Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 964 Ma Xiu’s combat wisdom

Chapter 964 Ma Xiu’s combat wisdom

"Is this the owner of the Aromatherapy Gym?"

Xiaozhi and Lu Ze spoke at the same time, making Citron next to him smile helplessly.

Why do these two guys feel that they need Yurika's help more than me?

Citron held his forehead, but Lu Ze and Xiaozhi did not pay attention to Citron's appearance.

At this time, their eyes were all on Ma Xiu on the stage.

“Welcome everyone to attend my fashion show today!”

Ma Xiu waved her hand, with a bright smile on her face and a gentle voice in her mouth.

"Our designs are all centered around Pokémon, because I think there is real beauty in nature!"

Ma Xiu covered her mouth and smiled: "Besides, the clothes I designed are the most beautiful in battle!"

"what does it mean?"

Xiaozhi looked at Ma Xiu on the stage with some confusion, but Lu Ze seemed to have thought of something and looked at Ma Xiu on the stage with some curiosity.

After Ma Xiu finished speaking, the blond-haired girl in kimono also scanned everyone's faces.

When he saw Lu Ze, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Such a handsome guy, he should be very handsome in battle too!
It will definitely be great to look at each other with Miss Ma Xiu.

Thinking of this, the blond-haired girl in kimono approached Ma Xiu and said something.

Ma Xiu's eyes brightened slightly when she looked at Lu Ze, and then she raised her hand.

"How about that gentleman?"


Lu Ze was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Xiaozhi and the others.

Well, at their age, they can’t be called sir.

"Yes, come on, please come here."

Ma Xiu's clothes were too wide, covering her entire arms.

After waving his shield-like arm, Lu Ze nodded and came to the stage.

He had no fear at all in this highly anticipated occasion.


Lu Ze tilted his head slightly and looked curiously at Ma Xiu, the leader of the Aromatherapy Gym in front of him.

After getting closer, Ma Xiu's appearance became even better, and even Lu Ze felt a little surprised.

Of course, it's also possible that the clothes on Ma Xiu's body gave her a lot of points.

However, Ma Xiu's pupils are a bit strange.

After Lu Ze took a look, he no longer paid much attention to Ma Xiu's eyes. He tilted his head and looked at Ma Xiu curiously.

"Fight me here!"

Ma Xiu said to Lu Ze with a confident look on her face.

"Is it here?"

Lu Ze is a little strange. Don't you want to fight in the gym?

However, it’s not impossible!

"Of course, if you win, I will give you the gym badge."

Ma Xiu nodded, still smiling brightly.


Xiaozhi looked at Ma Xiu on the stage with a surprised look.

However, a big sister behind him explained to Xiaozhi.

"This is a fashion show practice."

"It's because the clothes made by Master Ma Xiu can show the most beautiful posture in Pokémon battles."


Lu Ze nodded in agreement, and the man in black with double ponytails also stood in the referee's position.

"Then, let's start the match between Aromatherapy Gym leader Ma Xiu and challenger Lu Ze!"

"Use only one Pokémon. If either side loses the ability to fight, the game will end!"

"Is it a Pokémon?" Lu Ze was a little surprised, but he didn't say much.

This may be the rule of Aromatherapy Gym.

As the sound of the twin ponytails in black fell, Lu Ze understood after seeing Ma Xiu on the opposite side making no movement.

Ma Xiu, like other gym leaders, should look at the strength of the challenger first.

"Then I'll leave the ghost to you!"

If this is the case, it is natural to choose to train Pokémon.

Guisi's skills have almost been learned, and the next step is actual combat, and then evolution.


Guisi appeared from Lu Ze's shadow with a smirk on his face. After looking at the surprised expressions of the audience next to him, Guisi became obviously more excited.


Seeing Lu Ze's Pokémon, Ma Xiu also showed a hint of surprise in her eyes.

It turns out to be a white ghost, which is really rare.

Ma Xiu smiled, and after waving her arms like wings, an elf ball was thrown out.

"Go, Fenxiangxiang!"

The Pokémon Ma Xiu chose was Fenxiangxiang, which, like Guisi, was an intermediate-level Pokémon.

Elf:Powder Xiangxiang

Gender: female

Attribute: Fairy
Characteristics: Heart of Healing (When fighting side by side with your companions, there is a certain chance of curing the abnormal conditions on your companions every once in a while.)
Qualification: Purple

Basic skills: slightly

Genetic skills: slightly.

After Lu Ze took a look at Fenxiangxiang's message, he almost had a plan in mind.

There is no need to worry about Fenxiangxiang's characteristics. Whether it is a hidden characteristic or a normal characteristic, Fenxiangxiang's characteristics can only be brought out in the presence of a companion.

In this case, you only need to pay attention to the powdery fragrance itself.

"Then, the battle begins!"

After the man in black with ponytails shouted, he took two steps back, leaving the field to Lu Ze and Ma Xiu.

"Guisi, provocation!"

Lu Ze smiled confidently and directly directed Guisi to use [Provocation].

Fenxiangxiang is very slow.

Although she can fly, her speed is really her disadvantage.

However, Fenxiangxiang has the skill [Magic Space].

As someone who often uses [Magic Space], Lu Ze naturally knows the effect of this skill.

If Fenxiangxiang uses this skill, Guisi's advantage will not be that great.

So Lu Ze didn't hesitate and asked Guisi to use [Provocation] to first seal Fenxiangxiang's [Magic Space].

Ma Xiu was stunned for a moment when she saw this scene, and then a bright smile appeared on her face again.

"It seems like this is well prepared!"

The man in black with twin tails who was watching the battle was also a little surprised, and then he seemed to have thought of something and said to the blond girl in kimono next to him.

"Indeed, he seems to know Master Maxiu's Pokémon very well."

As the two of them talked, Ma Xiu also waved her wide sleeves and directed Fen Xiangxiang.

"Powder is fragrant, gyro ball!"

Just as Lu Ze thought, Fenxiangxiang's speed was very slow.

She was indeed planning to use [Magic Space], but it was blocked by Ghost.

But she didn't have other options.

Just like the current [Gyro Ball], the greater the speed difference between the two sides, the higher the damage.

Fenxiangxiang spun her body and hit Guisi at high speed.

"Spiritual strength!"

Lu Ze followed Dai Wu's example and pushed out his hands, and Guisi's eyes also flashed with black light.

Strangely enough, both Daigo's Metagross and his own Metagross have blue superpowers.

Deoxys and Mewtwo are pink superpowers.

Ghost, who also has a white body, has black superpower light.To be honest, Lu Ze was a little curious about how superpower light was formed.

But I still have to wait until I get older and have more free time to talk about this.

Just like my old man.

But the most important thing now is this battle!
Guisi's eyes revealed ferociousness.

Use [Psychic Power] to forcibly control Fenxiang Xiang who used [Gyro Ball].

This is indeed a very difficult thing.

Anyone who has studied physics knows that rotation produces the greatest force.

Even so, in the end, under the strong power of Guisi, Fenxiangxiang was stopped by [mental strong thoughts].


After throwing Fenxiangxiang away, Guisi restored the evil smile on his face.

"No way, did you really stop forcibly?"

Shota looked at Guisi on the stage in shock.

With the same strength, basically none of his Pokémon can do this.

Although he doesn't have a Pokémon that can use [Psychic Power], he has this self-awareness.

"Brother Ozawa's Pokémon are so strong, even the newly captured ones are like this!"

Xiaozhi also watched the battle on the field with equal excitement: "It's decided, we will have a special training with Brother Ozawa tonight!"

Lu Ze didn't notice what Xiaozhi and Shota were doing below. He was now focused on the battle on the field.

Fenxiangxiang on the opposite side should be stronger than Guisi.

Maybe a breakthrough can happen at any time.

To be honest, Lu Ze was still a little stressed.

After all, it is a one-on-one battle, there is no room for error, and if you lose, you lose.

"Guess, the magic shines!"

After seeing Fenxiangxiang on the opposite side use [Magic Shine], Lu Ze also quickly commanded his Guisi to use [Magic Shine].

Two huge light groups collided in the air, and the shining light made the surrounding audience unable to open their eyes.

Fortunately, the same skills canceled each other out, and Fenxiangxiang was not able to cause damage to Guisi.

Guisi's figure was hidden again.

Since it's night time, Ghost can hide better.

After [Magic Sparkle] failed to work, Guisi's hiding made Ma Xiu frowning on the opposite side.

Guisi was hiding just now. Originally, Ma Xiu was going to let Fenxiangxiang use [Magic Shine] to cause damage to Guisi and find Guisi's location.

But this ghost can also use the skill [Magic Shine].

In this case, her idea will be shattered.

It will be a little difficult to find Guis next.

However, the [provocation] time passed quickly. After the [provocation] passed, you can use the tactics you are good at.

Ma Xiu breathed a sigh of relief. There was nothing she could do now but wait for Guisi to take the initiative.

But even though this is the case, you can't be defenseless at all.

Ma Xiu opened her mouth and seemed to be saying something to her pink fragrance.

But Lu Ze didn't understand.

"Huh? Do island countries also have dialects?"

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment. When he was in this world, he had seen trainers who commanded their Pokémon in dialects.

However, does a place like an island country also have dialects that are incomprehensible in other places?
Lu Ze was a little confused, but Lucario and the others understood.

Even a little strange.

That female actually spoke the language of their Pokémon!

Although it's a bit vague, it's like the accent of a child who has just learned to speak.

But it is indeed the language of Pokémon.

Lucario and the others were a little surprised, but they were still fighting and they couldn't appear yet.

In this kind of one-on-one battle, if they appear, it will easily cause other effects.

You know, in all Pokémon battles, except for Xiaozhi, few people will let their other Pokémon be on the field when their Pokémon battles.

In this case, the referee will look at the Pokémon next to him.

Once that Pokémon makes any strange move, that person may be immediately defeated.

This is the Pokémon that was on the field before the battle started.

If the trainer releases his Pokémon during the battle.

It’s also a loss.

After all, this kind of action is too misleading.

Lucario understands this, so even if he can connect with Lu Ze's waveguide in the elf ball, he has no intention of opening his mouth.

In his opinion, even if the female opposite was like this, it would not have much impact on Lu Ze.

He still believed in Lu Ze.

What's more, even if Lu Ze knew about it, there was nothing he could do about it. This was an upright method.

Unless Lu Ze chooses not to attack.

But it's unlikely.

"Ghost, extremely poisonous!"

As Lu Ze finished speaking, a white shadow appeared in Fenxiangxiang's shadow.

Then a purple ball of poison was pressed on Fenxiangxiang's body.

At the same time, Ma Xiu's eyes also lit up.

Fenxiangxiang turned around immediately, but Guisi smiled evilly again and hid himself.

Fenxiangxiang pouted, but there was a hint of cunning in her eyes.


Ma Xiu gave an order, and Fenxiangxiang's body suddenly glowed with pink light.

[Poison] was dissolved.

At the same time, the time for [provocation] has passed.

Ma Xiu commanded Fen Xiangxiang to use [Magic Space] without hesitation.

The pink transparent space enveloped the venue, and Guisi's speed suddenly slowed down a bit.

On the contrary, Fenxiangxiang's speed is faster.


The purple poisonous slurry directly covered Fenxiangxiang's body.

【Sludge Bomb】!
When [Provocation] disappeared, not only Ma Xiu gave the command, but Lu Ze also gave the command.

He knew that Ma Xiu would definitely choose to let Fen Xiangxiang use the [Magic Space].

But this time he did not choose to stop it, but chose to let Guis launch the attack.

Guisi's hiding left Fenxiangxiang completely helpless.

But unfortunately, Fenxiangxiang used [Aromatherapy] to relieve her abnormal condition.

Otherwise, Lu Ze was planning to use [Venom Impact].

The double damage of [Venom Impact] in the [Poisonous] state can completely take away Fenxiangxiang.

But unfortunately...

Lu Ze shook his head slightly, it didn't matter now.

After Guisi hides, just wait and find another opportunity to use [Sludge Bomb].

Fenxiangxiang's current state cannot withstand a second attack.

Although there is [Magic Space] now, it will disappear at some point.

A smile appeared on Lu Ze's lips.

The corner of Ma Xiu's mouth opposite also showed a smile.

"The fragrance of powder, the power of the moon!"

"how is this possible!"

Seeing Fenxiangxiang's actions, Lu Ze exclaimed.

Fenxiangxiang's attack direction is exactly where Guisi is hiding!

(End of this chapter)

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