Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 973 Tactical Game

Centered on Lotte Kappa, the release of [Hot Water] directly becomes a curve due to the rotation of Lotte Kappa.

Cong Youbing was stunned for a moment. He couldn't avoid this situation unless he jumped up.

"Onion Rangers, break!"

Just when Cong Youbing was confused, Lu Ze suddenly yelled.

As Lu Ze's voice fell, Cong Youbing's eyes became firm.

As the green onions shone with sky-blue light, Chong Youbing directly pointed the green onions in his hands towards Lotte Kappa.

While sprinting towards Lotte Kappa, the sky-blue energy also enveloped Cong Youbing's body.

"It's Brave Bird Attack!"

Citron, who was watching the battle on the side, exclaimed: "Flying-type skills can cause restraint damage to Lotte Kappa, which is water-type and grass-type."

Xiaozhi's eyes also lit up, and he looked at Rocket Sparrow and Wrestling Eagle next to him: "Look, you can also learn this skill."

Rocket Sparrow and Wrestling Eagle watched this scene intently and nodded seriously.

They really need to learn this powerful flying skill.


Brave Bird's fierce attack hit the front, and Lotte Kappa, who was releasing [Hot Water], was sent flying directly.

However, Cong Youbing also stumbled two steps after landing due to the reaction of his skills.

"Poison attack!"

Lotte Kappa struggled to get up, but Lu Ze once again directed the Onion Rangers to attack.

Lotte Kappa's eyes were still a little dazed, but Cong Youbing, who had finished the reaction, didn't seem dazed at all.

For him, this reaction force is not worth mentioning at all.

[Poison Attack] hit again, and Green Onion struck Lotte Kappa directly.

"Lotte Kappa has lost the ability to fight!"

After Daigo took a look at Lotte Kappa's condition, he immediately announced the verdict loudly.

"Brother Ozawa is awesome!"

"so amazing!"

"Brother Ozawa, come on!"

After Onion Youbing conquered the city first, Xiaozhi and the others also cheered.

Mikri was the former champion of the Hoenn region, but now he was defeated by Brother Ozawa. This is indeed an exciting point for them.

Not only them, Lu Ze also had a smile on his face.

After all, Mi Keli is the champion of Fengyuan region!
Although he defeated and even crushed Mikri more than once in Emerald.

But this is the first time in reality!
Keep up the good work next time!
Lu Ze was in high spirits, and Mi Keli also laughed when he saw Lu Ze.

How could I not be like this in the past?
"Thank you for your hard work, Lotte Kappa."

After taking the Lotte Kappa, which had lost its fighting ability, back into the Pokémon ball, Mikri sent out his second Pokémon.

"Go, Tyrannosaurus!"

Mikri's eyes were firm and he immediately sent out one of his ace Pokémon, Gyarados.

After Lu Ze saw Gyarados, he immediately shouted that something was wrong.

Not only does Gyarados have attributes that restrain Onion Rangers, but he also carries a Mega Evolution Stone.

Although after Gyarados super evolves and its flying attribute becomes evil, it will be restrained by Onion Rangers.

But what if Gyarados doesn't choose to Mega Evolve?
Mega evolution is not necessary.

In addition, Gyarados is stronger than Onion Ranger, and it is just one chance away from being able to break through and become a Pokémon with master-level strength.

It would really not be easy if Cong Youbing continues to play.

"Come back, Onion Ranger."

Seeing the smile in Mikri's eyes, Lu Ze hesitated for a moment and then put the Onion Ranger back into the elf ball.

In the case of Gyarados...

Then electrocute the monster!
Lu Ze's eyes flashed and he made a decision immediately.

"Go, Electric Shock Monster!"

The electric monster that appeared was very excited, and looked at the opponent's Gyarados with great fighting spirit.

"Sorry, Shock Monster."

After Lu Ze murmured softly, Mi Keli pressed his hand on the super evolution key stone.

"Gyarados, super evolved!"

As expected, Mikri chose to super evolve his Gyarados.

Although after the super evolution, Gyarados is still restrained by the electric system.

However, compared to four times the restraint, double the restraint is still acceptable.

"Electric shock monster, Volt replacement!"

At the same time that Gyarados' super evolution ended, Lu Ze also commanded the electric monster.

The electric shock monster was stunned for a moment, but he believed in Lu Ze's judgment. After releasing the electric current, he returned to the elf ball.

The electric current was easily dispersed by the tail of Super Gyarados, and Onion Ranger also appeared again.

Although the Shock Monster can beat Super Gyarados, it can only beat it.

It's best to let Onion Rangers come.

Cong Youbing has been training for so long, it's time to test his strength.

He has not yet reached the top of the King-level strength, and he needs to go through some pressure before he can improve again.

Obviously, now is a good opportunity.

Shock Monster can hit any of Mikoli's Pokémon, but Green Ranger cannot.

The choice to let Electric Shock Monster play just now was just to force Mikri to super evolve Gyarados.

In this way, I can let the Electric Shock Monster use [Volt Replacement], and then let the Onion Rangers come on stage.

"Scallion Rangers, strike head on!"

As soon as Cong Youbing came on the stage, Lu Ze let Cong Youbing use [Head-on Strike] without hesitation.

[Head-on Strike], as a preemptive skill, directly hit Super Gyarados on the head.

After Super Gyarados was hit, he roared angrily, and then swept his tail, hitting Onion Ranger directly, and slapped Onion Ranger back into the elf ball.


Citron sighed when he saw this scene. Just now he was thinking, what will Super Gyarados do when facing the Green Rangers who are back on stage?
Whether it is the preemptive skill [Head-on Strike] or the fighting skills of this system when entering the field, it can cause restraint damage to Super Gyarados.

I originally thought that Mikri was too anxious to super evolve Gyarados.

Unexpectedly, Mikri had this plan.

[Dragon Tail] After hitting the Onion Ranger that has restrained itself back into the Poké Ball, a Pokémon will be randomly replaced.

If a Pokémon with a relatively low strength comes next, Mikri will make a profit this time!
"What's great?"

Xiaozhi turned to Citron in confusion and asked.

Citron didn't hide anything and directly explained the game between the two.


Xiaozhi was very excited after hearing this: "As expected of a powerful Pokémon trainer!"

Not only Xiaozhi, but also Serena and Yurika looked at the two people on the field in amazement.

However, the mentality of the two people on the court at this time was not the same.

Lu Ze couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the iron warrior appearing on the field.

Fortunately, if it is a wind fairy or a blue flame blade ghost, it will be more troublesome.The wind fairy and the blue flame blade ghost have not yet succeeded in breaking through.

With their senior level strength, when they face a Pokémon like Mikri, a veteran king, there is basically no possibility of overstepping the challenge.

If the two of them were really chosen randomly, it would really be a five-on-six fight.

Fortunately, Guisi was not in the Poke Ball and was always in his shadow.

Otherwise, a ghost will be added to it.

Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief. The Iron Warrior can do it too. The Fairy and Fighting attributes can also restrain Super Gyarados.

But its strength is far from that of Super Gyarados.

It's good to try.

Lu Ze licked his lips. The Super Gyarados on the opposite side had already launched an attack first.

Naturally, Mikri knew the iron warrior.

Iron warriors of the Fairy and Fighting types are restrained by the Flying type.

But the embarrassing thing is that although Gyarados is a flying Pokémon, he only has one flying skill [Storm].

Well, [Bounce] counts as one.

However, there is no weather bonus now, and the range of [Storm] is too small, making it very easy to avoid.

(After just changing Pokémon, the rainy weather has disappeared.)
So without hesitation, Mikri chose to let Super Gyarados use [Freezing Beam]!
At the same time as the ice breath was launched, Super Gyarados opened its mouth and spat out a blue water ball into the sky.

Lu Ze's heart tightened. Gyarados changed the weather.

I think the next step should be [Storm].

At this time, the Iron Warrior had just dodged the [Freeze Beam], and before he could attack Super Gyarados, Super Gyarados had already released the [Storm] skill.

It was already too late, so the Iron Warrior had no choice but to reluctantly use the [Substitute] skill.

Although the Iron Warrior felt a little heartbroken as his physical strength declined, it was worth it as long as the [Substitute] could block the [Storm].

Although it is possible to [Hold], the time of [Hold] has passed, and the time of [Storm] may not have passed yet.

In real battles, skills like [Defend] and [Protect] are more useful when facing one-time attacks.

For example, [Big Character Explosive Flame].

A skill like [One Hundred Thousand Volts] that can continuously release electricity will make the Pokémon a living target once the [Protect] time has passed.

If it is released, it means it is not released, and it will still be hit in the end.

But [Stand-in] is different. The duration of [Stand-in] is very long.

Faced with this kind of continuous skill, it will either disappear when the damage it takes reaches the upper limit, or it will disappear when the continuous damage is gone.

So at this time, the iron warrior chose the skill [Substitute] instead of [Defend].

The [Storm] raged, but it ended quickly.

After a while, everything on the field became calm, and golden current flashed on the field.

Mikri was a little confused, but after seeing the broken stand-in doll on the ground, he immediately understood.

This [Electric Field] must have been released by the Iron Warrior when the stand-in doll resisted the [Storm] just now.

For iron warriors, what should be strengthened under [Electric Field] is their physical attack ability.

Then the next step is [Thunder Fist].

Mikri smiled confidently: "Gyarados, bite it into pieces!"

The black teeth suddenly closed in the air, and the iron warrior had no choice but to use [Thunder Fist] to block the damage of [Bite].


After the two sides collided, Super Gyarados directly used [Iron Head] to attack the Iron Warrior.

The iron warrior's eyes lit up, and thunder and lightning flashed in his hands again.

However, he somewhat underestimated the ability of Super Gyarados.

Even though his physical attack ability is enhanced by his characteristics, he still can't stop the attack of Super Gyarados.

Super Gyarados is much stronger than him.

The iron warrior was knocked out, and coupled with the consumption of using the [substitute] just now, the iron warrior was suddenly exhausted.

But the attack of Super Gyarados was not over.

[Storm] came again. The iron warrior looked at the storm gathering in the sky with firm eyes and determination in his heart.

He did not use the [Substitute] again, because he knew that even if he used the [Substitute] again to block the [Storm] this time, he would not be a match for Super Gyarados in the future.

Instead of using a [substitute], why not...

After the [Storm], the Iron Warrior also lost his ability to fight.

Mikri was in a good mood when he saw the fallen iron warrior, but he always felt something was wrong.

The time for [Storm] to condense should be enough for an iron warrior to use...

The thoughts in Mikri's mind did not continue because he had already seen the answer.

A ball of purple energy appeared from the fallen Iron Warrior's body and directly entered the body of Super Gyarados.

Super Gyarados rolled his eyes, and after exiting the super evolution state, he lost his ability to fight.

Mikri's face suddenly darkened.

"What a disgusting trick!"

At this time, Mikri no longer thought about the new ideas in his mind.

(The battle just now has made my inspiration disappear)
Lu Ze obviously came here to defeat himself.

If I still follow the friendly battle with Daigo, I am afraid that my lifelong reputation will be destroyed here.

Especially when there are spectators nearby.

There were no spectators around the battle between Dawu and Lu Ze at that time.

Mikri gritted his teeth and glanced at Lu Ze, who was smiling, and then put the Gyarados, which had lost its fighting ability, back into the elf ball.

But what he didn't know was that Lu Ze didn't expect the iron warrior to be like this.

He was still thinking that the Iron Warrior could not defeat Super Gyarados now, and was preparing to take the Iron Warrior back to the Poké Ball.

However, the Iron Warrior refused.

Then the Iron Warrior used [Same Fate].

"This skill is too weird. I must be more careful in the future."

Xiaozhi looked at this scene and said with emotion after being silent for a while.

This skill is really not very friendly to someone with reckless tactics like him.

However, after Lu Ze's experience this time, he decided to guard against this skill when encountering ghost-type Pokémon in the future.

"Go, Diya Sea Lion!"

"Go, Electric Shock Monster!"

After both parties recovered their Pokémon that had lost their ability to fight, they threw Poke Balls again.

At this time, the [Rainy Weather] and [Electric Field] still exist on the field, so Lu Ze will naturally not let this opportunity pass by.

After Mi Keli saw the appearance of the Electric Shock Monster, he immediately understood what Lu Ze was thinking.

His face, which was already dark, is now even darker.

I was so immersed in the discomfort of being [same fate] that I forgot about this incident.

Mikri was annoyed, took out the elf ball and prepared to put his Diya Sea Lion back into the elf ball.

But how could the Electric Shock Monster let go of his opponent who finally arrived.

While it was still in the [Rainy Day] state, I directly used [Thunder].

(End of this chapter)

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