Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 971 Mi Keli’s battle!

After Meowth was defeated, Pikachu also excitedly jumped into Ash's arms.

Kojiro and Musashi also woke up. After taking a look at Meowth's condition, Xiaozhi ran over.

"Team Rocket, you lost!"

Looking at the little devil in front of them, Kojiro and Musashi showed a confident smile on their faces.

"What are you talking about, little devil!"

As the two said, they took out their elf balls.

"Giant golden monster, strong mind!"

Lu Ze was also happy to see the Team Rocket trio with panic expressions on their faces after being controlled by Metagross' [Psychic Power].

"You don't take us seriously."

Daigo also smiled: "After all, the three of them seem to only have eyes for Xiaozhi. Their relationship is really good."

"Who has a good relationship with this little devil!"

After Dai Wu finished speaking, the Rocket trio also roared at Dai Wu at the same time.

Metagross and Dawu showed puzzled expressions at the same time.

How can you still speak after being controlled by [mental strong thoughts]?
But soon, Dawu smiled and waved his hand, signaling Metagross to throw them away.

Having seen the capabilities of Team Rocket before, he naturally knew that these three guys couldn't do any big bad things.

And, most importantly, the police department can't seem to lock them up.

They who had been sent to the police station more than once could appear in front of Xiaozhi again the next day.

Of course, there was also a reason why they only stared at Xiaozhi.

"What a disgusting feeling!"

After the familiar voice came, the staff in the Poké Ball Factory also hurriedly ran out.

They had already failed in their work, but after seeing Daigo, the young master of the company, they became even more panicked.

"Say, what if I want to buy some Poké Balls?"

Lu Ze glanced at the staff and spoke directly to Dawu without giving them a chance to speak.

After Dawu glanced at Lu Ze and then at the panic-stricken staff, he smiled and said as if he understood something.

"Let's see if you have any rarer gems."

Lu Ze smiled happily: "Of course there are a lot of them."

With that said, Lu Ze called out Guisilai.

After Guisi joined the team, Lu Ze's backpack has basically lost its use.

Ghosts, like Gengar, can be used as storage spaces.

Although Guisi's space is smaller, it can still fit Lu Ze's things.

"A weird ghost?"

After seeing the white ghost appear, Dawu also looked at the ghost curiously.

He has also seen strange ghosts, but...

It doesn’t seem to be this color?

However, Daigo didn't mean to delve deeper, because his eyes were already attracted by the warm, milky-white stone in Guisi's hand.

"This is?"

"The gem of my world, Hetian jade." Lu Ze smiled and showed it to Dai Wu.



"Why, you don't seem to welcome me very much."

In Fengxu Town, Mi Keli looked at Lu Ze with a smile and said with a smile.

"No, I just didn't expect you to come." After Lu Ze recovered from the surprise, he smiled and shook his head.

"After I told Mikri about the Pokémon Tribeca Convention, Mikri wanted to come and have a look." Daigo explained.

"I have heard of this conference before, but I have never seen it. Why are only women participating?"

Mikri spread his hands helplessly. As the world's top Pokémon coordinator, he has some experience with competitions similar to the Gorgeous Contest.

But after learning that the "ribbon" at the Tribeca Convention was the princess key, he lost interest.

It's not that he can't participate, but it's obvious that this performers' conference seems to be prepared for women.

But it is said that the Tribeca Conference is developing well now.

In addition, Lu Ze was also here, so he came over to learn from it.

"Let's go, we're ready to enter." Lu Ze said, and followed Xiaozhi and the others towards the venue.

Mikri and Xiaozhi were old acquaintances, so they naturally said hello with a smile.

Lu Ze glanced at Daiwu. No wonder after the Poke Ball Factory incident, Daiwu said that he would go with them to watch Serena's performance.

It turns out that he was preparing for his good friend.

"Oh, isn't this Serena?"

After everyone entered the venue, because they were all here for the first time, some found out where the reception point was.

Just when Lu Ze and the others were about to ask, a voice suddenly came from behind them.

Everyone turned to look at the same time and saw a girl wearing a short skirt and short blue hair standing there pretty.

Standing next to the girl were two Pokémon, a Fatty and a Super Meowth.


Serena was also very surprised after seeing her old friend.

"Long time no see, everyone."

Milufi's eyes curiously looked at Lu Ze, Dawu and Mi Keli.

But I don't know if it's because Mi Keli didn't wear his sexy clothes today or because Mi Keli dressed up specially.

Miluffy's eyes only glanced at the three of them, then she looked at Xiaozhi and the others and said.

"Is Miluffi also here to attend the Pokémon Tribeca Convention?" Ash asked curiously.

"Of course I'm here to participate, don't you need to say more?"

"Will Miruffy also come to participate?"

After hearing Miruffy's answer, Serena was also a little surprised.

But in the next second, Miruffy came to Serena, and the distance between the two parties was less than a fist.

The trio of Lu Ze, Da Wu and Mi Keli watched this scene happily.

Seriously speaking, the three of them are considered uncles.

At this moment, after seeing the delicate faces of the two young and beautiful girls almost touching each other, an aunt's smile appeared on their faces at the same time.

"Have you cut your hair short?"


Miruffy attacked strongly, but Serena responded weakly.

"Did something happen? Was Xiaozhi dumped or something?"

A smirk appeared on Miruffy's face, and Serena immediately blushed.

"what are you talking about!"

Serena's surprised look also made her aunt's smile widen. The trio's eyes shifted to Xiaozhi's face.

"Oh ho ho, are they actually in this kind of relationship?"

Because of the relatively close distance, the trio could clearly hear Miluffi's voice.

Everyone is not that kind of idiot, so they naturally understand what this means.

The three aunts laughed, and Mi Keli happily asked Lu Ze next to him.

"Yeah, it's pretty much what you thought."

Lu Ze, who was addicted to eating melons, gave Mi Keli some perfunctory treatment and then continued to watch the operations of Mi Rufei, the wingman god.

Serena glanced at Xiaozhi shyly, but Xiaozhi was a little far away and did not hear the conversation between the two of them.After seeing Serena turn her head to look at him, Xiaozhi smiled at Serena with an inexplicable expression.

"Anyway, I'm fully prepared for this conference!"

Serena quickly changed the subject: "It won't be like the previous Pokémon Puff Contest!"

"Me too!"

Milufi was full of energy: "Serena, I will definitely fight you this time!"

"Then, let's also close the distance between you and Xiaozhi."

Miruffy leaned against Serena's ear, said something to Serena, then ran away laughing.

"See you later."

"Lucario, what did Miruffy just say?"

Lucario emerged from the Poké Ball, looking helplessly at the expectant eyes of the three of them.

There is no way, Miluffy just said it in Serena's ear.

Even though they were really close, they couldn't hear what Miluffi had just said.

Lucario, who was called out, had no choice but to repeat what Miruffy just said.

"Oh, now it's interesting." Mikri smiled happily, looking at Xiaozhi and Serena.

Compared to Serena who was ashamed and angry, Xiaozhi had no idea what was going on.

"Milufi is also full of energy!"

"I won't lose either!"

When she heard Xiao Zhi praising others with a serious look on her face, even though she was still a love rival, Serena was not calm and said to Xiao Zhi quickly.

"Well, that's the momentum, Serena!" Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he also agreed with Serena.

Yurika on the side waved her hand with a look of seeing through everything.

"Xiao Zhi is really stupid."

Two voices spoke at the same time, fused together and sounded.

Yulijia was stunned for a moment and looked up at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze, Dai Wu, and Mi Keli's melon-eating trio were also stunned for a moment, and looked down at Yulijia.

Afterwards, the four of them couldn't help laughing.

Children can understand it, but Xiaozhi cannot.

Well, the stupid thing just screamed was not in vain.

After the four of them looked at each other and smiled, they followed Xiaozhi and Serena inside.

Serena had to prepare for the competition, so she went directly backstage.

Lu Ze and the others came to the auditorium, waiting for the start of the Tribeca Conference.

After a while, the lights on the stage came on.

"A girl's festival, the Pokémon Tribeca Tournament Newcomer Level! The Fengxu Town Tournament has begun elegantly and magnificently!"

"I am the guide of the dream of love that loves the fragrance of roses and the smile of girls, Monsieur Pierre!"

As the sound fell, Pierre appeared from the rising stage.

"Today there will be another exciting performance by the teenage performers who aspire to become the Queen of Carlos!"

"Then, the winner will receive the princess key!"

Pierre said, waving the staff in his hand, and a Pokémon appeared from behind.

"Is this a keychain?"

Mi Keli's eyes shone when he saw it. He had already decided to change the opening of the gorgeous contest when he returned.

At the very least, you can’t lag too far behind in terms of performance!

"Performers who obtain three princess keys will gain the right to participate in the master level event!"

"The elegant and beautiful lady who wins there will be crowned Queen Carlos!"

"Will Queen Carlos be born among the girls today? The game that cannot be missed for a moment is about to begin!"

Pierre's words successfully aroused the atmosphere of the audience, and even Mikri became excited.

Although he has been Fengyuan Champion for many years, he still gets excited on such occasions.

"Look good."

Mikri took out his elf ball, whispered to the Pokémon in the elf ball, and then put his eyes on the stage again.

The first round is Pokémon Puff.

This round of the competition is about making puffs. There are three people in a round, and only one of the three can advance.

"The puffs made by Serena look delicious, don't they?"

Serena was the last one to appear, but the Pokémon Puffs he made were really good.

Harry on the side had already rushed out of the elf ball.

If Citron hadn't stopped Halili, Halili would have wanted to rush to the stage.

"It's really good."

Lu Ze nodded. If nothing else, Serena was very good at Pokémon food.

Most of Lu Ze's Pokémon had their excitement thresholds raised by the food made by Lu Ze.

But even so, the food Serena made would make them excited and they would eat very happily.

“You must try it if you have the chance.”

After Mi Keli nodded with a smile, the last candidate to advance came out.

It's Serena!
After everyone saw Serena successfully advance, they cheered instantly.

Serena was also very happy, but she also needed to prepare for the second round of performances.

As a Pokémon performer, the second round of the competition is naturally a performance with Pokémon.

"Opening with a beautiful show of mystery and danger, Musashi Wei!"


When the lights came on, Daigo and Mikri were stunned for a moment after seeing Musashiwei's appearance, and then turned to look at Lu Ze.

"Yeah, Team Rocket's Musashi."

Lu Ze did not hide his intentions from the two of them and spoke directly to them.

To be honest, Musashi's performance was pretty good.

However, in Mikri's eyes, Musashi's performance can only be regarded as quite satisfactory.

Not bad, but not great.

After all, he has witnessed many gorgeous performances in gorgeous competitions.

After Musashi finished his performance, the second, third, and finally Serena came on.

"Dawu, come and join me in the beginning of the battle!"

Before Serena came on the stage, Mikri said excitedly to Daigo next to him.

"I have some new ideas!"

Art is universal, as is the performance of performers and facilitators.

At this time, Mikri was in a state of overwhelming inspiration.

"I do not want it."

Dawu shook his head. Every time Mikri came up with inspiration to fight with him, it was a torment for Dawu.

Because he has to cooperate with Mikri.

But this time...

"I remember you haven't fought with Lu Ze yet. Do you want to give him a try?"

Dawu looked at Lu Ze with a smirk, and Mi Keli also turned his head and looked over.

"I'm fine."

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