Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 949 Flower of Gracidia

After listening to Guisi's explanation and looking at the smile still on Guisi's face, Lu Ze couldn't help but feel a little silent.

Ghost came out of Team Flare's base that had been blown up.

Unlike other Pokémon, as a Pokémon whose experiment failed, he was also locked up.

But after the Iron Warrior opened the cage, he entered the Iron Warrior's shadow and followed the Iron Warrior out.

According to him, he had been locked up in that base since birth, and had only heard stories about the outside from other Pokémon who were captured.

According to a certain Pokémon, trainers are the best humans. As long as you follow a trainer, you can eat and drink without worries.

However, you need to be cautious when choosing a trainer and see how the trainer treats his Pokémon.

If you treat your Pokémon well, you can choose him to be your trainer.

This is why he came out with the Iron Warrior.

But what he didn't expect was that the iron warrior would lead him to Lu Ze and the others.

Because Lu Ze was with Dr. Lawrence at the time, he was very scared and kept hiding in the shadows.

until just now...

Lu Ze couldn't help but be moved when he saw the smile on Bai Guisi's face.

After the base was destroyed, all the Pokémon inside died.

This is what Miss Junsha is responsible for, and Lu Ze only got a rough idea of ​​it from Miss Junsha.

There is no living mouth.

Unexpectedly, a ghost came out with the iron warrior.

In this case.

"Then you come with me, food and accommodation are included."

Lu Ze suppressed the sadness in his heart, showed a gentle smile to Guisi, and stretched out his hand.

Guisi became obviously happy and excitedly jumped into Lu Ze's hand. The visible mist on Guisi's body became more active.

Lu Ze looked at Guisi, thinking about the specialness in Guisi caused by the experiment.

Could it be that Guis was unable to detect him with my waveguide due to some experimental reasons?

After all, according to Guisi, he has indeed done a lot of experiments.

But he didn't know what experiments he had done.

"Come on, let's go eat first."

Lu Ze smiled and put Guisi back into the elf ball, and Guisi came out quickly.

Seeing the pitiful way Guisi looked at him, Lu Ze also understood what Guisi meant.

I think Guis, like the mini dragon, doesn't like to be in the Poké Ball.


"Guisi, do you like fighting?"

After thinking of the mini dragon, Lu Ze turned to look at Guisi and asked Guisi.


Guisi looked at Lu Ze in confusion.

"Well, that's what we just did."

After Lu Ze thought for a while, he explained the battle to Guisi.

Ghost fell silent.

He didn't know if he wanted to fight.

But Lu Ze said.

Fighting can make you stronger.

Can you be strong enough not to do things you don’t want to do?
He stopped doing experiments and protected his friends from doing experiments?

Guisi was a little confused.

He remembered the way the Monsterjawsaurus stood firmly in front of them, preventing those guys from catching him for experiments.

Guisi was confused.

Because the end of the strange jaw dragon was not very good.

It can even be said to be very bloody.

Those humans said that every once in a while, they have to deal with a bad bird and scare them.

He didn't know about the others, but he was shocked.

Every time the other party in the experiment catches me, or asks me to go over for the experiment, I will pass by obediently.

Brother Wei Jiaosaurus, is it because of lack of strength?

Guisi had a lot on his mind.

He remembered what his friend said to him.

If you are strong, you can destroy this place and escape with them.

However, he was also captured and experimented on, and did not come back.

He thought again of his experience participating in the experiment.

He clearly remembered the pain of each experiment.

After each experiment, he was thrown back into the cage, where life was worse than death.

Why is it that every time I hold back my breath and survive?
By the way, it’s because I want to see the outside world.

I want to have a trainer who treats me very well, allows me to eat and drink without worries, and caress me and strokes my head.

He wanted to save his comrades.

I want to stop experimenting.


I want to resist and destroy those guys!
When Guisi thought of this, his pale eyes became serious.

He quickly stood up and stopped in front of Lu Ze.

Looking at the confused Lu Ze.

Guisi nodded firmly.

"I want to fight!"

"I want to become stronger!"

"I want the most powerful strength!"

Lu Ze was in a daze for a moment, but he also knew that the voice that appeared in his mind should be Guisi's voice.

Lu Ze smiled, looking at Guisi's serious eyes and smiling happily.

"Since you want to become stronger, let's work hard together!"

Ji Xia stretched out her hand and gently rubbed Guisi's head.

Guisi was a little confused, although he felt Lu Ze's hand.

However, it seems that there is no feeling of being caressed as she said?

However, this feels good.

After Guisi grinned at Lu Ze happily, he happily entered Lu Ze's shadow.

This time, no Giratina's shadow appeared, and Guisi safely entered Lu Ze's shadow.

Lu Ze also laughed when he saw this scene.

Since Guisi wants to become stronger and fight, his previous plan must be abandoned first.

After all, it's obviously not possible for Guisi to be like this.

The first is the issue of qualifications. White qualifications mean that Guisi has no possibility of becoming stronger.

However, Guisi's original qualifications are not bad, he just needs to recover.

Restoring qualifications is equivalent to making up for the damage.

Among the medicinal materials needed to make up for the damage, the most important and rare one is the flower of Gracidia.

Seriously speaking, the Flower of Gracidia is not very rare.

But we need to find Semi.

As for where Semi is…

This one is really hard to find.

It can be made with the three main items of Flower of Grasidia, Root of Vitality and Star Peach Fruit plus some other materials.

Among them, there are three Star Peach Fruits themselves. Although they don’t have the Root of Vitality, they are not uncommon and should be available in stores.

The key point is that the Flower of Gracidia, not to mention the need to find Xie Mi, is not an ordinary Flower of Gracidia.

After Lu Ze shook his head, he returned to the hotel.

I could have just packed up and left.

Now it seems that we need to stay for a while longer.

After renewing the house, Lu Ze couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

Dawu had paid for the room before, and Lu Ze really didn't expect that staying in this place for a day would be so expensive! "No, we have to finish the matter today!"

Lu Ze already had a complete plan in mind.

However, because of the room fee, Lu Ze, who originally planned to be gentler, had to use more violent methods.

After dinner, with Guisi looking happy, Lu Ze also walked out of the hotel with satisfaction.

Lu Ze, who was wandering on the street, walked specifically into the alley.

Sure enough, within a short time he was stopped by two guys dressed in strange clothes.

"Hey, hand over the money you have and we'll let you go!" The young man with the cockscomb looked at Lu Ze and said with arrogance.

"Aren't you afraid of Miss Junsha?"

When Lu Ze saw the two of them, a smile appeared on his face.

"Oh, Miss Junsha?"

"It's still some time before she patrols here!"

Although it was a little strange why Lu Ze was still laughing, the bald man on the other side just thought that Lu Ze had placed his hope on Miss Junsha.

"Even if you shout at the top of your lungs here, Miss Junsha won't be able to hear you. I advise you to be more honest!" After the bald head finished speaking, the cockscomb head proudly pointed at Lu Ze and said.

"That's it, that's fine."

After Lu Ze heard what they said, the smile on his face became even brighter.

Seriously, it is Lu Ze who is afraid of Miss Junsha.

The moment Lu Ze finished speaking, the Iron Warrior appeared between the two of them.

The pink [Psychic Blade] was placed on the necks of the two of them, causing them to panic immediately.

"So, if I ask, you answer?"

"Ok, Ok."

The two nodded hurriedly, but due to the [mental blade] on their necks, they did not dare to nod too much.

"Which gang do you belong to?"

"We will hold the gold medal."

After hearing what Cockscomb Tou said, Lu Ze was overjoyed again.

I didn't expect to actually meet a gang member. I thought they were just scattered gangsters.

"That's it."

Lu Ze nodded: "Take me to your boss."


The two were stunned for a moment, but after the iron warrior talentedly brought the [Spiritual Blade] closer to their necks, the two compromised.

"Okay, tell me, where did this Pokémon come from?"

A moment later, in the Gold Holding Club's base, Lu Ze looked at a Pokémon that was locked in a cage next to him, and asked the boss of the Gold Holding Club with an unhappy look on his face.

Although I know that the underworld in this world is likely to be involved in the business of buying and selling Pokémon, it is still very unpleasant to see it.

"This is sent by Pokémon hunter Hua Er, so we can find a suitable buyer."

He looked at the gang members and Pokémon all over the place, and looked at the ferocious Electric Shock Beast and Onion Ranger next to the man in front of him.

He also doubted whether he would be killed if he hesitated.

"Contact him and tell him that he has found a buyer."

Lu Ze didn't waste time with him and spoke directly to the boss who was kneeling on the ground.

His plan is simple.

That is to find Pokémon hunters, and then find Shimi and the others through the network of relationships between Pokémon hunters.

After finding the Flower of Gracidia, not only can it heal Ghost, but it can also kill some Pokémon hunters.

He didn't believe that Pokémon hunters acted alone.

In situations like Hunter J, where buyers can find whatever Pokémon they want, they must have some special means of communicating with each other.

And Lu Ze's plan is to borrow these methods.

Destroy by the way!

"Good good!"

The boss nodded quickly and agreed, and then prepared to call Hua Er.

"You have to think carefully and don't play any tricks. It's not worth losing your life for other people."

Lu Ze smiled, tapped the boss with the sword formed by Lucario's waveguide, and said.

"Of course, of course."

The boss, who was in his 40s, smiled flatteringly at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze nodded with satisfaction, and the call was quickly connected.

"Well, the buyer has been found."

"If you find it, just sell it to him. I don't care how much you sell it for, I just want my money."


The boss said and looked at Lu Ze.

"I want to call him."

Lu Ze gestured to him, and the boss understood instantly.

"He said he wanted to see you."

"Why are you meeting me? You can just sell your Pokémon."

The boss looked at Lu Ze, and after seeing Lu Ze's unhappy eyes, he quickly spoke.

"He also wants other Pokémon, from another gang, big business, I can't be the boss!"

"Big business!"

Hua Er's voice over there suddenly became excited: "Okay, wait for me, I'll be at your place soon!"

After Hua Er finished speaking, she hung up the phone, and the boss looked at Lu Ze with a flattering look on his face.

"Well, is this okay?"

"Well, well done."

Lu Ze nodded with satisfaction. He was indeed satisfied. After all, he didn't think of any good excuse at the moment.

"Then I..."

"After the Pokémon hunters come, just go to the police station and surrender."



The boss looked at Lu Ze in surprise, but when he saw Lu Ze looking at him with a frown, he was instantly frightened again.

An ugly smile appeared on his face: "Yeah, I will definitely surrender."

Lu Ze looked at him like this with a smile on his face.

"You never want to know what would have happened to you if you didn't turn yourself in."

Lu Ze's gentle voice surprised the boss, and he quickly nodded in agreement.

"I will definitely surrender myself!"

After Lu Ze glanced at him, he ignored him and quietly waited for the arrival of the Pokémon hunter.

After about two hours passed, a rushing and excited voice came from outside.

"I'm here, where is the big business?"

"come in."

The boss glanced at Lu Ze, and after receiving Lu Ze's signal, he said loudly to the door.

After such a long time, the younger brothers who had been defeated by the Iron Warrior, Tan Xiaoshi, and Metal Monster also stood up and were standing aside with respectful expressions.

"Is this the big customer you're talking about?"

Hua Er opened the door and walked in. A scantily clad girl, who looked like she was in her 20s, had most of her skin exposed, with an excited smile on her face.

"Little brother, you are quite young. Do you want my sister to give you a benefit?"

When Hua Er saw Lu Ze, her eyes suddenly lit up, and then she tugged on her bra at Lu Ze.

It can be seen that there are no traces of underwear inside.

"That's no need. I am indeed a big customer."

Lu Ze stood up with a smile, and the iron warrior behind him instantly released [mental force] and controlled Hua Er.

Hua Er was stunned for a moment, then smiled seductively.

"It turns out that little brother likes this tune. I should have told you earlier."

"I like it too!"

Hua Er said, watching Lu Ze lick the corner of his mouth and smile.

(End of this chapter)

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