again, and after knocking off the [Shadow Ball], he directly activated the [Light Wall] and wanted to rush towards the Cross Bat.

"Clear the fog!"

Lu Ze smiled proudly and waved his wings.

A strong wind blew by, and not only the [Light Wall] that Metagross had just opened disappeared.

Even the dodge rate of Metagross has been reduced by one level.

After seeing this scene, Daigo's eyes flashed.

The cross-shaped bat does not have the [Penetration] characteristic, but the [Psychic Power] characteristic!

After Daigo thought of this, he was also thinking about the next strategy.

Lu Ze didn't know that Dawu had thought of so much.

He asked Crossbat to use [Clear Thick Fog] just to mess with Daigo's mentality and reduce the dodge rate of Metagross.

What he didn't know was that one thing that often appeared in Pokémon battles was testing the characteristics of the opponent's Pokémon.

Just like Daigo.

Lu Ze ignored this because he had a system.

Otherwise, he would have to test the opponent's characteristics when fighting.

Just like the cross-shaped bat, as long as you know that the characteristic of the cross-shaped bat is not [penetration].

Then Dawu can let Metagross safely use the [Protect] or [Substitute] skills at critical moments.

Dawu was thinking about tactics, and Lu Ze was naturally the same.

The two trainers did not speak, and the battle on the field continued like this.

While the Cross Bat attacks, it blocks the Super Metagross's movement to get closer.

The Super Metagross was resisting and avoiding the cross-shaped bat's attack while trying to get close.

It's not like Metagross has never thought about using long-range skills to fight against it.

But the cross-shaped bat is too flexible.

His brain, which was comparable to a supercomputer, understood after both attacks were easily dodged by Crossbat.

Most long-range attacks will be dodged by the Crossbat.

Even without any mental preparation, the Crossed Bat was still able to dodge his attack with its reflexes and speed.

It's as if the cross-shaped bat's dodge has been trained to its core and has become instinctive.

The two Pokémon chased each other and fled. Lu Ze also watched this scene and thought about defeating Metagross.

First of all, [Trick] enhancement is no longer available.

The opponent's Super Metagross has the skill [Autosuggestion] in its skill pool.

The strengthening of the cross-shaped bat can easily serve as a wedding dress for others.

one more…

(End of this chapter)

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