Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 978 Time and space?The strangeness of elf eggs

"Where did these guys go?"

Listening to the sounds coming from outside gradually fading away, Xiaozhi and the others also relaxed.

Lu Ze turned to look at Tuolom.

What does Tolom want to do?

"That was a big help, thank you Rotom."

Ash thanked Rotom, but they didn't understand what Rotom said.

Just when Lu Ze was about to release Lucario to act as a translator, Rotom got directly into the TV over there.


Lu Ze was a little helpless. Why was this Rotom always one step ahead of him?

It was just now and it is now.

"The TV is on?"

"Did Rotom do it?"

"You want to tell us what he said," Lu Ze said to everyone after glancing at Rotom flashing by on the TV.

As the picture appeared on the TV, Lu Ze and Xiaozhi gradually understood what Rotom wanted to say.

It's just that the guy who just snatched other people's Pokémon in the battleground had done this a long time ago.

And the real owner of this hotel is the white-haired waiter just now.

Mandalu came to this hotel before and forced the white-haired waiter to compete in a Pokémon battle. If he lost, he would give up the hotel and make it his own.

The white-haired waiter agreed, but when the battle began, Rotom was scared away by the opponent's rogue crocodile.

As a result, the white-haired waiter changed from the boss to what he is now.

But that guy was still forcing people to challenge him in the hotel, and if they lost, he would take away their Pokémon.

Rotom regretted this very much.

Although the white-haired waiter had already forgiven him, he did not dare to appear in front of him.

"Rotom, are you regretting that you didn't apologize for being a pawn?"

"Loto, Lotto!"

Rotom nodded anxiously, thinking that what Xiaozhi said was right.

"Brother, can't you think of a way?"

After hearing about Rotom, Yurika also asked her brother anxiously.

"Without a time machine, it would be difficult to change the past..."

Before Citron finished speaking, Rotom rushed out of the TV.

"Loto Loto!"

Rotom came to the door, and Xiaozhi, Lu Ze and the others followed.

"Is there something outside?"

After Lu Ze asked a strange question, he saw Rotom nodded and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Rotom rushed out.

Lu Ze and the others had no choice but to follow them.

Following Rotom, we soon arrived at the elevator door.

"Let us in?"

Rotom nodded again, and Lu Ze and Xiaozhi went in.

However, Lu Ze also turned on the waveguide at the same time and hugged the elf egg in his arms.

He also didn't know what would happen next.

But he could already feel that Deoxys's super power had covered the elf egg.

If something happens, Deoxys can guarantee that there will be no problem with the elf eggs.

As everyone entered and the elevator door closed, Rotom got directly into the elevator.

Lu Ze froze for a moment.

No, does Rotom still do this in real life?

With Rotom's power, the elevator also begins to glow.

At the same time, the elf egg in Lu Ze's arms began to glow slightly.

After the elevator lights up, half of the clock showing the floor behind the elevator also becomes one.

Originally only half of the clocks had only one to five levels on them.

However, under the power of Rotom, the other half of the clock appeared, ranging from minus one to minus ten.

"Does this hotel have ten floors underground?" Citron asked, looking at the clock on the floor with a horrified look.

Xiaozhi touched his head awkwardly: "Aha, there shouldn't be one, right?"

"It feels so scary!"

"Looks like fun!"

Just as Yurika finished speaking, the elevator started to move.

As the hands on the floor clock gradually moved from the first floor to the fifth floor, the space in the elevator seemed to be weightless, and everyone was floating in mid-air.

Compared to Xiaozhi and the others' panic and Yurika's excitement, Lu Ze looked a little ugly.

The power of the waveguide is limited to the space of the elevator.

A moment later, as the pointer pointed to the minus tenth floor, the elevator door opened.

Xiaozhi and the others staggered out of the elevator, but Lu Ze noticed it.

Rotom is gone.

"Is this the minus tenth floor?"

"No, it seems to be one layer."

Citron glanced at the sign on the corridor, shook his head and said.

"Xiaozhi, look there!"

Suddenly, Serena seemed to have discovered something, pointing to the door in front and saying nervously.

Lu Ze didn't pay attention to the scene around him. All his attention at this time was on the elf egg in his hand.

The elf egg is glowing slightly.

It's not the kind of flash that's about to hatch, but a faint glow that continues.

What's happening here?
Lu Ze didn't quite understand, but soon he found Xiaozhi and the others running forward.

Lu Ze thought for a moment, and after temporarily wondering what was going on with the elf eggs, he followed Xiao Zhi and the others.

"This is?"

After arriving at the room at the end, Xiaozhi opened the door and was shocked by the scene in front of him.

In the splendid battlefield, the young white-haired waiter, the owner of the hotel, was confronting Mandoru and the others.

"Is this exactly the same as the video Rotom showed us just now?"

"It seems we have traveled through time, Rotom?"

Lu Ze felt a little strange after explaining.

Does Rotom have the power of time and space?
In other words, the ability of time?

But what does this have to do with my own elf eggs?

Lu Ze was a little confused, but at this time the two people on the field were ready to start fighting.

With the roar of Rogue Crocodile, Rotom disappeared again just like the movie they just watched.

"Rotom, Rotom, where have you been?"

"Your Pokémon escaped and won without a fight, so I win!"

"Wait a moment!"

As soon as Mandoru finished speaking, Xiaozhi stood up and stopped Mandoru.

"The competition hasn't officially started yet. The idea of ​​winning without a fight is not valid!"

"Give me 5 minutes, I will definitely bring Rotom back and let him fight!"

After Xiaozhi finished speaking, Mandalu didn't want to agree.

However, after seeing the Kirby beasts and Electric Shock Monsters released by Lu Ze and standing behind them, Mandoru finally chose to give in.

Two Pokémon with king-level strength...

"Okay, I understand, then bring Rotom back and let's fight!"

As Mandoru spoke, he looked at Lu Ze: "Our bet has already been established!"

Lu Ze had no intention of paying attention to Mandoru, and Xiaozhi also started his plan.

"Please come with us!" "Yeah, yeah."

After the boss nodded, he followed Xiaozhi and the others to the small warehouse where they had escaped before.

"Um, who are you?"

"No time to explain, listen to us."

"We are companions with you, Mr. Yoruton."

After Citron finished speaking, Xiaozhi called Rotom twice at the TV.

As Rotom appeared, Yorudun quickly stepped forward and looked at Rotom with a gentle expression.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can come back."

"Loto, Lotto!"

Lu Ze looked at this scene and shook his head with emotion.

Apart from anything else, this Yoluton is really a gentle person.

And he is also very kind to his Rotom.

But it's a pity that good people can be bullied by others.

"Mr. Yoruton, if you don't defeat that guy now, you will definitely regret it in the future!"

After Citron finished speaking, Yorudun also stood up.

"Just now I was carried away and said that I accepted the challenge, but in fact, Rotom and I don't have much combat experience."

"It's okay, we're here!"

After Xiaozhi finished speaking, Yurika looked at Citron again.

"As long as my brother is here, there will be no problem!"

In Yurika's admiring eyes, Citron did not say anything about his inability, but began to think.

"Rogue Crocodile is evil-type and ground-type, which is very disadvantageous for electric-type and ghost-type Pokémon like Rotom."

After Citron thought for a while, his eyes suddenly brightened and he came to the washing machine next to him.

"Yes, you can use this!"

After Citron excitedly told Yorudun his battle plan, Yorudun nodded and agreed.

"Let's go, it's time to keep your appointment."

Lu Ze smiled, and after releasing his electric monster again, he followed them back to the battlefield.

"I accept the challenge, but if I win, you have to promise me not to raise such random challenges again!"

"Okay, but if I win, then this hotel will be mine!"

The conversation between the two also gave Lu Ze a headache.

Is Yoluton stupid? It is obvious that the conditions of the two of them are not equal.

Lu Ze shook his head helplessly, maybe this was a good old man.

As the two men finished speaking, the battle soon began.

As the referee announced the start of the battle, Yorudun directly directed Rotom to use [Electric Ball].

[Electric Ball] successfully hit the Rogue Crocodile, but it had no effect at all.

"Electric skills have no effect on my rogue crocodile!" Mandoru said with a confident smile.

"Calm down Mr. Luton!"

"Did you forget something important?"

After being reminded by Xiaozhi and Citron, Yorudon finally remembered their battle plan.


"Rotom, get into the socket!"

Following Yorudun's command, Rotom entered the socket again.

Mandoru was stunned for a moment and spread his hands: "It seems like your Pokémon escaped again?"

As soon as Mandolu finished speaking, there was a crashing sound from the door.

The electric shock monster opened the door, and a washing machine Rotom appeared.

"Washing machine Rotom can use a high-pressure water gun!"

After Citron's reminder, Yorudun also reminded his Rotom to use a [high-pressure water gun].

[High-pressure water gun] hits, causing restraint damage.

Mandolu was shocked: "Didn't you mean one-on-one!"

"Even if he changes form, he is still Rotom!"

"What did you say, get out! Rogue crocodile, destroy everything!"

Rogue Crocodile's [Destructive Death Ray] hit head-on, but this time Lu Ze was surprised.

Rotom broke away from the washing machine directly and let the washing machine take the damage. Nothing happened to him at all.


"Mr. Yoruton, second battle plan!"

As Serena's voice sounded, Yorudun once again directed Rotom to enter the socket.

After a moment, the door was knocked again, and the Electric Shock Monster opened the door again out of curiosity.

This time it's Fridge Rotom.

"Refrigerator Rotom can use Blizzard!"

"Rotom, Tempest!"

Release the skill again, hit again, and be bitten by the angry rogue crocodile again.

However, this time the Rogue Crocodile still hit the refrigerator and did not damage Rotom's body.

Rotom's body entered the socket again, and then the door rang again.

After the Electric Shock Monster opened the door in displeasure, Rotom the Lawnmower came in.

This time, the electric shock monster did not close the door again.

He didn't want to open the door again, that was all.

"Rotom the Lawnmower, Leaf Storm!"

It's a pity that the Electric Shock Monster can't wait until Rotom comes in next time.

With this attack, Rogue Crocodile immediately lost its ability to fight.

The electric shock beast looked helplessly, and then stared fiercely at Mandoru's two younger brothers who were about to step forward, and took two steps forward to block them.

Under the pressure of the electric monster's powerful momentum, they quickly succumbed.

"Okay, as agreed, let's end this crazy challenge!"

Mandalu was unwilling to give in and was about to signal his two younger brothers to attack with his eyes.

The electric shock monster's eyes widened, and a [hundred thousand volts] was applied, and the three of them immediately became calm.

"I'm sorry, we will abide by our agreement!"

Amidst the cheers of the surrounding audience, Xiaozhi and Yorudun also laughed happily.

As soon as a reporter in the audience pressed the shutter of the camera, a white light flashed, and Lu Ze and the others came out of the elevator.

After Lu Ze came out, he looked at the elf egg in his hand.

At this time, the elf egg no longer flickered.

Lu Ze sighed, wondering how long it would take for this Pokémon to be born.

But for now, let’s keep holding him until he is born.

After all, this is the guy I had high hopes for in the first place.

"Are you back?"

Xiaozhi looked around strangely, and suddenly saw someone in front of him.

After running over quickly, I realized that these three guards were Mandoru and the three of them, weren't they?
"Is this time and space changed?"

Lu Ze was shocked when he saw this scene.

This is a change in the main time and space!

Time paradox, or time closed loop, including their time travel is also part of the time closed loop?

Lu Ze didn't know, but after speaking to Yorudon who had resumed his identity as the boss on the battlefield, Rotom led them to the photo.

At this time, the photo above is clearly Xiaozhi and Lu Ze.

Including Xiaozhi's Pikachu and Lu Ze's Electric Monster are also on the photos in this corridor.

(End of this chapter)

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