Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 968 The Elf Egg Picked Up

Chapter 968 The Elf Egg Picked Up
"Can you still break the magic space like this?"

Lu Ze looked at the [Magic Space] that was broken by the attack with a look of disbelief on his face.

Theoretically, it's possible.

After all, [Magic Space] is also an entity.


Are you being a little too adaptable?
Sure enough, the new brain is easy to use.

Lu Ze helplessly held up his forehead. The [Magic Space] he learned in this world and in previous world games did not indicate that it could be broken by brute force.


It should be said that he is worthy of Xiaozhi.

"Is the magic space broken?"

Not only Lu Ze, but also Citron and the others were also very surprised.

Ma Xiu also smiled confusedly: "It's such a thing."

Ma Xiu never expected that the [Magic Space] used by Fen Xiangxiang would be broken by someone with brute force.

"Although Fighting-type skills are normal to Fairy-type Pokémon, Bug-type skills can cause double damage to Psychic-type Magic Spaces."

"I think Xiaozhi must have bet on this." Citron said excitedly.

"So this is ah!"

After listening to Citron's explanation, Shota looked at Lu Ze with admiration.

"Has Brother Ozawa already known Xiaozhi's thoughts in advance, so that's why he told me that just now?"

Shota said excitedly while recording in his little notebook.

Lu Ze shook his head: "No, Xiaozhi also gave me a very big surprise."


"I didn't expect Xiaozhi to use such a method to break the game."

Facing Xiang Tai's somewhat disappointed and confused look, Lu Ze helplessly spread his hands and said.

"However, this is quite consistent with my impression of Xiaozhi."


After Lu Ze talked about his impression of Xiaozhi, Serena looked over curiously.


After Lu Ze finished speaking, Citron and the others couldn't help but smile after recalling Xiaozhi's fighting style.

It seems that it is indeed like this.

The battle on the field continues.

However, without the [Magic Space], Fenxiangxiang's speed would be much slower.

Under the attack of the Wrestling Eagle, he quickly lost his fighting ability.

"Feng Xiangxiang loses the ability to fight, and Wrestling Eagle Man wins, so the winner is the challenger Xiaozhi!"

After the referee announced Ash's victory, the Wrestling Eagle immediately stepped forward excitedly and knocked Ash down.

"That's wonderful, Ash."

Ma Xiu stepped forward, praised Xiao Zhi with a smile, and then handed the aromatherapy badge to Xiao Zhi.

"I got the Aromatherapy Badge!"



"Wind fairy, use the trick space!"

In the training ground at night, Lu Ze also released his Pokémon.

"Iron-clawed lobster, cross scissors!"

After seeing the Wind Fairy release [Magic Space], Lu Ze directed the Iron Claw Lobster to attack the space wall of [Magic Space].

Sure enough, under the attack of the iron-clawed lobster, the [Magic Space] was shattered in just one blow.

"Good guy..."

Lu Ze fell into deep thought after seeing this scene.

How many other skills have special tricks?
It seems that it is time to learn various tips on skills.

It's like the [Magic Space] can be broken.

If this little trick is used well, it is easy to produce results.

Lu Ze was thinking, and Shota on the side was also recording excitedly.

After two days of getting along, Xiang Tai has now successfully become Lu Ze's little fanboy.

Especially after learning that Lu Ze almost defeated Dai Wu.

When they were hanging out during the day, Shota accidentally dropped the small book in his hand.

Then it was picked up by Team Rocket. After finally repelling Team Rocket, Ash and the others got the notebook back and realized how important Daigo was to Shota.

But now, it seems that Lu Ze is also very important in Xiang Tai's heart.

Lu Ze looked at Shota: "Are you leaving tomorrow?"

"Well, the goal has been achieved, and I am going to challenge the gym!" Shota said excitedly, waving his hands.

This afternoon, Shota had already fought against Xiaozhi again.

But this time it was a one-on-one battle.

There are three Pokémon used by both sides.

In the first game, Pikachu versus Baby Dragon, Pikachu won easily.

In the second match between Wrestling Eagle Man and Fatty Ni, Wrestling Eagle Man still won easily.

In the third game, Mu Shou Palace fights against the croaking frog.

There were some changes in this game.

Shouta's Mu Shougu seems unwilling to lose to the frog again.

After falling at a disadvantage in the battle with the croaking frog, Mu Shou Gong also successfully evolved into a forest lizard.

However, the final outcome remained unchanged.

Although the forest lizard used the newly learned skill [Leaf Blade] to defeat the croaking frog a few times.

But in the end he was defeated by the croaking frog.

Since then, Xiaozhi has won all three battles.

"Okay, let's go for the gym competition."

"Well, I will!"

Shota nodded excitedly, and Xiaozhi walked up to him: "Looking forward to our meeting again!"

"I will definitely become stronger then!"

Early the next morning, after saying goodbye to Shota, Lu Ze, Xiaozhi and the others also set out on their way to Baike City.

Baike City is the seventh gym that Xiaozhi has chosen to challenge.

However, you need to pass through Fengxu Town on the way.

Because Serena is going to participate in the Pokémon Tribeca Tournament rookie event held in Fengxu Town.

"It's almost time to go."

In the wild, after having lunch on the grass in the forest, everyone took a short rest and prepared to set off again.

"Kabimon, Iron Claw Lobster, come back."

Lu Ze took out his poke ball and put all his pokemon back into the poke ball with a smile on his face.

During this time in Xiaozhi's world, Crossbat and the others spent more time in the Poké Ball.

They only come out when eating and resting.

To be honest, Lu Ze was still a little distressed by their appearance.

But after remembering what Crossed Bat said that day that they had nothing to do outside, Lu Ze could only keep this helplessness in his heart.

Compared with the situation in this world where Lu Ze stayed in one place for a long time, this world requires traveling and passing through different places.

This means that Lu Ze cannot "raise" them like he does in this world.

Go to class yourself and let them do whatever they want.

Not to mention the fact that Founder was a big man, they also had the watches Lu Ze had prepared for them.

Not only can they pay to take the subway, but it also makes them live in the city very conveniently.

But in Xiaozhi's world, it's not so convenient.

Just traveling with Lu Ze prevented them from staying in the same place.

However, although Lu Ze felt that he owed them a little, they did not feel that way.

Crossbat's favorite thing is to enjoy the scenery outside in the elf ball.Occasionally, when Lu Ze and the others were resting, they would fly into the air with Hu Hu to enjoy the scenery of another world.

The same goes for the Electric Shock Monster and the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

However, because the two of them do not have the ability to fly, they prefer to stay in the elf ball, or occasionally travel with Lu Ze and the others.

Compared to a few of them, Kirbymon is relatively lazy.

If you can lie down, you will never sit. If you can sit, you will never stand. If you can be in the Poké Ball, you will never come out and take a step.

Although Lu Ze was a little helpless, he would occasionally let Kirby come out and follow them for a while.

Of course, when time is not urgent.

Wind Fairy prefers to stick to Kirby, but like Crossbat, it also likes to go and see the scenery.

Iron-clawed lobsters like places with water. They will come out when there is water. If there is no water, they prefer to stay in the elf ball.

As for Lucario, Onion Rangers and Iron Warriors, they have been out for a relatively long time.

As "martial arts idiots", they have recently taken on a few more apprentices.

So I often come out to take care of my young apprentices.

Metagross doesn't come out much, and it's basically the same as Kirbymon.

His identity as a heterochromatic quasi-god has indeed brought a lot of trouble to Ozawa and the others.

Metagross naturally understands that, so sometimes even if Lu Ze wants him to come out for a walk, he will choose a time when there are basically no outsiders.

"Crossword Bat, do you want to travel with us for a while?"

After taking all the other Pokémon back into their pokeballs, Lu Ze looked at the Crossbat and asked.

The cross-shaped bat narrowed his eyes slightly, smiled and nodded to Lu Ze.

Of course.

The air here is very good.

"Huh? Where's Wrestling Eagle Man?"

After taking all the Pokémon back into the Poké Balls, Ash realized that his Wrestling Hawkman seemed to be missing.

"Speaking of which, I didn't seem to see him just now." Citron also scratched his head and said.

"Pickup pickup!"

Just when everyone was confused and Lu Ze was about to open the waveguide, Pikachu's voice suddenly rang.

Looking in the direction Pikachu pointed, Wrestling Hawkman was walking towards them holding something.

"what is this?"

The distance was quite far, and due to the obstruction of the Wrestling Eagle Man's wings, Xiaozhi and the others could not see clearly what the Wrestling Eagle Man was holding in his arms.

"Pokémon Egg?"

Lu Ze, who had more contact with elves, recognized what it was just by looking at it.

"Pokémon egg? It's the first time I've seen it!"

Yurika was also very excited when she saw the Pokémon egg handed to Ash by the wrestling hawk.

"What Pokémon's egg is it?"

"You can't tell if you look at it this way." Citron explained to his sister with a smile.

"Thank you Wrestling Eagle for bringing us dinner!"

Just when everyone was excited, Lu Ze's voice suddenly frightened them.

The wrestling eagle man's eyes widened and he looked at Lu Ze blankly.

After Xiaozhi and Citron subconsciously protected the Pokémon egg in their arms, they looked at Lu Ze in horror.

Pikachu was so frightened that he almost fell off Ash's shoulder.

"Brother Ozawa, you actually want to eat Pokémon eggs!"

After Yulijia reacted, she quickly asked Lu Ze angrily.

"Ha, how is that possible? Pokémon eggs don't taste good."

Lu Ze spread his hands and explained with a smile, but only Guisi's laughter cooperated with Lu Ze.

Crossed Bat looked at this scene with a chuckle.

This is Ozawa's nature.

He's like a close brother, that's not his character.

"Brother Ozawa is so bad."

After hearing Lu Ze's explanation, Serena and the others understood what Lu Ze meant.

Coupled with the fact that Guisi was laughing proudly behind Lu Ze, they naturally understood that this was Lu Ze's prank.

Xiaozhi and Citron looked helplessly at Lu Ze before relaxing.

"Wrestling Eagle, what's going on?"

After relaxing, Ash thought for a moment and then asked the Wrestling Eagle.

This Pokémon egg still needs to find a way to find its parents.

After Ash asked, the Wrestling Hawkman took them to the place where the Pokémon egg had just been found.

After dancing and explaining to everyone, Xiaozhi held the Poké Ball and tried to find the possible nest of some unknown Pokémon.

But the next second, the Pokémon in Xiaozhi's hand glowed.

"It just glowed!"

Xiaozhi was shocked, but Lu Ze was very calm: "It should be that the Pokémon in the egg is about to be born."

"Ah, what should I do then?"

When Xiaozhi heard what Lu Ze said, he panicked.

"Is it better to keep it warm?" After Serena said a little uncertainly, Xiaozhi immediately agreed.

"Okay, then leave it to me!"

As Ash said this, he held the Pokémon Egg in his arms, sat down cross-legged, and began to use his own body temperature to keep the Pokémon Egg warm.


When Pikachu saw this scene, he jumped down and hugged the Pokémon egg without hesitation.

The Wrestling Eagle on the side followed suit, and then Naughty Panda, Harry Li, Yulijia and Dongdong Mouse also rushed up and hugged the Pokémon egg.

The Rocket Bird in the sky hesitated for a moment, seemingly out of position.

"Your words may be more effective than theirs." Lu Ze looked at Rocket Sparrow and said with a smile.

Hearing what Lu Ze said, Rocket Bird's eyes instantly became firm, and he rushed down and hugged the Pokémon egg.

"Hey, why?"

Serena asked Lu Ze curiously why Rocket Sparrow was more effective than them.

"Because of Rocket Bird's characteristics."

Just as Lu Ze spoke, before he could explain, he saw the Pokémon egg in Xiao Zhi's arms starting to glow.


Crossed Bat took two steps forward curiously.

The Pokémon here…

"That's right, it's a buzz bat."

Lu Ze said softly to the Crossed Bat.

Lu Ze had just seen the information about the Pokémon egg when it appeared.

For Lu Ze, this has almost become an instinct.

After seeing that the Pokémon in the Pokémon egg was Buzzbat, Lu Ze immediately understood.

This should be the plot of Xiaozhi conquering Sonic Dragon.


After the Crossed Bat nodded, he began to observe the newly born buzzing bat.

Cute and somewhat cute.

"You were like this when you were just born."

Lu Ze looked at the Crossed Bat in front of him, which was almost as tall as himself, and thought of the time when the Crossed Bat was just born.

Because Lu Ze has been accompanying Supersonic Bat since the Pokémon Egg period.

So the Super Sonic Bat pounced on him as soon as he was born.


Hearing what Lu Ze said, Crossed Bat suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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