Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 961 Doubles battle in Aroma City!

Chapter 961 Doubles battle in Aroma City!

Mrs. Hua Jie rushed over, looking nervously at Huayedi holding flowers in the air, wanting to see if there was anything wrong with her.

But looking at Huayedi's big, watery eyes, it didn't look like there was anything wrong.

"Hua Jie!"

When Mrs. Hua Jie saw Huayedi like this and was about to turn around to question Lu Ze, she suddenly saw green light emanating from Huayedi's body.


Guisi appeared from Lu Ze's shadow and looked at Huayidi who was a little confused with a smile.

He was also in the same situation at the beginning, with green lights constantly emerging from his body.

Then he recovered.

Recovery becomes what it was before the experiment.


Guisi looked at the color of his body.

It's unlikely that this color can be restored.

Xiao Guisi curled his lips, but still stared at Huayedi closely.

In just a moment, Huayedi experienced great changes.

Huayedi is no longer that soft and weak, but is very energetic.

Under normal circumstances, the flower leaves rarely stray far away from Mrs. Flower Jie.

Because she had so little physical strength, it was difficult to just keep flying.

But now, after she felt the changes in her body, she flew directly from Mrs. Hua Jie's hand.

Mrs. Hua Jie looked at this scene in a daze. Seeing the flower leaves dancing in the air and making a sound like a pleasant bell, she couldn't help but have the urge to cry.

In order for Huayedi to recover, she came here.

But here it can only prevent Huayedi's situation from getting worse.

Unexpectedly, a person who suddenly appeared today actually cured his mosaic.



Just as Mrs. Hua Jie was excited looking at the happy flying flowers in the sky, Nianmei Lulong seemed to have noticed Mrs. Hua Jie's mood, and stepped forward to gently pat Mrs. Hua Jie's back.

At this time, Mrs. Hua Jie couldn't bear it anymore, and tears fell down.

Seeing this scene, Huayidi was also a little panicked, and quickly came down to comfort her mother.

Seeing Huayedi's anxious look, Mrs. Hua Jie quickly broke into laughter.

With excitement and gratitude in his eyes, he turned around and bowed to Lu Ze while holding Hua Yidi.

"Huajie Huajie."

"Mrs. Hua Jie said, thank you for your help to them. If there is any need for them in the future, you can send them as much as you want."

After Mrs. Huajie finished speaking, Lucario also translated Mrs. Huajie's words intact.

Not only that, Nian Meilulong on the side also patted his chest very happily.

"Nianmei Lulong said that she was the same."

Looking at the three Pokémon in front of me, one was bold, one was touched, and the other was confused and happy.

Lu Ze was a little funny. Why did they look like a family of three?

Lu Ze shook his head, shook off his thoughts, and then spoke to Mrs. Hua Jie.

"She's cute and I like her, so I don't want her to live like this forever."

Lu Ze smiled, tapped Huayedi's forehead in Mrs. Hua Jie's arms, then raised his head and said to Nianmei Lulong.

"Nianmei Lulong, now that things here are over, it's time for us to leave."

"I don't know where Xiaozhi has gone. I still have to find him."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, he waved to them before Nianmei Lulong and the others could react, turned around and left.

But what Lu Ze didn't see was the way Huayidi looked at Lu Ze...



"I don't know if Xiaozhi and the others are still in Aromatherapy City."

After leaving the wetland, Lu Ze sat on the Metagross and also enjoyed the experience of being a giant.

But Dawu was standing and Lu Ze was sitting.

Although, he is still stunningly handsome!
After traveling for a period of time, Lu Ze finally saw the ancient tree that was the signature of Xiangxuan City.

"Metrogross, speed up, we are almost there!"

Lu Ze waved his hand excitedly, and Metagross also sped up.

After a while, Lu Ze arrived at Aromatherapy City.

"Sure enough, the whole city smells delicious."

Lu Ze was walking on the streets of Xiangxuan City and said happily to Guis next to him.

Metagross has returned to the elf ball, and now only Guis and Deoxys are left outside.

However, Guis and Deoxys are both invisible, so others cannot see them.

This caused the people nearby to look at Lu Ze a little strangely.

"Is this your first time coming to Aroma City, young man?"

Just when Lu Ze was looking at the river in Xiangxuan City and thinking about whether he could fish, an old voice suddenly came to his ears.

"Well, it is indeed my first time to come to Xiangxun City." Lu Ze turned around and saw a slightly stooped old man who nodded and said.

The old man had white beard and hair, and his eyes were kind: "Oh? Are you a trainer?"


Lu Ze grinned at the old man: "But I am also challenging the gym and preparing for the Carlos Conference."

"That's it."

The old man nodded suddenly: "But you may not be able to challenge the gym today."

Before Lu Ze could show a questioning expression, the old man pointed in a direction and continued.

"Look, that's Miss Ma Xiu's direct store. Miss Ma Xiu will hold a fashion show there today."

After the old man finished speaking, Lu Ze also turned his head and looked over.

"Is this also an important event in Aromatherapy City?" Lu Ze asked curiously.

If so, then Xiaozhi and the others might still be here.

If not, Xiaozhi and the others might have left.

After all, as the protagonist of the world, Xiaozhi has incidents happening wherever he goes.

However, are their progress so slow?
Lu Ze was a little surprised, but he quickly reacted.

Yes, after all, Xiaozhi and the others came here step by step.

It's not like he flew here.

What is the difference between his behavior and that of Xiao Mao back then?
Lu Ze raised his head proudly.

No wonder he ran so fast.

"Miss Ma Xiu's fashion show is of course very important."

The old man didn't speak, but someone next to him spoke with a little pride.

"Young man, if you are not in a hurry, you can go and have a look. Miss Ma Xiu is very beautiful and she doesn't have a boyfriend yet."

The old man said, smiled at Lu Ze, and left swaying with his hands behind his back.

"What? I'm Miss Ma Xiu's boyfriend, okay?"

The young man who had just answered the call looked at the old man's back, muttered something dissatisfied, glanced at Lu Ze, and left.

"Ma Xiu, trainers of Fairy Pokémon are usually very beautiful."

Lu Ze smiled: "I don't know how beautiful Ma Xiu will be in the real world."

"Can it be compared to Sirona?"

As Lu Ze said that, he also raised his head and looked in the direction that the old man pointed just now.

"It's good to go and have a look."

After Lu Ze whispered to himself, he walked in the direction that the old man pointed just now.

Aromatherapy City is not very big, a little smaller than Miare City. It didn’t take long to arrive at the door of Ma Xiu’s direct-sale store.

"It's quite big."

Lu Ze looked up at the sign, but the next second a familiar voice rang from the store.

"Brother Ozawa!"

"Yo, Xiaozhi."

Lu Ze looked at Xiaozhi and his group and couldn't help but feel happy.I really didn't expect that it would be such a coincidence that I met here.

"Brother Ozawa, when did you come back?"

"Just got here."

After Lu Ze said this, he waved his hand for them to go in together.

Looking at Xiaozhi and his group, Lu Ze also saw the green-haired child.

He remembered that this must be Shota.

In the animation, Xiaozhi's fierce rival at the beginning.

Well, but then it was changed to Ai Lan.

Lu Ze chuckled lightly, and after seeing Serena's eyes almost glued to the inside, he walked in without rushing to introduce her.

"This is so pretty."

Serena and Yurika lost themselves as soon as they entered, and were immediately immersed in the sea of ​​clothing.

Lu Ze and Xiaozhi found a stool and sat down in unison.

Yes, men are born this way.

No problem.

"How about this? It's not bad, right?"


"It's beautiful, it should suit Serena very well!"

"Yeah, thank you!"

"But those are pretty good too!"

As Serena and Yurika spoke, they quickly changed places again and continued to look at their clothes.

Lu Ze held his chin in boredom.

By the way, I don’t know when this event will start.

But I guess I won’t be able to challenge the gym until tomorrow.

After all, it's almost night now.

While Lu Ze was thinking, Citron also smiled helplessly: "I really can't keep up with the energy of these girls."

"But Serena and the others seem to be happy, so that's okay."

Xiaozhi also laughed, and after looking at Serena, he turned to Citron and said.

"Look Citron, this is why you don't have a girlfriend."

Lu Ze smiled and looked at Citron with a teasing expression: "Shopping with a girl is a compulsory course between male and female friends."

After saying that, Lu Ze winked at Xiaozhi.

But seeing Xiaozhi's confused look, Lu Ze knew that he seemed to be playing the piano to a cow.

Xiaozhi, a straight man with HRB400 steel, is really hopeless.

Lu Ze sighed helplessly, Xiaozhi was still confused, but Citron's face turned red.

Pikachu looked at Citron with a snicker, but Citron quickly returned to normal and looked at Lu Ze and asked.

"Is Brother Ozawa's girlfriend like this too?"

After Citron finished speaking, Lu Ze was stunned for a moment: "I don't have a girlfriend?"


Ash, Citron and Shouta were all a little confused.

There is no such thing as the eloquent expression that my girlfriend just said.

Shortly after entering, Shota and Lu Ze introduced each other.

So at this moment Shota looked at Lu Ze and laughed: "How come brother Ozawa doesn't have a girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend or something, where can I get Pokémon scent?"

Lu Ze smiled proudly, and then looked at Pikachu: "You say so, Pikachu."


After Pikachu looked at Xiaozhi, he nodded to Lu Ze with a smile.

Well, as expected, Pikachu is still locked with Ash.

No wonder some people say that Pikachu is Ash's harem wife.

Lu Ze smiled, but Xiaozhi noticed the battle field outside the window.


"I said, the gym battle is not finished yet, how about a battle there?"

After Xiaozhi saw the battle field, he became excited instantly, turned around and said to Lu Ze and Shota.

"Not bad, I can do it!"

Shota was also very excited: "If you don't mind, can we have a doubles match?"

"I've always wanted to have a fight to give it a try."


Xiaozhi nodded excitedly, and then ran towards the battle site with Pikachu.

"Should I say he is worthy of Xiaozhi?"

Lu Ze looked at the backs of Xiaozhi and Shota and wanted to laugh, but he still followed with Citron.

"Then. Let's start the tag team battle between Ash and Shota!"

After arriving at the battle site, the two quickly made preparations.

The battle, with Citron as the referee and Lu Ze as the spectator, will soon begin.

"Okay, it's up to you!"

After Citron finished speaking, Xiaozhi held two Poké Balls in both hands and released his Pokémon directly.

"I'm begging you, croaking frogs and wrestling hawks!"

After Ash's Pokémon was released, Shota on the other side also released his Pokémon.

"What should Shota do? He must use Wood Guard, right?" Xiaozhi looked at Shota opposite and asked loudly.

Shota, like Ash just now, had a Poké Ball in each hand and looked at Ash excitedly.

"Of course, but I have another trump card!"

Shota said, releasing his Pokémon.

"Oh, baby dragon?"

Lu Ze also saw the Pokémon released by Shota.

A wooden gecko and a precious dragon.

Xiaozhi’s rival this time is quite good.

One Yusanjia and one Quasi-god.

"Mu Shou Gong is out!"

After Xiaozhi said something excited, he took out the Elf Guide and pointed it at Mu Shou Palace.

Lu Ze froze for a moment.

No, Xiaozhi, have you forgotten the Lizard King who used to be by Daming Lake?

Why does Mu Shou Gong still need to use the Elf Encyclopedia?
Lu Ze was stunned for a moment, but the others didn't think there was anything wrong with Xiao Zhi's behavior and were still looking at Xiao Zhi.

As the introduction of Pokémon in the Pokédex ended, Citron also stood up.

As his hand fell, he said: "The battle begins!"

"Baby dragon, headbutt!"

The moment the battle started, Shota commanded his baby dragon to attack.

However, Baby Dragon and Wood Sword are both mid-level Pokémon. It is a bit difficult to defeat Xiaozhi's Frog and Wrestler.

The croaking frog has already reached the senior level of strength.

"Wrestling Eagle Man, use your bare hands to attack!"

Xiaozhi waved his hand, and his Pokémon became more powerful, but he had no idea of ​​being afraid.

The Wrestling Eagle jumped up suddenly and rushed towards the Baby Dragon on the opposite side.

The arm shining with white light hit the baby dragon on the head.

"Gittle, are you so brave?"

Lu Ze couldn't help but feel happy when he saw this scene.

This wrestling eagle man is so brave, he actually attacks the baby dragon's hardest head.

(End of this chapter)

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