Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 974 Mikri’s trump card!

[Thunder] did not hit. Before the thunder and lightning fell, Mikri had already put his Diya Sea Lion back into the elf ball.

Mikri breathed a sigh of relief, this time it was indeed his problem.

Because of a little negligence, I fell into passivity.

Sure enough, it's because I haven't had a formal Pokémon battle for a long time.

Mikri let out a sigh of relief, took out the Poké Ball and released his fourth Pokémon.

Lu Ze on the opposite side now only uses three Pokémon.

It is the fourth Pokémon that he is playing now.

Another one, among his four Pokémon, Lotte Kappa and Gyarados have lost their ability to fight.

But Lu Ze only had one Pokémon, Iron Warrior, that lost its fighting ability.

This situation is obviously somewhat disadvantageous to myself.

But there was nothing Mikri could do.

He himself also knew that he was the weakest among all the champions.

After all, his Pokémon is purely water-type.

Unlike Daigo, although he is famous for his steel-type Pokémon, there are also many rock-type Pokémon among Daigo's Pokémon.

Coupled with some other secondary attributes, the fault tolerance is much higher than itself.

Another thing is that his main job is not being a trainer.

Although coordinators also need the blessing of combat power, it is obvious that his combat power is the top among coordinators.

Originally, he didn't care about this. After all, he was just a coordinator. Why should he compete with trainers in terms of combat effectiveness?

Isn't this using one's own shortcomings to touch other people's strengths?

But now he doesn't know why, but when facing Lu Ze, a guy who is younger than him, he becomes more competitive.

"Go, Catfish King!"

Elf: Catfish King

Gender: Male

Attributes: water, ground
Trait: Slowness (Pokémon with this trait will not fall into provocation and fascination states. When a Pokémon in this state acquires this trait, the state will be eliminated.)
Qualification: Orange

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

The ground-type Catfish King is obviously here to target the electric monster.

However, the Electric Shock Monster has no intention of being afraid of the Catfish King.

The Catfish King with water and ground elements is restrained four times by grass elements.

Thinking of this, Lu Ze's heart moved.

Especially after seeing the Catfish King frowning in displeasure after landing on the slightly wet ground without a pool, Lu Ze already had a plan in mind.

At this time, raindrops were still falling in the sky, which made the Catfish King feel slightly relieved.

Mi Keli looked helpless at this scene.

After all, it's not a venue I'm good at, so that's all I can do.

Originally, the plan was to let Lotte Kappa use [Rain Request] to change the appearance of the venue, knock down some of the ground, and let the rain accumulate inside to form a scene like a small lake.

But he really didn't expect that Cong Youbing's attack would be so determined.

This resulted in Mikri's idea not being realized, leaving the current Catfish King passive.

"Electric shock monster, harsh sound!"

The moment the Catfish King on the opposite side came on stage, Lu Ze commanded his electric monster to use his skills.

The sharp explosion resounded throughout the audience. Not only did Catfish King feel uncomfortable, but also Lu Ze, Mikri and Xiaozhi who were watching the game couldn't help but cover their ears.

The Catfish King became even more angry. He was already unhappy because of the venue, but now he was stimulated by the sharp sound.

The Catfish King's defense was lowered by two levels, and at the same time, the Catfish King's tail slammed to the ground.

However, before [Earthquake] was released, Lu Ze had already put his electric monster back into the elf ball.

Facing the Catfish King with water and ground elements, the Electric Shock Monster, whose power is limited by [-]%, should not appear.

"Well done, let's leave it to Cong Youbing next."

Lu Ze smiled, and then threw Cong Youbing's elf ball.

"Go, onion ranger!"

As soon as Cong Youbing landed, he faced Catfish King's [Turbid Current] attack.

After [seeing through], he directly blocked the Catfish King's [Turbid Current] with the shield in his hand.

"Onion Rangers, it's a sunny day!"

After Lu Ze took command, Cong Youbing instantly changed the weather.

The Catfish King, who was about to attack again, felt the warmth of the sun and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

As a catfish, he is also protected by a layer of mucus.

However, under the sun's rays, this layer of mucus will soon dry up.

With the mucus gone, it would be difficult for him to carry out activities on land.

Mikri frowned slightly. Sure enough, this guy had bad intentions when changing Pokémon.

Do you directly target the characteristics of Pokémon?

"King Catfish, please rain!"

Mikri made a quick decision and directly chose to fight for the weather.

Xiaozhi on the side also became excited after hearing Daigo's explanation: "It turns out that the weather can also target the characteristics of Pokémon!"

"Sure enough, I still have a lot to learn about Pokémon battles."

After hearing Mikri's voice, the Catfish King opened his mouth and spit out a blue water ball.

But before the water ball could ascend to the sky, an emerald-green light blade slashed directly at the Catfish King.

"how is this possible!"

Mi Keli looked at Cong Youbing in surprise.

[Pray for Rain] But why is the Catfish King’s skill of this type released so quickly when the opponent’s non-type skills of Onion Rangers are released?

Mikri was puzzled, and Dawu and Xiaozhi also looked at Cong Youbing in surprise.

In the last battle between him and Lu Ze, Cong Youbing showed his strong independent fighting ability and determination to fight.

But in this battle, Daiwu was surprised to find that Cong Youbing's skills were also very good.

Looking back on the last battle, this was indeed the case.

The timing of using these skills is also very good.

Not only Daigo, Xiaozhi, Citron and Serena were also very surprised.

Unexpectedly, Cong Youbing, who has always been taciturn and has no sense of presence, can be so powerful?

Seeing the green onion's still indifferent eyes and the green onion returning to its sheath, Xiaozhi also became a little envious.

"I will also subdue an Onion Ranger in the future!"

Lu Ze didn't know what Xiaozhi said, and he really didn't expect that Xiaozhi's subsequent subjugation of the Green Rangers was actually caused by his battle.

What Lu Ze is excited about now is that the Catfish King on the opposite side was instantly killed by his Onion Rangers!
Sure enough, what I thought was right.

After the Catfish King's defense was lowered by the electric monster's [Screeching Sound], he simply couldn't resist the [Sunlight Blade] that dealt four times the damage.

Mi Keli looked at the Catfish King who had lost the ability to fight and was silent for a moment.

It didn't take long for him to figure it out.

Obviously, Lu Ze's plan should have been planned from the moment the Catfish King appeared.

Although my own Catfish King is not very powerful, it is only at the first level of Heavenly King level strength, that is, Elementary Heavenly King.

But it's still a bit ugly to be killed instantly with just one move.

He is a champion.

However, Mi Keli was very helpless when he looked at the ground that had become dry again.

It's really a venue issue.It's not easy for some of his powerful main Pokémon to appear.

When you appear on the stage, you are a living target.

Mikri shook his head helplessly and put his Catfish King back into the elf ball.

The master-level roaring whale king cannot appear. Not to mention the water problem, the huge roaring whale king cannot be accommodated in this small venue.

Similarly, the two main Pokémon, Stinger Jellyfish and Megalodon, which have King-level strength and are about to break through to Master-level strength, are also difficult to play.

Without water, the two of them would be living targets.

The next ones that can appear are Diga Sea Lion and another Pokémon.

After some hesitation, Mikri chose Diya Sea Lion.

"Diya sea lion, hail!"

The moment the Diya sea lion appeared, Mikri commanded the Diya sea lion to prepare to change the weather.

[Sunny Day] If the weather does not change, his water Pokémon will be very sad.

Even if he doesn't change it to [Rainy Weather], [Hail] can also give a bonus to his Diya Sea Lion.

But even so, Mikri was still a little helpless. Lu Ze's Pokémon could still restrain him.

A single electric shock monster made it extremely difficult for him.

Mikri shook his head helplessly, and the emerald green onions appeared again on the field, hitting the Diya sea lion hard.

The Diya sea lion was in pain, but still endured the damage and threw the blue water polo into the sky.

Weather changes - [Hail].

The weather finally changed, and Mikri breathed a sigh of relief.

"Diya Sea Lion, Blizzard!"

After the weather changed, Mikri became more confident and directly commanded his Diya sea lions to launch a strong attack.

The Onion Rangers on the opposite side didn't have much physical strength left. The [Blizzard] under the [Hail] weather was enough to take away all the Onion Rangers' physical strength.

"Onion Ranger, Meteor Strike!"

After Bo Guo noticed Cong Youbing's inner determination, Lu Ze commanded Cong Youbing to launch the final attack without hesitation.

Daigo on the sidelines looked a little weird when he saw this scene.

Onion Youbing, indeed, he chose this way.

But why do you, Lu Ze, a boy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, act recklessly like Cong Youbing?

In Dawu's view, Lu Ze's fighting methods are basically the most basic content of tactics.

Bullying and bullying.

Slick basically only plays the scenes that he is good at.

A reckless Pokémon like Onion Ranger is really out of place for Lu Ze.

Under [Meteor Assault], the Onion Rangers, wrapped in energy, broke through the storm, and the Onions directly hit the Diya Sea Lion.

Fighting skills can also cause double damage to Diya Sea Lion.

Coupled with the [Sunlight Blade] just now, the Diya Sea Lion immediately lost its fighting ability.

However, Onion Rangers were not much better. The damage from [Blizzard] caused Onion Rangers, who did not have the energy protection of [Meteor Strike], to lose the last of their physical strength.

Hail was still falling in the sky, the [Blizzard] had stopped, and the two Pokémon on the field lost their combat ability at the same time.

Mikri let out a sigh of relief and put his Pokémon back into the elf ball.

He knew that he would most likely lose today's battle with Lu Ze.

Just like what I said to Sirona that day in Huayuan Town.

If he were to fight Lu Ze under normal circumstances, he would most likely lose.

If it were a battle at sea, then Lu Ze would not be his opponent.

However, even with his entire team of water-type Pokémon and the home advantage at sea, Daigo might not be able to defeat him.

Not to mention Lu Ze who lost to Dai Wu.

You know, Daigo didn't show his full strength that day.

Others don't know this, but Mi Keli, who is Dawu's good friend, knows it very well.

But even so, we can't lose so easily.

Although the Roaring Whale King can't appear, but...

"Come out, Minas!"

After Lu Ze took back his Onion Rangers, Mikri released his ace Pokémon Menas without hesitation.

Menas, who has followed Mikoli from a weakling to a champion, is undoubtedly Mikoli's strongest Pokémon!
When they saw Micomenas appear, Serena and Yurika's eyes were immediately filled with love.

"What a beautiful Menas!"

Serena and Yurika looked at Menas with joy, as did Ash and Citron.

But what they saw was the power of Menas.

Lu Ze also looked at Menas in the field.

Appearing without hesitation is the greatest recognition of Menas’ strength!

Elf: Menus

gender: female

attribute: water

Features: Magical Scales (When in an abnormal state, the defense is increased to [-] times the original value.)
Qualification: Gold

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

Lu Ze looked at Menas.

There is no doubt that Mi Keli's Menas is the most beautiful Menas Lu Ze has ever seen.

none of them!

Not to mention Lu's father and mother's Menas, even Tang Yunqin's Menas was a little underwhelming in front of Mikri's Menas.

Although Tang Yunqin's Mei Nas also has good cultivation of beauty value.

But compared to Mikoli's Menas, it is equivalent to a young girl versus a mature and beautiful young woman.

Of course, it’s not the difference between having a child and not having a child.

It's a matter of experience.

The spirit of Miklimenas and the self-confidence brought from the inside out can improve the temperament, which Tangyun Qimeinas does not have.

Menas are magical creatures, and some menas just meet the minimum requirements for beauty.

Some menas are the embodiment of beauty.

Nothing can be seen from a single Menas, but two Menas only need to be compared.

Sit down!

Looking at Mi Keli's Menas, Lu Ze also became excited.

"Then, the decision is yours, electric monster!"

The Crossed Bat was not chosen to appear. Since we wanted to make them feel the pressure, it would be more intuitive to face it in person, right?
"Electric shock monster, pray for rain!"

The weather is still [hail] now.

In this kind of weather, neither Menas nor the Electric Shock Monster would feel comfortable.

But compared to Menas, the Electric Shock Monster is undoubtedly the most uncomfortable one.

For example, the [Blizzard] released by Menas now.

After waving its elegant tail, a violent [blizzard] took shape.

With the addition of [Hail] weather, the violent and overwhelming [Blizzard] rushed towards the Electric Shock Monster.

(End of this chapter)

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