Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 958: Encounter with the Nianmeilu Dragon by chance, and the promised battle!

Chapter 958: Encounter with the Nianmeilu Dragon by chance, and the promised battle!
"Okay, thank you."

After Lu Ze smiled at Citron's father, he walked in the direction Citron's father said.

After a night of rest, Lu Ze was ready to set off early the next morning.

After just asking Citron's father Xiaozhi about their direction, he chased them in the direction they left.

Lu Ze finally decided to travel with Xiao Zhi first, and then challenge the remaining gyms and collect eight badges.

Xiaozhi’s journey is quite exciting.

It's much better than being alone.

Seeing Lu Ze's leaving figure, Citron's father also laughed.

But soon, when he heard the cry for help, he immediately put on the flame chicken mask, and rushed towards the place where the cry for help came from with the flame chicken.

After Lu Ze arrived outside the city, he sat on the back of the metal monster.

Although the speed of the metal monster is not as fast as the cross bat, the metal monster is much more comfortable than the cross bat.

Day XX when I miss Charizard.

"I don't know where Xiaozhi and the others are now."

Lu Ze sat on the metal monster and thought a little boredly.

"Well, there seems to be a cabin ahead. Do you want to take a rest?"

Around noon, Lu Ze also saw a small wooden house in the middle of a vast grassland.

But before the metal monster fell, Lu Ze and the metal monster noticed a familiar aura at the same time.

Lu Ze and the metal monster looked down at the same time, and saw a sticky dragon on a hilltop waving to them excitedly.

"Hey, Sticky Merulong?"

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment, but he still directed the metal monster to fall towards the sticky dragon.

After looking at Nian Meilulong who was getting closer and closer, she saw that there was no Xiaozhi around her.

Lu Ze also vaguely remembered something in his mind.

Simply put, there are only four words.

Release Master!

I vaguely remember that the Nianmeilurusaurus was released.

However, Lu Ze really didn't expect that Xiaozhi's skill would be triggered when he was not around.

Lu Ze couldn't help but feel a little funny after he figured it out.

It was agreed at the beginning that after the metal monster evolves, there will be a battle between the sticky dragon and the metal monster.

Now that you have released the Sticky Melu Dragon, when the metal monster evolves, where can you transform a Sticky Melu Dragon for me?
"Nianmeilululong, long time no see."

After Lu Ze landed, he looked at the delighted Nianmei Lulong and said hello happily.

“Sticky and sticky~”

Nianmei Lulong was very happy, and when she looked at the metal monster, she showed a strong aura.

The power of a Pokémon with king-level power.

"Have you broken through to the Heavenly King level?"

Lu Ze was a little surprised, but also looked at the metal monster with excitement.

Sure enough, the metal monster also looked serious, but Lu Ze could also see that the metal monster wanted to fight the sticky dragon.

After all, it was a fight that had been scheduled before.

Although his progress has been a bit slow, he is not afraid of a fight with the Sticky Meru Dragon now.

Even though Nianmei Lulong is now stronger than him.

But so what?

It’s not like I, the metal freak, haven’t made any progress during this time!
“Sticky and sticky~”

Nianmei Lulong proudly talked about what happened during the time Lu Ze left.

Lucario also came out very sensibly and translated Nianmei Lulong's words to Lu Ze.

After talking about it, when he said goodbye to Xiaozhi, Nianmei Lulong also showed a trace of sadness in his expression.

Although, the time she spent with Xiaozhi was one of the few carefree and very happy days for her.

Nian Mei Lulong looked at the excited and happy Wubo and Swamp King in the swamp on the grassland, and a look of determination appeared on his face again.

"Let's have a fight!"

"We made a deal!"

As he spoke, Nianmei Lulong suddenly looked at the metal monster and said to the metal monster.

The metal monster naturally nodded without hesitation.

I have been looking forward to this day for a long time!

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment after hearing Nian Mei Lulong's sudden words, but he still nodded and agreed with a smile.

"However, this time, Metal Monster, you have to fight the Sticky Meru Dragon by yourself. After all, Xiaozhi is not here right now."

"We want fairness~"

After Lu Ze finished speaking, the metal monster nodded without hesitation.

He also had the same idea. Even if Lu Ze didn't say it, he would bring it up.

"Then, the battle begins!"

After seeing that Nianmelurus had found a place to fight, he smiled and said to the two Pokémon.

As the referee Lu Ze's voice fell, the eyes of the two Pokémon changed.

Although the two of them have never fought before, seriously speaking, the two of them can be considered old enemies.

After all, they have been compared together from the beginning.

Both Pokémon are also quasi-gods.

But what Lu Ze didn't expect was this comparison.

The evolution of the Nianmeilu Dragon is very fast, and the evolution of the metal monster is also much faster.

Recently, Lu Ze has been able to sense that the metal monster is about to evolve.

While Lu Ze was thinking, the battle between the two Pokémon began soon.

The metal monster looked at the opponent's sticky dragon and took the lead in attacking.

[Bullet Punch] quickly approached the Nian Meilu Dragon, but was easily blocked by the Nian Meilu Dragon.

With both hands stretched out to block the metal monster's attack, Nianmeiluruo's face had not yet burst into a smile. The metal monster's next attack was coming.

【Frozen Fist】!
Although he hasn't learned Kirbymon's signature farmer's three punches in one hand.

But the metal monster's [Freeze Fist] and [Thunder Fist] are also very proficient.

Although it's impossible to do it one at a time, it can still be done quickly.

Just like now, a [Freeze Punch] caught Nianmeilulong off guard.

After all, Kemelurus is a Pokémon with king-level strength. Not only is its strength much stronger than that of Metal Monster, but its physical fitness is also the same.

The [Freezing Punch] with twice the damage hit Nianmelulong's body, only making Nianmeilulong take a step back.

However, this punch also made Nianmei Lulong no longer careless.

Although the gap between the strength of the king level and the strength of the senior level is a bit big.

But it can still tip over if you're not careful.

She didn't want to overturn when facing the metal monster.

Nianmeilulong's thoughts flashed across his mind, and the next second his tail, which was wrapped in water, hit the metal monster who was pursuing the victory and hit it with [Freezing Punch] again.

Although the metal monster reacted and blocked it.

However, it was still whipped away a certain distance by the huge force of the Nianmeilu Dragon.The metal monster quickly stabilized his figure and looked at Nian Meilulong seriously.

"Metal monster, this is not enough."

Nianmei Lulong looked at the metal monster and smiled happily.

From the first time she was compared to the metal monster, she became obsessed with this iron dumbbell who always looked indifferent, as if he didn't care about anything.

But at the beginning, he was still an iron dumbbell, just as he showed, he turned a blind eye to any provocation from her.

It wasn't until that day that she evolved into Nian Mei'er that she noticed the change in Tie Dubell's eyes.

That is a kind of fighting spirit!
She clearly received the fighting spirit from Iron Dumbbell, but there was also a feeling of dissatisfaction in her heart.

Was it because I was too weak if I didn't accept it before?
She had indeed thought this way.

After all, she was able to come to Xiaozhi's side because she was too weak and failed to protect her home, which led to this result.

So at that time, she was very unhappy with iron dumbbells.

She has also made up her mind that after Iron Dumbbell evolves, she must fight Iron Dumbbell to let him see her current strength.

But unfortunately, by the time Iron Dumbbell evolved into a metal monster, he had also evolved into a sticky dragon.

At that time, the strength gap between the two sides was still not small, and she had no intention of bullying the children.

And then here comes the present.

After telling Xiaozhi to stay here, she thought she was going to miss the fight with the metal monster.

Unexpectedly, I saw them today.

This is why Nianmei Lulong was so excited to see the metal monster and Lu Ze on the metal monster just now.

Although your current strength is still not as good as mine.

But we were finally able to fulfill our promise!
I want to defeat you!
Seeing the unwilling look of the metal monster, Nianmei Lulong smiled even more happily.

Happy to be happy, Nianmei Lulong has no intention of showing mercy.

She has watched the metal monster grow up, so she naturally knows its strength.

Although the energy level is not as good as mine, it should not be underestimated.

After spitting out [Flame Jet] from its mouth, Nian Meilu Dragon trotted towards the metal monster while using [Flame Jet].

Although her special attack is stronger than her physical attack, the metal monster opposite her is very fast, and long-range attacks can't do much damage to the metal monster.

After thinking about it for a while, Nianmei Lulong decided to have a close combat with the metal monster.

The metal monster's close combat ability is stronger than its long-range combat ability.

This sticky melu dragon also knows about it.

But judging from the collision just now, even if I am at a disadvantage and have an advantage, I still have the upper hand.

The aggressive fighting style of the Nianmeilu Dragon also made the metal monster hesitate and feel a little at a loss.

Seeing the metal monster like this, Lu Ze also smiled and shook his head.

This has been the fighting style of the Nianmeilu Dragon from the very beginning.

Take a beating and fight back.

In Xiaozhi's hands, Nianmeilu Dragon's best skill is probably [Patience].

It's a pity that Nianmeilulong followed Xiaozhi for too short a time and was unable to confront the God of Fruit head-on.

After all, according to the information Lu Ze saw, Nianmei Lulong inherited the skill of [Double Return].

This skill is paired with the [Patience] skill that she is good at, plus her physical strength and double defense.

It can be said that the most suitable fighting method for her is defensive counterattack.

Especially when facing Pokémon with relatively strong physical attack capabilities such as Metal Monsters.

Nianmeilu Dragon's double defense is very high, but its physical defense is not that high compared to its special defense.

In this case, the opponent will basically use physical attacks to face the sticky dragon.

[Double Return] This is the situation where it can play a big role.

However, the current Nianmeilulong seems not used to it, or does not realize that she still has this ability.

Although she didn't spend very long with Xiaozhi.

But Ash's fighting style is also the way she fights now.

After all, he followed Xiaozhi all the way from the sticky treasure to the sticky dragon.

In the field, the metal monster dodged quickly when faced with the [Spray Flame] of the Sticky Meru Dragon.

However, looking at the Nianmeilu Dragon that followed closely behind, the metal monster also instantly thought of a way to deal with it.

After dodging the [Jet Flame], before the [Jet Flame] from the mouth of the Nian Meilu Dragon swept over, he used the [Cannon Cannon] from the side to hit the Nian Meilu Dragon.

Nian Meilulong was shocked, and quickly stopped using [Flame Jet], and swung [Fire Fist] to block the metal monster's [Cannon Cannon].

The metal monster has a very high combat IQ. After seeing the Nianmelu Dragon charging towards him and using [Fire Fist], he understood what the Nianmelu Dragon wanted to do.

Close combat!
Although the metal monster does not currently have many tactical reserves, most of them rely on Lu Ze's command.

But he also remembered what Lu Ze said.

When you don't have a strategy, just make it impossible for the other party's ideas to be implemented.

Now the Nianmeilu Dragon wanted to rush up and fight in close combat. Although he didn't understand why the Nianmeilu Dragon acted like this, the metal monster still subconsciously respected Lu Ze's statement.

[Fire Fist] swung, and the fist of Sticky Merulong rubbed the metal monster's face and passed.

The hot flames on his fists slightly burned the metal monster's face.

But the metal monster took this opportunity to get some distance away from the sticky dragon.

The burning sensation on my face has disappeared during [High Speed ​​Movement].

Facing the sticky dragon that wanted to rush over again, the metal monster directly released [Freezing Wind].

While causing damage to the sticky dragon, it also reduces the speed of the sticky dragon.

Under the circumstances, the gap in strength is gradually shortening.


Nian Meilulong roared and successfully released [Big Character Explosive Flame].

Not only did it defeat the metal monster's [Freezing Wind], but the large flames also flew towards the metal monster.

The metal monster really didn't expect that the sticky dragon would respond like this.

Even with the blessing of [High Speed ​​Movement], the metal monster was somewhat unable to avoid it and was hit by the corner of [Big Character Explosive Flame].

The metal monster was a little dazed.

Nianmeilulong has changed a lot.

Isn't her fighting style defensive and counterattack? Why did she take the initiative?

The metal monster didn't understand, but all of this stemmed from the experience of Nianmelulong during this period.

Following Xiaozhi, the enemies he faced were stronger than him, so he naturally had to defend and counterattack.

But after returning here, Nianmelulong discovered it.

The opponent here is not as strong as her, so the effectiveness of the defensive counterattack tactic will be greatly reduced.

In this case, it is better to take the initiative to attack!
This is the change of Nianmelulong.

The metal monster suddenly understood as he listened to the cheers from the companions of the Sticky Melulosaurus next to him.

The sticky meru dragon changed.

I need to change too...

The metal monster looked at the sticky dragon that rushed over, and a milky white light suddenly flashed on its body, wrapping the metal monster completely.

(End of this chapter)

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