Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 946 Breakthrough!Master-level strength of the cross-shaped bat!

Lu Ze was a little silent.

If it is really the same bonus, the effect that the Super Metagross can play is far beyond that of the Crossed Bat.

The basic abilities of Metagross are much more powerful than those of Crossbat.

This is why Lu Ze did not choose to let his cross bat use enhanced skills.

But to be serious, it's not impossible to use it.

But it's just a little more troublesome.

You need to [provoke] the Super Metagross every once in a while.

Not to mention whether there is a chance, just say that once [provocation] failed, Daigo seized the opportunity and used [auto-suggestion].

That would be difficult.

It's better to just do what we are doing now and slowly see if there is a way to defeat the opponent.

"Giant golden monster, strong mind!"

Daigo breathed a sigh of relief, and then the smile disappeared from his face.

Crossbat attacks are always a hidden danger.

Although the Super Metagross has been able to predict the attack of the Cross Bat with its excellent intelligence and computing power.

However, the opponent's cross-shaped bat is not static, and the opponent will also change.

And what I have to do is to kill the other party before they change!
After Metagross relied on his flexible body in the air to avoid the attack of the Crossed Bat, the blue spiritual energy in his eyes gathered and directly controlled the Crossed Bat.

The next second, the controlled Crossed Bat was suddenly thrown to the ground.

"Fork bat!"

Lu Ze yelled and admitted that he was a little panicked.

This was the first time that Crossed Bat was treated like this in front of him.

To be honest, it’s a bit miserable!

However, the Crossed Bat did not show any signs of being discouraged, and instead became a little excited.

"Golden Monster, Comet Fist!"

Daigo became serious, and Metagross showed his true strength as a master-level Pokémon.

"Cross-shaped bat, wrathful front teeth!"

Lu Ze's voice fell, but the Crossed Bat was stunned for a moment.

[Angry Front Teeth] This skill...

I learned this skill when I was still a big-mouthed bat.

I vaguely remember what Lu Ze said at the time, that learning this skill is of little use.

But it’s also an insurance.

When encountering a powerful opponent, this skill can often catch the opponent off guard.

Just like facing the Super Metagross now.

There is no doubt that Metagross is a very powerful opponent.

It was even much more powerful than the mythical beast she killed at the World Youth Championship that day.

But the cross-shaped bat didn't care.

What she cares about is!

Lu Ze also admitted that this opponent is very difficult to defeat!

In that case!

The cross-shaped bat stood up, his body ignited with invisible arrogance.

Although he was injured, the cross bat's momentum was the same as that of the super metal monster.

"This is…"

Lu Ze looked at the Crossed Bat with some surprise as he stood up again.

Although I really want to, I really look forward to the cross-shaped bat being able to break through in this battle.

But when the cross-shaped bat truly broke through to the master level, Lu Ze was still in disbelief.

It even felt like I was dreaming.


Daigo also had a smile on his face when he saw this scene, and gave a faint compliment.

However, the super Metagross, which fell like a comet, still continued its attack.

Although Lu Ze didn't know why the cross-shaped bat suddenly broke through.

But he felt confident at this time.

The cross-shaped bat never loses!

This is Lu Ze's confidence in the Crossed Bat.

This is also Lu Ze’s confidence in his initial Pokémon!

After the breakthrough, the cross-shaped bat roared and then took the initiative to greet the super metal monster.

While being hit by the Super Metagross [Comet Fist], the Cross Bat's [Angry Front Teeth] also hit the Super Metagross.


The instantaneous loss of physical strength also made the Super Metagross cry out in pain.

Daigo was equally surprised when he saw this scene.

Cross-shaped bat actually learned this skill?
Dawu looked at Lu Ze, and then he also laughed.

"Lu Ze, you really gave me a big surprise!"

Whether it's Lucario's [Fire Kick] or the current Crossbat's [Angry Fang], these are very rare skills among them.

But this is also the difference between the two worlds.

In the world where Lu Ze lives, there are no competitions with four skill limits, so many people basically learn all the skills that their Pokémon can learn.

In the world where Daigo lives, there are competitions that limit four skills.

In other words, many high-end competitions limit four skills.

In this case, they prefer the less but more precise route.

Master the few skills you are best at within the limited strike surface.

Anyway, there are only four different skills that can be used in the game.

This is why many of them don't like to use change skills.

Because of single change skills, many of the effects on combat are not so obvious.

Only a few skills like [Sword Dance], [Dragon Dance] and [Trick] can do it.

Skills like [Sa Ling], [Invisible Rock] and [Black Mist] are rarely practiced.

Usually they just know how to use it.

Just like the armored bird just now, Daiwu did not choose to let the armored bird use these two nail skills.

One is really not very skilled.

Although it is said to be used, it can still be used.

But here's another problem.

After all, this is a friendly match to help Lu Ze, and Dawu's character will not let him choose this.

Daigo smiled, but the movements of his hands still did not stop.

"Golden Monster, Comet Fist!"

Just now, Crossbat faced the Super Metal Monster's [Comet Fist], although he used [Angry Incisor] to exchange some damage.

However, the Crossed Bat was still knocked away and rolled several times on the ground.

Naturally, Dawu would not let go of this weakness of the Crossed Bat.

The reason for the attack is that your cross-shaped bat is not good at close range.

In fact, seriously speaking, the cross-shaped bat's close combat ability is not weak.

But it also depends on who you compare it to.

The super Metagross with the [Hard Claws] characteristic is not very strong in melee attack capabilities no matter who you are.

Of course, this does not include certain Pokémon.

For example, Lu Ze’s Kirby beast.

"Cross-shaped bat, hot wind!"

Facing the super Metagross that rushed towards him again, Lu Ze did not choose to let the Crossed Bat continue to dodge.

The Crossed Bat, which has just broken through to the master level, still needs two head-to-head encounters to determine its strength.

However, there are skills to confronting the tough.

For example now.

Facing the super Metagross rushing over, the damage of [Hot Wind] is bound to hit.

Metagross has no way to counter this skill.

[Comet Fist] sprinted, and although it was burned by [Hot Wind], it was not a big problem.

Did not fall into the [burning] effect. "Cross-shaped bat, bite it into pieces!"

The evil skill [Crush] can cause double damage to super-type Metagross.

This can be said to be the physical skill with the highest damage among the restraining skills that the Crossed Bat can inflict on Metagross.


The two Pokémon finally successfully collided together.

Lu Ze's face looked a little ugly.

Although I understand that it is impossible for the Crossed Bat to defeat the Super Metagross in such a collision.

But he still couldn't accept it when he saw the cross-shaped bat falling down at the first touch.

The cross-shaped bat was directly knocked away at the same time as the collision.

The damage from both sides was dealt out at the same time.

However, compared to the super Metagross, the condition of the cross bat is much worse.


"Crossword Bat, keep your distance!"

Since close attacks are not possible, then short attacks are not enough.

Keep the distance and continue to use [Shadow Ball] and [Evil Wave].

While attacking, he was looking for an opportunity to kill the super Metagross.

Dawu frowned slightly: "Megrom, cannon!"

[Shadow Ball] and [Evil Wave] kept hitting the Super Metagross.

While the Super Metagross was avoiding the cross-shaped bat attack, it was also constantly using skills such as [Cannon Cannon] and [Signal Beam] to fight back.

But the speed of the cross bat is not slow, and its dodge rate is much higher than that of the super metal monster.

In this way, the skills continued to flash across the sky, but they did not hit the opponent.

The cross-shaped bat relies on its own speed and dodge.

Metagross used its powerful analytical power to calculate the attack of the cross bat and avoid it.

In this kind of long-range bombardment situation, it is obvious that no one can do anything to anyone.

Lu Ze and Da Wu also frowned, thinking about how to defeat each other.

If Dawu still had the idea of ​​helping Lu Ze just now.

Now that the Crossed Bat has successfully broken through, its goal has been achieved.

Then the battle between the Crossbat and the Super Metagross becomes a serious formal battle.

Neither of them wanted to lose their ace Pokémon to the other.

So in this case, the strength of the trainers on both sides becomes the decisive factor.

"Metrogross, sandstorm!"

Soon, Daiwu's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he commanded Metagross to set off a [sandstorm] in the field.

[Sandstorm] During the weather, non-rock, ground, and steel type Pokémon will lose part of their physical strength every once in a while.

Metabatus will gradually lose physical strength in the [Sandstorm] weather, but his Metagross is a Steel-type Pokémon and will not be affected by the [Sandstorm] weather.

Now that Crossword Bat is not confronting him head-on, he only has a small amount of physical strength left.

Then [Sandstorm] is obviously a very good skill to deal with the current scene.

Next, we only need to prevent the Crossed Bat from changing the weather.

Dawu looked at Lu Ze with a smile.

As expected, Lu Ze understood his thoughts instantly after seeing the [Sandstorm] caused by the Super Metagross.

"Cross-shaped bat, it's a sunny day!"

"Metrogross, spiritual blade!"

The moment he saw Lu Ze preparing to change the weather, Dawu commanded the Super Metagross to take action.

The super Metagross was very fast and arrived in front of her before the cross-shaped bat changed the weather.

[Spiritual Blade] Release.

However, he was dodged by the Crossed Bat.

The forked bat gave up on changing the weather.

After all, if he doesn't give up, the Super Metagross' [Spiritual Blade] will be able to directly take the Crossed Bat away if he hits it.

"Malicious pursuit!"

Just when the Crossed Bat was avoiding the attack of the super giant Metagross, Lu Ze seemed to have thought of something, his eyes suddenly lit up and he said to the Crossed Bat.

Metagross has just used [Psychic Blade] now.

Then, if he wants to block the cross-shaped bat's attack, he must either dodge it or resist it.

It is absolutely impossible to resist the current super giant Metagross.

He did not have the ability to activate [Comet Fist] to resist at the moment when [Psychic Blade] ended.

If you dodge, at such a close distance now, even though the Super Metagross is very fast.

But the speed of the cross-shaped bat is obviously faster.

Metagross can't resist now, nor can it be avoided.

Then there is only one way left!

[Protect] or [Substitute]!
Lu Ze believed that Dawu would use this skill.

Because I used [Light Wall] against the Super Metagross before and used [Clear Fog]!
Dawu must be able to think of the characteristics of his cross-shaped bat!
Lu Ze thought a lot in that moment.

And Daiwu's expression changed drastically the moment he saw the Crossed Bat turning from defense to offense.

The cross-shaped bat doesn't have much energy left.

As long as this attack is blocked, the damage from [Sandstorm] is enough to take away the Crossed Bat!

Dawu roared, just as Lu Ze thought.

But Dawu was not what Lu Ze thought.

Metagross is actually able to use its skills again to resist the attack of the cross bat.

【Spiritual obsession】

But it all happened too fast.

After the cross-shaped bat is blocked this attack, the damage caused by the next [Sandstorm] will take her away.

So the focus at this time is on "blocking".

Now that it has been determined that the characteristic of the cross bat is not [penetration].

So if you want stability, [Protection] is the most stable.

Also the fastest!


After Dawu shouted, the Super Metagross also instantly opened the energy barrier of [Protection].


Dawu and Super Metagross watched helplessly as the cross bat's attack passed through the energy barrier of [Protection], as if [Protection] did not exist.

Time seemed to slow down a lot.

Dawu could clearly see that the wings of the Crossed Bat slowly but firmly touched the body of the Super Metagross.

[Sandstorm] has caused damage to the Crossed Bat before.

Therefore, [Halicious Pursuit] at this time will cause double damage.

If this continues, the Super Metagross will be unable to withstand it.

Dawu understands, and so does Lu Ze.

Metagross and Crossbat both understand.

The flow of time returned to normal, and the super Metagross was knocked down from the sky by the cross-shaped bat.

Watching the super Metagross falling on the ground degenerate into a Metagross with rolling eyes.

Before the smiles on the faces of Lu Ze and Crossed Bat spread, Crossed Bat was hurt by the [Sandstorm] again and lost the last bit of physical strength.

"Fork bat!"

The smile that had not spread on Lu Ze's face disappeared in an instant, and he rushed forward to catch the falling Crossed Bat.

Lu Ze couldn't help but smile when he saw that the cross-shaped bat still had a smile on his face even though his eyes were rolling.

"Crossword Bat, well done!"

"You did it successfully!"

"We have no invincible enemies!"

After the Crossed Bat successfully broke through, Lu Ze suddenly understood.

What is the cross-shaped bat?

Suddenly the breakthrough was successful!

(End of this chapter)

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