Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 952: Gym battle, against Violet!

Chapter 952: Gym battle, against Violet!
Elf: Blue Flame Blade Ghost
Gender: Male

Attributes: fire, ghost
Ability: Fire-drawing (Pokémon with this characteristic will not be affected by fire attributes. When attacked by fire-attribute skills, it will be marked as a fire-drawing state, and its physical attack and special attack will be increased.)
Qualification: Red

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

Lu Ze looked at the Blue Flame Blade Ghost that had evolved and nodded with satisfaction.

If nothing else, he is really handsome.

The Cangyan Blade Ghost also looked at his body curiously.

It's really amazing to grow from a child to a 1.7-meter-[-]-meter adult.

"Would you like to go out and test your strength?" Lu Ze looked at the Cang Yan Blade Ghost and asked.

After the Blue Flame Blade Demon evolved, its strength has reached the limit of senior level.

In other words, it only takes one opportunity to successfully break through and become a Pokémon with king-level strength.

However, this kind of opportunity is rare but rare.

But it would be good to find someone to have a battle with to see his current strength.

After all, it was still early, Sirona went to find Mikri, and Hua Er also went to perform her mission.


After the Cangyan Blade Ghost nodded, he followed Lu Ze.

In this way, one person and one Pokémon walked towards the Pokémon Center in Garden Town.

There are a lot of people in Huayuan Town recently, so it should be easy to find an opponent.

Smelling the fragrance of flowers all the way, we arrived at the Elf Center.

"Blue Flame Blade Ghost, are there any opponents you want to challenge?"

After arriving at the backyard of the Elf Center, Lu Ze asked the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

At this time, a Pokémon battle was going on in the backyard.

The two sides should soon have a winner.

However, Lu Ze didn't pay too much attention to the battle on the field. The eyes of him and the Blue Flame Blade Ghost were flowing on the surrounding crowd and the Pokémon beside them.

No matter what, you should choose a Pokémon that is similar in strength to yourself.

He, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost, has no hobby of beating children.

If you fight, you have to fight someone stronger than yourself!
As soon as Lu Ze finished speaking, the sudden appearance of the flashlight made Lu Ze frown slightly.

"Sorry, I took the photo without your permission. If you don't want to, I can delete it now."

Seeing Lu Ze's frown, a beautifully dressed girl next to him said to Lu Ze very embarrassedly.

"Because I saw that you and the Blue Flame Blade Demon looked very handsome together, so I took it upon myself to take a photo."

"Can I see it?"

Lu Ze glanced at the girl and felt that she looked familiar.

"Of course you can. The smiles of sir and Cangyan Blade Ghost are very handsome."

As the girl spoke, she adjusted her camera and handed it to Lu Ze.

"It looks really good."

After Lu Ze saw the photo, he also glanced at the Cang Yan Blade Ghost next to him.

After seeing the Cangyan Blade Ghost nodding, Lu Ze looked at the girl.

"Excuse me, can you print this photo out for me? I can buy it."

"Of course you can, but you don't need to buy it." The girl smiled generously: "But you have to wait until you get to the photography studio."

"of course can."

Lu Ze smiled and watched as the girl in front of him took out her Elf Illustration. Lu Ze also took out her Elf Illustration and added a friend to the girl.

"Hello, I'm Violet from the Kalos region."

The girl smiled and extended her hand to Lu Ze and introduced herself.

"Hello, I am Lu Ze from Zhenxin Town."

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment. He remembered who the person in front of him was.

Violet, the bug gym leader in the Kalos region.

A photographer who claims to never let his smile escape.

"It's really a new town."

Violet seemed to have thought of something and smiled very happily.

"It seems that I am very close to you people in Zhenxin Town. We only met each other last time because I took pictures of his Pokémon without their consent."

"Is it Ash's Pikachu?"

Lu Ze was also happy. He still remembered this classic scene.

"Yes, you are also from Zhenxin Town, so naturally you know Xiaozhi."

After Violet glanced at Lu Ze with sudden realization, she laughed.

"Are you here to enjoy the flowers too?"

"No, I'm here to find a rival." Lu Ze said with a smile.

Violet smiled happily, she heard what Lu Ze meant.

She was talking about Huayuan Town, and Lu Ze was talking about the elf center here.

"Then, can I be your opponent?"

After putting the camera away, Violet took out the elf ball and said to Lu Ze confidently.

"Do you get a badge if you win?"

"of course."

Violet raised her eyebrows and immediately agreed.

As a gym leader, even though you are not in the gym, you can also fight in other gyms.

"Cangyan Blade Ghost, I leave it to you!"

Just at this time, the two people fighting on the field also ended the battle.

Since there was no one behind them, Lu Ze and Zi Luolan went straight onto the stage.

After Violet stood still, she looked at Lu Ze opposite and threw the elf ball in his hand.

"Go, Rainwing Moth!"

Lu Ze's Pokémon choice was Blue Flame Blade, which is a Pokémon with gym-level strength.

Facing Lu Ze, she naturally couldn't choose Yo-Yo-Ball, who had the strength of her intermediate Pokémon.

Although the attributes of Yo-Yo Ball are not inferior to those of Blue Flame Blade Ghost, the gap in strength is too big.

Elf: Rainwing Moth

gender: female

Attributes: Bug, Flying
Trait: Intimidation (When a Pokémon with this trait appears, the physical attack level of all Pokémon within the attack range will be reduced by one level.)
Qualification: Purple

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

"Then, the battle begins!"

As Violet finished speaking, the coins in her hand also bounced into the air.

"Ding ~"

The moment the coin fell, Violet and Lu Ze also commanded their Pokémon to attack.

"Rainwing Moth, surf!"

"Blue flame blade ghost, shadow sneak attack!"

As a preemptive skill, the Cangyan Blade Ghost who used [Shadow Sneak Attack] naturally rushed towards the Rainwing Moth very quickly.

Because the Rainwing Moth launched its attack at the beginning, it didn't fly too high at this time.

But even so, Rainwing Moth had no idea of ​​panic.

Apart from anything else, she is still very fast.

Violet's rainwing moth, like her yo-yo ball, is very fast.

Before Rainwing Moth evolved, as Violet's first yo-yo ball, Rainwing Moth was also specially trained for speed.

So facing the Cangyan Blade Ghost that disappeared from the field, Rainwing Moth directly gave up [Surfing] and instead used [High-Speed ​​Movement] to fly towards the sky.The moment the Rainwing Moth took off, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost stretched out a tentacle from the Rainwing Moth's shadow.

Unfortunately, the distance is not enough.

The initiative skill is disabled.

Lu Ze could tell that Violet's Rainwing Moth should be the same as his Crossed Bat.

Not only is it very fast, it also has a certain degree of autonomy in combat.

"Shadow Ball!"

However, the Blue Flame Blade Demon's attack will not end like this.

The Blue Flame Blade Ghost waved its blade, and a [Shadow Ball] flew towards the Rainwing Moth.

"Signal beam!"

Violet commanded calmly, and Rainwing Moth responded quickly.

[Signal Beam] and [Shadow Ball] collided together, causing a violent explosion.

"Hot air!"


After the Cangyan Blade Ghost shouted, [Hot Wind] was released, sweeping the black smoke that had not yet fallen in the sky and flying towards the Rainwing Moth.

"Rainwing Moth, surf!"

Violet immediately chose to break the move, and the back and forth between the two parties was very lively.

The Blue Flame Blade Ghost narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the Rainwing Moth in the sky that blocked his [Hot Wind].

"Sister, are you using the same tactics?"

The Cangyan Blade Ghost was thinking, thinking about what he should do if he faced the eldest sister?

Or a remote attack?
Or restrict the other party's actions?

Cangyan Blade Ghost is also very keen. He can see that Rainwing Moth is not as evasive as Sister Tou and has a very high evasion rate.

This is the point to strive for.

The Blue Flame Blade Ghost turned to look at Lu Ze, and nodded to Lu Ze. After receiving Lu Ze's affirmative reply, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost used [Latent Surprise Attack].

After successfully dodging the [Water Wave] released by the Rainwing Moth, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost disappeared.

There was only one Rainwing Moth left in the field, who was watching his surroundings nervously, fearing that the Blue Flame Blade Ghost would suddenly appear and catch him off guard.

After a while, the Cangyan Blade Ghost did appear.

However, it did not appear around the Rainwing Moth as Violet and Rainwing Moth imagined.

But it's a little far away from the Rainwing Moth?

Violet was a little puzzled, but her expression changed instantly after seeing the Blue Flame Blade Demon use [Sword Dance].

"Rainwing Moth, interrupt him!"

After Violet took command, Rainwing Moth also directly used the [Water Cannon] skill.

As long as this skill can hit, it can definitely cause great damage to the Blue Flame Blade Demon.

"Is this how a gym leader should respond?"

People nearby were also watching the battle.

Not long after the battle between Zi Luo Lan and Lu Ze started, someone recognized her.

Although he is a gym leader in the Kalos region, he is still a gym leader and is still somewhat famous.

After seeing the Rainwing Moth launch the attack without hesitation, there were many spectators nearby cheering.

If nothing else, Zi Luo Lan, a beautiful woman, must have more supporters than Lu Ze.

It's the same even if you don't count the popularity.

But Lu Ze didn't care about this.

After being reduced by one level of physical attack by Rainwing Moth's [Intimidation], the Blue Flame Blade Demon was thinking about how to make up for it.

He realized it just when he was thinking about the elder sister's fighting style.

The elder sister often chooses to strengthen herself in her fighting style.

Either strengthen it successfully and directly crush the opponent.

Either pretend to strengthen, attract the opponent to interrupt you, and then launch a counterattack.

Just like the current situation, when falling into passivity, this method can completely turn passivity into initiative.

The Blue Flame Blade Ghost's eyes flashed with brilliance, and with a movement of his body, he flew towards the Rainwing Moth who was also approaching.

Although the Rainwing Moth is also a senior-level player, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost is not worried.

He still has a clear understanding of his own strength.

At the same time as the [Immobilization Technique] was released, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost's body was also wrapped in blue flames.

【Flash Charge】!
The Rainwing Moth, who was unknowingly hit by the [Immobilization Technique], froze in the air, looking at the blue fireball rushing toward him in horror.


In the nervous gaze of everyone, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost wrapped in blue flames collided with the Rainwing Moth in the sky.

The next second, the flames dissipated, and the Blue Flame Blade Ghost turned its back to the Rainwing Moth.

The Rainwing Moth had fallen from the sky, its eyes turning in circles.

The Rainwing Moth lost its ability to fight, and the Blue Flame Blade Ghost took over first!
The strength of the Rainwing Moth is not weak. Although it is also a senior-level strength, the strength of the Rainwing Moth is almost the same as that of Tan Xiaoshi before the evolution of the Blue Flame Blade Demon.

If it were Mr. Tan, it might be a bit difficult to deal with this Rainwing Moth.

But the Cangyan Blade Ghost will not.

The powerful [Flash Charge] caused double damage to the Rainwing Moth, directly knocking it out of combat ability.

Although [Flash Charge] has counter-injury, this is within the acceptable range of the Blue Flame Blade Demon.

The Cangyan Blade Ghost gracefully waved the blade in his hand, and amid the cheers of the audience, he slowly turned his head and looked at Violet.

Violet came back to her senses, stole the audience's attention again with a smile, and at the same time put her Rainwing Moth back into the Poké Ball.

"Then, the next step is up to you! Colorful Pink Butterfly!"

Violet said, throwing out the elf ball.

A colorful pink butterfly with a garden pattern appeared on the field.

Elf: Colorful Pink Butterfly

gender: female

Attributes: Bug, Flying
Ability: Phosphorus Powder (Additional effects of the opponent's skills targeting Pokémon with this attribute will not be triggered, including additional effects produced by poisonous hands.)
Qualification: Orange

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

The Cang Yan Blade Ghost glanced blankly at the released senior-level Cai Fendie, then turned to look at Lu Ze.

what's the situation?
Isn't it a one-on-one battle?

The other side is cheating!
Ozawa, please condemn him!
Seeing the Blue Flame Blade Ghost dancing anxiously, Lu Ze was also happy.

Young man, you just pretended to be aloof for a long time, why did you break it by yourself?

However, Lu Ze smiled and explained to the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

"It's no longer a one-on-one battle, it's a gym battle now!"

After Lu Ze finished speaking, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost pursed his lips helplessly.

If I had told you earlier, if I had told you earlier, I wouldn't have used the reactive damage skill [Flash Charge] just now.

"Gym battle?"

"The two of them are actually having a gym battle!"

After hearing what Lu Ze said, the audience nearby also became excited.

Gym battles inside the gym are common, but gym battles outside the gym are uncommon!

After the Cang Yan Blade Ghost nodded to Lu Ze, he looked at Cai Pink Butterfly.

Violet smiled confidently: "Pink Butterfly is my ace Pokémon!"

"Colorful Pink Butterfly, use mental strength!"

Violet pushed forward with both hands and directly commanded the pink butterfly to attack.

She likes to be proactive!
(End of this chapter)

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