Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 957 Giratina in Ash’s World!

The iron-clawed lobster was carried by the current and shuttled through the battlefield, and Pokémon fell one after another wherever it passed.

Iron Claw Lobster has memorized the attribute restraint list, and anyone he hits will have attribute restraint.

In this case, the lethality of the iron-clawed lobster is also very terrifying.

In addition to the Iron Claw Lobster, the Iron Warrior and Lucario were also killed.

With the Blue Flame Blade, the three humanoid Pokémon continued to advance in three different directions.

The white ghost didn't show up, and neither did the metal monster.

White Ghost entered Lu Ze's shadow at the beginning of the battle.

Deoxys also returned to Lu Ze's side to protect Lu Ze's safety and prevent someone from jumping over the wall and attacking Lu Ze directly.

Wind Fairy and Hu Hu worked together to constantly restrict some opponents with king-level strength.

Two very disgusting Pokémon played a very big role in this situation.

Lu Ze looked at this scene with a calm expression, and then just called Interpol directly.

These Pokémon hunters will undoubtedly squat right in.

After all, there are Pokémon hunters from all regions here.

If Miss Junsha is allowed to come over, it will not be easy just to collect evidence.

But the international police are different.

It's very simple to capture him first and then collect evidence.

Lu Ze's side was in pain, but Sirona's side had no problem at all.

Although every Pokémon in Sirona must face attacks from many Pokémon.

But Sirona's Pokémon are still very powerful.

Just like now, Liebite Land Shark not only blocked Hunter J's Tyrannosaurus, but was even suppressing it.

The strength of the Tyrannosaurus is not as good as Sirona's Biting Land Shark.

In addition, the injury he received last time seems to have hurt his origin a little.

It doesn't matter in a short period of time, but if the battle lasts for a long time or the opponent is too strong, you can see the difference.

In addition, the fighting venue is not the air he is good at.

In just a moment, the Tyrannosaurus was almost turned into a scrapped dragon by the biting land shark.

Although the other Pokémon were attacking, it wasn't very effective.

Not only are the two master-level Pokémon, Menus and Lucario, invincible, but the other three king-level Pokémon also have no disadvantage at all.

Not only did he defeat groups of Pokémon on the other side, but he also slowly beat them back.

The same is true for Mikri.

Although his Pokémon is not as powerful as Sirona's Pokémon.

But he also doesn't have an opponent as powerful as Hunter J here.

The battle on Mikri's side was also very easy. In the conscious battle between the three of them, all the Pokémon had been defeated before noon, and the Pokémon hunters were gathered together.

"It turns out that you didn't really come to see me at all."

After tying up the Pokémon hunters, Lu Ze also went back and prepared to bring Hua Er over and be arrested together by the international police.

But as soon as he arrived at the place where Hua'er was, Hua'er looked at Lu Ze with a complicated expression and said.

Lu Ze couldn't help but feel guilty when he saw Hua'er like this.

But he soon realized that the person facing him was a Pokémon hunter.

I'm guilty of a ghost!

"You know it all?"

"Well, I heard the voice scolding you over there."

Hua Er shook her head unhappily and looked at Lu Ze.

Damn, let’s just say there’s nothing good about being handsome!

Too bad I still want to sleep with him!
Hua Er felt angry in her heart, but she was helpless.

Soon, Hua Er was led by Lu Ze and Lucario to the place where the Pokémon hunters were.

"Here's another one."

Lu Ze did not say that he gathered them through Hua Er.

After all, Hua Er helped herself anyway.

You can't repay kindness with hatred!

After Lu Ze gathered everyone together, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

After exchanging smiles with Sirona and Mikri, Lu Ze was just about to say something when a crack suddenly appeared in the sky.

"This is?"

The three of them looked up at the same time, a little horrified at the terrifying aura coming from the crack.


Soon, a head stuck out of the crack.


But it wasn't the Giratina that Lu Ze knew!
It can be clearly seen that the eyes of this Giratina looking at Lu Ze are full of unfamiliarity.


Sirona and Mikri also reacted and quickly became vigilant.

Sirona knew about Giratina.

According to rumors, Giratina's temper is not very good.

What is he doing here?

"You are not from this world!"

After Giratina turned his eyes in front of the three of them, he stared at Lu Ze and said.

"Well, I am indeed not from this world."

In Mi Keli's shocked eyes, Lu Ze nodded and confirmed.

"Have I seen you somewhere?" Giratina said, suddenly frowning slightly and asked Lu Ze.

"Some time ago, Black Rayquaza."

Just after Lu Ze finished speaking, Giratina's face darkened.

This is an absolute shame!

Giratina looked at the curious eyes of the two people behind Lu Ze and quickly changed the topic.

"So, is that Giratina the Giratina of your world?"

Giratina's voice was cold, and his eyes kept looking at Lu Ze's body, as if he wanted to find out where Giratina was hiding in this world.

"Yes, but he didn't come over."

As Lu Ze spoke, he told how he came here.

"So, you're saying that Dialga and Palkia got into a fight, and then it affected you?"

After Giratina was silent for a moment, he looked at Lu Ze with strange eyes.


"So, that was what he left in your shadow?"


Lu Ze nodded again, but this time Giratina was a little confused.

After looking Lu Ze up and down, he said strangely: "I don't see anything special about you? You're so humble."

After saying that, Giratina shook his head slightly, turned around and left.

"Boy, don't think about Dialga and Palkia in this world. They have been imprisoned for a while."


Lu Ze was stunned for a moment. Giratina had just given him two bombshells.

One is something that Giratina in this world left in his shadow, which doesn't seem simple.

The other is the information just revealed by Palkiya.

If those two can't be counted on, then Hupa is the only one left?

But fortunately, all he was counting on was Hupa.He is not familiar with Dialga and Palkia in this world, and they may not necessarily help him.

After seeing Giratina leave, Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

It was a good thing that Giratina didn't have any trouble with him.

It seems that Guis entered his shadow that time and triggered something left by Giratina in this world, which alarmed Giratina in this world.

That's why Giratina in this world found himself.

But is this thing very important to Giratina?
Otherwise, why would you say you are worthy?

In fact, Lu Ze didn't quite understand why Giratina was so kind to him.

Obviously you haven't met Giratina before, right?

Lu Ze was puzzled, but when he met the puzzled looks of Sirona and Mikri, Lu Ze didn't say anything more.

Fortunately, the appearance of Interpol gave Lu Ze a chance to skip this topic.

A group of flying Pokémon appeared in the distant sky.

Pokémon such as Pidgeot, Arrowhawk, etc. all have an international policeman sitting on their bodies.

Lu Ze squinted his eyes and seemed to see an acquaintance?
He seems to be a handsome guy who appeared in the original work?

But Lu Ze didn't pay too much attention.

From this perspective, there is not much difference between the international police and those FBLs in the United States.

They all came here after the matter was over.

"I'll leave it to you. I'm still going back to travel."

After seeing Interpol coming, Lu Ze turned around, greeted Sirona and Mikri with a smile, and prepared to leave.

"Are you in such a hurry?"

Sirona and Mikri were stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Lu Ze.

Sirona and Michaeli had the same idea. They both still wanted to have a battle with Lu Ze.

Sirona also heard from Mikri yesterday that Lu Ze almost defeated Dawu.

Although Daigo only brought two master-level Pokémon with him that time.

But there's Daigo's ace Pokémon Metagross in there.

The Metagross had super evolved, but was still defeated by Lu Ze's Crossed Bat.

Defeated Daigo's Metagross despite all disadvantages in attributes.

They also want to know how strong Lu Ze's Crossed Bat will be.

What Daigo said is correct.

Lu Ze's Crossed Bat is truly the most powerful Crossed Bat they have ever seen.

"Yes, I've been out for a long time, and I don't know where Xiaozhi and the others have traveled."

Lu Ze smiled and nodded: "Traveling alone is a bit boring after all."


After Sirona nodded, she was also a little disappointed.

Then, we can only wait until the next time we meet again before issuing a challenge.

Well, maybe it will be okay if we go to the Kalos area in the future.

When Sirona thought of this, her usual indifferent smile appeared on her face.

"Okay, but next time we meet, you have to have a fight with me."

"No problem at all!"

After Lu Ze finished speaking, he exchanged contact information with Mikri, took a look at the Interpol officers who were about to leave, and was led away by Deoxys.

He didn't want to get involved with those Interpol police officers.

Just out of trouble.

After Lu Ze left, the rest was left to Mi Keli and Sirona.

However, both of them are league champions, so Interpol respects them very much.

If everything is kept simple, they will be able to leave soon.

But those Pokémon hunters are going to jail.

But what Lu Ze didn't know was that after he left, Hua'er kept looking at the place where he left in confusion.

"Huh, I'm going back to Carlos next."

After Deoxys left there with [Teleportation], Lu Ze sat on the metal monster and returned to the city.

After purchasing the ticket, Lu Ze quickly got on the plane back to the Carlos area.

It is still necessary to return to Miare City. After returning, we can catch up with Xiaozhi and the others in the direction they are traveling.

The speed of the plane was still very fast, but even so, it was already night after arriving in Miare City.

"Let's start again tomorrow morning."

After returning to the hotel, Lu Ze began to groom his Pokémon one by one.

After every battle, Lu Ze would basically comb their hair.

After all, appearance is also very important.

But this usually happens after a relatively intense or large-scale battle.

The first one was the Crossed Bat. The Crossed Bat had short fluff. After giving her a good cleaning, she started to comb the Crossed Bat with a special comb for the Crossed Bat.

"It is said that smooth hair will reduce resistance and increase speed."

Lu Ze combed the hair of the Crossed Bat and said to the Crossed Bat with a smile.

The cross-shaped bat looked at Lu Ze with a helpless smile.

He said this when he was still a Super Sonic Bat.

But think about it, when I was young, I was addicted to strength, so I didn’t want to waste time on such things.

Then Lu Ze comforted himself, saying that after the hair is smoothed, some resistance can be eliminated and some speed can be increased.

She believed it.

However, there doesn't seem to be much improvement.

But over the years, I have become accustomed to Ozawa's hair grooming.

Although Ozawa's massage techniques are not very good, combing their hair still makes them very comfortable.

If you want a massage, wait and let the wind fairy do it.

Although she is not very proficient, she is much better than Ozawa.

The small fist hammer is also very comfortable.

"All right!"

As Lu Ze's hand gently patted the cross-shaped bat's back, Kirby couldn't wait to come to Lu Ze and sat down with a smile.

"Don't worry."

Lu Ze smiled, took out a comb specially designed for Kirby, and started combing Kirby's body with a larger comb.

Kirby is a Pokémon that cannot fly, and is a relatively lazy Pokémon that likes to lie down.

The hair on his body is more knotted than that of a cross-shaped bat.

In other words, the Pokébat is actually the Pokémon with the least tangled hair among the Pokémon that need to be groomed.

There are two combs specifically for Kirby.

One is a thin comb, used to separate tangled hair.

The other one is wider, similar to a massage comb.

After the round-head massage comb brushed the hair from Kirbymon's back, Kirbymon couldn't help but moan in comfort.


Kirby also has relatively short hair, so I used a massage comb at first.

After the massage comb has been used all over the body, use a fine comb to separate the knotted hair.

The Electric Shock Monster on the side was a little excited. After Kirbymon had finished enjoying it, it was his turn.

He is similar to Kirbymon in that he also has two types of combs.

But his hair is longer.

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