Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 954 The mysterious and powerful Pokémon hunter!

"how come?"

Sirona looked at Mikri in disbelief.

Although Mikri is considered the weaker one among the champions.

But he also has two Pokémon with master-level strength.

How could he not defeat Lu Ze, a man with only one master-level Pokémon?
You know, a regular battle is either three versus three or six versus six.

Although Lu Ze has many Pokémon with king-level strength, Lu Ze's advantage is not that big when only six Pokémon can appear.

At most, it just has some advantages of rotation.

This is not a gym competition, even the champion can change Pokémon.

"Try to know."

It was rare for Mi Keli to want to have a battle with Lu Ze.

Dawu rarely praises someone so much.

Seeing Mikri like this, Sirona couldn't help but become curious about Lu Ze's progress during this period.

It is difficult to break through the strength of the king at the gym level.

But it is even more difficult for the King-level to break through the Master-level strength.

I originally thought that it would take a long time for Lu Ze's Crossbat and Kirby to break through successfully.

What I didn't expect was that Lu Ze's Crossed Bat had already successfully broken through after not seeing him for a few days.

Lu Ze didn't know Sirona's surprise next to him or what Michael was thinking.

He was slightly disappointed.

I originally thought it would be great if the Blue Flame Blade Ghost could successfully break through this time.

But it’s okay, I got the Chongchong badge.

Now I should be only two badges away from Xiaozhi, right?
Lu Ze was also a little unsure, but it wasn't a big problem.

After taking the Blue Flame Blade Ghost back into the elf ball, Lu Ze received news from Hua Er.

Seeing the message from Hua Er, Lu Ze couldn't help but smile.

Not surprisingly, Hua Er failed.

She didn't catch the white ghost.

Not only that.

"Are you going to dig coal?"

Lu Ze in the hotel couldn't help but laugh when he saw Hua'er like this.

Hua'er now no longer looks as delicate and attractive as she did when she went out in the morning.

Not only his face was dark, but his body also looked a little embarrassed.

"No, that guy is too flexible and can't be caught at all."

Hua Er had a look of despair on her face, and she had tried so many methods.

But the result is what she is now.

"Can't catch it?"

Lu Ze's eyes turned cold when he looked at Hua'er.

"Since you can't catch me, won't you find someone else?"

Hua Er was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean by looking for someone else?"

"Send a message to your Pokémon hunter contact place. Whoever catches this strange ghost will get a bonus of 2000 million!"


Hua'er was stunned for a moment, then looked excited: "Boss, I can do it!"

"You can be so stupid, hurry up, I don't have time to wait."

Lu Ze said and looked at Hua Er again: "If someone catches you, I can give you an additional 500 million as an intermediary fee."

"Good boss!"

Hua Er smiled happily with a dark face, showing two rows of big white teeth.

"Go quickly, I need efficiency!"

"it is good!"

Hua Er nodded and trotted out.

But Hua Er, who had just gone out, quickly opened the door and stuck his head out.

"Boss, that Pokémon of yours is pretty strong, why don't you go by yourself?"

"I have money. Do I still need to go by myself?" Lu Ze sneered and looked at Hua'er.


Hua Er nodded thoughtfully and left.

After Hua Er left, Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed his face.

Speaking of which, is this your first time acting?

It looks pretty good.

Naturally, Hua Er didn't know what happened on Lu Ze's side. After she returned to the room, she opened an interface similar to a forum.

Mission: Capture the strange ghost.

Location: Canyon near Huayuan Town.

Remuneration: 2000 million
Target strength: Basic Pokémon strength.

Number of people: unlimited.

After posting the task request, many comments quickly appeared below.

"Really or not, is a Pokémon of this strength paid so high?"

"Indeed, the reward is 2000 million. I thought it was some kind of powerful Pokémon."

"By the way, if this is true, wouldn't 2000 million be delivered to you?"

"@花儿, is this true?"

"of course."

Hua Er also replied above.

"This heterochromatic ghost is very flexible and I'm being fooled."

"But this time the boss is a rich man, and he has only one requirement, and that is speed."

"Everyone can take this task, but only one person can get the reward."

After Hua Er explained it, the comments inside immediately became excited.

"2000 million, isn't this delivered to me?"

"With your little strength, can you be faster than me?"

"Hurry, hurry, hurry. You are the fastest, but I will definitely take the 2000 million!"

"Hey, let's compete?"

"Bibi, just Bibi, @silen, are you coming? There was no winner last time. How about whoever catches the prey first wins this time?"


"Let me join in the fun. Although I'm not interested in your competition, I am interested in the reward."

"Come just come, whoever is afraid of you, the reward is mine!"

Everyone was quarreling in the comments, but most people said they would come.

What if it's my turn to be rich and wealthy?

After all, it's just a Pokémon with a basic level of strength. Who doesn't have the ability to deal with a Pokémon of this strength?

Everyone is a Pokémon hunter, so naturally their strength is not weak.

"@花儿, do you have time?"

"The sooner the better."

"I'll go now!"

Hua Er's words made everyone excited again.

Not only those who cheered in the comments, but also those who didn’t post any comments but decided to participate.

"Old man, you've almost recovered, and it's time for us to fight side by side again!"

As the woman's voice fell, the Tyrannosaurus next to her also roared excitedly.

"Let's go, target Huayuan Town!"


After Hua Er's news was sent out, all Pokémon hunters with ideas flew towards Huayuan Town.

"Boss, it's done!"

After seeing the news about Hua Er, Lu Ze also took a deep breath.

Guisi can't come back yet.

Let those Pokémon hunters know that Ghost is indeed there.

But it only needs to be seen by some of the Pokémon hunters who came over first.With so many Pokémon hunters, the weaker Ghost is still a bit dangerous.

Showing your face means danger.

Lu Ze thought about his plan, and after confirming that there were no big loopholes, he sent a message to Sirona.

"That's almost it. The message has been sent out. Pokémon hunters are gathering towards Huayuan Town."

"Roger that!"

"Mikri and I are ready to start at any time."

"Okay, wait for my news then."

"it is good."

After seeing Sirona's reply, Lu Ze also lay on the bed and closed his eyes.

It was my first time fishing for law enforcement, so I was a little nervous.

In the valley of another scene, a nearby Pokémon hunter had already arrived.

"This mission is real or fake. Isn't this guy Hua'er lying to us?"

"If she lied to us, let her pay with her body!"

After hearing what his companion said, a bearded man smiled lewdly and said.

"Hehehe, this guy Hua'er actually said he doesn't like people like us."

"That kind of weak pretty boy has our strength!"

After Lu Xi finished talking nonsense, his companion straightened his back and said with a lustful smile.

"Let's take a look first. If it doesn't work, then..."

"Hey hey hey~"

The two of them walked towards the valley with a lewd smile.

But they were not the only ones who came quickly.

Not to mention other Pokémon hunters arriving one after another, Hua Er also continued to look for traces of Ghost in the valley.

If she can catch Guisi, she can also get 2000 million.

So after going back and just tidying up, she came back quickly.

"Hua'er, have you found Guisi?"


After Hua'er replied angrily, she continued to search seriously.

Are you kidding me, I found it and I can tell you?
"Guisi, white Guisi!"

Suddenly a cry of surprise came, and everyone in the valley turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound.

Sure enough, a white shadow flashed across everyone's eyes, hid behind a rock, and disappeared from everyone's sight again.

But everyone could see clearly that the white shadow was Guisi.

Guisi's speed was not very fast, and they could even see the evil smile on Guisi's face.


"What do you mean when you step on a horse?"

The bearded man looked at his companion with an unhappy expression and slapped him on the head without hesitation.

Is this a ghost?
That's 2000 million on the move!

What should you do if your 2000 million is taken away by others?
"Great Wolfhound, use scent detection!"

His companion ignored him and directly sent his big wolf dog.

At this time, where are the companions?

The big wolfhound quickly came to the back of the rock, and then used [Smell Detection].

But he wasn't the only one who reacted.

Other Pokémon hunters also released their own Pokémon that could track their opponents to find traces of White Ghost.

After a moment, the big wolfdog suddenly raised his head and looked up into the sky.

The mouth opened, and a [Shadow Ball] was released. Guisi, who was hiding in the air, was so frightened that he immediately dodged away.

However, although Guisi successfully dodges the [Shadow Ball], his traces have been exposed.

The panicked look in Ghost's eyes made the Pokémon hunters instantly excited, and at the same time they commanded their Pokémon to attack Ghost.

The attack came in an instant, but Guisi disappeared into the air again.

The attack had a bye, and the big wolfdog was stunned for a moment.

The smell is gone?
He couldn't smell the ghost anymore.

what's the situation?
The big wolf dog was a little confused, but what he didn't know was that Deoxys had just used his super power to wrap up Ghost.

In other words, the smell of ghosts has now been isolated.

Not only can the wolfhound no longer be able to smell the ghost's scent, but other Pokémon can no longer detect the presence of the ghost.

After seeing the dream-inducing tapir shake his head at him, the bearded man couldn't help but get angry.

"It was you who scared the prey, otherwise we would have succeeded by now!"

"Don't throw the blame away. If you can't catch it, you will be a loser. His name is Nima!"

Not to be outdone, his companion immediately turned around and started mocking.

There was a tense situation between the two of them, but the Pokémon hunters next to them looked like they were watching the fun.

That is to say, there is a bigger target waiting for them now, otherwise they will have to fight against each other.

Guisi, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I almost got hit just now.

If [Shadow Ball] hits, the difference in strength between the two sides is enough to make him lose the ability to fight instantly.


A smirk appeared on Guisi's face.

This kind of prank is fun, isn't it?
Ghost glanced at the Pokémon hunters in the valley.

There are not many people there yet, after all, it has only been less than half a day since Hua Yi sent the message.

It was getting dark gradually, but no Pokémon hunters chose to leave here.

Everyone knows that ghosts are more active at night.

If you leave at this time and Guisi is captured by others, there will be no room for regret.

The number of Pokémon hunters coming was still increasing, and the valley, which was not very large, was quickly filled up.

After an afternoon of conflicts and fighting, everyone temporarily reached an agreement.

Everyone occupies a place and cannot cross the line!

Although he said this, everyone had the same idea in their hearts.

After Guis appears, who will care about this agreement.

"Are there really white ghosts?"

After nightfall, some Pokémon hunters finally couldn't help but ask.

The ghost never appeared again, so those who came later had never seen the white ghost.

Involuntarily, they also began to doubt the authenticity of the White Ghost.

"Of course it's true!"

The Pokémon hunter who came in front, who had actually seen White Ghost, said with some scorn.

But soon he was pulled by the person next to him.

"No, those white ghosts are all lies."

The man with gold-rimmed glasses said with a smile to the person who just asked the question.

"We are just here to see the scenery. Where are the white ghosts?"

The man turned his head when he saw the man with gold-rimmed glasses being somewhat silent.

Well, aside from the people standing everywhere, what’s so interesting about this bare mountain?

Do we really think we are fools?
Just when everyone was speechless, they suddenly saw a figure falling from the sky.

"This is?"

"Why is she here!"

"Isn't she dead?"

"What's dead? It's just a person falling into the lake."

"She's here, is there no hope for us?"

"Why is there no hope? Guisi's strength is not strong. It all depends on who is lucky!"

"Yeah, I can't let her come up and snatch my prey away after I've already caught it. This is against the rules!"

"That's right, what are you afraid of!"

However, everyone said so, but they still looked at the woman and the tyrannosaurus under her with wary expressions.

This guy's Pokémon is indeed very powerful!
(End of this chapter)

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