Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 962 Lu Ze’s disruption

Chapter 962 Lu Ze’s disruption
After the Metagross game was over, Lu Ze also crammed in some Pokémon knowledge in the Pokémon illustrated book.

For example, the introduction that Baby Dragon's head is the hardest was useless in battle games.

But now I understand that these introductions are still very useful for real-world battles.

I didn't see that even though Wrestling Eagle Man was stronger than Baby Dragon, he couldn't help but feel the pain in his hand after hitting Baby Dragon on the head with an [Empty Hand Chop].

The wrestling hawk had tears in his eyes and shook the hand he had just hit on the baby dragon's head with a look of panic on his face.

It really hurts!
"Wrestling Eagle, are you okay?"

Ash asked nervously after glancing at the Wrestling Hawkman worriedly.

Ash's words were like a dose of good medicine, and the Wrestling Hawkman quickly returned to his normal state.

"My dear, the dragon's head is very hard!" Shota said proudly when he saw the wrestling hawk man.

"That's it!"

Xiaozhi said and waved his hand: "Use bare-handed chops continuously!"

"Is Xiaozhi on top?"

Lu Ze, who was watching the battle, looked at Xiaozhi like this and said thoughtfully.

"But the Wrestling Eagle is stronger than his opponent, so there should be no problem."

Citron looked at the wrestling eagle man whose hands flashed and rushed towards the baby dragon again and said seriously.

The wrestling eagle man jumped into the air, his hands flashed with white light, and he struck the baby dragon on the head fiercely.

Baby Dragon's head is indeed very hard, and the first attack from Wrestling Eagle Man has no effect on him at all.

The baby dragon relaxed and had no idea of ​​fighting back.

My head is very hard, you can't do anything to me like this!
Baby Dragon felt a little proud in his heart, but soon he stopped laughing.

The continuous [empty-handed chops] made Baby Dragon gradually feel the pressure.

Especially the final full blow of the Wrestling Eagle Man, which directly knocked the baby dragon upside down.

"It's so awesome, how can it still be like this?"

The baby dragon stabilized his figure in the air, and after landing safely, Shota also showed a surprised look.

"Never give up until the last moment, this is our fight!"


The Wrestling Eagle crossed his arms and looked proud.

As Xiaozhi's voice fell, Wrestling Hawkman also made an excited sound.

"I see!"

"But, I won't lose either!"

Shota became excited: "Kimomiya, use the parasitic seeds on the wrestling hawk man!"

Mu Shou Gong took off and spat out green energy seeds towards the wrestling hawk.

The Wrestling Eagle Man was very fast and dodged before the energy seeds arrived.

The energy seeds fell to the ground and took root. Shota once again commanded the baby dragon to attack.

"Baby Dragon, Fire Fang!"

Shota waved his hand, and the baby dragon rushed towards the wrestling hawk who was flying into the air to avoid the [parasitic seed] of Mu Shougu.

"Frog, the wave of water!"

Xiaozhi panicked. At this distance and speed, the Wrestling Hawkman in the air should be unable to dodge.

Then we can only let the croaking frog come to the rescue!
After receiving Xiaozhi's instructions, the frog also jumped into the air.

Behind the wrestling hawk, a water ball of [Water Wave] was thrown out.

The water ball hit the [Fire Fang] released by Baby Dragon.

The collision of water and fire immediately caused water vapor to rise.

"Well done, Frog!"


"It's really good."

Lu Ze couldn't help but praise when he saw this scene.

"Watching this makes me want to have a doubles match."

It's not like he hasn't had any doubles matches.

However, compared to the cooperative doubles battles between Xiaozhi and the others, the doubles battles he experienced were more like two-on-two matches.

Each of the four Pokémon picks an opponent to fight against. This is what a double battle is.

In a doubles battle, you still need to cooperate with each other like Xiaozhi and others.

“It just clicked, and the teamwork was so flawless!”

Shota praised again and took out a small notebook to write it down.

"You've learned a lesson, Ash!"

"Mushougong, seed machine gun!"

After Shota finished recording, he commanded his Pokémon again.

Mu Shou Gong released the [Seed Machine Gun], but it was dodged by the croaking frog.

"Another intermediate machine gun!"

Shota did not believe in evil, and once again commanded his Mu Shougu to use the [Seed Machine Gun] on the frog.

But this time Xiaozhi didn't want to sit still and wait for death, and directly commanded the frog to rush over.

As a frog with a similar mind to Xiaozhi, he knew what Xiaozhi was thinking the moment Xiaozhi's voice came.

The frog whose speed increased to the fastest seemed to disappear directly on the field.

But this is only from the perspective of Shota and the others.

Lu Ze, who had the power of waveguide, saw that the frog was still moving slowly.

"On top!"

After Shota was surprised, he soon discovered the traces of the frog.

After shouting, Shouta directed Kishougu to launch a counterattack, trying to resist the attack of the frog.

"Mushougong, seed machine gun!"

"Cat-headed frog, acrobatics!"

Xiaozhi shouted, but Lu Ze was stunned for a moment and turned to look at Xiaozhi.


He actually let the croaking frog use [Acrobatics]?
Lu Ze was a little happy. Did his teachings to the frog and Xiaozhi work?

Originally, in this situation, Xiaozhi's first choice would have been [Iai Slash].

After all, Xiaozhi has an inexplicable obsession with the skill [Iai Slash].

But what Lu Ze didn't expect was that Xiaozhi actually used the [Acrobatics] skill to restrain the wooden gecko.

The flying type can cause double damage to the grass type.

In addition, Xiaozhi's frog does not carry props, so its power will be increased again.

In this case, let alone the croaking frog is stronger than the wooden guard palace.

Even if Mu Shou Gong's strength is the same as that of the croaking frog, Mu Shou Gong will basically have no fighting ability after hitting him this time.

While Lu Ze was thinking, the frog in the air had juggled to avoid the [intermediate machine gun] attack.

A stream of blue light flashed across Mu Shou Palace's green body.

The frog turned his back to Mu Shou Gong, without even looking at it. After throwing out a sword with the white energy light in his hand, he handsomely sheathed the sword!

Following the movements of the croaking frog, Mu Shou Gong also fell to the ground.


Lu Ze's eyes lit up, and he gave full marks to the frog's disguise!

"It's really handsome!"

Citron, who acted as the referee, also lit up.

Real men never look back to explode!

The smoke dissipated, and Mu Shou Gong, who had lost his ability to fight, appeared in front of everyone.

"Mushou Palace has lost the ability to fight!"

Citron's voice came, and Shota also put Mumomiya back into the Poké Ball with a sad look on his face.

"I'm sorry, you should have a good rest."

"I didn't expect that Xiaozhi actually has a skill that uses attributes to counteract each other!"

Citron looked at Xiaozhi and said to Xiaozhi seriously.

Both Xiaozhi and Shota have challenged his gym. As a gym leader, this evaluation is completely acceptable. "Yeah, I didn't expect Xiaozhi to really listen. I just thought you were going to use Iai Slash."

Lu Ze also praised Xiaozhi with a smile, but Lu Ze's praise made Xiaozhi scratch his head in embarrassment.

"Hey, I did have that idea just now." Xiaozhi said a little embarrassed.

Lu Ze was amused for a moment, but Shota took out his little notebook again.

"Oh, I see, Xiaozhi is really awesome! Brother Ozawa is also awesome!"

Shota was writing something down in his notebook as he spoke.

"I accept the experience. There are always infinite possibilities in battle!"

"So, what's next, Shota?"

After Ash took a look at the Crooked Frog and Wrestling Eagle on his field, he also asked Shota.

Shota now only has two Pokémon, one is Baby Dragon who is still on the field, and the other is Komori who has lost his fighting ability.

"We can go on!"

Shota didn't mean to be afraid, he looked at his precious dragon and said firmly.

"How about I partner up with Shota?" Lu Ze's eyes lit up when he saw this scene.

It's time to try out the idea I just had about doubles battle.

"Is that so?"

Citron gave Lu Ze a strange look, and Xiaozhi also looked at Lu Ze curiously.

"If I could, he would be my choice."

As Lu Ze said that, he used his waveguide power to point at the ghost in the shadow.


After receiving Lu Ze's signal, Guisi excitedly rushed out of Lu Ze's shadow and showed a big smile to everyone present!

"Is this, Guis?"

After seeing Guisi appear, everyone present was a little surprised.

It turned out to be a white ghost?

"Yes, if he can play, how about letting him partner with Baby Dragon?"

Lu Ze said and looked at Shota and Xiaozhi.

Although it is not good to intervene in the middle of the battle.

But Shota is not only weaker than Ash's Pokémon, but now only one Baby Dragon is left.

A battle would be meaningless without suspense.

Lu Ze also enjoyed being the one who disrupted the situation.

Of course, both of them still need to agree.

"I have no problem, what about you Shota?"

Xiaozhi became excited when he saw Brother Ozawa preparing to play, and he quickly agreed.

For him, there is no such thing as disrupting the situation.

As long as you can fight on your own, that’s all!

"Of course I have no problem!"

Shota also agreed excitedly.

I originally thought I was going to lose this game!

He doesn't like the feeling of failure!

Now with the help of brother Ozawa, the situation has returned to a close match again.

Although the Pokémon on the opposite side are still stronger than them.

After all, Brother Ozawa's Ghost is only an intermediate Pokémon.

The strength is similar to that of his precious dragons and wooden guards.

"Okay, in that case, let's continue the battle!"

After seeing Lu Ze standing next to Shota and Guisi also appearing on the field, Citron spoke again.

"Cathead Frog, use Freeze Punch on Baby Dragon!"

After the battle started, Xiaozhi once again commanded his frog.

Lu Ze was also happy when he saw the cold air exuding from the hands of the frog.

It seems that Xiaozhi really listened, and started to use attribute restraint attacks.

If he remembers correctly, this [Freeze Fist] seems to have been taught to him by Kirbymon.


"Ghost, use surprise attack on the frog!"

[Assault]: When the opponent uses attack skills, he will attack first!

The advantage of this skill is that Lu Ze knows that Xiaozhi basically doesn't use any change skills.


Guisi's figure disappeared instantly and reappeared in front of Baby Dragon.

The black energy in his hand came first and hit the frog directly.

Although this didn't cause too much damage to the frog, it did block the frog's attack on the baby dragon.

Guisi grinned at the frog, and hit the [Shadow Ball] at the Wrestling Eagle Man.

Kill the weaker one first, then implement a righteous two-on-one!

This is exactly Lu Ze's plan.

Shota thought the same way, and he also commanded the baby dragon to rush forward and used [Fire Fang] again against the Wrestler Hawkman.

"Frog, the wave of water!"

Xiaozhi was shocked and quickly prepared to let the frog intercept the baby dragon.

There is nothing we can do about [Shadow Ball], it is too fast, so we can only rely on the wrestling hawk to dodge it.


"Wrestling Eagle Man, get out of the way!"

Ash concentrated his attention, and the moment the [Shadow Ball] came over, he made the Wrestling Hawkman dodge.

The baby dragon on the other side has been stopped by the croaking frog.

But after Guisi released the [Shadow Ball], he disappeared.

When the Crooked Frog attacked the Baby Dragon, Ghost also came into the shadow of the Wrestling Eagle Man.

Xiaozhi and Wrestling Hawkman didn't know where Ghost was. Their eyes were now attracted to the baby dragon and the croaking frog.

"Ghost, hypnotism!"

Lu Ze smiled, and Guisi appeared directly in front of the wrestling hawk.

Wrestling Eagle Man was also startled when he saw Guisi suddenly appeared, but the next second he saw Guisi's eyes.

"Wrestling Eagle Man!"

Xiaozhi only noticed this after seeing the Wrestling Eagle Man fall down.

Seeing Guis preparing to attack the sleeping Wrestling Hawkman, Xiaozhi quickly commanded the frog to protect the Wrestling Hawkman.

The croaking frog looked at the baby dragon that was gradually unable to resist it, but still chose to protect the wrestling hawk.

"Xiao Zhi, there was a mistake."

Citron shook his head beside him and said helplessly.

The Croaking Frog is the strongest and can definitely take care of the Baby Dragon before Ghost takes care of the Wrestling Eagle Man.

When the time comes in one-on-one situations, the strength of the Croak-headed Frog will also be overwhelming to Guisi.


Citron shook his head slightly, but Lu Ze laughed.

Successfully besieged Wei and rescued Zhao!

Lu Ze smiled happily. He started with the Pokémon training of the second team. At the beginning, the focus was not on improving strength.

The first thing to do is to learn skills.

So Guisi’s current skill pool is also very good.

Just like.

"Ghost, one hundred thousand volts!"

(End of this chapter)

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