Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 972: The gorgeous battle of Mikri!

Dawu smiled happily. After Serena appeared on the stage and saw Mikri's attention returned to the stage again, he whispered to Lu Ze.

"Don't hold back, attack with all your strength. It's very troublesome for him to test his own ideas. Let's give him a long memory this time!"

After Dawu finished speaking, Lu Ze suddenly understood.

It turns out that this guy Daigo thinks this way!

so bad!
I like!
"Hey hey hey."

Lu Ze smiled evilly and glanced at Mi Keli secretly, but Mi Keli did not notice Lu Ze's eyes.

At this time, the performance between the performers and the Pokémon had already begun on the field, which had absorbed all of his attention.

As the performance progressed, Serena, who was the last to appear, soon also appeared.

Although Serena, Demon Fire Red Fox, and Naughty Panda had also watched Lu Ze practice this set of moves many times.

But the scene re-displayed on the stage has a different feeling.

After Serena's performance ended, Xiaozhi and the others also became nervous.

"So who is the exciting and exciting winner of the Pokémon Tribeca Tournament!"

"Honestly, I will vote for Serena." After Pierre finished speaking, Mikri also commented seriously.

"It has nothing to do with me knowing Serena. It's mainly because of her cooperation with Pokémon. Her movements are more complex and more gorgeous."

"But the key point is that even though the movements are complicated, she cooperates very well with her Pokémon. It can basically be said that the stage effect is perfectly displayed."

After Mikri finished speaking, Xiaozhi, Citron, and Yurika also nodded in understanding.

Although he didn't quite understand it, as a top figure in the Gorgeous Competition, Mi Keli's evaluation was still very pertinent.

Just as Mikri was speaking, the cheering sticks in everyone's hands also flashed with light.

The light flashes in the field, and the dotted appearance makes it impossible to tell which color has more light spots.

It can be said that these light spots are the key to ultimately deciding who wins.

Fortunately, all the light spots finally converged on the screen behind the contestants.

As time went by, the final results soon emerged.

Serena had the most pink spots of light, and she successfully won the final victory with an overwhelming advantage.

"The winner of the Pokémon Tribeca Tournament has been decided!"

Pierre was also very excited: "The winner is the performer Serena!"

"it is good!"

"Awesome Serena!"


Just after Pierre made the announcement, the three of them couldn't help but jump up from their seats and cheer loudly to Serena.

Serena looked at this scene in disbelief, but after the naughty panda and the demon fire red fox flew towards her, she finally came to her senses.

There was excitement in his eyes, and tears welled up in his eyes.

He hugged the two Pokémon with excitement on his face: "Great, we finally won!"

The long-awaited victory was finally achieved today.

Serena thought of her past self and the long hair she had cut off at the beach.

Finally, I did it!

Serena hugged her two Pokémon and rubbed their faces affectionately. Then she calmed down and turned to look at Mr. Pierre.

"Princess Key to winning performer Serena."

"Congratulations on getting your first princess key."

Pierre smiled and moved forward, and the key ring on the side also came to Serena with the princess key.

"thank you very much!"

After Serena took the princess key, she immediately became excited.

"Awesome, I got the princess key!"

It has the same moves as Xiaozhi, but it seems to have been improved and made more lively.

"This winning move is a bit unmatched by her wonderful performance just now."

Mikri shook his head and almost said that this action was not good-looking.

However, Xiaozhi did not hear what Mikri meant, but nodded excitedly.

"I think this action is very good!"

Xiaozhi's words made Mikri smile, but he didn't mean to refute.


Well, we are old acquaintances, so naturally we understand a little bit.

Finally, this time the Pokémon Tribeca Convention also ended with applause from the audience.

By the time Lu Ze and the others came out, it was already dusk outside.

"What, your clothes are torn?"

Xiaozhi asked in surprise.

Just now I was wondering why Serena's clothes changed.

Unexpectedly, it was because the clothes were torn?

"Yes, so I simply cut off the skirt."

"You are so smart, as expected of you!"

Faced with Xiaozhi's praise, Serena felt a little embarrassed.

"But it's rare that the clothes someone gave me were torn. I have to apologize to Miss Ma Xiu."

"Serena, it suits you especially well."

Ash praised again, but Serena also became a little shy.

“It’s especially suitable for you~”

Miruffy didn't know when she came behind Serena, smiled, put her arm on Serena's shoulder, and teased Serena.

"Milufi, when did you come!" Serena was startled, and quickly turned around and asked Milufi in surprise.

"Although I lost to you today, I will win next time!"

Miruffy did not answer Serena's question, but smiled and said to Serena.

After saying that, he stretched out his hand to Serena: "Wait, Serena!"

Serena also laughed when she saw this: "I won't lose either!"

Serena said, extending her hand as well.

Under the setting sun, two equally white hands held each other, seemingly showing their friendship.

But the next second, Miruffy pulled Serena hard.

He pulled Serena in front of him and put it in Serena's ear: "I haven't given up on the victory over there yet."

Serena's face suddenly turned red, but Miruffy just smiled.

He leaned over and said, "Xiao Zhi, goodbye."

"Well, Miruffy also has to work hard."

Xiaozhi didn't realize it, but still raised his hand and said to Miruffy.


Serena was stunned for a moment, then quickly turned to look at Xiaozhi.

However, Milufi smiled and agreed, then ran away.

"See you next time!"

Miluffi waved to everyone while running.

"All I'm saying is, wait until you get to the training ground to fight. I'm a celebrity."

After Miluffi left, Mikri walked out from behind the pillar with a coquettish look on his face.

Just after Lu Ze noticed that Milufi was coming, he took Daigo and Mikri and hid.

Daiwu is okay, although as the Fengyuan champion and the young master of the Zivucci family, he is also well-known.

However, the championship did not last long, and the identity of the young master of the Zivucci family did not appear often. He was just addicted to mining in various caves.

Therefore, his popularity is much smaller than that of Mikri.But Mi Keli is different. When he appears here, he will most likely be recognized by other players who are leaving.

As a performer who works with Pokémon, Mikri is also known by many performers.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Lu Ze and Dai Wu blocked Mi Keli when they exited the stage.

Try to keep him out of the sight of others.

"Okay, okay, wait until we get to the training ground to fight." Lu Ze was helpless, but he still agreed to Mi Keli's request.

With his popularity, Lu Ze was really afraid that people would be watching them until they were halfway through fighting in the wild.


After Mikri hummed twice proudly, he walked forward like a proud little swan.

"Please put your hat on."

Lu Ze was really helpless. Why was this guy so arrogant?

Serena and Xiaozhi looked at Lu Ze in amusement.

It's rare to see brother Ozawa look helpless.


"Pikachu, you have to watch out, this is a battle between Brother Ozawa and the champion!"

After arriving at the training ground, Xiaozhi and the others went to the viewing platform above.

Xiaozhi didn't hesitate and immediately released all his Pokémon.

Not only him, but Citron and Serena also released their Pokémon.

Citron is the gym leader, and now Mikri is also the gym leader.

He can also learn a lot from this kind of fighting.

Serena thinks the same way, Mikri is the master of Pokémon coordination!

The combat aspect is also very gorgeous!
After everything was ready, a game with Daigo as the referee was ready to begin.

Before the game started, Dawu secretly winked at Lu Ze.

The meaning is obvious. Don't forget what I told you before.

Lu Ze nodded slightly and smiled equally "cheerfully".

As Daigo's voice fell, the battle between the two also started.

Although Mikri said this battle was to test new ideas in his mind.

But he also told Lu Ze that he would use his full strength.

After all, when he saw him in Huayuan Town, he already wanted to have a hearty battle with Lu Ze.

Seeing the hunter's heart is nothing more than joy.

Now that he finally had the opportunity, he naturally wouldn't let it go.

"Go, Lotte Kappa!"

The first Pokémon Mikri chose was Lotte Kappa.

He knew that Lu Ze had a powerful electric monster.

He also knows his family's affairs. Basically, they are all water Pokémon, so it is very difficult for him to defeat the electric monsters.

So he chose Lotte Kappa, who is a grass-type and water-type.

At least Lotte Kappa won't suffer too much when facing Dengeki Monster.

Although there is another Pokémon that is equally useful against Electric Monster.


There's no rush yet.

The Pokémon that Mikri chose was Lotte Kappa, while the Pokémon that Lu Ze chose to lead the battle was Green Ranger.

Although Lu Ze didn't know what Mikri was thinking, he still didn't go directly to the Electric Shock Monster.

There are also water-type and ground-type Pokémon.

And there seems to be one of Mikri's main Pokémon.

Not so good if caught right.

Elf: Lotte Kappa
Gender: male

Properties: water, grass

Characteristics: Traveling freely (In rainy weather, the Pokémon's speed ability value with this characteristic becomes twice its original value.)
Qualification: Red

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

The moment the two Pokémon appeared on the field, Lu Ze and Mikli's eyes showed a look of surprise at the same time.

But soon, the look of surprise was replaced by excitement.

They both saw what the other was thinking.

is a good opponent.

"You guessed it right, but can you guess them all right?" Mikri murmured in a low voice.

"Battle begins!"

As Daigo finished speaking, the two of them commanded their Pokémon to attack at the same time.

"Lotte Kappa, pray for rain!"

"Scallion Rangers, strike head on!"

Mi Keli looked at Onion Youbing with burning eyes. After seeing Onion Youbing using attack skills, a look of disappointment appeared on his face.

Bet wrong.

The opponent did not choose to defend, but used [Head-on Strike].

Lotte Kappa knows the skill [High Five Surprise Attack].

As a pre-emptive skill that can only be used when appearing on the battlefield, [High Five Surprise Attack] is faster.

If you choose to use [High Five Surprise Attack], then Onion Ranger will be more sad.

But although Cong Youbing was sad, it was just that he couldn't use [Head-on Strike], and it couldn't cause much damage to him.

If you don't choose to use [High Five Surprise Attack], but choose to change the weather, then your advantage will be very great.

He was betting that Lu Ze would choose to defend.

Bet Lu Ze will read his choice first.

It's a pity that he didn't bet correctly and didn't read Lu Ze first.

Instead, Lu Ze's first reading succeeded. He read Lu Ze's first reading first.

[Head-on blow] A green onion hit Lotte Kappa on the head, causing Lotte Kappa to jump in pain while using [Pray for Rain].

Facing Onion Youbing who was so close, Lotte Kappa covered his head with one hand (although he couldn't follow him), and pressed the [energy ball] directly towards Onion Youbing with one hand.

Cong Youbing's expression changed. He didn't expect Lotte Kappa's counterattack to come so quickly.

The shield in his hand resisted, but the force of the explosion of the [energy ball] still made Cong Youbing take a few steps back.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lotte Kappa also quickly used [Pray for Rain].

The weather changes - [heavy rain]!
"Lotte Kappa, hot water!"

Seeing the Onion Rangers rushing up again, Mikri directly commanded his Lotte Kappa to use [Hot Water].

The additional effect of [Hot Water] is [Burning]. If the Onion Ranger is [Burned], it will have a huge impact on the Onion Ranger who is a physical attacker.

Onion Youbing was very careful to avoid the attack of [Hot Water]. Not only that, even the speed of sprinting forward was slower.

Looking at the green soldiers trying to change the direction of attack, Mi Keli smiled.

Through years of fighting and performing in the Gorgeous Contest, my Pokémon have very good control over their skills.

It seemed that he was aware of Mikri's thoughts, and it seemed that Lotte Kappa made his own decision.

While Cong Youbing dodged left and right and changed direction, the release method of Lotte Kappa's [Hot Water] changed.

From a straight line at the beginning, it now rotates into a spring-shaped water line.

Not only that, Lotte Kappa also turned his body.

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