Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 950: Catch All in One Catch and Mikri

Lu Ze frowned slightly. He originally wanted to be gentle, but the person who came actually coveted his beauty.

Lu Ze shook his head. It seemed that the solution to the problem through trading was no longer possible.

Then be rough.

"I want to know how you Pokémon hunters are connected to each other?"

Lu Ze looked at Hua Er and said to her curiously.

"What do you want to do?"

As soon as Hua Er heard this, she immediately retracted her previous expression and asked Lu Ze with a wary look.

"I'm not doing anything, I'm just looking for something, I just want to use the information channel between you Pokémon hunters."

"That's it, tell me earlier."

The rippling smile just now appeared on Hua Er's face again.

At the same time, an attack suddenly came in from outside the door.

【Evil Wave】!
The target is the iron warrior who releases [mental power] to control Hua Er.

The iron warrior was forced to fight back, after all, Lu Ze was still beside him.

If he avoided it, Lu Ze would most likely be affected by the [Evil Wave].

The iron warrior flicked his arm, and the wave missile flew out, directly blocking the [Evil Wave].

However, the Iron Warrior was also forced to interrupt his control over Hua Er.

Looking at Moon Eevee standing next to Hua Er, Lu Ze also felt very interesting.

Is there anything left outside?

As expected of a Pokémon hunter, he is cautious.


"Why do you have to tie me up for this kind of thing? I just need to pay."

Hua Yao smiled at Lu Ze with charming eyes, but Lu Ze did not pay attention to her.

"How much."

"If you can stay with me for one night, it's okay for free."

Hua Er continued to exert strength and even wanted to walk towards Lu Ze.

"Do you still want to continue?"

Lu Ze's eyes became cold and he looked at Hua Er.

The iron warrior also took a step forward and stood in front of Lu Ze.

Hua'er was forced to stop. After all, Iron Warrior is a Pokémon with king-level strength.

And her Moon Eevee is just a gym level one.

Not only that, among her Pokémon, the strongest ones were only at the gym level and were no match for the Iron Warrior.

"Brother, what are you looking for? Hua Er is here to help you."

However, although it is no longer the same as before, Hua Er's character is still the same, and there is no intention to change it.

Lu Ze didn't care about this, as long as he did good things.

"Flower of Gracidia."

"Semy's Flower of Gracidia?"


After Lu Ze nodded, Hua Er started playing with it.

After Lu Ze gently poked Guisi in his shadow with the waveguide, Guisi quietly came to Hua'er's side and watched Hua'er's operations.

Although Guisi is white, he is pretty good at hiding it.

Coupled with the fact that Guisi has some special reasons, even Lu Ze's waveguide power is difficult to find him hidden.

This situation was undoubtedly the most suitable one for him in the past.

Guisi went over to watch beside Hua Er, but was not noticed by Hua Er.

After a while, Hua You looked at Lu Ze excitedly: "Okay, there is news, 500 million!"

"Yes, as long as things can be done, price is not an issue."

"Do you need to lead the way? Leading the way and assisting in capturing Xie Mi will only cost 1000 million!"

Hua Er's eyes suddenly lit up after hearing Lu Ze's unhesitating tone, and then she said to Lu Ze.


Lu Ze nodded slightly, feeling a little funny in his heart.

You don’t think that I will really give you money.

Not only will they not give you money, they will even destroy your organization.


Hua Er nodded excitedly, silently calculating in her mind how much reward she would get after this time.

After some calculations, two $$ signs appeared in Hua Er's eyes.

Lu Ze looked amused. After taking a look at the gang boss, he followed Hua Er out.

It doesn’t matter whether this guy surrenders or not.

Anyway, he just told Miss Junsha.

As long as he didn't surrender within half an hour, the people next to him would rush in directly.

Well, there are already many Miss Junsha outside.

"Let's go."

The Pokémon had been released, everything was settled, and Lu Ze took Hua Er and left directly.

Neither Lu Ze nor Hua Er were the people in the photo reported by Lu Ze just now.

So the two of them walked out of the door easily.

However, Miss Junsha’s disguise is so...

A young and beautiful girl working as a security guard in the park?
Still has the face of Miss Junsha?

Lu Ze shook his head helplessly, as did Team Rocket's disguise.

It seems that this is the characteristic of Xiaozhi and his world.

"Where are Semi and the others?"

"The Sinnoh area."

"Shinao region?"

Lu Ze froze for a moment.

By the way, is Semi's theatrical version set in the Sinnoh region?

It had been so long that Lu Ze had forgotten.

I even forgot what happened in Semi's theatrical version.

I only remember that it seems to be related to Giratina, Dialga and Palkia.

"In the Huayuan Town in the Sinnoh region, the information on Xie Mi's recent whereabouts is here."

After Hua'er looked at the information on the machine in her hand, she nodded seriously and said.

"Because my main area of ​​activity is in Kalos, and now you ask me to take you to Sinnoh, the cost will be more expensive."


Lu Ze nodded: "I told you, money is not an issue."


Hua Er nodded excitedly, and the two toffees on her chest also nodded.

"Then I'll book a flight now?"

"it is good."

After hearing Lu Ze say that money was no problem, Hua Er seemed to have turned into a little follower and took care of all Lu Ze's things.

Miare is also a big city, so naturally it has an airport.

Soon they were on a plane to Sinnoh.

The destination is Zhuqing City, and above Zhuqing City is their destination Huayuan Town.

The planes in the Pokémon world are quite fast. After getting up after a long sleep, they arrived at Zhuqing City.

Lu Ze had no intention of visiting Zhuqing City and headed directly towards Huayuan Town with Hua Er.

The earlier Guisi's physical flaws are dealt with, the earlier Guisi will be able to become stronger.

Lu Ze also wanted to see whether Guisi's characteristics would change after he finally evolved into Gengar.

It would be great if it was a Gengar with the [Floating] property.Another thing, what if Gengar super evolves?
What will his characteristics become?
[Step on shadow] or [Float]?
This is what Lu Ze expected.

In addition, his plan was to challenge the three gyms that he had not yet challenged before traveling with Xiaozhi.

At this time, Guisi and Tan Xiaoshi are needed.

After Guisi is healed, it's almost time for Tan Xiaoshi to evolve.

Blue Flame Blade Ghost, I am also looking forward to it very much.

Lu Ze and Hua Er were very fast and were already near Huayuan Town when they smelled the fragrance of flowers.

Huayuan Town is located to the west of Tianguan Mountain in the Sinnoh region. The current season is spring, which is the time when most flowers in Huayuan Town are in full bloom.

Therefore, Huayuan Town is still very lively at this time, with many tourists.

"According to the intelligence, Xie Mi is in the Huayuan Flower Field. The Huayuan Flower Field is on the other side of the town, so we need to pass through Huayuan Town."

Hua Er looked very professional after entering work mode.

Of course, it would be better if Hua Er changed her revealing clothes.

Even though Lu Ze was so thick-skinned, he couldn't stand the looks of the tourists nearby.

"Come on!"

After walking into the town, Lu Ze immediately saw a long queue.

After taking a curious look, Lu Ze quickly lowered his head and said to Hua Er next to him.

At the ice cream stall, the stall owner looked embarrassed, and a woman in front of the stall was holding her chin and struggling.

Although I couldn't see the woman's face, I knew it without even thinking about it.

This is not Sirona, who is this?
But yes, strictly speaking, Sinnoh is Sirona's territory.

In addition, it is flower viewing time in Huayuan Town, so it is not surprising that she appears here.

But the problem is that the one he is carrying next to him is a Pokémon hunter.

What should I say if Sirona wants to see this?
"Um, is that your girlfriend?"

After hearing Lu Ze's strange tone, Hua'er also looked over curiously.

Although the girl in front of the ice cream stall can't see her face, she still has a nice figure.

Almost the same as myself.

Hua Er smiled, then rolled his eyes and spoke loudly on purpose.

"Brother~ I want to eat ice cream too~"

The sound was quite loud, and at least it succeeded in attracting the attention of people queuing up to buy ice cream not far away.

Sirona is naturally no exception.

"Lu Ze?"

After Sirona hesitated between the ice cream and Lu Ze, she directly took the vanilla ice cream from the ice cream stall owner.

"Lu Ze, why are you here?"

Sirona came to Lu Ze and asked Lu Ze curiously.

When she spoke to Dr. Omu two days ago, didn't Dr. Omu also say that Lu Ze and Xiaozhi were traveling together?

I didn't expect to come across it here.

"I'm here to find Semi. There's something I need the Flower of Gracidia."

"Flower of Gracidia?"

Sirona was a little confused, what was the use of this thing?

After all, apart from giving this thing as a gift to express gratitude, it shouldn’t have any other function, right?
"Yes, there is a production that requires it."

"That's it. Then I'll take you there."

After Sirona smiled at Lu Ze, she led the way towards the flower garden.

Hua'er didn't dare to say anything now.

She really didn't expect that the girl turned out to be Sirona, the champion of the Sinnoh region.

She also didn't expect that Sirona actually knew Lu Ze.

Although Sirona doesn't know her, she knows Sirona.

If Sirona knew she was a Pokémon hunter...

Hua Er shuddered, she already wanted to run away.

But Lu Ze hasn't given her the money yet. If he runs away now, wouldn't he lose everything?

Hua'er hesitated, but after seeing Lu Ze follow Sirona directly, she gritted her teeth and followed.

Anyway, Sirona doesn't know that she is a Pokémon hunter.

Just follow behind.

"Is she with you?"

Sirona also noticed Hua Er following behind.

No way, Hua Er's clothes are really attractive.

"Yeah, Pokémon hunter."

Lu Ze said calmly: "I will tell you my plan later, don't rush now."

"it is good."

After Sirona glanced at the sneaking Hua Er suspiciously, she returned to her normal state.


After Sirona took Lu Ze to the flower field of the flower garden, they came to a secret place after twists and turns.

After entering through a small hole in the flowers, Sirona shouted loudly to the inside.

After a while, Xie Mi, who was disguised as a small flower among the flowers, looked up one by one.

After one of them, Xie Mi, saw Sirona, he immediately pounced on her.

On the other side, Hua'er, who was hesitating whether to enter or not, was stopped by the iron warrior just as he made up his mind to go in.

Hua Er looked at the iron warrior angrily, and she naturally understood what Lu Ze meant.

He came here to find the Flower of Gracidia, and he is a Pokémon hunter.

If you let yourself know the specific location of Xie Mi, you must be afraid that you will catch Xie Mi and sell it for money.

"Hmph, damn guy, am I the kind of person who likes money?"

Hua Er was furious, but there was nothing she could do.

After all, he can't beat the Iron Warrior.

After Sirona inside explained the purpose of her visit to Xie Mi, Xie Mi quickly came over holding a bunch of Grasidia flowers.

"Now, these are all yours."

After Sirona rubbed Xie Mi's head with a smile, she said to Lu Ze.

"Thank you, Semi."

Lu Ze smiled, took out the delicious Pokémon food from his backpack and handed it to Xie Mi and the others.

"This is the food I made. You can share it."

Xie Mi curiously took the Pokémon food from Lu Ze's hand and took a bite. His eyes lit up instantly, and he turned around and shouted to the other Xie Mi.

"Can you tell me what your plan is now?"

Seeing Xie Mi and the others eating happily, Sirona turned to Lu Ze and asked Lu Ze in a low voice.

She knew that the iron warrior was blocking the woman from entering.

"I'm going to gather all the Pokémon hunters here and catch them all in one fell swoop!"

Lu Ze had a cold look in his eyes. He was very unhappy with the dog dealers who stole the dogs, and he was naturally even more unhappy with this kind of Pokémon hunter.

"How to say?"

When Sirona heard this, her face became serious, and she took the initiative to ask Lu Ze.

"They have a secret communication channel through which they can issue a mission and gather most of the Pokémon hunters here."

"Do you need me to inform Miss Junsha?"

"No, I'm afraid there's a traitor inside."

Lu Ze shook his head and rejected Sirona's idea.

Miss Junsha is not the only one in the police station.

"Then it's just the two of us?"

Sirona looked Lu Ze up and down and then asked: "Mi Keli, do you know that the champion of the Fengyuan region is also here now, do you want to ask him to join us?"

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