Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 976 The Elf Egg in Lu Ze’s Backpack

"Meinas, temptation!"

[Temptation]: When you are of a different gender than the opponent, using this skill can reduce the opponent's special attack.

Menas winked at Kirbymon, who was immediately [tempted] and lowered its special attack by two levels.

However, Kirbymon's will was still very firm. After shaking his head quickly, he looked at Menas across from him with a wary expression.

It’s strange that I just thought of him as a delicacy.

Kirbymon scratched his head, and then released [One Hundred Thousand Volts] without hesitation.

Although the electric skills can cause double damage to Menas.

But the reason is the strength, Kirbymon's special attack and the two-level special attack that was just lowered.

[One Hundred Thousand Volts] hitting Minas' body is like Minas using [Freeze Beam] to hit Kirbymon.

It has absolutely no effect.

"Menas, let's tempt you again!"

After calculating Menas's physical strength in his mind, Mikri commanded Menas to use temptation again.

Kirbymon's size and speed determine that it is basically difficult for Kirbymon to avoid this skill.

Kirbymon's body was smooth and smooth again, and its special attack was once again reduced by two levels.

After Kirbymon came to his senses again, he couldn't help but become furious!
You are not food at all!
Kirbymon roared angrily, but Menas was stunned for a moment.

No, is my [temptation] just food in his eyes?

Menas rolled his eyes, and then used [Self-Regeneration].

[Self-regeneration] is followed by [Water Ring], and [Water Ring] is followed by [Temptation].

And Kirbymon is constantly using [One Hundred Thousand Volts].

Neither of them can do anything to the other, but everyone can see it.

After consuming each other until the end, it is obvious that Menas, who has the ability to recover, can win.

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene.

War of attrition?

"Snappy, charge up!"

Kirbymon's current physical strength may not even be half spent.

After [Charging] twice, you can basically recover all your physical strength by using [Swallow].

Time passed slowly, the sun set, and the night was already dark.

Ash and Serena no longer had the initial excitement, and began to feel drowsy.

Their living habits are still very good. Generally speaking, it is already time to go to bed at this point.

Although Daigo often digs rocks in caves, his life is not very regular.

But he was also a little bored at the moment.

He could tell that Mi Keli didn't want to lose.

And Lu Ze is also riding a tiger with difficulty.

Whenever Lu Ze changes a Pokémon now, all the arrangements he just made will be in vain.

The same is true for Menas.

Seriously speaking, Menas only needs to improve his special attack ability or directly use [Dragon Tail] to slap Kirby back into the Poké Ball.

But obviously Menas can't do this.

As long as he dares to use [auto-suggestion], a skill that improves his own condition, Kirbymon will dare to rush over and give her a hard blow.

Just tried it once.

Before the strengthening was completed, Kirbymon used [Crazy Volt] to rush over.

The violent electric current hit Menas' body, and the [Thunder Fist] that followed, almost killed Menas.

After this experience, Mikri did not dare to let Menas use the strengthening skills anymore.

Theoretically, you can also use [Poison], and then use [Dragon Tail] while Kirby uses [Sleep].

But I don’t know what happened, maybe Lu Ze guessed what he was thinking, and he was extremely defensive about the [Poison] skill.

No matter what the situation is, as long as Menas uses [Poison], Kirbymon will use [Jet Flame] to burn [Poison].

Menas is not a poison-type Pokémon, so there is no way to directly plant [poison] in the opponent's body. It can only be thrown.

She didn't dare to get too close, as she could easily get beaten if she was too close.

Kirbymon is also looking for opportunities now. As long as he finds an opportunity, [Abdominal Drum] plus [Thunder Fist] will be enough to kill Menas.

Mi Keli also knows this.

Mikri is very sick now.

It's the kind of disgusting feeling when facing a big piece of meat, scraping it like crazy, but not daring to let the other person get close.

Well, Ashe is so powerful. If he seizes the opportunity to give you a deliberate punch, you won't be able to withstand it.

This is the situation in Menas now.

Mikri's teeth are almost broken now. After returning this time, he will let Menas learn the [Black Mist] skill no matter what.

Otherwise, you will still be disgusted next time you meet such an opponent!
But gritting his teeth, how did Lu Ze know that his Menas had not learned the skill [Black Mist]?

He is not afraid. He has worked hard to strengthen it so many times. Will he return to his original position just by using [Black Mist]?
But he didn't know if he might be killed. Lu Ze could see his opponent's skill pool.

"No, how about a tie between the two of you?"

After a while, Daigo looked at the time helplessly, and then said to the two people who were temporarily silent on the field.



After the two looked at each other, they nodded at the same time.

After Menas glared at Kirby angrily, he directly tapped his elf ball with his tail and returned to the elf ball.

Kirby smiled and slowly came to Lu Ze's side.

Daigo was speechless for a while. Judging from the looks of the two of them, he must have wanted to tie the fight a long time ago.

Just wait for yourself to give me a step.

I wish I had given this step earlier.

Daigo shook his head helplessly and went to the side to wake up Xiaozhi and Serena who had fallen asleep next to each other.

"Wait a moment."

After Lu Ze shouted softly, he quickly came to Xiaozhi and Serena.

With an aunt's smile on his face, Lu Ze looked at the two people cuddling closely together, then took out his phone and took a photo.

In the photo, Xiaozhi is sitting on the ground with his back against the wall.

Serena leaned on Xiaozhi's shoulder, still holding Xiaozhi's arms with both hands.

On Ash's other shoulder, the sleeping Pikachu is also very cute.

"All right."

After Lu Ze smiled and gestured "ok" to Dawu, Dawu smiled and shook his head, and then called Xiaozhi and the others up.

"Well, is the battle over? Who won?"

Ash stood up in a daze, and Serena next to him also woke up.

Compared to Xiaozhi's nerves, Serena realized how intimate the posture between the two of them was when she woke up.

While Xiaozhi was still concerned about who won, Serena had already quietly blushed.

"In the end, neither of them could do anything to the other, so it's a tie."

After Dawu shook his head, he glanced at Mi Keli and Lu Ze.

Seriously speaking, it was actually Mi Keli who lost.

After all, Lu Ze still has two Pokémon left that have not appeared.

Plus Lu Ze’s cross-shaped bat.

I don’t know how Lu Ze’s cross-shaped bat was bred, but it is really strong.

Although Metagross also fought with Lu Ze's other Pokémon that day, he probably fought with the Crossbat again.

But in the end, the victory of the Cross Bat over the Super Metagross is enough to explain the problem.

The cross-shaped bat has very unfavorable attributes when facing Metagross.

But in the end, the cross-shaped bat still won.

The Crossed Bat did not play in this game. If the Crossed Bat did play, it's really hard to say for Menas.Another thing is that Lu Ze has not used super evolution yet.

Dawu shook his head, but Xiaozhi and the others had already said hello to them and were ready to go back to the room to sleep.

"Go to sleep and talk about it tomorrow. It's not too late now."

After Daigo said something to the two of them, he was ready to go back to sleep.

Lu Ze and Xiao Zhi's rooms were very close to each other, so Lu Ze followed Xiao Zhi and the others and left.

Because they arrived late, Daigo and Mikri's room was in another direction.

"I lost."

After bidding farewell to Lu Ze and the others, on the way back to the room, Mi Keli said to Dawu in a somewhat lonely tone.

"I thought you didn't admit that you lost?" Daigo teased.

"Lu Ze, please save some face for me, otherwise his cross-shaped bat and my Menas will not be able to defeat him."

Mi Keli ignored Dawu's teasing and said with some emotion.

"This is not necessarily the case."

"You don't need to comfort me. I know my own affairs."

"No, it just means that you are not in the most suitable venue for you."

Dawu shook his head and said to Mikri seriously.

This wasn't him comforting Mikri, that's what he really thought.

As long as Mikri is at sea, he is still the strongest champion.

People who have never seen the terror of the master-level roaring whale king in the sea will not understand.

"Forget it, it's true that I haven't had any serious training for a long time."

Daigo's words seemed to make Mikri recover, and Mikri, who put his hands around the back of his head, also laughed at himself and said.

"I feel like I am moving in the direction of a performer now. You must know that combat is also a very important aspect of a coordinator."

Mi Keli looked at Dai Wu with a smile: "I'm going to work hard next, do you want to come with me?"


Daigo also laughed.

Both of them had been silent for too long.

It's not that there is no training, but that there is no good and systematic training.

In other words, if the bottleneck has been stuck for a long time, it will naturally become a little slack.



"Are Mr. Dawu and Mr. Mikri not awake yet?"

After seeing Lu Ze come to the restaurant alone, Serena also asked Lu Ze curiously.

"The two of them have left."

After Lu Ze sat down, he showed Xiaozhi and the others the message sent to him by Dai Wu.

Daiwu: Lu Ze, let’s go back first. These two battles have really woken us up. It’s time for us to train properly.

After the breakthrough, we will have another battle.

You also need to make progress faster.

Lu Ze: Don’t worry, I will.

A nice word!
"Two games?"

Xiaozhi didn't seem to be too sleepy yet, and his focus was on the "two games".

"Yes, I met Dawu before and had a friendly match with Dawu."

"Who's winning?"

Looking at the curious eyes of Xiaozhi and Citron, Lu Ze also laughed.

"Of course it's Daigo."

"He is a champion, so he is naturally very powerful."

"But didn't you try to defeat Mr. Mikri yesterday?" Yulijia asked with some confusion.

Yurika's words also made Xiaozhi and Citron nod, and then looked at Lu Ze with curiosity and expectation.

Mikri had the last Pokémon left before they fell asleep yesterday.

After they were woken up by Dawu, they saw Kirby standing next to Lu Ze.

Although I was confused at that time, I did not see Mikoli's Menas.

"No, it was a tie at the end yesterday."

Lu Ze picked up the bread and took a bite: "His Menas can't defeat Kirby, and Kirby can't defeat his Menas."


Xiaozhi and others were a little surprised, and Yurika asked directly: "But brother Ozawa, don't you still have two Pokémon that haven't appeared? How can it be a tie?"

"Yes, yes."

Looking at the five curious little heads in front of him, Lu Ze also laughed.

"Because Mikri didn't use his full strength at all."


"Think about it, what are the attributes of Mikri's Pokémon?"

"Oh, water attribute, I understand." As the gym leader, Citron was the first to react.

"Yes, in yesterday's field, many of his Pokémon couldn't show their abilities, so in the end we were tied. Even if we were to play seriously, I might not be his opponent."

Xiaozhi and the others nodded thoughtfully: "That's right."

"Well, shall we continue setting off after dinner?"

"Yes, but you can relax a little more for the rest of the journey."

"The shorter distance is also rewarding, and Serena did not let our efforts go in vain."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, Serena smiled sheepishly.

They were indeed walking in a hurry on the way to Fengxu Town.

She was just afraid that she wouldn't be able to make it to the Pokémon Tribeca Convention.

Fortunately, the final result is still very good.

"Then go back to your room and tidy up, then get ready to go."

"it is good!"

Everyone nodded and returned to their rooms.

Lu Ze threw his things or backpack directly to Guisi, so he didn't have anything to pack.

Soon everyone gathered at the entrance of the hotel to prepare for departure.


Everyone was walking along, and as soon as they walked out of Fengxu Town, Guisi suddenly came out of Lu Ze's shadow.

"What's wrong, Ghost?"

Lu Ze glanced at Guisi curiously: "Why are you so flustered?"


Guisi seemed a little anxious and quickly took out Lu Ze's backpack from his other space.

"what's the situation?"

At this time, Xiaozhi and the others also came up curiously and looked at the backpack that Guisi took out.

"This is?"

After Lu Ze took the backpack over strangely, he looked inside the backpack.

But with just one glance, Lu Ze understood why Guisi was so panicked just now.

"Elf eggs?"

Xiaozhi and the others also saw the contents of Lu Ze's backpack.

A glowing elf egg.

(End of this chapter)

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