Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 951 Tan Xiaoshi evolves!


Lu Ze thought for a while: "That's okay."

If there were two of them, there would still be too few people after all.

Even with Deoxys around, he was confident of defeating the opponent.

However, it would be troublesome if the other party dispersed and escaped.

In this case, the venue chosen also needs to be changed.

At least it can't be a place like a forest.

Forget about the flower field, there are still a lot of Pokémon living in it.

In addition, it would not be good if such a beautiful flower field was destroyed.

Although what he initially thought was that after gathering all the Pokémon hunters here, he would directly let Deoxys control them with super powers so that they could not release Pokémon.

But Hua Er gave him a warning.

At the very least, Pokémon hunters have this countermeasure of being directly controlled by Pokémon with superpowers.

Although maybe most Pokémon hunters’ countermeasures are like Hua Er’s.

But as long as there is a small part that is not controlled, it is a variable.

In this case, it is better to use powerful means to directly suppress the opponent's people and Pokémon!

Two champions and one mythical beast on his side should be enough.

Sirona's strength is very strong even among champions.

Plus Michaeli.

Although Mikri's strength may not be very strong, he has at least one championship-level Pokémon for the title of champion.

Now that a few years have passed, maybe there will be a second championship-level Pokémon.

Coupled with his own championship-level strength of the cross-shaped bat and the mythical beast Deoxys, it would be great to go head-to-head.

This was also determined by Lu Ze after meeting Sirona.

First, gather all the Pokémon hunters, and then let Deoxys take action to control them all.

As for other variables, let yourself, Sirona and Mikri appear.

Although it's not sure if Mikri will come, it won't be a big problem even if he doesn't come.

Sirona's strength is definitely enough.

After telling Sirona her plan, Sirona nodded in agreement.

"Shall we start now?"

"No, give them some time."

Lu Ze smiled, then looked at Hua Er outside.

Hua Er is very satisfied with the fact that he doesn't have enough brains.

"it is good."

Although Sirona doesn't know what Lu Ze is going to do now, she still chooses to believe Lu Ze.



After coming out of Xie Mi's flower garden, Lu Ze found a hotel.

He needs to make the medicine to treat ghosts first.

Guisi's appearance will be needed later.

Sirona went to find Mikri.

As a world-class coordinator, Michael is still very easy to find.

But the problem is that we need to see if Mikri has time.

It is said that Mi Keli will perform a performance in the next two days.

However, Lu Ze also told Sirona that it was best for Sirona not to be exposed.

Otherwise, he was afraid that some Pokémon hunters would not dare to come.

Although catching them is a matter for Interpol, not for the champions.

But if they come across them, the champions won't care about catching them.

After Sirona nodded and agreed, only Lu Ze and Hua Er were left in the hotel.

Hua'er's eyes were full of charming love: "Brother, will you finally favor me?"

"It's not a favor."

Lu Ze smiled, and then Ochisis appeared behind Hua Er.

After Hua Er was in a daze for a while, she looked at Lu Ze.

"Why are we in the hotel?"

Hua Er was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes were filled with charming love.

"Is my brother going to finally favor me?"

Lu Ze was a little helpless. This guy had a real reaction just now.

When Deoxys first appeared, he erased all the memories of meeting Sirona in Hua Er's mind.

This isn't Deoxys, he can't just erase the memory of Sirona.

Because Mewtwo can’t do it either.

Even now Chaomeng has experienced this and has new ideas.

However, Chaomeng was also jointly instilled by Father Lu and Zhuge Ziyu.

Don't use this ability, it's not friendly to the world.

So Chaomeng never used this ability again.

But this is a different world, not only Father Lu and the others are not here, but Chaomeng is not here either.

In addition, Lu Ze will not let others know that Deoxys has this ability, and he will only target bad people.

So basically no problem.

(Dr. Lawrence of the police department was directly fooled before, so this ability with very serious side effects would not be noticed.)
"It's not that I want to favor you, but that I have a task for you."

After Lu Ze shook his head indifferently, he opened the map.

"Qier Valley, I just heard someone say that I saw something like a white mist in here."

"You mean?"

Hua Er looked at Lu Ze with some confusion, and Lu Ze explained it to her directly.

"I suspect it's a ghost with different colors."

"Odd ghosts are not white."

Hua'er shook her head, but after seeing the look in Lu Ze's eyes, she still nodded and agreed.

"Add money?"


After receiving a reply to Hua Er's tentative question, she immediately walked outside happily.

Don’t forget to bring a map when you go out.

It seems that she has chosen to accept this task.

Well, Hua Er is very good at this, as long as you have money.

I don’t care if it’s a bad check.

How could Mo Hua Er not care?
But she couldn't beat Lu Ze, so she could only choose to believe.

I believe that there is still a possibility that it is not a blank check, but if I don’t believe it and turn around and leave, there is no chance at all.

She likes money and wants lots and lots of money!
After Hua Er left, Lu Ze also took out all the equipment materials and prepared them.

In the plan for Pokémon hunters, Ghost is still very important.

At the very least, Guis needs to have some self-protection ability.

While letting Hua Er see him, he cannot be caught by Hua Er.

If Hua Er catches him, the subsequent plan will be difficult to carry out.

Of course, just to be sure, Lu Ze would also ask Deoxys to follow him.

Only when Hua Er saw it but couldn't catch Guisi could Lu Ze naturally summon more Pokémon hunters.

After Lu Ze thought over his plan from beginning to end and determined that there were no major loopholes, Lu Ze was ready to start production.

After preparing all the materials using the formula in the system, a pure white energy cube was produced in a short time following the steps in the formula.

After Lu Ze took one look at the pure white energy cube, he handed Guisi over.

"Now, after you eat this, you can start to become stronger." Lu Ze looked at Guisi with a smile, and Guisi also looked at the pure white and slightly transparent energy cube in Lu Ze's hand.

Naturally, he knew about his physical problems.

But he really didn't expect that he just found a trainer who provided food and accommodation.

It turned out that this trainer was really able to solve his own problems.

You can also make yourself stronger!
After Guisi gave Lu Ze a firm look, he opened his mouth and took the energy cube in Lu Ze's hand into his mouth.

As the pure white light on Guisi's body dissipated, Lu Ze also took a look at Guisi's message again.

Will this energy cube change the characteristics of ghosts?


Gender: Male

Attributes: ghost, poison
Trait: Floating (Pokémon with this trait will not be affected by ground-based skills.) [Fixed Trait]

Qualification: Red

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

Lu Ze glanced at Guisi in surprise.

The characteristics of Guisi are still the same, and there is still a [Fixed Characteristics] label at the back.

Not only that, Guisi's qualifications have also improved.

Originally, Guisi's qualifications were only orange, but now they are red.

I think it must be the role of the Star Peach Fruit in this restored energy cube.

Unexpectedly, Xingtaoguo had such a low chance of being hit by Guisi.

It seems that after all the hardships, Guisi is very lucky.

Without the assistance of other drugs, if Xingtao Fruit is used alone, the probability of improving one's qualifications is very low.

As a result, Guisi's qualifications were successfully improved this time.

Plus the "★" in the ghost suffix.

Is it because after the physical problem was solved, the system also recognized his heterosexuality?

In other words, if the physical problem is not resolved, is it possible for Guisi to return to his original state?

Lu Ze didn't know what was going on, but this did not affect the happiness and joy of Lu Ze and Guisi now.

Guisi could clearly feel that his body was stable.

Compared to how he always felt uncomfortable somewhere in his body before, now he only feels that his body is full of strength and vitality.

Lu Ze smiled happily when he saw Guisi's excitement.

But he didn't forget the business.

After Guisi's excitement cooled down a bit, Lu Ze also told Guisi about this matter.

Guisi's eyes immediately lit up when he heard Lu Ze said he wanted to play with the woman, and then nodded in agreement with a serious look on his face.

what is this?
Prank on orders!
You don’t have to worry about being blamed for pranks on command!
Guisi left happily, and Deoxys followed behind Guisi.

Lu Ze also reminded Guisi again when Guisi left.

Don't get caught!
Just don't get caught!

I don’t know if Guisi didn’t listen.

However, Lu Ze was not too worried about Guis at this time, after all, Deoxys was also following him.

Ghost may be crazy, but Deoxys is not.

After Guisi left, Lu Ze also began to think about how Guisi should train.

There are still some differences between Ghost and Gengar.

But Lu Ze has probably decided that at least Guisi and Guistone will take the special attack route.

This is basically the training direction of all ghosts.

But the problem is Gengar.

Gengar has certain physical attack capabilities.

Although except for that guy Xiaozhi, others rarely give Gengar any physical attack skills.

But just like the Iron Claw Lobster, the occasional special attack skill can also catch the opponent off guard.

Some of Gengar's physical attack skills are still necessary.

But that was what happened after evolving into Gengar.

Now, Lu Ze is considering whether to start with the ghost system or the poison system.

The ghost type has the charcoal servant, and the poison type has the cross bat and the wind fairy.

Both of these are masters of poison.



After Guisi on the other side went out, he became invisible and flew towards the valley Lu Ze mentioned.

Although Guisi's speed was not very fast, in his excitement, he still reached the valley without stopping.

The scenery in this valley is not very good, and there are not many wild Pokémon and so on, so there are not many people in this valley.

Yes, the flowers in Huayuan Town are so beautiful. Naturally, everyone enjoys the flowers in Huayuan Town and will not come to such a valley with no scenery.

Despite this, Guisi quickly discovered Hua Er's figure.

Hua'er arrived earlier than Guisi, and she had already been searching around here for a long time.

However, there was still no trace of the white smoke mass.

She just had to lift every stone and look at it.

"That guy didn't push me away and ran away secretly, not wanting to pay, right?"

Hua'er was still thinking about it while looking around.

"If you don't want to pay, you can pay in physical form."

Hua Er couldn't help but lick the corner of her mouth when she thought of Lu Ze's figure.

"My figure isn't bad either. Why doesn't he know how to take the initiative?"

Hua Er pinched her big breasts proudly and said unhappily.

"If you take the initiative, not only can we have stories, we can also have children."

"Why not take the initiative?"

Just as Hua You was thinking about it, Guisi also smiled, and then hid behind a stone, releasing his invisibility.

The white body is still very conspicuous, and the stone cannot stop him at all.

Sure enough, Hua'er, who was thinking casually, glanced over and realized something was wrong.

Why is this stone still glowing?
No, it’s not glowing!
Hua'er felt happy, and Moon Eevee quietly walked towards the glowing stone.



After thinking for a while, Lu Ze quickly decided on Guisi's general training plan.

Then the next step is the evolution of Tan Xiaoshi.

Lu Ze looked at Mr. Tan, and Mr. Tan also looked at Lu Ze seriously.

"Attendant Tan, are you ready?"


After Tan Xiaoshi nodded seriously, Lu Ze handed the prepared spell armor to Tan Xiaoshi, and at the same time took off the Immutable Stone that Tan Xiaoshi was wearing.

In order to prevent Tan Xiaoshi from accidentally evolving, Lu Ze brought the Immutable Stone to Tan Xiaoshi's belongings.

It is best for Tan Xiaoshi to evolve after his strength reaches a certain limit.

And now Tan Xiaoshi has obviously achieved it.

In this case, it is time to evolve.

As Tan Xiaoshi put on the spell armor, Tan Xiaoshi's body also emitted a burst of white light that represented evolution.

In the white light, Tan Xiaoshi's shadow kept getting longer.

Soon, the white light disappeared, and Tan Xiaoshi also successfully evolved into the Blue Flame Blade Demon!

Looking at the handsome Cang Yan Blade Ghost, Lu Ze also checked the information about Cang Yan Blade Ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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