Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 959 Lu Ze’s awakening!

As the milky white light exploded and dissipated, the silver-white Metagross also appeared in front of Lu Ze.

Looking at the handsome silver-white Metagross, Lu Ze couldn't help but get excited.

"Well done Metagross!"

“Let’s work together like this and defeat the sticky dragon!”

After Metagross successfully evolved, his strength has successfully broken through to the king level.

Originally, he was only one step away from the King-level strength.

Now that he has evolved, his strength will naturally lead to a successful breakthrough.

After the evolution, Metagross seemed to be more calm. He used his super power to float in the air and was not in a hurry to attack the sticky dragon.

However, the Meilosaurus is not like Metagross.

After seeing the successful evolution of Metagross, Nianmelulong also had a smile on his face.

"Finally, we are on the same level now!"

Nianmeilulong said, with the flames burning in his hands and he rushed towards Metagross.

Metagross was in the air, and he also used three farmer's punches in his hand to hit the sticky Melulong that was charging towards him.


[Freeze Fist] and [Fire Fist] collided violently, creating a huge air wave, which made Lu Ze who was not far away feel a little unable to open his eyes.

But soon, Deoxys deployed a superpower barrier in front of Lu Ze to protect Lu Ze from the wind and waves.

However, Wubo and the others who were watching the battle were not so lucky.

After the violent wind and waves swept over, they were blown away.

But the next second, a burst of pink super power appeared, catching Ubo and the others as they flew backwards, preventing them from falling to the ground.

"Mrs. Hua Jie?"

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene and thought it was Deoxys who took action.

It's actually Mrs. Hua Jie?

Mrs. Hua Jie's eyes instantly became cold after seeing the battle between Metagross and the Nianmeilu Dragon.

Metagross, invader?
Mrs. Hua Jie did not hesitate. After seeing the fists of the two sides colliding together again, she took action without hesitation.

The [Magic Leaf] was released and hit the Metagross directly.

Metagross noticed this scene from the corner of his eye, but he didn't pay attention.

He believed in Lu Ze.


Sure enough, the moment Mrs. Hua Jie launched her attack on Metagross, Lu Ze directed Lucario next to him to take action.

The power of the waveguide instantly condensed into a bone rod, and he stepped between Mrs. Hua Jie and Metagross.

The bone stick swung and spun, instantly shattering the [Magic Leaf] released by Mrs. Hua Jie.

Mrs. Hua Jie looked at the sudden Lucario with an unkind look, and when she was about to attack again, the voice of the sticky dragon came over.

She discovered it just when Mrs. Hua Jie released the [Magic Leaf].

Metagross didn't make any moves. He believed in Lu Ze.

But she couldn't, she was afraid that Mrs. Hua Jie would really attack Metagross.

After the two sides collided, Nianmei Lulong shouted at Mrs. Hua Jie.

Nianmelulong was distracted.

However, Metagross did not take the opportunity to attack.

He was waiting quietly for Nianmei Lulong to finish explaining to Mrs. Hua Jie.

"We have agreed to fight!"

Nianmei Lulong looked nervous, but Mrs. Hua Jie showed doubts in her eyes.

"We used to be friends and agreed to fight together. We just happened to meet today. It's not what you imagined."

Nianmei Lulong looked at Madam Hua Jie's gentle smile, and she naturally understood what Madam Hua Jie meant.

Mrs. Huajie was afraid of what harm would happen to her.

But the reality was not what she imagined.

After Nianmei Lulong explained it to Madam Hua Jie, Madam Hua Jie nodded.

After Lucario withdrew his bone club, he stood beside Lu Ze again.


The moment Mrs. Hua Jie turned her head, she saw her child Hua Yidi in the palm of Lu Ze's hand with a curious look on her face, looking up at Lu Ze's face.

"Flower Diet!"

Mrs. Hua Jie shouted, but Lu Ze ignored Mrs. Hua Jie's meaning.

After taking out a Pokémon candy from his pocket, he gently fed it into Huayidi's mouth.

The mosaic and leaf pedicles also have some fundamental deficiencies.

Lu Ze looked at Huayedi's information and knew that Huayedi's condition was caused by evolution.

However, this situation is similar to that of Ghost, and it can also be cured with medicine refined from the Flower of Gracidia.

After Huayidi ate the candy, her eyes lit up instantly and she looked at Lu Ze with joy.

Lu Ze smiled, and Guisi also appeared from behind Huayedi and gave Huayedi a bad smile.

Mrs. Hua Jie had already rushed over, but was blocked by Lucario.

"Your mother is going to be worried about you."

Lu Ze smiled and pointed at Mrs. Hua Jie. As soon as Hua Yidi turned around, she saw Guisi with a smirk on her face.


Huayidi was startled, and Guisi was also startled.

My conscience, I really didn’t want to scare her!
Guisi looked frightened, but Mrs. Hua Jie became even more panicked after seeing Huayedi being frightened.

Others don't know but she does.

Huayedi's body has not fully recovered yet. The reason why she is as good as now is entirely because she soaks in the spring water in the wetland from time to time.

What if something happens if you are frightened by this!
Mrs. Hua Jie's eyes widened with anger, and she immediately gave up Lucario's entanglement.

After all, she was also a Pokémon with king-level strength. This burst of power made Lucario startled.

Fortunately, Mrs. Hua Jie didn't do anything to Lu Ze, but hugged Huayidi worriedly.

"I have a way to cure her completely."

Seeing the appearance of the mother and daughter Pokémon, Lu Ze also smiled and said to Mrs. Hua Jie.

Mrs. Hua Jie was stunned for a moment and looked up at Lu Ze.

Lucario thought that Mrs. Hua Jie didn't understand, so he translated for Mrs. Hua Jie again.

"Hua Jie!"

Mrs. Hua Jie looked at Lu Ze seriously, wanting to make sure what he said was true.

Lu Ze didn't need Lucario to translate this time to understand what Mrs. Hua Jie meant.

Lu Ze nodded: "Of course, he was in the same situation before."

Lu Ze said, pointing at Guisi who was still smiling.

Mrs. Hua Jie turned around and saw Guisi's appearance. It really didn't look like his origin had been damaged.

However, Mrs. Hua Jie still hesitated.

Now that you have the ability to stabilize Huayedi's current situation, do you really want to take the risk?
After all, this was the first time we met.

After Mrs. Hua Jie hesitated for a moment, she finally looked at Lu Ze warily and shook her head.

She did not agree to Lu Ze, she now wants stability.

This situation is already very good.

If something went wrong, she was really afraid of the bad consequences.After Lu Ze saw Mrs. Hua Jie's refusal, he could only smile helplessly.

Since others don't agree, then there really is nothing I can do.

But it’s true, it’s just the first time we’ve met.

It's normal for people not to believe it.

But the flower leaves are so cute.

No wonder that guy whose name I forgot wanted to resurrect his own Huayidi at all costs.

Seriously, Lu Ze has forgotten a lot about this plot.

However, Lu Ze, the flower girl at the center of the plot, remembers it clearly.

Lu Ze stopped talking too much and turned his head to look at the battle between Metagross and Meilosaurus.

After Nianmei Lulong finished explaining to Mrs. Hua Jie, he started fighting again with the impatient Metagross.

[Freeze Fist] and [Fire Fist] collided countless times.

Although Nianmeilu Dragon is somewhat disadvantaged in this kind of close collision.

However, the advantage of Metagross is not great, and it cannot cause any substantial harm to the sticky dragon.

Metagross' brain was working rapidly, thinking about how to deal with the sticky Melu Dragon from years ago.

What would Lu Ze do?
What would he do if it was Kirbymon?
What if it's an electric shock monster?
Metagross kept thinking in his mind. While gradually improving his tactics, Metagross also quickly came up with a solution.

Since you can't completely defeat the opponent in close combat, then use other methods.

As a player on both sides, a player with all-around physical and special attacks is naturally not someone who can only fight in close quarters.

It's just that the close combat ability is stronger.

Metagross thought of this, and after another collision with the Nianmelulong, they distanced themselves.

Nianmei Lulong’s pro-group members have also learned to be smart now.

Although I am still watching the show, I am already very far away.

The air waves generated by the collision between the two sides had no impact on them.

Not to mention Mrs. Hua Jie, as a Pokémon with king-level strength, she still has no problem protecting herself and Huayidi.

But what puzzles Mrs. Hua Jie is that Lu Ze also has a powerful superpower barrier in front of him to protect Lu Ze.

That super power was more powerful than any Pokémon she had ever seen.

Maybe he really has a way?
This idea appeared in Mrs. Hua Jie's mind involuntarily.

But soon, this thought was thrown away by her.

After Metagross distanced itself, a red light flashed in its eyes, and it rushed towards the Sticky Melu Dragon again.

【Comet Fist】!
Although Nian Meilulong was a little strange, he still used [Fire Fist] to push forward again.

But this time it was different from just now.

The moment the two sides came into contact, a ball of purple energy entered the body of Nianmeilu Dragon.

【Very poisonous】!
Even though [Venomous Poison] was planted, Metagross was also knocked back several steps by the punch of the sticky dragon.

Metagross didn't care, but looked excitedly at the sticky dragon opposite.

[Violent Poison] is planted, and the next step is to wait for [Violent Poison] to take effect.

This is the eldest sister's tactic.

This kind of status skill is very good when the opponent's strength is equal, or when the opponent cannot be affected in a short period of time.

But it’s not just [Poisonous]!

Metagross naturally has not forgotten the characteristics of the sticky dragon.

With the property of [Moist Body], she can relieve the abnormal condition on her body as long as it rains.

How could he make such a mistake?

Metagross smiled slightly, and while the Sticky Meru Dragon attacked him again, he released [Sunny Sky].

Reality can be different from games.

The [Moisture Body] characteristic of Nianmeilu Dragon is usually fine. On a sunny day, Nianmeilu Dragon will lose moisture quickly due to the sun's irradiation, causing her to be very uncomfortable.

This is Lu Ze’s tactic!
The goal that one's own tactics serve is that the other party's tactics and ideas cannot succeed.

The second point is to make the opponent uncomfortable.

This is Ozawa's tactics!

After Metagross used [Bright Sunny Day], he also avoided the [Dragon Wave] of Nianmeilu Dragon.

One thing to say, Nianmeilu Dragon's [Dragon Wave] does very high damage and has a lot of momentum.

But the speed is too slow.

[On a sunny day], Nianmei Lulong frowned in apparent displeasure.

But this was just the beginning, and [Sunny Day] had not had any substantial impact on her.

Lu Ze was also stunned for a moment when he saw [Sunny Day].

Why did Metagross choose [Sunny Day]?
If you want to grind blood, wouldn't [Sandstorm] be better?
Needless to say, Lu Ze is indeed the trainer of Metagross.

I thought of this the moment I saw Metagross using weather skills.

But the strange thing is that Metagross finally used [Great Sunny Day].

Logically speaking, [Sunny Day] is inferior to [Sandstorm] in every aspect.

Not only can't you grind blood, but you can't enjoy the bonus Metagross under [Sunny Day].

Fire skills that can cause double damage to Metagross can also receive bonuses.

Lu Ze thought about it for a moment, but he finally reacted after seeing that Nianmei Lulong's body was no longer so smooth.


Lu Ze patted his head gently.

I played a lot of Pokémon battles in my previous life.

In other words, in a world where real Pokémon do not exist, he can only play Pokémon battles.

But it is precisely because of Pokémon battles that he prefers Pokémon battles.

Few people realize that this is the real world, that combat is not a game, and that many changes can occur during the game.

Just like the battle with Fu Ye.

Just like the current battle.

Pokémon in the real world have ways to battle in real-life Pokémon!
Lu Ze had realized this before, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Today's behavior of Metagross made Lu Ze understand.

The victory in the previous battle was purely due to the strength of the Pokémon.

In addition, Lu Ze used various energy cubes that can improve various abilities and some designated training plans during his training.

But winning is basically because your Pokémon is stronger than your opponent.

Although it is more important to command by oneself, the opponents are all babies, so this kind of command does not seem so important.

Now think about it, when I commanded my father's Ankylosaurus to defeat my father's Moon Eevee.

How much water did dad put in?

Although looking back at that time now, my father's command was not very strong.

But it was much better than the first time I commanded Pokémon in the real world.

Maybe it was because my dad wanted to give himself some confidence.

After understanding this, Lu Ze's smile brightened when he looked at Metagross.

"Metrogross, follow your own ideas!"


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