Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 960 I’m not a weirdo!

As the [Sunny Day] continued, Nianmeilulong began to feel uncomfortable.

After frowning and glancing at the scorching sun in the sky, he launched another attack on Metagross.

[Dragon Wave] is released.

Under the blessing of powerful energy, the blue and purple dragon heads are looming.


Metagross was in mid-air, its two fists flashing with metallic light.

He chose to resist and had no intention of avoiding.

This is also because Nianmeilulong does not use fire-based skills.

If it were a fire skill, Metagross would avoid it without hesitation.

Lu Ze watched the back-and-forth battle between the two sides on the field and was thinking in his mind.

If you command Metagross yourself, how can you win the battle?
Lu Ze had a headache.

He understood why Metagross was helpless.

Because of the [Patience] skill.

If a person accidentally gets his attack doubled back, he will suffer the consequences.

Whether it was Metagross or Lu Ze, they had to think about this issue when thinking about how to defeat the sticky dragon.

In fact, Lu Ze was not very worried.

After all, now that Metagross's [Poison] has gone up, victory is only a matter of time.

Metagross won't be able to defeat the Melodragon so easily.

Similarly, it is not so easy for the Sticky Meru Dragon to defeat Metagross.

Just wait for time.

Nianmei Lulong was panting slightly, but when he heard the cheers from Ubo and the others next to him, he still managed to straighten up.

The [sunny] weather now does have some impact on her.

But you can tell by the way Metagross looks at it with eager eyes.

Metagross would not give him a chance to change the weather.

In this case, we can only attack by force!

A look of determination flashed in Nianmeilulong's eyes, and he used [Flame Jet] on Metagross again.

Not only that, while using [Spraying Flame], the Sticky Meru Dragon was also rushing towards Metagross.

Although close combat is disadvantageous, it is much better than powerless long-range attacks.

She doesn't have much strength left now.

Especially the last outbreak of [violent poison] in the body.

After the next outbreak, his physical strength may be at its lowest.

If Metagross is not defeated before the next [Poison] outbreak.

Then she would feel more uncomfortable.

Metagross used the increased speed of [High-Speed ​​Movement] to continuously dodge the attacks of the Mellow Dragon.

However, he also saw the Nianmei Lulong constantly approaching him.

Metagross's eyes flickered for a moment, but he didn't express anything.

If you want to fight in close combat, let's do it.

[Poison] is not a way that Metagross is good at winning.

Just like a cross-shaped bat.

The main purpose is to make the opposite Pokémon anxious.

As long as you are anxious, you will make mistakes.

If there are mistakes, you can catch the opponent's mistakes and take them away.

However, is it a mistake or a trap?

This requires his own judgment.

Under the deliberate indulgence of Metagross, Nianmei Lulong also came to Metagross.

Looking at the Metagross within the attack range, Nianmei Lulong also showed a hint of joy in his eyes.

As long as you can get close...

[Fire Fist] roared and hit the Metagross.

Metagross' fist also exuded a cold aura and swung it towards the sticky dragon.

There was a hint of surprise in Nianmei Lulong's eyes.

Metagross' fist was aimed at himself.

Didn't you choose to confront your own attack?

Nianmei Lulong reacted instantly.

However, he did not hesitate to choose to trade injury for injury.

Although he doesn't have much physical strength, the damage of the fire-based skills blessed by the sunny sky is not low.

She is confident that her [Fire Fist] will definitely do more damage to Metagross than Metagross [Freeze Punch] hits her.

If that's the case, there's no need to hesitate.

The fists of both sides hit each other's body at the same time.

Both sides took two steps backward at the same time.

Nianmeilululong was right, the damage she dealt to Metagross was indeed higher.

But similarly, her current physical strength is no longer enough to resist the next [Poison] outbreak.

[Freeze Fist] also deals double damage to the Dragon type.

After seeing both parties hurting each other, Mrs. Hua Jie and Huayedi couldn't help but exclaimed.

Not only the two of them, but also other Pokémon living in the wetland who came after hearing the news.

Whether it was the original Pokémon or the later ones, such as Dagger, Stitch, and others, they all came over to watch this scene.

They didn't understand the situation at first and were ready to help Melulon.

However, she was stopped by Mrs. Hua Jie.

This is a battle between them.

It's not an invasion!
After the two sides collided once, Nianmei Lulong became even more anxious.

However, Metagross had already achieved his goal. He released the [Shadow Ball] and hit the sticky dragon, then took a few steps back.

Not all of the [Shadow Balls] hit, most of the [Shadow Balls] hit the ground next to Nian Meilulong.

A large amount of smoke was produced, which somewhat obstructed the sight of the sticky dragon.

However, having sensed that the next [Poison] was about to come, Nianmeilulong still tried his best to rush out of the smoke.

Otherwise, after the next [Poison], he will completely lose his ability to fight.

But after rushing out, what greeted the Nianmei Lulong was not the light.

It is the seismic wave of [Earthquake] released by Metagross.

Nianmeilulong was so anxious that she failed to pay attention to the movement of the Metagross outside the smoke.

And this is exactly what Metagross thinks.

Use the [Shadow Ball] to hit the ground and the black smoke will block the sight of the sticky dragon.

Then he took the opportunity to give Nianmelulong a fatal blow.

Under normal circumstances, Pokémon will be more cautious when their vision is covered by black smoke. They will pay attention to the opponent's movements and be wary of attacks from the opponent.

But not the sticky dragon.

In the [Toxic] state, she had no time to think.

All she can do is break out of the black smoke and defeat Metagross!
Only in this way can she achieve final victory.

But it was really because of her thoughts that she didn't notice the movement of Metagross outside.


After [Earthquake] hit the Nianmelulosaurus, the Nianmelulosaurus also lost its remaining physical strength and fell down.

At this time, it has not been long before the next [Poison] outbreak.If there hadn't been this [earthquake], the two sides might have collided once, and the [poison] would have exploded.

"Congratulations Metagross!"

Lu Ze was also very happy after seeing Metagross win.

But what may be even happier is that not only Metagross has successfully evolved, it has also successfully broken through and become a Pokémon with king-level strength.

Lu Ze could also clearly see the battle with Nianmei Lulong just now.

For nothing else, Metagross grew into the current Metagross under the cultivation of various iron ores.

His defense is still very good.

Lu Ze had just used the [Flame Fist] of Melu Dragon, and he originally thought it would be able to cause relatively large damage to Metagross.

As a result, Metagross' appearance didn't seem to have much impact.

Metagross was also very excited. He stretched out his palm and collided with Lu Ze's palm.


Even so, Lu Ze and Metagross did not forget about Nianmei Lulong.

When Nianmelulong lost its ability to fight, Ubo and the others surrounded it.

After a while, Nianmei Lulong woke up.

"Lucario, heal fluctuations."

After Lu Ze saw the Nianmelulosaurus regaining consciousness, he also directed his Lucario to treat the Nianmelulosaurus.

Also making the same move as Lucario was Mrs. Hua Jie.

Mrs. Hua Jie waved her hands and released [Aromatherapy].

Seeing this scene, Lu Ze also put back the Taotaoguo he had just taken out.

Originally, I was worried that there were still toxins remaining in the body of the sticky merulong.

But now Mrs. Hua Jie’s [Aromatherapy] has solved this problem very well.

After using [Aromatherapy], Mrs. Hua Jie looked at Metagross with some complaints, and then used the [Imitate] skill on Lucario.

After [imitating] the [Healing Wave], Mrs. Hua Jie and Lucario released the [Healing Wave] on the sticky dragon.

After a while, Nianmei Lulong recovered and showed a happy smile to Lucario and Mrs. Hua Jie.

Nianmei Lulong reached out and put his big hand on Mrs. Hua Jie's head and stroked it.

Mrs. Hua Jie was stunned for a moment, and then she quickly escaped from Nianmeilulong's hand as if she had been electrocuted.

Before the confused Nianmei Lulong could say anything, Mrs. Hua Jie left the place in a panic, hugging Huayedi and running away.

Lu Ze looked a little funny. She could clearly see Mrs. Hua Jie's face was slightly red.

But Lu Ze was also very strange.

Mrs. Hua Jie has a child, so she can be considered a young woman, right?

Why are you still blushing?
And if I read it correctly, both Mrs. Hua Jie and Nian Meilu Dragon are female, right?
Are you still blushing?
Lu Ze shook his head in amusement, and then looked at Nianmei Lulong.

"How do you stick to Melurus?"


Nianmei Lulong smiled at Lu Ze and shook his head, indicating that he had no problem.

After answering Lu Ze's question, Nianmei Lulong also had a gentle smile on his face, comforting his friends.

Lu Ze couldn't help but feel a little emotional when he saw this scene.

Nianmeilulong, who was once a soft baby, has now become everyone’s eldest sister like the cross-shaped bat.

But wasn't the Crossed Bat once a super-sounding bat that liked to stick to itself?
Lu Ze frowned and patted Nian Meilulong on the shoulder.

"I have a way to help Huayedi recover."


After hearing Lu Ze's words, Nianmei Lulong suddenly turned to look at Lu Ze with a look of surprise.

Compared to Mrs. Hua Jie, she knew Lu Ze's strength.

Lu Ze is so powerful and such a nice person, he will definitely not lie to others.

Since he said there is, then there must be!
Nianmei Lulong looked at Lu Ze excitedly. When Lu Ze said that Mrs. Hua Jie didn't believe him, Nianmei Lulong patted his chest grandly.

"It's on me!"

After Nianmei Lulong finished speaking, he excitedly dragged Lu Ze to find Mrs. Hua Jie.

Mrs. Hua Jie was in the cave at this time, thinking blankly about the action of clinging to Melulong just now.

But the next second, Nianmei Lulong's careless voice came in from outside.

"Mrs. Hua Jie, you can trust him, he is very powerful!"

Nianmei Lulong said, and Mrs. Hua Jie also looked up at Lu Ze.

After seeing Lu Ze still looking confident, Mrs. Hua Jie was also hesitant.

To be honest, she didn't believe Lu Ze.

After all, no human being would ever be nice to them for no reason.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Hua Jie looked at Lu Ze with resistance again.

Lu Ze was a little surprised. Why was Mrs. Hua Jie so hostile to him?
But it doesn't matter, Huayidi likes her expression very much anyway.

After Lu Ze smiled at Mrs. Hua Jie, he curled his fingers at Huayedi.

Huayedi's eyes lit up, and then she wanted to fly towards Lu Ze.

However, after taking a look at her mother, Huayidi still stopped where she was.

But looking at the constant small movements of her little hands, Mrs. Hua Jie understood what Huayedi was thinking.

"It's just a piece of candy, the kind Huayedi ate just now."

Lu Ze glanced at Mrs. Hua Jie helplessly.

Really, I'm doing good things. Why do I feel like I'm just showing the little girl a goldfish?

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment when he thought of this.


It seems like this is indeed the case?

Holding the candy by herself, Huayidi is that little loli.

Isn't that...

Lu Ze laughed. No wonder Mrs. Hua Jie looked at him like this.

Seeing Hua Yedi's pitiful look, and seeing that Lu Ze was indeed holding the candy he had just given to Hua Yedi, Mrs. Hua Jie nodded helplessly.


Mrs. Hua Jie shook her head helplessly. After realizing Lu Ze's strength, she also understood.

Lu Ze had no idea about Huayedi.

After all, with Lu Ze's strength, if he wanted to beat Huayedi's strength, they couldn't stop him.

Even if the unknown Pokémon that released the superpower barrier for Lu Ze could not see where it was, he could clearly feel how powerful that Pokémon was.

After Huayidi saw her mother agreeing, she immediately cheered and flew towards Lu Ze.

Lu Ze still has no resistance to this cute Pokémon.

If it weren't for the obvious possibility that Mrs. Hua Jie would be willing, he would have taken Huayedi away.

However, it is better to encounter other flower leaves or flower beibei.

Lu Ze smiled and touched Huayedi's head, then took out a medicine that was about the same color as candy.

Because he was afraid that Guisi would not take medicine, Lu Ze added some peach juice when he finally made it successfully.

So now the energy cube in Lu Ze's hand is pink.

Huayidi looked at the pink energy cube with some curiosity. When Lu Ze handed it to her and signaled her to eat it, she opened her mouth wide without hesitation.

However, this scene was also seen by Mrs. Hua Jie who just turned around and looked over.

Mrs. Hua Jie was stunned for a moment, and then rushed towards Huayedi excitedly.


(End of this chapter)

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