Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 963 Maxiu

Chapter 963 Maxiu

Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, watching Guisi use [One Hundred Thousand Volts], and the golden current hit his frog.

The croaking frog was also shocked.

He understood when he thought about how he learned his skills.

I guess this ghost is like that too, he knows how to use a lot of skills!
After the golden electric current hit the frog, Guisi curled his lips.

Unfortunately, the [Paralysis] state was not successfully triggered.

"Ghost, use one hundred thousand volts on Wrestling Hawkman!"

The frog was half kneeling on the ground. Lu Ze did not choose to attack the frog first.

The Wrestling Eagle is also doubly restrained by the electric element.

Lu Ze still chose his original plan.

Let the Wrestling Eagle appear first.

Xiang Tai probably understood what Lu Ze was thinking, and the recovered baby dragon also rushed towards this side.

Shota made a quick decision: "Baby Dragon, use Flame Fang on the Wrestler Hawkman!"

Stimulated by the electric current, the frog forced himself to stand up.

But just as he stood up, he saw Ghost's [One Hundred Thousand Volts] and Baby Dragon's [Fiang Fang] rushing towards the sleeping Wrestling Eagle Man.


The moment the attack hit, a thick black mist rose up, enveloping all four Pokémon in it.

"Crowing frog, Juhe cut!"

Outside the black mist, Xiaozhi's voice came. Although he was very worried about the Wrestling Hawkman, the most important thing now was the performance of the Frog!

As Xiaozhi's voice fell, the sound of two Pokémon colliding could also be heard in the black mist.

Soon, the baby dragon's figure flew out of the black mist and lay on the ground.

The next second, the black fog dissipated, and Guisi opened his eyes wide and looked at the frog in disbelief.

At this time, the frog was entangled in the water and looked at Guisi with cold eyes.

"The baby dragon has lost its ability to fight!"

"The Wrestling Eagle loses the ability to fight!"

As Citron's voice sounded, the baby dragon was also taken back into the elf ball by Shota.

Shota looked remorseful: "Sorry, it's my problem."

Lu Ze's face became serious.

Although the Wrestling Eagle Man has also lost his fighting ability, the current situation on the field is one-on-one between Guisi and the Frog.

But just now Lu Ze still had a winning rate of 60.00%, as long as he played well.

But now, after Xiaozhi's random beatings, there is only a 20.00% winning rate.

If you want to win, Ghost will have to break through or evolve.


Lu Ze's heart sank as he looked at the frog on the other side who was entangled in the current, obviously triggering the [Rip Current] feature.

This may be too rare.

Xiaozhi's move really gave him a big surprise.

Lu Ze looked at Xiaozhi with admiration in his eyes. Should he say it or not, he was worthy of being a fighter.

If Xiaozhi and Frog hadn't performed well just now, Lu Ze's next plan would be to contain the baby dragon, and then Guisi would find an opportunity to release [Hypnosis].

Just like the Wrestling Eagle just now.

However, the physical strength of the croaking frog is worse than that of the wrestling eagle.

If it is hypnotized, the frog will lose its ability to fight while under hypnosis, and cannot even activate [Riptide].

As long as the baby dragon can block two attacks, it's fine.

With Ghost's help, Baby Dragon is basically fine.

It's a pity that it was in the dark fog just now.

After the frog found the location of the baby dragon, it quickly killed the baby dragon before Lu Ze and Xiang Tai could react.

Lu Ze, who turned on the waveguide, did react later, and Guis also followed Lu Ze's guidance and tried to rescue the baby dragon.

But Guisi's speed was too slow. By the time he passed by, the baby dragon had already been knocked out.

Seeing the murderous look in the frog's eyes, Guisi was also startled.

What followed was what everyone saw just now.

After killing the baby dragon, the croaking frog directly activated [Riptide].

"Frog, the wave of water!"

After taking back the Poké Ball from the Wrestling Hawkman who had lost his fighting ability, Xiaozhi directly commanded his croaking frog to launch an attack.

The croaking frog was very fast and rushed directly in front of Guisi. The water ball formed by the [Water Wave] in his hand wanted to press it on Guisi's face.

"Same fate!"

Lu Ze didn't want to lose, but now he had no chance.

The head-on collision between the senior-level Pokémon and the intermediate-level Pokémon's Ghost was a crushing result.

Especially now that the croaking frog has triggered the [Riptide] feature.

Lu Ze sighed. Although he didn't want to, the frog was also cautious and did not choose to use long-range attacks. He just released it directly against his face.

In this case, Guisi can't even hide, and will fall down if hit.

Ghost's defense and physical strength are indeed not high.

After Lu Ze sighed, the frog and ghost also collided.

Just as Lu Ze thought, Guisi couldn't stop the frog's attack and fell down directly.


Xiaozhi cheered when he saw this scene, but it was just a cry.

A black soul appeared in the fallen ghost's body.

After the soul entered the body of the frog, it took the frog with it.

"Both Pokémon lose their ability to fight at the same time!"

Citron fulfilled his duties as a referee. As a former gym leader, he naturally knew what skills Guis had just used to take away the frog.

"As expected of Brother Ozawa."

Citron also looked at Lu Ze with admiration.

This kind of unfavorable situation can be reversed, and even in the end, a draw can be forced at a disadvantage.

You know, in the end, if Guisi uses [Same Fate], if the frog doesn't have the ability to kill Guisi.

Then this [Tongming] will be invalid.

But Brother Ozawa successfully judged that his ghost could not stop the frog's attack.

You know, Guisi is almost in full condition.

Citron was a little envious. When could he be like this?


After Citron announced the end, Xiaozhi also had a look of astonishment on his face.

He really didn't expect that he would be overturned.

But soon, a relieved smile appeared on Xiaozhi's face.

"Come back, croaking frog, thank you for your hard work."

After putting the frog back into the elf ball, Xiaozhi shook his head helplessly and came to Lu Ze.

"Brother Ozawa, you are so awesome!"

"Haha, it was just a flash of inspiration, not as good as your command just now."

Lu Ze smiled, he indeed thought so.

Xiaozhi's command in the black mist just now was completely based on instinct.

If the frog cannot find the baby dragon, his command will be meaningless.

However, Lu Ze felt that compared to instinct, the mutual trust between Xiaozhi and the frog was the key to achieving this level.

Shota didn't speak, and quickly recorded from the side.

The battle just now brought him great gains from both Xiaozhi and Brother Ozawa.

He gained more from this battle than from the gym battle.

You know, gym battles are personally guided by the gym leader.Lu Ze and Xiaozhi looked at each other and smiled after seeing Shota's appearance.

The next second they noticed the noise around them.

The battle just now was so intense that I didn't even hear the sound outside.

Now that it was quiet, not only Lu Ze, but also Xiaozhi and Shota also raised their heads and looked at the crowd below.

"This is?"

"Go down and see?"

Lu Ze said and walked outside.

"It's probably from the fashion show of the owner of the Ma Embroidery Hall."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, Xiaozhi, Shota and Citron also quickly caught up.

"Looks like it hasn't started yet, let's go to the Pokémon Center first."

"it is good."

After Ash and Shota nodded, they walked towards the Pokémon Center together.

In the Pokémon Center, after giving all his Pokémon to Miss Joy, Lu Ze also started to inquire.

"Well, that is indeed Miss Ma Xiu's fashion show."

When Miss Joy said this, little stars twinkled in her eyes.

"I really want to go to Miss Ma Xiu's fashion show, but why is it my turn to be on duty today?"

Miss Joy's eyes were aggrieved: "The clothes designed by Miss Ma Xiu are all very beautiful."

Looking at Miss Joy, the drama queen in front of them, Lu Ze and Xiao Zhi also smiled helplessly.

"So, when will Miss Ma Xiu's fashion show start?"

"Don't worry, you can keep up."

After Miss Joy patted her small breasts generously, she skipped towards the inside, completely unable to see the sad look she had just shown.

"Wait a minute, the fashion show is probably going to be in the evening, but luckily, we can make it in time."

After Lu Ze lay down easily on the stool in the Pokémon Center, he said to the three people next to him.

The three of them had no objections. Since they came across this kind of activity, they naturally wanted to check it out.



"what's going on?"

By the time Lu Ze and the others came out with their recovered Pokémon, it was already getting dark.

The Pokémon Center is not very far from here, and the four of them arrived here quickly.

Seeing that there was still no one up there, Xiaozhi was a little puzzled.

"It probably hasn't started yet. Sure enough, we can catch up." Lu Ze responded to Xiao Zhi with a smile.

Just as Lu Ze finished speaking, the lights on the wooden T stage began to light up.

The lights next to the T stage lit up one by one, and the people onlookers became equally excited.

This situation indicates that the fashion show is about to begin!

As all the lights were turned on, the last two big screens also lit up amid the cheers of the audience.

Under Da Deng's illumination, two girls wearing special clothes walked out.

“Everyone, I’ve kept you waiting for so long!”

After the girl with black twintails spoke, the blond girl in kimono next to her also spoke.

"Now open the kimono fashion show of designer Ma Xiu!"

When Lu Ze heard this, he suddenly felt a little bored.

Kimono, I don’t look very interested in it.

But this is the prototype of an island country after all, so that’s understandable.

Lu Ze looked uninterested, but Xiaozhi was very excited.

Under Lu Ze's explanation just now, he also understood what the fashion show was like.

Ash looked excitedly at the Pokémon and girls appearing on the catwalk.

“The first is an elegant dress that uses the pattern on Mariluli’s body!”

"It's very popular."

Looking at Mariluli and the girl on the stage, and hearing the cheers from the audience in his ears, Xiaozhi was also a little surprised.

Later, clothes with the same pattern as Super Mew, the same style as Gothic Kid, the same style as Wind Chime, etc. were put on the models and displayed.

"Let me tell you, it does look good. It's pretty."

"In other words, it would be better to inform Serena and the others."

After Citron nodded to Lu Ze and approved Lu Ze's idea, as if he suddenly thought of something, he turned to Xiaozhi and asked.

"Didn't they come?" Shota also asked a little strangely.

"Next is Mrs. Hua Jie's and Feng Chingling's matching outfits!"

As the blonde-haired kimono girl's voice fell, Lu Ze and Xiaozhi looked at each other in surprise.

Yurika, who was wearing a wind chime outfit with a dong dong rat on her head, and Serena, who was wearing the same outfit as Mrs. Hua Jie, came out with the long-tailed fire fox.



Ash and Citron made a surprised sound at the same time, but Yurika and Serena happened to hear them.

Serena was also very surprised after seeing Xiaozhi.

The next second, Serena's face turned red.

However, Yurika looked very excited and asked her brother happily.

"Look, look, it's cute!"

Yurika spun on the T stage, showing off her clothes.

"What are you doing, Yurika!" Citron asked Yurika in a panic.

He really didn't expect that Yurika would appear like this.

"Of course I'm going to be a model."

Yurika looked at her brother with a puzzled expression.

Isn't that obvious?
"I'm asking you why you became a model!"

"By the way, Serena and Yurika are models." Shota asked blankly.

"You are actually traveling with the owner and the model!"

"It's really enviable!"

The next second, Shota reacted and became excited instantly, and asked Xiaozhi who was obviously a little confused next to him.

"Ah, no, no."

Xiaozhi was a little embarrassed, but his eyes were still on Serena.

Serena is so beautiful.

"Serena, what's going on?"

But after just admiring it for a moment, Xiaozhi came to his senses and asked Serena.

Serena was also a little embarrassed: "Well, the real model seems to be unable to come because something went wrong."

"Then Miss Ma Xiu asked me to help."

As Serena finished speaking, the audience behind Lu Ze and the others suddenly let out an exclamation.

Ma Xiu's head appeared on the big screen, and then Miss Ma Xiu's figure appeared from behind.

As the wings on Ma Xiu's clothes spread out, Ma Xiu's face appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing Ma Xiu's movements, the cheers below became even louder.

"Miss Ma Xiu is so beautiful!"

Serena looked at Ma Xiu and became equally excited.

But Lu Ze looked at Ma Xiu's clothes.

"By the way, is this the same style as the Pink Butterfly?"

(End of this chapter)

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