Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 965 Gym Battle


The powerful moon energy blasted Guisi's body.

Guisi didn't expect Fenxiangxiang to be able to find his place.

Without reacting, he had no idea of ​​evading.

"Is it the scent?"

Lu Ze thought as he looked at Fen Xiangxiang and Ma Xiu with a proud smile on his face.

When Xiaozhi took out the Elf Illustrated Book just now, the introduction to Fenxiangxiang was that she had a fragrance on her body.

If you put it this way, Guisi must have just accidentally been exposed to the scent of powdery incense?

Fenxiangxiang relied on the scent to find Guisi's location, and then struck accurately?
That should be it roughly.

Fortunately, fairy skills can only cause half damage to ghosts.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for Guisi's fragile body to withstand such a powerful attack skill.

Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief, but the battle on the field continued.

After Guisi was discovered, Fenxiangxiang also began to pursue Guisi fiercely.

Ma Xiu also seemed a little annoyed as to why Fen Xiangxiang was not allowed to use [Psychic Strength] just now.

In that case, Guisi didn't even think about escaping.

As long as he uses [Mental Power], the ghost might be taken away directly by him.

Unfortunately, in the end, he chose to use the fairy skills that he was better at.

Ma Xiu sighed and once again commanded her Fenxiangxiang to use [Psychic Strength].

There was a hint of panic on Guisi's face, but there was no hint of panic in his eyes.
Fenxiangxiang’s [Spiritual Strong Thought] is also pink.

When Fen Xiangxiang's [Strong Mental Sense] was released, Guisi also used [Strong Mental Sense].

The pink [mental strength] and the black [mental strength] collided together.

The two energies kept going back and forth in the air, as if no one could do anything to the other.

"Powder Xiangxiang, energy ball!"

A moment later, two superpowers suddenly exploded in the air, blowing Guisi and Fenxiangxiang backward at the same time.

"What a powerful force!"

After Xiaozhi stretched out his hand to block the strong wind, he looked at the two Pokémon on the stage with emotion and said.

"Indeed, I always feel that my precious dragon is no match for Guisi, and I don't know what Mu Shou Palace is like."

Shota's eyes were also very bright.

He really wanted to have a battle with Brother Ozawa.

I think the battle with Brother Ozawa should be more rewarding than the battle with the gym leader!
Shota's eyes were excited, and so was Xiaozhi, looking at Ma Xiu on the stage with excitement.

Unlike Shota, he wanted to fight Ma Xiu.

Brother Ozawa is so powerful!

At the very least, I am indeed no match for Brother Ozawa now.

"Good stake!"

"It's so beautiful."

Not only Xiaozhi and Shota, but Yurika and Serena were also looking at the field with excitement.

But unlike Xiaozhi and the others, Yurika and Serena were looking at Ma Xiu.

"Miss Ma Xiu really looks more beautiful in battle!"

"Yes, her clothes look even more beautiful in battle."

After Serena finished speaking, Yurika also nodded with twinkling eyes.

The battle on the field continued. After the strong wind passed, Fenxiangxiang gathered energy, and the emerald green [energy ball] galloped towards Guisi.

The white mist beside Guisi formed a small claw. After rubbing the [Shadow Ball] out, it hit the [Energy Ball] in the air.

The two energies collided with each other and exploded again.

The black smoke produced by the explosion caused both Pokémon to lose their target, and the field fell into a brief silence.

But Lu Ze is not the kind of person who likes to sit back and wait for death.

"Ghost, freezing wind!"

[Magic Space] is about to end. If you wait until [Magic Space] ends, it will be more difficult to kill Fenxiangxiang on the opposite side.

When Fenxiangxiang switches from offense to defense, it will be very detrimental to Guisi.

Lu Ze's Ghost actually also uses the skill [Magic Space].

Ghost learned this skill as a sign of gratitude to Kirbymon.

Although his physical attack ability is not very strong, Ozawa also said that this is to prepare him for his future evolution into Gengar.

So he learned the farmer's three punches from Kirbymon.

In return, Guisi patted his chest and agreed, and would make room for Kirby in the future.

Kirby smiled happily and even taught Guisi the three farmer's punches with different hands.

But unfortunately, Guisi does not have this talent.

But later, Guisi also kept his promise. After learning the farmer's three punches, he learned the use of [Magic Space] from the wind fairy.

Although I am not very proficient in mastering it, there is no problem in using it.

When [Magic Space] is opened again, the previous Magic Space will be offset.

In other words, if Guis uses [Magic Space], there will be no [Magic Space] on the field.

However, Lu Ze did not choose to let Guisi do this.

The main reason is that he wants a quick victory.

If he doesn't attack and the opponent Fenxiangxiang concentrates on defense, it will be difficult for Guisi to defeat Fenxiangxiang.

Although just because of the fragrance, Lu Ze didn't expect it.

However, the situation is still under control now.

After Guisi used [Freeze], he not only blew away the black smoke, but also caused damage and slowdown to Fenxiangxiang who did not react.

Ma Xiu's heart tightened. Fenxiangxiang didn't have much physical strength left now. As long as another random skill hit, Fenxiangxiang would lose her fighting ability.

After Fenxiangxiang lost her fighting ability, it meant that she lost the game.

But the ghost on the opposite side is just a matter of time.

After the [Mental Power] is released, Guisi is absolutely unstoppable.

While he is still in the [Magic Space], Guisi has just finished using [Freezing Wind].

"The powder is fragrant and the spirit is strong!"

Thinking of this, Ma Xiu commanded Fen Xiangxiang to attack without hesitation.

She wanted to catch Guisi off guard, just like Guisi's [Freezing Wind] just now.


After Lu Ze opened his mouth and sighed softly, Guisi came directly behind Fen Xiangxiang.


Guisi used the white smoke to turn into claws and directly smacked Fenxiangxiang out of the air.

If the opponent uses attack skills, [Assault] will attack first.

In the last moment of [Magic Space], if Lu Ze was in Ma Xiu's position, he would also choose to let Fen Xiangxiang use attack skills.

After all, she only needs one skill hit to take Guisi away.

But what she didn't know was that Lu Ze thought the same way.

As long as the opponent uses attack skills, [Assault] can attack first.

In this case, although the damage of [Assault] is not very high to Fenxiangxiang, it is enough for the close ghost to kill Fenxiangxiang.

Well, the [Freezing Wind] hit just now was something Lu Ze didn't expect.

There is no need to attack a second time now, one [Assault] is enough to kill Fenxiangxiang.

That's why Lu Ze said it was a pity after pink energy appeared in Fenxiangxiang's eyes.


Fenxiangxiang quickly hit the ground under Guisi's attack.

During this process, Fenxiangxiang's eyes turned round and she lost her ability to fight.

"Powder fragrance!"

Ma Xiu exclaimed, looking nervous at Fen Xiangxiang who hit the wooden catwalk.

Not only Ma Xiu, but also the audience in the audience stretched their heads and looked at the situation on the stage.

"Feng Xiangxiang has lost the ability to fight, the challenger wins!" Seeing Fen Xiangxiang on the wooden floor, the black-clothed double ponytail acting as the referee was stunned for a moment before loudly announcing the verdict.


After Ma Xiu took Fenxiangxiang back into the elf ball, she came to Lu Ze.

A gentle voice came, and a small white hand stretched out from Ma Xiu's wide sleeves. On the small hand was a semi-elliptical fairy emblem with a beautiful pattern.

"Then I'll accept it without mercy." Lu Ze smiled and took the goblin badge from Ma Xiu's hand.

"This is what you deserve."

Ma Xiu smiled at Lu Ze, then turned and left.

At this point, Ma Xiu's fashion show ends.

"Let's go, do you live in the Pokémon Center?"

After Lu Ze came off the field, he looked at the excited Xiaozhi and Shota and said with a smile.

"Yes, where does Brother Ozawa live?"

"I just got here today, let's go to the Pokémon Center together."

Lu Ze said, and walked towards the Pokémon Center with Xiaozhi and the others.

Along the way, Xiaozhi and Shota looked at the fairy badge in Lu Ze's hand with envy.

When it was time to eat, Xiaozhi finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"It's decided, we will conduct special training tonight and challenge the Aromatherapy Gym tomorrow!"

After Ash finished speaking excitedly, he finished the remaining rice and ran towards the training outside the Pokémon Center.



"Xiao Zhi, wait for me!"

After Ash and Pikachu got up, Shota quickly chased after them.

"Let's go take a look too."


Serena smiled helplessly, Ash always did this.

He said something to Yurika next to him, and after Yurika finished eating, the two of them followed Xiaozhi together.

"Brother Ozawa, won't you go?"

Citron was a little helpless. After taking two bites of rice, when he saw Lu Ze still eating slowly, he asked curiously.

"Go, but don't be in a hurry, just eat slowly." Lu Ze nodded, not showing any signs of hurry.

Xiaozhi and the others didn't get the Fairy Badge, so they went to special training in a hurry.

But what does this have to do with me?
He got the Fairy Badge.

Lu Ze raised his head proudly and continued to eat slowly.

"Okay, then I'll go with you."

After Citron finished speaking, he also slowed down his eating speed and started eating as slowly as Lu Ze.



"Okay, we must have a gym battle today!"


After experiencing the special training last night, Xiaozhi came to the door of Ma Xiu's Aromatherapy Gym with confidence the next morning.

"Xiao Zhi is still so full of energy." Lu Ze smiled and shook his head.

But Xiaozhi's strength is indeed not weak.

In yesterday's battle with Shota, Xiaozhi won again.

After Shouta lost to Xiaozhi, he also challenged Lu Ze.

Challenge Lu Ze's Guisi with his own Mu Shou Palace.

Although he lost in the end, it obviously did not affect Shota's mentality.

Shota also joined Xiaozhi and the others early this morning, preparing to challenge the Aromatherapy Gym.

"Speaking of which, has Shouta seen the gym battle?" Serena asked curiously.

"No, it's the first time!"

"So my blood is boiling now!" Shota said excitedly.

Yurika on the side was a little amused: "Shouta, it's Xiaozhi who is fighting."

"Then please cheer for me, Shota!"

"no problem!"

Ash and Shota were equally excited, but Citron, who was also the gym leader, asked Ash seriously.

"Have you thought of any countermeasures against Fairy-type Pokémon?"

"Judging from yesterday's battle, there are too many unknowns in Miss Ma Xiu's battle." Citron said with some worry.

Just look at the two battles yesterday between Guisi vs. Fenxiangxiang and Guisi vs. Mu Shougong.

Guisi obviously used all his strength in the battle with Fenxiangxiang.

That's it, I still barely won.

But in the battle with Mu Shou Gong, Guisi easily defeated Mu Shou Gong.

This is enough to show how powerful Miss Ma Xiu is.

If Xiaozhi doesn't have any countermeasures against Fairy-type Pokémon, then...

"Of course not!"

As soon as Citron finished speaking, Xiaozhi said confidently.

Lu Ze was happy. The one who was so confident in this situation was indeed you, Xiaozhi!
"Ah, is it okay?"

Yurika also asked Xiaozhi worriedly, but Serena believed in Xiaozhi very much.

"Of course it's fine!"

"Ash has always worked together with Pokémon to obtain badges, so he can definitely win Miss Ma Xiu!"

After Serena finished speaking, Xiaozhi, who noticed Serena's eyes, nodded vigorously.

"Well, I'll make it!"


After Xiaozhi and Pikachu finished talking, they walked towards the Aromatherapy Gym.



After Lu Ze shouted, Xiaozhi, Shota and the others also shouted aggressively.


Opening the door, four girls in kimonos stood in a row and bowed to Xiaozhi and the others at the same time.

"Please leave the gym battle!"

Xiaozhi shouted, and the four girls stood beside him and moved out of the way.

Xiaozhi and others walked through the middle of the four people. Xiaozhi at the front had a confident smile on his face and stretched out his hand to press the brim of his hat.

"Let me tell you, Miss Ma Xiu's aesthetics is indeed much better than yours."

After arriving at the battlefield, Lu Ze looked at the beautiful courtyard and the battlefield, and said to Citron with a smile.

There are rockeries, trees and water, which is much prettier than the bare one in Citron.

Citron's face was embarrassed and he was unable to refute.

The challenger was Xiaozhi, so after arriving at the battlefield, they went to the spectator seats.

"Mushou Gong, today is your apprenticeship. Let's take a good look at Xiaozhi and the others' battle."

After arriving on the battlefield, Shota released his Mu Shougu.

After Lu Ze thought for a moment, he also called Guisi out.

"Guisi, you should also take a look."


Guisi's voice alarmed Mu Shougong, and Mu Shougong's eyes immediately shifted to Guisi.


(End of this chapter)

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