Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 977 Elf Eggs and Rotom

"Is it finally going to hatch?"

Compared to Xiaozhi and the others' surprise, Lu Ze was more excited.

This elf egg is still the elf egg I obtained when I was on Dragon Island.

But maybe it was because of Hupa that he and Super Rayquaza traveled through time and space and came to Xiaozhi's world.

This elf egg has no intention of hatching.

Not only could it not absorb the culture fluid in the culture medium, but it also didn't seem to react at all when it was in the backpack.

Lu Ze also tried to find Mo Anguo and let him try the duck-billed flaming beast with the [Flame Body] characteristic.

But unfortunately, there are still no traces of hatching.

Mo Anguo and Lu Xingguo were also very interested in this elf egg.

However, after studying for a period of time, I only found out that it may be due to time and space travel, which is why the elf egg looks like this now.

Lu Ze had no choice but to put the elf egg in his backpack and wait for it to hatch naturally.

Mo Anguo has also tested that the Pokémon in the elf eggs are still very vital and can just wait for natural hatching.

But what happened to this sudden glow?
Lu Ze's expression was a little baffling, but what he didn't know was that this wasn't the first time this elf egg had behaved like this.

The first time was when Dialga and Palkiya fought, causing Lu Ze to travel here.

However, the noise of the battle between the two mythical beasts was too loud, so Lu Ze did not notice the movement of the elf egg in his backpack.

Because of the unexpected situation of the elf egg, Xiaozhi and others also stopped, wanting to see if this elf egg would hatch as quickly as the buzz bat's elf egg.

Lu Ze hugged the elf egg and sat on the grass. Rocket Bird also came to Lu Ze, spread its wings and hugged the elf egg, and then released its own heat.

Lu Ze didn't plan to do this, but Xiaozhi felt that Rocket Bird's [Flame Body] feature was useful, so he insisted on letting Rocket Bird help.

Lu Ze couldn't refuse, so he had no choice but to agree.

Although he knew that [Flame Body] was probably useless.

"Buzz Bat, look, you were like this at first, and then you hatched out very quickly."

Xiaozhi held the buzz bat in his arms, sat opposite Lu Ze, and said to Lu Ze excitedly.

Guisi also did not enter the shadow. Because Lu Ze put the backpack in his body, Guisi has been taking care of the elf egg recently.

Now that I heard that this elf egg is about to hatch, I am naturally filled with expectations.

Harry and Pikachu were playing around, but their eyes still turned to look at the elf egg in Lu Ze's arms from time to time.

They are also looking forward to the addition of a new partner.

But slowly, after an hour passed, there was still no movement from the elf egg.

It was as if the flicker just now was just the appearance of a drought flower.

"Well, let's keep going. I'll just hold him."

Lu Ze was a little disappointed. After standing up with the elf egg in his arms, he said to Xiaozhi and the others.


Xiaozhi nodded, glanced at the elf egg in Lu Ze's arms, and was also a little disappointed.

I originally thought I could see the birth of Pokémon.

The buzz bat in Xiaozhi's arms tilted its head curiously.

Were you like this at the beginning?

Everyone set off again and walked towards Baike City.

However, the topic on this trip occasionally shifted to the elf eggs in Lu Ze's arms.

Although there has been no movement in the elf eggs.

Time passed quickly, as if it was already dusk in a short time.

"It's getting late."

Xiaozhi, who was in the wild, looked at the sky, then turned his head and said to everyone.

"Great, we can go camping, and then let's imitate Pokémon and play!"


Serena usually doesn't reject Yurika's ideas.

The same is true this time.

"But it looks like it's going to rain." Lu Ze said after taking a look at the dark clouds in the sky in the distance.


Serena was a little panicked, he didn't want to be soaked in the rain.

After taking out the illustrated book and taking a look at it, Serena immediately became excited.

"There seems to be a hotel near here!"

"Okay, let's get there before it rains!"

After Xiaozhi spoke, everyone started running.

But even so, in the end, before everyone could get to the hotel, heavy rain fell from the sky.

This kind of natural weather can only be changed by divine beasts like Groudon, Kyogre or Rayquaza.

Ordinary Pokémon like theirs can only change some of the weather around them.

And even if it changes, it won't last long.

"Giant golden monster, strong mind!"

Lu Ze didn't want to get wet, and there was an elf egg in his arms.

Lu Ze did not hesitate. As soon as Metagross came out, [Psychic Power] was released, forming a superpower barrier above everyone's heads.

"We need to hurry up."

Metagross' strength is naturally incomparable to Deoxys, so Lu Ze doesn't know how long he can last.


Everyone nodded. With Metagross' superpower barrier on their heads, they could avoid getting soaked in so much rain.

"Ah, it's so cold!"

As Lu Ze expected, Metagross cannot support such a large superpower barrier for long.

Before reaching the hotel, Metagross's superpower output stopped.

After Lu Ze took the already panting Metagross back into the Poké Ball, he accelerated towards the hotel with Xiaozhi and the others.


"Huh, luckily it's not far."

After arriving at the hotel, everyone who was no longer wet in the rain instantly became happy.

But when they entered the hotel, they found that the hotel was very dilapidated.

"This should be a hotel, right?"

Serena looked at the dilapidated hall in front of her with fallen tile fragments on the ground, feeling a little strange.

"Is it still open?"

Xiaozhi was also a little strange, but Lu Ze put his hand on the elf ball.

By the way, Xiaozhi won't enter the lair of some ghost-type Pokémon again, right?

It's not the first time for him either.

This kind of scene fits the scene in a horror movie.

"Ghost, are there any other ghost-type Pokémon nearby?"

Lu Ze's waveguide was turned on, but he didn't notice any Pokémon's waveguide.

There was only one guy at the counter.

However, after what happened with Guisi, Lu Ze was not so sure about his waveguide.

After all, Guisi had been following him for several days, but his waveguide did not notice Guisi at all.

If it weren't for the shadow left behind by Giratina in his own shadow, Ghost might not be able to notice it even if he entered his own shadow.

Just like when Giratina quietly sneaked into his shadow and stayed in his shadow for so long.


Guisi shook his head, not noticing any similar aura.


Lu Ze relaxed a little, and after following Xiaozhi and the others to the front desk, he saw an old man.

"Sorry to excuse you, can I still check in today?" "Are you a guest?"

The white-haired waiter with glasses glanced at Xiaozhi and the others and nodded.

"Understood, I'll take a few of you to the room."

"Your rooms are over here."

The white-haired waiter said, leading Xiaozhi and the others towards the inside.

The environment inside the hotel is not that good either. The lights are dim and the walls are mottled, just like a scene in a ghost movie.

As everyone moved forward, the lights in the corridor also flickered.


The white-haired waiter looked at the flickering lights and shouted curiously.

Lu Ze immediately turned on the waveguide. As expected, the lights flickered precisely because of Rotom's presence.

Lu Ze's eyes flickered as he looked at the white-haired waiter who continued to lead the way.

It seems like there is a story.

Is this going into another plot?
Lu Ze didn't speak, but quietly followed the white-haired waiter to the door of the room.

"Then, please have a good rest."

After handing the key to Xiaozhi, the white-haired waiter left.

Everyone entered the room, and surprisingly, the room was still very nice.

At least there is no dilapidated scene outside.

Four beds, though?

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment, although it was not the first time that they had lived in the same room.

But basically there is one bed for one person, or one bed for two people.

What about four beds this time?
"Yurika, come sleep with me."

Serena seemed to notice Lu Ze's appearance, so she took the initiative to speak.

"I want to sleep on Kirby!"

After Serena finished speaking, Yulijia looked at everyone and seemed to understand something. She made a longing look and said to Lu Ze.

This is a tacit principle of fairness that everyone understands.

Because all four beds are single beds, it will be crowded if two people sleep there.

Lu Ze had this idea just now, but they all seemed to have this idea too.

"You need to discuss this with Kirbymon."

Thinking of this, Lu Ze smiled and then released the Kirby beast.


After Kirbymon looked around, he nodded towards Yurika with a smile.


After Yurika cheered excitedly, she rushed forward and hugged Kirbymon's belly.

Kirbymon's belly stretched out, preventing Yurika from sliding down.

Lu Ze also laughed. In fact, the solution is very simple, just open another room.

Although I'm not sure if there are other rooms in this hotel like this.

But this solution is not bad.

"Now, now that it's been assigned, how about a Pokémon battle?"

After seeing that the problem was solved, Xiaozhi, who had not had a Pokémon battle because he was on the road all day, his eyes lit up instantly and he said to everyone.


"Isn't it still raining heavily outside?"

Everyone was a little confused, but Lu Ze looked at the trash can in the room.

That's the reason why you don't go out alone and get a room.

He didn't want to miss any of the plot.

In other words, I don't want any deviation in the plot or any danger to Xiaozhi and the others because of my own reasons.

Although in theory Xiaozhi is the protagonist.

But Xiaozhi and the others are also good friends of Lu Ze now.

Naturally, it doesn't seem like they are in any danger.

Lu Ze didn't pay attention to what Xiaozhi and the others said. At this time, Lu Ze's waveguides were all focused on the Rotom.

The purpose of this Rotom is unknown.

But after a while, Xiaozhi found the battleground in the hotel.

Looking at the distribution map of the hotel outside, everyone quickly found the location of the battlefield.

Xiaozhi and the others rushed over excitedly, and Lu Ze followed behind them.

As Lu Ze expected, Rotom also followed the lamp and headed towards the battlefield together.

As Xiaozhi opened the door, the battle inside was also going on.

Rogue Croc versus Rogue Panda.

The battle between the two Pokémon has reached a fever pitch.

However, within a short time, the rogue panda was hit head-on by the rogue crocodile's [destructive death ray], and was beaten to the point of losing its ability to fight.

"The rogue panda loses the ability to fight, and the rogue crocodile wins!"

As the referee's announcement sounded, the rogue panda's trainer quickly put the rogue panda back into the elf ball.

But the next second, Rogue Panda's Poké Ball was snatched away by Mandoru, the victorious trainer of Rogue Crocodile.


Lu Ze was stunned for a moment, and Xiaozhi and the others were also surprised by Mandoru's actions.

"what's going on?"

"As agreed, I will accept this rogue panda!"

"Etc., etc!"

There was a trace of ridicule in Mandolu's eyes, and he looked at the middle-aged man in front of him: "If you want to blame it, blame your own weakness."

"Please, he's been with me for over 20 years!"

Facing the middle-aged man in front of him, Mandoru's eyes did not change at all.

Just waving his hands, two younger brothers rushed up and took the middle-aged man away.

"Pokémon Plus is used as a bet in the Pokémon battle?"


The angry Xiaozhi rushed forward and faced Mandoru, the owner of the hotel.

"Boss, please return the Pokémon to the person just now!"

Mandalu turned his head and looked at Xiaozhi with a smile on his face: "Boy, we have agreed to hand over the Pokémon if we lose before fighting."

"But betting on Pokémon or something..."

"But a promise is a promise, and you must abide by it, right?"

Mandalu interrupted Xiaozhi directly: "No, you and I have a battle. If you win, return the Pokémon to him. If you lose, Pikachu is mine."

"I'm not going to have a fight like that!"

"No, you can't say no!"

As soon as Xiaozhi finished speaking, the younger brother on the side smiled evilly and pressed forward.

"Electric Shock Monster!"

When Lu Ze saw this scene, he took out the elf ball that shocked the monster without hesitation.

Since there are no rules, let’s compare whose fist is bigger!
But before the Electric Shock Monster appeared, Rotom hidden in the trash can suddenly appeared.

[Weird Radio Waves] were released, disrupting the venue, and then rushed out with Xiaozhi and the others.

After Lu Ze hesitated for a while, he finally chose to go out with them.

See what Rotom wants to do and deal with them later.

(End of this chapter)

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