Mu Shougong looked at the white ghost in front of Lu Ze with a fighting look on his face.

He was still very convinced about his loss to Guis yesterday.

But this also strengthened his desire to fight Guis again.

Last night, in his review with Shota, he also found a tactic that could defeat Ghost.

So instead of watching Xiaozhi's gym battle now, Mu Shou Gong wants to have another battle with Lu Ze's Ghost.

After Guisi smiled at Mu Shou Palace, he focused on the gym battle that was about to begin.

Lu Ze told him that watching this gym battle was still very valuable to him.

He can learn a lot from this gym battle.

He has very little combat experience. Apart from the two battles yesterday, he has basically had no formal battles before.

In this case, it is also a good choice to watch other people's battles.

After Mu Shou Gong saw Guisi ignoring him, he temporarily put away his fighting spirit and turned to look at the field.

"Hey? Where's Miss Ma Xiu?"

After Xiaozhi waited for a while, he curiously asked the black-clothed twintail next to him without seeing Miss Ma Xiu.

"Don't worry, Miss Ma Xiu will be here soon."

As soon as the man in black with twin tails finished speaking, the venue suddenly became dark.

The next second, the large electronic screens all around shone.

Falling cherry blossom petals appeared on the large electronic screen, and everyone was very intoxicated.

"This immersive feeling is better than your gym."

Lu Ze looked at this scene, smiled and turned to Citron, who was also surprised next to him.

Citron was still excited just now, but after hearing what Lu Ze said, he felt dumbfounded.

"so beautiful!"

"As expected of a gym leader who is a designer."

Lu Ze smiled. Shota's words just now dealt a second blow to Citron.

It felt like it was tapping me.

Citron curled his lips slightly, "When I go back, I will also transform my gym."

Although it may not be so beautiful.

But you also have to change your own style!

Lu Ze didn't know that Citron would be so concerned about his teasing words, and he had already made up his mind.

He had already noticed Ma Xiu off the court.



Xiaozhi and Pikachu also noticed Ma Xiu's appearance.

As they were about to fight against Ma Xiu, their eyes were full of seriousness.

Ma Xiu's clothes were still the ones she wore at the fashion show yesterday, which looked like colorful pink butterflies.

After Ma Xiu appeared, the lights turned on.

Ma Xiu, who slowly stepped forward, still had a ladylike smile on her face: "I've kept you waiting for a long time."

"Master Ma Xiu, the master of Aromatherapy Gym, has arrived!"

Kuroko's eyes lit up when he saw Ma Xiu's appearance, and he introduced her loudly.

Ma Xiu bowed slightly, and Lu Ze couldn't help but sigh.

"It's so polite."

"Thank you for coming here. Your name is Xiaozhi, right? How many badges do you have on your hand?"

When Lu Ze sighed, the conversation between Ma Xiu and Xiao Zhi also reached their ears.

"Now it's five, I want to win here and get the sixth one!"

Xiaozhi's confident look made Ma Xiu also laugh.

"It's good to be confident, but I can't just hand the badge to you so easily."

Ma Xiu covered her mouth and chuckled, and then her eyes revealed strong confidence.

"The stronger the opponent, the more ignited my Pokémon and I will be!"

"I will never lose, Miss Ma Xiu!"

"Then let's begin."

Ma Xiu narrowed her eyes slightly. To be honest, Xiaozhi's words made her a little excited.

"Now begins the Aromatherapy Gym Gym Battle between the Gym Leader Ma Xiu and the challenger Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town!"

"The number of Pokémon used is two. If all Pokémon on one side lose the ability to fight, the battle is over!"

"Also, only the challenger can change Pokémon during the battle!"

"What about two?"

After the man in black with twin ponytails said the rules of the challenge, Lu Ze and Shota were a little surprised.

With two Pokémon, there isn't much room for error on either side.

Coupled with the fact that only the challenger can change Pokémon, two is more difficult than three.

"Let's start with me."

Ma Xiu chuckled, spinning her elegant body and throwing out her elf ball.

"Go, Fairy Eevee!"

"Fairy Eevee?"

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment after looking at Fairy Ibrahimovic who appeared on the opposite side.

The gym leader chooses the Pokémon to play first, which means she is very confident in her opponent.

Be confident that your opponent has Pokémon with the same strength as you.

Lu Ze looked at Fairy Ibrahimovic on the field, and watched Fairy Ibrahimovic turn around and say something to Ma Xiu.

But what surprised Lu Ze was that Ma Xiu seemed to be talking to Fairy Ibrahimovic.

"By the way, Ma Xiu can really talk to Pokémon?"

Lu Ze was a little confused, was this a character or something?

After Lu Ze took out Lucario's elf ball, he asked Lucario.

By the way, during my battle with Ma Xiu yesterday, Ma Xiu seemed to have experienced the same thing.

Lu Ze was confused, and Lucario was indeed panicked.

Oops, I forgot to tell Ozawa about Ma Xiu last night.

Lucario pretended to be calm. He knew what Lu Ze wanted to ask.

"Yes, that female does speak the language of Pokémon, but her language is a bit vague, just like you human children when they first learn to speak."

Lucario fell silent after finishing speaking.

Sure enough, after Lu Ze nodded, he put his elf ball back.

Lucario breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Lu Ze didn't know what happened yesterday.

"Sure enough, just like Serena said, she is speaking in the language of Pokémon."


Xiaozhi's voice seemed a bit loud, allowing Ma Xiu to hear it.

Ma Xiu smiled happily: "Me, I have always wanted to become a Pokémon, and then I can talk like I do now."

"Good stake!"

Ma Xiu smiled happily, while Xiao Zhi looked surprised.

He had lived with Pikachu and adventured for so long, but he could barely understand what Pikachu meant.

He couldn't do such a thing as talking to Pikachu.

Kema embroidery…

"However, I don't know all Pokémon languages."

"Well, I can probably understand everything our children say."

After Ma Xiu explained, he was ready to start the gym battle.

"The Pokémon I use is of the Fairy type, so be careful!"

After Ma Xiu finished speaking, Fairy Ibrahimovic also became serious and looked up at Xiaozhi.

"Then, my first partner is you, Rocket Sparrow! It's decided that it's you!"

As a flying Pokémon, Rocket Sparrow still has certain advantages in the air versus the ground.

"Then let the horse come over!"

After Ma Xiu finished speaking, the man in black with double ponytails also announced the start of the battle.

Ash took the lead in attacking and successfully hit Fairy Eevee using [Steel Wings]. "Steel-type skills have a restraining effect on fairy-type skills, which is good."

Lu Ze said, and Shota beside him was also recording in his notebook.

However, Rocket Sparrow is not as powerful as Fairy Eevee.

"Are you okay?"

Ma Xiu asked Fairy Ibrahimovic, and after receiving Fairy Ibrahimovic's reply, Ma Xiu covered her mouth again and chuckled.

"It really shouldn't be underestimated."

"But this time it's our turn, Fairy Eevee, the voice of enchantment!"

After Ma Xiu commanded, Fairy Ibrahimovic also released energy in the shape of a heart.

"Rocket Sparrow, use Peck!"

[Charming Voice] hit the Rocket Bird, but it didn't seem to cause much damage to the Rocket Bird.

Xiaozhi saw this scene and directly chose to fight back.

"Grab it!"

However, Rocket Sparrow's attack was dodged by Fairy Eevee.

Not only that, Fairy Eevee's ribbon also caught Rocket Bird, who was about to escape from Fairy Eevee.


Ash looked surprised, as did Citron and the others.

It was a bit incredible to see Fairy Ibrahimovic grabbing the Rocket Bird and swinging it around on the field.

The main reason is that Fairy Eevee's ribbon is stretched too long.

"Is there still this way of fighting?"

Shota was even more surprised when he saw this kind of fighting method for the first time, but Citron's words gave them an explanation.

“Pokémon battles are not just about dealing with skills, but also about understanding all of the Pokémon’s abilities and making the most of them.”

Citron's words made Lu Ze nod. This is exactly what he realized during this period.

"Miss Ma Xiu, you are very good at this kind of fighting." Lu Ze nodded in agreement.

Not only was Fairy Eevee's attack method using the ribbon today, but also the scent of powdery incense falling on Guisi yesterday.

Lu Ze stared closely at Fairy Ibrahimovic on the field.

Tang Yunqin can also learn this fighting method of Fairy Ibrahimovic after she returns.

Compared to people in the Pokémon world, people in this world seem to be more interested in the collision and dismantling of skills.

There is rarely this idea of ​​using Pokémon's own abilities to fight.

Just like Fenxiangxiang and today's fairy Ibrahimovic.

Lu Ze was a little excited. As expected, the guys who can become gym leaders are all talented.

This is true for Fuye's skill variation and Miss Maxiu's extension of Pokémon's own abilities.

"It's not over yet, Fairy Wind!"

Waving his wide sleeves, Fairy Eevee directly released [Fairy Wind].

The fairy wind formed a tornado, wrapping up Rocket Bird, which was still being pulled by the ribbon.

Xiaozhi opened his mouth with a look of shock.

Can you do this?

When using the skill, the ribbon still showed no signs of loosening.

Just like this, he suffered a whole damage from [Fairy Wind]?

"If you don't get rid of the ribbon, Xiaozhi may be in more danger."

Lu Ze shook his head. The fairy Ibrahimovic on the field had a very strong grip on his ribbon.

If it were him, how could the Flame Bird escape?

Lu Ze looked at this scene and also fell into deep thought.

"Xiao Zhi, how are you?"

Ma Xiu tilted her head slightly and said to Xiaozhi with a chuckle: "My Fairy Eevee's ribbon is more than just light and fluttery."

"Under the beauty of the fairy type, there are hidden fangs."

"The fangs?"

Ma Xiu's voice stunned Lu Ze, who was thinking about it.

Yes, if you are trapped by the ribbon, you can attack the ribbon.

Rocket Sparrow does not have a skill like [Fire Fang].

However, both [Overheat] and [Flash Charge] can make the body burn with flames.

In this case, won't the ribbon be removed?

If it is not lifted, the flame will burn along the ribbon.

Not only fire-based skills, but also electric-based skills can also be used.

Either you lift it, or I attack you along your ribbon.

A slight smile appeared on Lu Ze's lips. This feeling of defeating someone else's method was really satisfying.

Not only Lu Ze, but also Xiaozhi's eyes lit up after hearing this.

"Miss Ma Xiu, if you want to talk about hidden fangs, Rocket Sparrow also has them."

After Xiaozhi finished speaking, he looked at the Rocket Bird in the sky.

"Burn the Rocket Bird, charge up the flame attack!"

Xiaozhi shouted, and Rocket Bird's body suddenly burst into flames.

Just as Lu Ze thought, the flames burning on Rocket Bird directly followed Fairy Ibrahimovic's ribbon and hit Fairy Ibrahimovic.

Seeing her fairy Eevee take two steps back and retracting the ribbon at the same time, Ma Xiu also looked at Xiaozhi in surprise.

"Not bad, quite capable."

After Ma Xiu praised him, he directed Fairy Ibrahimovic to attack again.

"Fairy Eevee, the ultimate impact!"

As a normal-type ultimate move, the damage of [Ultimate Impact] is still very high.

In addition, Fairy Eevee [Fairy Skin] can turn general skills into fairy skills.

This is equivalent to Fairy Ibrahimovic using a powerful ultimate move of this system.

Although Fairy Ibrahimovic's physical attack ability is not too high.

But if this skill hits, Rocket Sparrow will also be unable to bear it.

"Challenge accepted, Rocket uses steel wings!"

With a wave of Xiaozhi's hand, Rocket Bird rushed towards Fairy Eevee who was charging towards him.

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene.

No, are you kidding? Are you playing like this?
The next second, the two Pokémon passed each other, with their backs to each other.

The scene fell silent until Rocket Bird staggered.

Sure enough, how could it collide with [Ultimate Impact]...

Lu Ze shook his head slightly, but before he finished speaking, he saw Fairy Ibrahimovic falling down on the field.

But Rocket Bird is still strong.

"how is this possible?"

Lu Ze was puzzled, and then as if he thought of something, he quickly glanced at the information about Fairy Ibrahimovic, who had lost his ability to fight.

"My, charming body?"

Lu Ze admitted that his brain shut down for a moment.

He also thought that Ma Xiu's fairy Eevee would have the [Fairy Skin] characteristic.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be [Charming Body].

How should I put it, when both parties are hurt at the same time...

Lu Ze felt that Ma Xiu was letting off steam...

[Moon Power] is not used, [Magic Shine] is not used, but an ultimate impact that Lu Ze cannot understand no matter how hard he thinks about it?
Lu Ze was puzzled, but Ma Xiu turned to look at the black-clothed twin-tailed man next to him.

"Wirika, referee!"

Seeing the shocked expressions on the four kimono girls next to them, they were looking at Ma Xiu's reminder to the referee.

Lu Ze understood.

Ma Xiu is probably in trouble.

Otherwise, judging from the understanding of the four kimono girls about the Maxiu Fairy Ibrahimovic.

Fairy Eevee shouldn't have lost.

(End of this chapter)

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