Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 975 The rogue Kirbymon

After the electric monster released [Rain], it tried to use [Hot Wind] to resist the [Blizzard] that was already close to its face.

But the power of Menus' [Blizzard] is too powerful, and it cannot be resisted by the electric monster.

After the Electric Shock Monster was hit by [Blizzard], he half-knelt on the ground and looked up at Menas, who was still looking indifferent on the opposite side. Feeling the raindrops falling from the sky, a wild smile appeared on his face.

Two thick tails stood up behind him, and the dark clouds in the sky seemed to feel something.

The next second, a golden thunderbolt fell straight from the sky.

Menas' expression did not change at all, as if he had read the idea of ​​electrocuting the monster in advance.

At the same time as [Thunder] fell, he raised his head and spit out a giant dragon towards the sky.

[Dragon Wave]!
The ferocious green dragon head collided with the falling thunder and lightning, and finally disappeared at the same time.

A smile appeared on Mikri's face.

[Rain] plus [Thunder], how could he not know this combo that is commonly used to shock monsters.

My Pokémon have gone through this all the time.

It's just that some Pokémon can't keep up with their strength.

A person as powerful as Menas can completely resist by relying on reading first.

In the final analysis, [Thunder]'s sure hit is just because the rain on rainy days guides the lightning and the lightning strikes very fast, leaving no time to dodge.

But thunder is a straight line, and you only need to release the skill above your head to completely withstand the [Thunder] attack.

Although most of the skills can't block the very powerful [Thunder].

But Menas's strength is much stronger than that of the Electric Shock Monster.

Lu Ze's eyes were solemn, should he be said to be a Pokémon with master-level strength?
Lu Ze was not surprised, and neither was the electric monster.

This is not the first time that [thunder] on a [rainy day] has been cracked.

After the eldest sister broke through to the master level, she used her speed to avoid the [thunder].

That is to say, Menas does not have the speed of Sister Tou.

[Thunder] The rain guidance on [Rainy Day] is only before the thunder falls.

After the thunder falls, you can dodge the thunder's attack as long as you are faster than the lightning.

After all, lightning will not turn corners.

A Menas and a Crossbat, both Pokémon used different abilities to show their respective characteristics to dodge the attack of [Thunder].

The smile on the Electric Shock Monster's face remained unchanged, and it did not change because [Thunder] had no effect.

Lu Ze thought for a moment, but he also had a headache.

The characteristic of Menas is [Magical Scales]. After falling into an abnormal state, Menas's physical defense will increase.

In this case, Lu Ze's best tactic of defeating the strong with the weak is not very easy to use.

Could it be that we really want the Crossed Bat to come to confront Menas head-on?
Let’s not say whether the Crossed Bat can defeat Menas.

At least Lu Ze didn't want the Crossed Bat to appear so soon.

Always train other Pokémon and give other Pokémon some opportunities.

Just like Deoxys.

With his strength, as long as he plays, it is basically impossible for Lu Ze to fail.

This is true no matter who you are facing.

(Well, excluding some of the big guys in the special chapters, although it feels like this world is the world of animation.

But who knows if there will be any trainers like Liu Bo. )
After all, even Sirona, Dodo, and even Dan Emperor, who is not yet known as the strongest champion, will not be Deoxys's opponent now.

But if Lu Ze had been fighting with Deoxys, Kirby and the others would have no chance.

Can the current Deoxys defeat their team alone?

I can only say that there is a chance.

But it is indeed very difficult, and there is a high probability that you will lose.

After all, no one who can become a champion is weak.

At least the mythical beast can be stopped a few times.

But if there is a battle with these champions, Crossbat, Kirby and the others will go on stage first and kill the three or four Pokémon on the opposite side.

That generation of Ochisis had no problem killing two of them.

Pokémon is not truly powerful until one Pokémon is powerful.

There is no denying that some people only have one Pokémon, and one Pokémon can surpass the Pokémon of the other people's team.

But Lu Ze can't.

Emerald has been tried many times.

No matter which Pokémon it is, even Mega Rayquaza will have a hard time beating the level with just one Pokémon.

What's more, the current Deoxys is not necessarily as strong as Super Rayquaza.

If you fight Rayquaza seriously, you won't lose. He can't deal with Rayquaza, and Rayquaza can't deal with him in a defensive state either.

However, this is not necessarily the case with Super Rayquaza.

Although Deoxys has never fought against Super Rayquaza, Super Rayquaza's strength has been qualitatively improved compared to Rayquaza.

Lu Ze couldn't think for too long because Menas from the opposite side had already rushed over.

The ground is relatively moist due to [rainy days], and Menas is also very fast on this kind of ground.


[Water Tail] was released, and the electric monster was immediately shot away.

However, the Electric Shock Monster finally succeeded in releasing [Poison] on Menas' body.

The electric monster lost its fighting ability, but purple energy also appeared on Menas' body.

[Poison] successfully hit.

Lu Ze took the electric monster back into the elf ball, but before Lu Ze could be happy, Menas used [Renewal].

[Renewal]: Can remove [Poison], [Paralysis], and [Burning] effects on the body.

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "Why did you forget that Menas has this kind of skill?"

After shaking his head, Lu Ze released his next Pokémon.

"Go, Snorkelling!"

If you want to go head-to-head, let’s go head-to-head!
Mikri looked at the Kirbymon who appeared and smiled.

Kirby is Lu Ze's fourth Pokémon.

The first three, Iron Warrior, Onion Ranger and Electric Shock Beast have all lost their ability to fight.

Next, it depends on whether Kirbymon can block Menus' attack.

It's a pity for Mikri. If it was the effect of [Burning], he really wouldn't use [Renewal].

The [Burning] effect loses physical strength every time, so it’s not as good as adding defense.

It's a pity that it's [Venomous] state, and it loses more physical strength every time. Who can bear this?

So without hesitation, Mikri commanded Menas to release the [Poisonous] state.

"Snappy, thunder!"

Mikri has seen the battle of Kirbymon.

Right in the valley where all Pokémon hunters were killed.Kirbymon's power is at a perverted level, and he isn't the only one who thinks so.

Including Daigo, Sirona, myself and their Pokémon all think so.

One of Daigo's ace Pokémon, the master-level Boscodora, is not as powerful as Lu Ze's king-level Kirby.

One can imagine how abnormal Kirbymon's power is.

So when Kirbymon appeared, he chose to let Menus retreat without hesitation.

Although his Menas melee ability is also good, it is not good compared to Kirbymon.

But just as Menas retreated, another thunderbolt fell in the sky, which surprised Mikri.

Lu Ze's Kirby actually learned the [Thunder] skill?
This is something that Michaeli cannot understand.

His Pokémon has already learned a lot of skills.

But Lu Ze's Pokémon seemed to have learned all the skills it could learn.

Where did he learn so many skills?

Mikri was puzzled, but he still commanded Menas to start a counterattack.

What he doesn't know is that the world he lives in is different from the world Lu Ze lives in.

Most people in the world where Ash lives have a limited understanding of Pokémon skills.

Just like Xiaozhi, he likes to use those skills, and his proficiency in those skills is also very high, and he can usually do various tricks.

In this world where Lu Ze lives, the release of skills is relatively rigid, so everyone prefers to learn more skills in case of emergencies.

Another thing is that most of the powerful people in the world where Xiaozhi and the others live are traveling, and it is not easy to find suitable Pokémon to learn skills.

Lu Ze is different. This world is basically academic.

In this case, there is always a Pokémon among parents, teachers, and classmates who can teach their Pokémon the skill they want to learn.

This is the difference between the two worlds.

"Meinas, hot water!"

Fortunately, Kirbymon's special attack ability is not very strong, and the damage caused by [Thunder] to Menus is not very high.

"Snappy beast, instant amnesia!"

Facing Menus' attack, Lu Ze chose to let Kirby increase his special defense.

The behavior of Menas and Mikri on the opposite side is already obvious.

Just don't engage in close combat with Kirby, but use long-range attacks to consume the Kirby.

Also, if the opponent's Menas really engages in close combat with Kirby, then Lu Ze will have to be wary of Mikri's conspiracy.

Menus' [Hot Water] successfully hit. Although Kirbymon had already used [Momentary Amnesia], which increased its special defense by two levels, it was still hit by [Hot Water] and took two steps back.

Mikoli's Menas is really strong.

And for Kirbymon, Menas is obviously more difficult to deal with than the bulky Boss Cordora.

After Kirby blocked Menas's attack, Lu Ze saw that Kirby looked fine and looked up at the sky.

[Rainy Day] The weather will not disappear for the time being, and Lu Ze has no idea of ​​letting Kirby change the weather.

Rainy days are no big deal to Kirbymon. Kirbymon's strongest point is his special defense.

In addition, [Momentary Amnesia] is now used.

The existence of [Rainy Day] will not have much impact on Kirbymon. Kirbymon can also take advantage of it and give Menus a [Thunder].

As long as it is not read first, Menas cannot avoid [Thunder] with his reaction and speed.

Not even the Crossed Bat.

If the Crossed Bat wants to avoid [thunder], it also needs a little anticipation.

It all depends on reaction and speed, and Deoxys in speed form is still a little bit possible.

Deoxys in speed form is fast on the one hand, but the most important thing is his superpower's perception of danger.

So Lu Ze did not choose to change the weather. When Menus used [Freezing Beam] to attack again, Lu Ze also commanded Kirby to use [Instant Amnesia] again.

After seeing that [Freezing Beam] had basically no effect, Mikri understood.

Kirbymon has the attribute [Thick Fat].

[Thick Fat] plus two [Momentary Amnesia], ice-based special attack skills are basically ineffective, and water-based skills can be better.

With the bonus of this system and the weather, it can also cause some damage to Kirby.

Mikri had a headache, but after seeing Kirby's next move, Mikri's headache became even more severe.

Kirbymon hooked his hand at Menas.


You know, the skill Minus used just now was [Freezing Beam], which is basically useless against Kirbymon.

After hitting [One More Time], Menas has to use it three times in succession.

three times…

Mickle couldn't even imagine what Kirby would do after Minus used his skills three times.

Menas was out of control and used [Freezing Beam] again.

Kirbymon didn't hesitate, and while blocking Menus' [Freeze Beam], he also used the [Thunder] skill.

After being hit by [One More Time], Menas can still move, but the next skill he uses can only be [Freezing Beam].

Menas no longer had the indifferent expression she had just now, and she was also feeling a little numb at this time.

How to fight this?

It won't work if you get close, and long-range attacks will have no effect if you don't get close!
Menas was a little confused, but the most important thing now was to release three [Freezing Beams] first.

Fortunately, Kirbymon's [Thunder] damage is not very high for Menas.

Even with double restraint.

When Menas used [Freezing Beam] for the second time, [Rainy Day] disappeared.

Kirbymon was stunned for a moment, smiled helplessly, and then used [Instant Amnesia] again.

For the third time [Momentary Amnesia], Kirbymon's special defense was maxed out.

Lu Ze finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing this scene.

In this way, Kirbymon is now in an invincible position.

But Menas knows the skill [Dragon Tail].

Don't let Menus use this skill, otherwise Kirbymon's efforts during this period will be in vain.

After the "new look" accident just now, Lu Ze carefully looked at Menas's skill bar again.

This observation allowed him to discover that Menas's skill pool included [Dragon Tail], a skill that could force the opponent to retire.

Kirby is not Lu Ze's last Pokémon, so you still have to be wary of this skill.

Mikri and Menas were very helpless after seeing Kirbymon's third [instant amnesia] release.

Isn't this forcing yourself to fight in close combat?

Fortunately, the three [Freezing Beams] are about to be released.

At the same time, Mi Keli rolled his eyes and thought of a good idea.

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