Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 955 Chaos Begins

After Hunter J looked at everyone present indifferently, he landed on the ground with the Tyrannosaurus and became quiet.

Everyone was talking a lot, but no one went up to say hello.

Hunter J has always been a lone ranger.

In addition to some people whispering, there are also people like Hua Er who are hiding silently.

There was a period of unhappiness between Hua Er and Hunter J.

Although it seems that Hunter J doesn't care much now.

But Hua Er still did this subconsciously.

After Hunter J arrived, the atmosphere became somewhat tense.

This solidification did not last long, and was soon broken when Ghost appeared again.

"Violent Dragon, the wave of the dragon!"

The moment he saw Ghost appear, Hunter J commanded his Tyrannosaurus to attack Ghost without hesitation.

Guisi was startled, but with the help of Deoxys, he narrowly avoided the attack of the flying dragon.

Hunter J's eyes narrowed.

Something is not right about this ghost.

Theoretically speaking, it is impossible for Ghost to avoid the attack of his own Tyrannosaurus.

The gap between the two sides is too great.

But Guisi just avoided it. Although he just barely avoided it, he did avoid it.

Hunter J had no expression on his face, but he showed some interest in ghosts.

Unfortunately, Guisi is prey, 2000 million prey.

This is more important to her than her own interests.

After the attack of the Tyrannosaurus, Ghost disappeared again.

Hunter J also had no expression. Although the other Pokémon hunters looked at him very unhappy, they still did not make any move.

Without him, Hunter J would be too powerful.

Powerful enough to shut them all up.

Although she only has one Pokémon: Tyrannosaurus.

Hunter J stopped taking action after missing a hit, and continued to wait quietly for Ghost to appear.

Guis, who was hiding again, glanced fearfully at Deoxys next to him.

Deoxys shook his head slightly, the meaning was already obvious.

Don't go out yet.

Guisi nodded, and then hid here quietly.

If he doesn't show up proactively, other Pokémon won't be able to find him.

It was just like when he entered Lu Ze's shadow.

If that strange guy hadn't ejected him, he wouldn't have been discovered by Lu Ze either.

After that experiment, my hiding ability greatly increased.

It's a pity that he has the mark on the base, otherwise he would have run away long ago.

After Guisi calmed down, the Pokémon hunters outside continued their search.

They can't just stop moving after Hunter J arrives.

They also have to eat.

But unfortunately, just like at the beginning, they still found no trace of Guisi.

More and more Pokémon hunters came, and soon the number of people present exceeded one hundred.

Lu Ze and the others also got the news, but they did not choose to take action at this time.

Although I don’t know how many Pokémon hunters will come.

But I think it's not the peak yet.

It would be best to wait until tomorrow morning.

At this time, Lu Ze had already met Sirona, Mikri and the others.

"I have long admired the name."

After Mi Keli saw Lu Ze, he smiled at Lu Ze and extended his hand.

"Me too."

Lu Ze smiled, shook hands with Mikri, and the three of them sat down.

I think it was Dawu and Mikri who talked about it.

The relationship between these two gay friends, Dai Wu and Mi Keli, is just like that between himself and Sui Yan.

Basically I will share everything.

After the three of them sat down, they started discussing tomorrow's battle without any intention of exchanging pleasantries.

"I didn't expect there to be so many Pokémon hunters." Mikri looked unhappy.

He originally thought there weren't many Pokémon hunters.

As a result, more than 100 Pokémon gathered in just half a day today.

During this night, who knows how many more Pokémon hunters will come.

"This time, try to annihilate all the Pokémon hunters here as much as possible!"

After getting down to business, Sirona also regained his champion demeanor and spoke to the two of them seriously.

"Of course, isn't this our purpose." Lu Ze said equally seriously.

There are so many Pokémon hunters, not to mention anything else, there are at least one to two hundred, two to three hundred Pokémon alone.

In this case, if Miss Junsha and the others could not be informed, the Pokémon of the three of them would be really difficult to tell the truth.

But if you go all out, you should be able to face it.

More than 100 dogs can't bark in unison, let alone more than 100 people.

Although I won't be able to defeat them one by one at that time, it's still possible if I don't want to face so many people at the same time.

"It should be your turn later." Sirona said, then turned to look at Lu Ze and asked.

"Well, let's wait until we mess up the situation."

Lu Ze chuckled, he himself was included in his plan.

Only muddy water is easy to fish in.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

"Well, around eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

"it is good."

After Sirona and Mikri nodded, Lu Ze took his Pokémon and walked outside the house.

In his plans, he is also a "Pokémon hunter."

Use some small means to make some Pokémon hunters hostile first.

Lu Ze left, and Mi Keli turned to look at Sirona.

"Are you sure?"

"It should be fine."

Sirona shook her head slightly, and then looked out the window.

"He is still sure of what he does."

"That will do."

After Mi Keli nodded, he looked at his communicator.



Lu Ze in the other scene quickly arrived at the outskirts of the valley.

After handing over Hua'er, Lu Ze looked at the excited Hua'er and smiled slightly.

The next second, the cross-shaped bat appeared in front of Hua Er.

The cross-shaped bat's hypnosis technique immediately put Hua'er to sleep.

Then the wind fairy appeared with a smile and tied up Hua Er.

"It's done."

Lu Ze smiled and clapped his hands, then walked towards the valley.

Since Hua Er, the person who knew his identity, was not here, he could sneak in directly.The weather is good now and it's not very cold at night, so it doesn't matter if Hua'er spends the night here.

Lu Ze was very fast, and he quickly entered the valley with the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

Lucario didn't bring it out.

The Pokémon that represents justice will basically not appear on Pokémon hunters.

In fact, the best one should be Crossbat. After all, Crossbat is also one of the typical villain Pokémon.

Unfortunately, the cross-shaped bat is too powerful and eye-catching, so it is not suitable.

Just like now, after Lu Ze came in with the Blue Flame Blade Ghost, only a few people turned their heads to look at Lu Ze and then didn't care.

Now everyone's target is the white ghost.

The white ghost in the dark seemed to have noticed Lu Ze's arrival, and immediately looked up.

Deoxys placed his palm gently on Ghost's head.

Naturally, he was aware of Lu Ze's arrival.

But knowing Lu Ze's plan, he wouldn't do anything.

Now just wait for the next appearance of White Ghost.

Only when White Ghost shows up can Lu Ze provoke a fight between them.

When necessary, he also needs to do it secretly.

But with his strength, basically no one present could tell.

Except for the Tyrannosaurus.

The strength of the Tyrannosaurus is indeed very strong.

It's a pity that Tyrannosaurus is not the kind of Pokémon with sensitive senses, otherwise even he would need to be careful.

Pokémon with master-level strength can basically pose a threat to Pokémon with his strength.

But it's just a threat.

At the beginning, his strength was not very strong.

But after these few years of constant battles with Rayquaza, Super Rayquaza, and Mewtwo.

Deoxys' current strength has also improved a lot.

If nothing else, at least it would be okay to hit the two of them when they were just born.

Naturally, there is no need to take the little Tyrannosaurus lightly.

The origin has been damaged, but he only has master-level strength.

In Deoxys' opinion, as long as the current Kirbymon can catch the Tyrannosaurus, it can beat him down.

Deoxys tilted his head slightly as he thought of this.

In the case of Kirbymon, you can hold down the hammer even if you catch a mythical beast, right?

Under Deoxys's actions, Ghost also became quiet.

Be careful where you appear next.

At least it can't be attacked by the Tyrannosaurus so easily.

Lu Ze's arrival did not cause any fluctuations.

Seriously, there are Pokémon hunters coming all the time.


Lu Ze couldn't help but feel a little emotional when he looked at the Pokémon hunters in the field.

There are more than 150 of them, right?

Just when Lu Ze was sighing, someone suddenly shouted.

But without him shouting, most people had already seen the white figure in the dark night.

A noisy sound sounded, and the next second the attack headed towards Guisi.

There was a smirk on Guisi's face, and then he started to take small steps during the attack.

Guisi, who kept dodging attacks, disappeared again until he saw the familiar [Dragon Wave].

It's easy to say that if the [Dragon Wave] of the Tyrannosaurus can be avoided so easily, it will be easier to be exposed.

Just now, he was able to dodge so many attacks entirely due to Deoxys' superpower control.

Not only that, Deoxys also continued to use superpowers to change the trajectory of some skills.

For example...

"How do you release the wave of water?"

Lu Ze was the first to attack. He looked at a Pokémon hunter next to him and said coldly.

The Pokémon hunter next to him was stunned for a moment. He could also see clearly that his Gotha Duck's [Water Wave] extinguished the Crimson Blade's [Spray Flame] of the person next to him.

But even so, he didn't have any thoughts of being humble.

"Hey, what kind of garbage Pokémon can spray flames that can be extinguished by water waves?"

His words made Lu Ze hesitate for a moment.

What, does it feel reasonable?
But before Lu Ze could react, he yelled at another Pokémon hunter again.

"Lorca, what's the matter with you stepping on the horse? Do you want to fight? What do you mean by blocking my Gotha Duck?"

"Why, is it someone else's problem that you don't have enough strength?" Luo Ka was not afraid at all and just returned it to him with his words.

But it was as if the two of them had provoked something, and all the Pokémon hunters began to blame others.

It's as if someone else is causing trouble if you can't catch the white ghost.

However, a few people did take a look and found something wrong.

If he didn't mean it, then why didn't his attack go towards Ghost, but towards my Pokémon's skill?

You know you can't catch it, and you don't want me to catch it, right?
At this moment, everyone looked warily at the people with whom they had had conflicts or conflicts.

As Pokémon hunters, everyone has conflicts more or less.

At this moment, everyone remembered this conflict again.

Hunter J frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong.

It's not that she doesn't have enemies, but they are basically ignored by her.

Standing on the sidelines, she was a little confused when she saw this scene.

Everyone is here for money, why should we hate others?
But what she didn't know was that the atmosphere here had changed since her arrival.

Her strength is so strong that even though most people don't say it in their hearts, they have already acquiesced that they may not gain anything this time.

In this case, it is better to resolve the unhappiness in my heart.

None of us are decent people, and they often do this kind of thing to cause trouble for others in private.

With the fuse handed over by Lu Ze, everything exploded in an instant.

Lu Ze looked a little funny at this scene.

But it's not the stage to take action yet, Guis needs to appear again.

The scene fell into silence, but the atmosphere did not change.

The Pokémon hunter who came from behind didn't understand what was going on.

However, I still consciously joined in this "quiet" atmosphere.

"Guisi, why don't you leave?"

After a moment of silence, someone finally asked the question.

But as soon as this question was asked, it was ridiculed without hesitation.

"Didn't you see Guisi's expression? He is teasing us!"

"But if he doesn't tease us, where will our 2000 million come from?"

"Yes, if you run away, where will you find the 2000 million?"

The ridicule from everyone made the Pokémon hunter who just asked the question turn blue and white.

Also, if it weren't for ghost-type Pokémon that like to play pranks, they would be waiting here in vain.

Only ghost-type Pokémon like this.

Everyone fell silent again, but the faint sneers could still reach his ears, making him feel resentful.

After waiting for a while and seeing that the time was almost up, Lu Ze extended his waveguide, but unfortunately he could not find Guisi.

Find Deoxys, too.

After Lu Ze found Deoxys through the waveguide, he used the waveguide to "poke" Deoxys.

Deoxys also understood.

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