Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 948 Strange?Special ghost?

Lu Ze looked up, a slightly bitter smile appeared on his face.

"Sorry, Kirbymon, because I..."

Before Lu Ze finished speaking, he saw Kirby shaking his head.

"Bika Bika."

Kirby looked at Lu Ze seriously, and patted his chest proudly.

The meaning is obvious.

This failure was due to lack of strength.

If he is strong enough, even if Boscodora is like this, he will have no problem and can still defeat Boscodora.

"Failure is failure, everything is an excuse."

"Only when you are strong can you not fail!"

Kirby's voice appeared in Lu Ze's mind.

When Lu Ze saw Kirby like this, his thoughts couldn't help but drift away.

Where did this familiar scene appear?
By the way, the tall figure in front of me was still a little Kirbymon.

During that training, I was fighting against the Super Sonic Bat.

After Kirbymon's failure, he seemed to have comforted him in this way.

After comforting the little Kirby that day, under the starry sky at night, Lu Ze said this to the little Kirby.

Although the little Kirby was still very confused at the time.

But he also listened.

In subsequent external battles, whether it was Kirbymon or Kirbymon, they basically never lost.

Even if he loses his ability to fight in the battle, he still believes that his companions can win the final victory.

"This time, it's our first time to lose."

Lu Ze's eyes gradually became brighter, and he stood up and looked at Kirby.

Kirby sat in front of Lu Ze, looking directly at Lu Ze who seemed to have recovered, smiling happily.

"It doesn't matter. Losing means there are still things we haven't done well. We will continue to work hard in the future!"

As Lu Ze said that, he stretched out his hand to Kirby.

"How about we work together from now on and keep working hard?"


After Lu Ze finished speaking, Kirby's big hand covered the back of Lu Ze's hand.

At the same time, Lu Ze's elf ball opened and his hands covered it layer by layer.

The wings of the cross-shaped bat, the palm of the electric monster, the claws of the iron claw lobster, the green onion of the onion ranger, the small hands of the wind fairy, the claws of Lucario, the pink arm of the iron warrior, the steel claws of the metal monster and finally the charcoal Because the waiter couldn't reach it, Kirby held up his little hand covering the top.

"Although Charizard is not here, but..."

Lu Ze said, suddenly stunned.

He felt a strange feeling in the palm of his hand.

However, Lu Ze lowered his head and looked slightly, but found nothing.

The waveguide force also showed nothing.

Lu Ze shook his head slightly, then looked at his Pokémon and laughed.

"Next, let's keep working hard!"





The voices of several Pokémon were chaotic, which made Lu Ze couldn't help laughing.

It's like this now. With so many Pokémon in my nursery, what kind of chaos will it be like?

"It's really rare for an adult to have a pure smile."

Dai Wu on the other side couldn't help but sigh after seeing the scene on Lu Ze's side.

Lu Ze's strength is indeed very strong.

Even when his Pokémon were generally not as powerful as his own Pokémon, he almost defeated himself.

If it weren't for being too excited at the end, which caused Kirbymon to reveal its flaws, he would have been defeated.

Thinking of this, Daigo also smiled and turned to look at his Pokémon.

"I've been so obsessed with finding gems recently that I've neglected improving my strength."

Dawu looked at Metagross and the somewhat embarrassed Boss Cordora, and also showed a smile similar to Lu Ze's just now.

"Then, we all have to work hard together, and we can't just be compared to our juniors."


Daiwu's Pokémon also nodded in agreement, and Lu Ze also came to Daiwu's side after they finished.

"Thank you Mr. Daigo."

Lu Ze came to Dawu and thanked Dawu seriously.

It’s not just Xie Dawu’s various teachings and training of Steel Pokémon and Metagross during this period.

I also want to thank Daiwu for the defeat he gave him just now.

To be honest, sometimes the experience of winning along the way is really not as much as the insights gained from the last failure.

Just like Lu Ze now.

After he came to this world, after winning several victories, and after this failure, he could also feel his previous slack.

And this defeat undoubtedly wiped out all his slack.

"I want to thank you too."

Dawu smiled and glanced at the Metagross behind him, then said to Lu Ze.

Although he is a Buddhist-type person, he is still quite optimistic about the strength of his own Pokémon.

It's not just about yourself, but also about your own Pokémon.

If he could become stronger, he wouldn't refuse.

"What are your plans next?"

After the two looked at each other and smiled, Dawu asked Lu Ze.

"As for me, I might continue traveling."

Lu Ze thought for a while, and couldn't help but smile when he thought of the scene of traveling with Xiaozhi and the others.

Xiaozhi and Team Rocket really added a lot of fun to the trip.

This kind of fun is something you can't have when traveling alone.

So if nothing unexpected happens, I will continue to travel with Xiaozhi and the others.

"That's it."

After hearing this, Dawu nodded seriously: "I want to go out for a walk too."

Dawu said and looked at Lu Ze: "Then, let's say goodbye."

Daiwu was also a neat person. He taught Lu Ze everything he could, and he planned to leave after the battle between the two was over.

"That's it."

After Lu Ze nodded, he took out a piece of paper from his backpack.

"An energy block that can promote the absorption of steel by steel-type Pokémon."

Lu Ze smiled and stuffed the paper he had prepared into Dawu's arms.

Dawu hesitated for a moment, but after seeing Lu Ze's clear eyes, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Thank you then."

"You're welcome, your help to me is much more important than this."

Lu Ze didn't exaggerate. Dawu really taught Lu Ze all his knowledge and tips on training Steel Pokémon.

In comparison, Lu Ze's return gift was really nothing worth mentioning.

Dawu smiled, waved to Lu Ze, sat on the armored bird and left.

Daigo's departure was decisive, but it was also in line with Daigo's character.

The two have already exchanged contact information and can contact each other again when the time comes.

Lu Ze didn't have any feelings of separation. After watching Dawu leave, Lu Ze turned to look at his Pokémon.

"Then, let's go and recover our strength first." Lu Ze smiled and turned to look at his Pokémon. After seeing his Pokémon nodded and followed him, he turned towards the side of the hotel. Go to the Elf Center.

The moment Lu Ze turned around, a sudden change occurred.

Giratina's shadow suddenly appeared behind Lu Ze.

Also appearing at the same time is a white object.

It looks like it was bounced out by Giratina's shadow?
After feeling Giratina's aura, Lu Ze suddenly turned his head.

But Giratina's shadow disappeared just as quickly as it appeared.

Lu Ze turned around and saw only a white mist dumpling.



"You two guys haven't found where Lu Ze has gone yet!"

Giratina in this world was looking at Dialga and Palkia with displeasure on his face.

"Brother, there are other twin gods of time and space in other worlds. How can they be so easy to find?"

Dialga rolled his eyes.

During this period of time, because of their search for Lu Ze, they had already fought with the two gods of time and space in other worlds.

Not just the two of them, Giratina also appeared.

The three divine beasts on both sides fought and knocked out Arceus.

After Arceus learned about it, he warned them not to disturb other worlds.

This is why their progress is so slow now.

"Brother, let me tell you, why don't we focus on Hupa and help him complete Arceus' test? Then can't we just bring Lu Ze back?"

Palkiya also said seriously at this time.

If Giratina hadn't known about Palkia's lazy temperament, he might have really thought that Palkia had a good idea.

"I will naturally pay attention to his side, and you can't miss it too!"

Giratina's eyes were fixed on Palkia and Dialga.

"You must know that Lu Ze was forced to go to another world because of your problems!"

Just as Giratina finished speaking, Dialga was about to retort when he saw Giratina's expression suddenly change.

Dialga shut up for a moment, but Giratina's aura began to become violent.

"What are you doing? We have already admitted our mistake and we didn't say we won't look for it!"

Seeing Giratina like this, Palkia was instantly frightened, but he still pulled Dialga next to him and said to Giratina in a sullen voice.

However, Giratina had no intention of paying attention to Palkiya, and his expression remained ugly.

"what happened?"

Seeing Giratina's appearance, the fire didn't seem to be directed at the two of them, Dialga also asked curiously.

"The shadow I left on Lu Ze was triggered." Giratina looked ugly.

"This is?"

Dialga was a little confused.

"There is a strange Pokémon trying to enter Lu Ze's shadow."

At this time, Giratina already regretted the insurance he had placed on Lu Ze because he was afraid that he would not be with Lu Ze anymore.

"Is there any problem with this? Maybe Lu Ze conquered a ghost-type Pokémon in another world."

"Yes, besides, with Deoxys here, who can sneak into Lu Ze's shadow without going through his perception."

After Dialga finished speaking, Palkia also said nonchalantly.

This doesn't seem like anything worth paying attention to.

"But the problem is that after my breath appears, Giratina in his world can also feel it!"

Giratina's eyes glanced at Dialga and Palkia, and the two Pokémon fell silent.

Of course they knew what Giratina meant.

After all, the last time they fought was because the aura leaked and was noticed by Palkiya in that world.

This behavior, which is tantamount to invading territory, is undoubtedly a declaration of war!
"If it's just for a moment, maybe he can't find Lu Ze."

After Dialga said something dryly, under Giratina's majestic eyes, he turned around and continued to search.

Palkiya also remained silent, and like Dialga, continued to search for which world Lu Ze was in.

After Giratina glanced at the two of them, he turned his head and entered the reverse space.

He was going to find Hupa to see if there was any progress on Hupa's side.

Hupa knew which world Lu Ze was in.

But there was no way, he, Dialga and Palkia couldn't understand.

It feels like using your tongue to find vegetable leaves in your teeth.

He is the tongue, which knows where the vegetable leaves are, but cannot take them out.

Dialga and Palkia are just hands. They don't know where the vegetable leaves are, but they can take them out.

But here's the problem, the two sides can't communicate.

There wasn't even a chance to test it.

This made them a little bit confused.

Both sides can only do it themselves.



Lu Ze didn't know what was happening in this world.

He was looking at the white smoke ball in front of him curiously.

If nothing else, this is a ghost.

But why are ghosts white?

Even the heterochromatic ghosts are gray, and only become white after super evolution.

Is this ghost simply white?
Elf: Ghost
Gender: Male

Attributes: ghost, poison
Characteristics: Floating (Pokémon with this characteristic will not be affected by ground-based skills) [Fixed Characteristic].

Qualification: White (Orange) (The impact of the experiment.)
Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

"This is…"

Lu Ze squatted on the ground, staring at the white ghost.

There is something strange about this ghost.

If the [Floating] characteristic is a fixed characteristic, will Ghost also have the [Floating] characteristic after evolving into Gengar?

So if you evolve into a Super Gengar, will it have the characteristics of [Floating] or [Shadow Trampling]?

Lu Ze didn't understand, but when he looked at Guisi's qualifications...

White qualification?

Because of experimental damage?
Is it an experiment of flash or an experiment of characteristics?

Lu Ze didn't know this.

But if you experiment...


Guisi looked at Lu Ze, suddenly opened his mouth and laughed.

"He said he wanted to be with you."

After Lucario glanced at Guisi curiously next to Lu Ze, he translated to Lu Ze what Guisi had just said.

"Are you coming with me? By the way, where are you from?"

Lu Ze asked after taking a look at Guisi.

To be honest, he was moved.

Can anyone resist a cute Gengar?
I think there should be no one!

This is not the purple...oh, fat white guy that came to your door!

As for Gui Sibai's qualifications, Lu Ze still has a way to solve the damage to his qualifications caused by the experiment.

So, do ghosts have trainers now?

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