Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 953 Mi Keli’s surprise!

The pink butterfly flew into the air, its pupils emitting pink light.

[Strong Mental Thought] was released, and he caught the Blue Flame Blade Ghost and threw it away.


The Cangyan Blade Ghost landed on the ground and looked at the colorful pink butterfly opposite with an unhappy expression.

His reaction speed was a little slower just now, otherwise he would definitely be able to dodge Cai Pink Butterfly's skills.

There are ways to resist [mental strong thoughts].

No matter how fast the mental power is, it still takes a certain amount of time to reach the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

During this period, you can either dodge or use skills to resist.

But it was indeed the Blue Flame Blade Ghost's problem just now.

His reaction speed was slower.

Why didn't Lu Ze tell him in advance that this was actually a gym battle, not a one-on-one competition?

The Cangyan Blade Ghost sighed slightly, but had no intention of giving in.

If you restrain your own attributes, isn't it just one against three?
Call him!

Blue Flame Blade Demon could tell from Lu Ze's smiling face that Lu Ze's idea was to let him complete this gym battle with just one Pokémon.

No problem!

Strength crushing, attribute restraint!
If you don't complete this, you will be laughed at by Lucario and Iron Warrior when you go back.

Thinking of this, blue flames suddenly burst out from the Blue Flame Blade Ghost's body and the double blades in his hands, and rushed towards the pink butterfly in mid-air.


The speed of the Cangyan Blade Ghost was unexpectedly fast, and the speed of the Colorful Pink Butterfly was not as fast as the Rainwing Moth just now.

【Repentance Sword】!
The Cangyan Blade Demon landed on the ground and put away his sword, looking calmly at Cai Fendie who stood up again.

After a burst of green light flashed on his body, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost also recovered some of its physical strength.

[Repentance Sword]: After attacking the opponent, you can recover half of the physical strength of the damage caused.

As the exclusive skill of Blue Flame Blade Ghost, this skill is quite effective.

After hitting Cai Pink Butterfly with double damage, Cangyan Blade Demon also recovered some of the counter-injury caused by just using [Flash Charge].

"What a powerful Cangyan Blade Demon."

As the gym leader, Violet also sighed with emotion.

Although I haven't seen too many Cangyan Blade Ghosts, I can tell just by looking at the combat effectiveness of the Cangyan Blade Ghosts now.

Lu Ze's Blue Flame Blade Ghost is much more powerful than most Blue Flame Blade Ghosts.

"There are a lot of people at the battle place. Do you want to go and take a look?"

In another scene, Sirona, who came to the Elf Center with Mikri, saw through the window that many people gathered in the specially designated battle field outside the Elf Center, and turned to Mikri next to her with interest.

To be honest, Lu Ze's plan has not officially started yet.

She is also a little bored now.

I guess no one can refuse to join in the fun at this time.

Of course, Mikri was no exception. When he saw so many people watching the battle, he nodded.

"Okay, it just so happens that my Pokémon need a good physical check-up."

After Mikri smiled, he followed Sirona and walked towards the battlefield behind.

He had just finished an exhibition game.

This is also his habit. After the exhibition game, he will always go to the Pokémon Center to check it out, so that his Pokémon can always appear in front of everyone in the best condition.

Now is the time for his Pokémon to recover, and watching a battle at this time is obviously a very good choice.

After the two arrived at the battle site, they happened to see the Cangyan Blade Demon using [Flash Charge].

The [Flash Charge] after [Latent Surprise Attack] moved too fast, and the pink butterfly was hit before it had time to dodge.

The Blue Flame Blade Ghost was panting slightly, although he must have recovered some of his physical strength by using the [Repentance Sword].

But two [Flash Charges] plus one [Psychic Strength] hit by the colorful pink butterfly.

The current Cangyan Blade Ghost doesn't seem to have a lot of physical strength.

However, there was nothing the Blue Flame Blade Ghost could do. The [Hot Wind], [Spray Flame], etc. he used were all dodged or blocked by Cai Pink Butterfly.

Plus the [Hypnotic Powder] that Cai Pink Butterfly just used.

Although it didn't hit, it still frightened the Cangyan Blade Demon.

"Lu Ze?"

When she saw that the two sides fighting were Lu Ze and Zi Luo Lan, Sirona was also stunned for a moment.

Needless to say about Violet, as a gym leader, Sirona knew Violet even if she was not from the Sinnoh region.

But why did these two people fight together?

Moreover, Lu Ze’s Tan Xiaoshi also evolved into a Cang Yan Blade Demon?
Didn't Lu Ze say that he started planning it in the hotel?
"He is the Lu Ze you mentioned."

Mi Keli looked at Lu Ze with interest: "Although the strength is not bad, it is only not bad."

"But it doesn't matter, the two of us are enough." Mi Keli said with a proud flip of his hair.

It's not that he's arrogant, it's that he really feels that way.

To deal with a group of Pokémon hunters, the champions of two regions are dispatched at the same time, so there is no problem at all.

"His true strength is more than just that."

Sirona glanced at Mikri and had no intention of explaining.

Mikri will naturally understand later.

Mi Keli was noncommittal, but there was a hint of seriousness in his eyes when he looked at Lu Ze.

He is confident, but not blindly confident.

Sirona's recognition still holds a certain amount of gold.

After all, Sirona is better than herself.

The two of them remained silent and continued to watch the battle.

After the pink butterfly lost its ability to fight, Violet also laughed.

"Theoretically, you have successfully passed my gym examination, and I can give you the Chongchong badge, but..."

Lu Ze raised his eyebrows, said nothing, and continued to look at Violet.

Violet smiled slyly: "Next is the assessment of your Blue Flame Blade Ghost."

"Blue Flame Blade Ghost, how are you?"

Lu Ze laughed, turned to the Blue Flame Blade Ghost and asked.


The Cangyan Blade Ghost nodded confidently.

Of course, I am the Blue Flame Blade Demon!

Seeing this, Lu Ze also nodded to Violet.

"Then let the horses come!"

"it is good!"

Violet said, throwing out her elf ball again.

"Go, hunt for swallowtail butterflies!"

Violet's Pokémon is still a Bug-type and Flying-type Pokémon.

It is also a Pokémon with the same senior level strength as the previous two Pokémon.

Elf:Hunting Papilion Butterflies
gender: female

Attributes: Bug, Flying
Characteristics: Insect Premonition (After the physical strength of hunting swallowtails is reduced to a certain level, the power of insect skills will increase.)
Qualification: Orange

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

"In other words, his Blue Flame Blade has defeated two Pokémon?"

After hearing the conversation between the two, Mikri asked Sirona next to him in surprise.

"Of course, they are holding a gym competition. I think that young man wants a three-in-one."

Sirona did not respond. After all, like Mikri, she had just arrived here.But an old man carrying a hiking bag next to him explained it to the two of them.

"Gym competition?"

Mi Keli looked surprised. As someone who had once acted as a gym leader, how could he not know that a gym competition could be held in a place like this?
But thinking about it, it doesn’t seem to be a problem.

It seems that the gym leader only needs to agree to the gym competition.

"Yes, I have to say that this young man is indeed very good."

After the mountaineering uncle praised him again, he watched the competition with great interest again.

Mi Keli looked at Lu Ze and suddenly smiled.

"I take back what I just said. If he can hit three in a row, it means that he is indeed very good."

After Mikri finished speaking, he turned to look at Sirona: "This Blue Flame Blade Demon should not be his main Pokémon."

According to what Sirona just said, this Blue Flame Blade Demon is probably not a main Pokémon.

But also, if the main Pokémon is just a Pokémon with gym-level strength, then how can it plan to eliminate Pokémon hunters.

There are a lot of bad Pokémon hunters out there.

Just like Hunter J who has no information now.

His Tyrannosaurus possesses the peak strength of a Heavenly King, and is only one step away from reaching the master level.

There is no guarantee that other Pokémon hunters will be stronger than him.

Pokémon hunters are different from Pokémon trainers.

Pokémon trainers usually train for gym battles and tournaments, so they usually have a full formation of six Pokémon.

But Pokémon Hunter is different.

Most of the Pokémon are one or two, two or three main Pokémon.

Then there is nothing.

They focus on training these Pokémon. Although the Pokémon are very powerful in combat, their numbers are not very large.

But the problem is that many of the Pokémon they mainly cultivate have king-level strength.

Although there may be one Pokémon with king-level strength among the three or five people.

But there won’t necessarily be fewer Pokémon hunters on the opposite side of this operation.

Just throw a few together and you'll have a team of king-level Pokémon.

"Of course, he is a true king-level trainer." Sirona nodded and said with a smile.

But she didn't finish everything.

For example, Lu Ze's second team of Pokémon also includes two king-level Pokémon and three gym-level Pokémon.

Well, there is another mythical beast.

"That's it."

Mikri nodded, but his communicator rang the next second.


Sirona glanced at the note on Mikri's communicator and curled her lips.

The relationship between Mikoli and Daiwu is really good.

When Mi Keli saw that it was Dawu who called him, he also laughed and squeezed out of the crowd to answer the phone.

The battle between Zi Luo Lan and Lu Ze is coming to an end.

Although the ability to hunt Papilio is probably stronger than the two Pokémon just now.

But after experiencing the battle with the previous two Pokémon, Blue Flame Blade Demon also understood how to fight this kind of Pokémon.

After almost understanding the speed of hunting swallowtail butterflies.

Blue Flame Blade Demon repeated its old tricks again, using [Surprise Attack] and [Flash Charge] to successfully kill Violet's last Pokémon again.

"Harm, it still doesn't work."

Violet seemed to sigh helplessly, then took back the hunting swallowtail butterfly that had lost its fighting ability into the elf ball.

"I thought I could defeat your Blue Flame Blade Demon in the end."

Violet smiled and came to Lu Ze: "Hey, this is the Chongchong badge."

Violet said and handed the Chongchong badge in her hand to Lu Ze.

"Thank you!"

Lu Ze smiled and thanked Zi Luo Lan, then turned to look at the Cang Yan Blade Ghost who had very little energy left.



After receiving Lu Ze's compliment, Cangyan Blade Ghost also squinted his eyes and smiled happily.

In the other scene, Mikri also quickly hung up the phone and returned to Sirona with a strange expression.

"what happened?"

Sirona noticed something was wrong with Mikri, so she asked curiously.


Mi Keli shook his head, then looked at Lu Ze: "Does he have a cross-shaped bat?"

Sirona was stunned for a moment: "How do you know?"

"His strength is no problem."

Mi Keli remembered the conversation he had just had with Dawu, and didn't answer, just shook his head and said.

Daigo called him and told him excitedly that he had just fought with a man and almost lost.

The important thing is that his ace Metagross and Boss Cordora both appeared, but he still almost lost.

Daigo made it very clear that the opponent was not as strong as him, and no matter which Pokémon it was, it was not as strong as him.

But he still almost lost, if not for his last flash of inspiration.

"His Crossed Bat is the strongest Crossed Bat I have ever seen. Not only did he successfully break through the master level in the battle, he also successfully defeated Ye's Super Metagross!"

"You know what this means. Compared with the attributes of the Crossed Bat and the attributes of the Metagross, I don't know how to lose, but in the end I still lost!"

"Furthermore, his Kirby is only a king-level Pokémon, but it beats my master-level Boscodora."

"Although it may be due to the restrained attributes, his Kirbymon is also very powerful."

"There are other Pokémon that I won't tell you for now. Let's talk about them when we meet."

"After this battle, I understand that my strength does still have a lot of room for improvement!"

"I'm going to practice, I want to improve my strength!"

Mi Keli was not used to Dawu's excited look.

How long has it been since he saw Daigo like this?
How long has it been?

However, he still couldn't believe it when he thought about the name of the person Daigo told him last.

Lu Ze!

It should be the person Sirona was talking about just now.

He must be the one who is fighting Violet in the field right now.

"What's wrong with you, you suddenly mentioned this?" Sirona was a little curious.

But Mi Keli laughed: "Dawu just told me."


"Dawu said that Lu Ze almost defeated him."

Mi Keli said and added: "His Super Metagross lost to Lu Ze's Crossed Bat."

"how is this possible?"

Sirona looked at Mikri with some disbelief: "Isn't his cross-shaped bat just a king of strength? Dawu's..."


"Yes, successfully broke through the master level strength."

Mi Keli said, looking at Lu Ze with eyes full of fighting spirit: "I doubt that I am necessarily his opponent now!"

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