Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 967 Lu Ze curses

After Ma Xiu took her Fairy Eevee back into the Poké Ball, she sent out her second Pokémon.

It's just the powdery fragrance.

Lu Ze glanced at Fenxiangxiang on the field with some curiosity.

Although the two Fenxiangxiangs look similar, Bogui doesn't lie to others.

This Fenxiangxiang is not the Fenxiangxiang who fought against Guisi yesterday.

Moreover, this Fenxiangxiang is also more powerful.

However, the fighting methods are similar. After Fenxiangxiang came on the stage, she still used the [Magic Space].

Rocket Bird is much faster than Fenxiang Xiang, so there is no problem using this skill.

"Rocket Sparrow, increase your speed and use charged flame attack!"

After Xiaozhi saw that the Rocket Bird in the [Magic Space] slowed down, he commanded the Rocket Bird without hesitation to use the [Charged Flame Attack] that could increase the speed.


Lu Ze was stunned for a moment. No, Xiaozhi doesn't know the effect of [Magic Space]?
Lu Ze was a little confused, but Citron understood the effect.

After looking at Xiaozhi with an ugly expression, he turned to look at Shota.

Seeing Shota's confused look, Citron also explained to Shota.

In a sense, Citron, the gym leader, is still very responsible.

"Is this the effect of the magic space?"

"In other words, in this magic space, the faster Rocket Bird is slower than Fenxiangxiang?"

"Right, that is it."

After Citron explained, Shota was silent for a while and then said.

"By the way, in my battle with Fenxiangxiang yesterday, Fenxiangxiang also used this skill. Didn't you notice?"

Lu Ze was a little surprised, but Citron and the others were a little embarrassed.

They really didn't pay attention to this, and even forgot to remind Xiaozhi later.

Lu Ze pursed his lips and felt helpless.

Compulsory education in this world is still very good.

At the very least, Lu Ze still kept the characteristics of Pokémon, the skills that could be learned, and the effects of various skills in mind.

In the world where Xiaozhi lives, most trainers like Xiaozhi who have been traveling since they were ten years old don't understand anything.

The same is true for Xiaozhi. When he first started traveling, he didn't even know the attribute restraint table.

Under such circumstances, it can only be said that it is a matter of talent that we have come all the way to this point.

Most of the untalented players have now returned to ordinary lives.

Their once-dream became a dream, and they just watched other people's games with excitement during the Pokémon Conference.

To commemorate his dead dream.

In fact, not only Xiaozhi's world, but also Lu Ze's world, there are many people like this.

However, the cost of trial and error in this world is too short.

From the time I got Pokémon in my senior year of high school to the time I graduated from college, there was just over four years of trial and error.

After graduating from college, most people realize that they are not the material and will change careers and return to ordinary people's lives.

A small number of people are still persisting, but it may be due to insufficient talent, bad luck, etc., and they will eventually return to the lives of ordinary people.

There are only a handful of people who persevere and succeed.

Thinking of this, Lu Ze looked envious at Xiaozhi and Shota beside him.

Both of them are talented players.

Think about yourself, when you were in the first team, you were trying to train Pokémon, and it took more than two years to upgrade your Pokémon to a king-level strength.

And they, after just one year of travel, had already upgraded several of their Pokémon to king-level strength by the time the alliance conference began.

This is talent.

Lu Ze sighed, and Xiaozhi roared again after seeing that his rocket bird still couldn't keep up with Fenxiangxiang.

"Rocket Sparrow, accumulating flame attack!"

Lu Ze helplessly held his forehead, really wanting to tell him now that [Charged Flame Attack] was completely useless.


If people teach others, they can't teach others, but they can teach others once.

Let Xiaozhi do it himself.

Sure enough, facing the Rocket Bird with its body burning with flames, Fenxiangxiang directly used [Magic Shine] to knock the Rocket Bird away.

Xiaozhi does not believe in evil, or in other words, he is over the top again.

He commanded his Rocket Bird again to use [Charged Flame Attack].

Maybe Xiaozhi is also confused as to why Fenxiangxiang on the opposite side is so fast.

The speed of my Rocket Bird has almost slowed down, but it is still not as fast as Fenxiangxiang.

"Energy storage flame attack!"

Xiaozhi had no idea of ​​changing his skills and still let Rocket Sparrow use [Charged Flame Attack].

"What exactly does Xiaozhi want to do?"

After watching Rocket Bird being knocked away again, Shota couldn't help but ask.

Generally speaking, if this skill fails to produce an effect, it should be replaced with other skills.

It doesn't matter, Xiaozhi still chooses to let Rocket Bird continue to use [Charged Flame Attack]?

"Maybe I have some ideas."

Citron looked at Xiaozhi and said with some uncertainty.


Citron's words stunned Lu Ze for a moment, and then Lu Ze looked towards the field.


The time for [Magic Space] should be coming soon, right?

However, can Rocket Bird still hold on?
I have been attacked so many times, so my physical strength is already in danger.

Lu Ze did not speak, but quietly looked at the Rocket Bird in the field.

After struggling for a while, Rocket Bird stood up again amid Xiaozhi's cheers.

A smile appeared on Xiaozhi's face, and he commanded Rocket Sparrow to use [Charged Flame Attack] again.

“Although in the [Magic Space], the slower ones act first than the faster ones.

However, the speed bonus is still there.

When the [Magic Space] ends, Rocket Bird's speed will increase to a terrifying level. "

Lu Ze smiled and explained to Shota and the others: "The magic space also has a time limit."

"So this is ah!"

Shota looked excited and started recording in his notebook, and even Citron looked thoughtful.

"This is Xiaozhi. Although he doesn't know the effect of the skills, his combat intuition is really sharp."

Lu Ze sighed in admiration, but Rocket Bird was hit by [Magic Shine] again.

As Rocket Bird continued to attack, the [Magic Space] covering the entire field also began to dissipate.

"It's time."

Ma Xiu looked aggrieved and said softly, but this expression of pity was ignored by Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi smiled happily: "That's it now, Steel Wings!"

Steel type can cause double damage to fairy type.

With Rocket Bird's current speed, this hit might be able to kill Fenxiang Xiang directly.


Rocket Bird is very fast, and Ma Xiu is also the gym leader after all.

When Rocket Bird rushed over, he asked Fenxiangxiang to use [Moon Power].

After [Moon Power] hit the Rocket Bird rushing towards him head-on, the Rocket Bird also lost its fighting ability.Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

If Rocket Bird can still hold on now, then he really needs to ask Xiaozhi for advice on how to cultivate his Pokémon to be so meaty.

You know, Rocket Bird has been hit a lot of times in [Magic Space] just now.

Theoretically speaking, Rocket Bird should have lost its fighting ability long ago.

But Rocket Bird managed to survive until the end of [Magic Space].

"It's a pity that Rocket Sparrow lost too much energy in the battle just now." Citron shook his head helplessly and said.


After defeating Xiaozhi's Rocket Bird, Ma Xiu seemed to be in a happy mood.

After bowing slightly, Ma Xiu looked at Xiaozhi with a smile and asked: "I just kept using the charged flame attack, so it was for this."

"What a good idea."

After Xiaozhi smiled, he put the Rocket Bird, which had lost its fighting ability, back into the elf ball.

"How should we attack Fenxiangxiang?" Shota looked at Citron and asked.

"I'll teach you how to conquer Fenxiangxiang."

Lu Ze smiled: "After the opponent uses the trick space, you can let your Pokémon also use the trick space, or use skills like clearing the thick fog to make the trick space disappear."

"Is there no other way?"

Shota frowned and thought for a moment. It seemed that his Pokémon couldn't do these two methods.

"Basically there is no other way, or you can directly interrupt when the opponent is using the magic space. After all, the release speed of the magic space is not fast."

Lu Ze thought for a moment and shook his head, then confidently said to Shota.

[Magic Space] This skill is still disgusting.

But it's very powerful when used well.

"After your gym battle is over, I'll let you see how the magic space works together."

Lu Ze laughed, but Shota and Citron's eyes lit up.


The two of them nodded in agreement, but Lu Ze was thinking, who else can match the [Magic Space]?

If the strength is relatively low, Guisi can open up space.

But if it’s a doubles match, who will your teammates want to play?
Among my Pokémon, the one that fits the space best is Kirby.

But Kirbymon is too powerful.

The King Pokémon is about to reach the master level.

Even if there is no space, Xiaozhi, Citron and the others basically have nothing to do against Kirbymon.

Not to mention Shota.

Lu Ze thought about it, and Xiaozhi in the field also smiled confidently.

"Wrestling Eagle, it's up to you!"

Xiaozhi was full of confidence, and after a gorgeous turn, the Wrestling Eagle appeared in the field.

Ma Xiu couldn't help laughing as she performed the fitness postures one by one.

"What an interesting kid."

"Wrestler is a fighting-type and flying-type Pokémon, but the fighting-type skills have very average effect on Fenxiangxiang."

Shota took out his notebook and looked at the attribute restraint table on his notebook with some sadness.

"Shouta, the attribute restraint table cannot represent everything. After all, Pokémon can also learn skills other than their own attributes." Lu Ze shook his head and said to Shota.

Xiaozhi's title of Master of Inverse Attributes is not called for nothing.

Not to mention Xiaozhi, even he, who is used to attribute restraint, understands that attribute restraint is not everything.

Just like Kirby, do you dare to bring out a fighting-type Pokémon?
The moment you get up close, you will understand what absolute power is.

"Wrestling Eagle Man, chop with bare hands!"

Shota nodded thoughtfully, but Xiaozhi off the court directed the Wrestling Hawkman to launch an attack.

Ma Xiu was also prepared and directly asked her Fenxiangxiang to use the [Magic Space] again.

After dodging the Wrestling Eagle Man's attack, Fenxiangxiang used [Magic Space].

After [Magic Space] was activated, Fenxiangxiang used the [Power of the Moon] again under the speed exchange and knocked the Wrestling Eagle away.


"Well, it's very strong!"

The Wrestling Eagle turned to Xiaozhi excitedly and said.

Xiaozhi nodded in response.

But this made Ma Xiu a little happy: "Can Xiaozhi also communicate with Pokémon?"

“It’s not so much communication, but being able to vaguely feel what they are thinking.”

"Pickup pickup!"


Pikachu next to Ash and Wrestler Hawkman in the field nodded at the same time.

"It's really good."

A happy smile appeared on Ma Xiu's face, and Xiaozhi once again directed the Wrestling Eagle to launch an attack.

"Wrestling Eagle Man, Cross Scissors!"

The Wrestling Eagle rushed towards Fenxiangxiang again.

However, Fen Xiangxiang was still dodged.

The Wrestling Eagle's [Cross Scissors] hit the space wall of the [Magic Space], and then bounced back from the space wall.


Xiaozhi looked at the space wall of [Magic Space] with some surprise, and his eyes were thinking.

Then, Xiaozhi seemed to have thought of something, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Ah, do you have any ideas again?"

After seeing Xiaozhi like this, Ma Xiu murmured softly.

"Wrestling Eagle Man, taking over the opponent's skills is your way of fighting!"

"What an interesting kid, Fenxiangxiang, using a gyro ball!"

"catch him!"

Xiaozhi waved his hand, and the wrestling hawk did not dodge. He directly caught Fenxiangxiang who was using [Gyro Ball] in Ma Xiu's surprised eyes.

In the rotation of Fenxiangxiang [Gyro Ball], the body of the wrestling eagle man is also rotating.

After using the power of rotation to neutralize the power of Fenxiangxiang's attack, the Wrestling Eagle stepped on the space wall and rushed towards Fenxiangxiang.

"I will be troubled if I am underestimated. Magic shines!"

Fenxiangxiang used [Magic Shine] again, but was broken open by Wrestling Eagle Man who rushed towards him using [Cross Scissors] like a drill.

The Wrestling Eagle lived up to Xiaozhi's expectations and directly broke through [Magic Shine] and rushed to the space wall of [Magic Space] with Fenxiangxiang.


Ma Xiu's pupils were filled with surprise as she watched the [Magic Space] turn into energy fragments and dissipate before her eyes.

The Wrestling Eagle Man's attack broke the [Magic Space].

Xiaozhi yelled excitedly, but Lu Ze was stunned.

"Your mother..."

After muttering, Lu Ze took out the wind fairy's elf ball.

[Magic Space] How the hell could it be broken like this?
He had spoken confidently just now, but now he was slapping his face crazily.


(End of this chapter)

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