Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 979 Lu Ze’s Crisis

After coming out of the hotel, Lu Ze had been thinking about the time travel that day.

Is there a problem with the hotel itself, or is there a problem with Rotom?

However, there is no difference in Rotom's information from the system.

So, is there a problem with that hotel?

But how was Rotom able to initiate that time travel?
Lu Ze couldn't understand, so he simply stopped thinking about it. There were many strange places in the Pokémon world.

"Such a high snow-capped mountain?"

Lu Ze looked at the towering snow-capped mountains in front of him and asked with a confused look on his face.

He originally thought that the snow mountain Xiaozhi and the others were talking about wouldn't be very high.

Looking at the results now, it seems to be quite low.

"Yeah, so we need a Pokémon."

Serena nodded. As a Pokémon rider, he had longed for the ivory pig for a long time.

"Let's go, there is a place nearby that rents ivory pigs." Serena said excitedly, leading the way happily.

"I'm Yurika, please give me your advice!"

As soon as everyone arrived at the farm where the ivory pigs were rented, Yurika couldn't help but pounce on the ivory pigs when she saw them.

The ivory pig's temper was also very gentle, and it showed no intention of attacking the stranger Yurika. Instead, it rubbed its nose on Yurika's face.

"It's well cultivated."

Lu Ze looked at these ivory pigs with excitement.

Although it is used as a manned vehicle here, looking at the beauty of its body shape and hair, it is worthwhile to think about it in combat.

"Everyone, you can choose the ivory pig. After you cross the snow-capped mountains, there will be staff on the other side. Just hand it over to them."


"How many people can sit on an ivory pig?"

"I have Metagross, and I don't want to sit on an ivory pig."

After Serena finished speaking, Lu Ze quickly waved his hand and said.

He is quite cautious when it comes to other people's Pokémon, especially those he wants to ride.

The same goes for Rayquaza.

But riding Rayquaza was a dream, this was different.

If you have your own Pokémon, it’s better to use your own Pokémon.

"Okay, then you only need to rent two of them. They are always on the ivory pig, and two people can ride on them."

Hearing what Lu Ze said, the staff also smiled and explained.

"Then let's rent two."

After Xiaozhi thought for a moment, he nodded and agreed.

Metagross, it should be more comfortable to sit.

"Okay, we can also rent cotton clothes and other cold-resistant equipment here."

"it is good."

After a while, Serena, Xiaozhi, Yurika and Citron came out in pairs wearing down jackets and riding ivory pigs.

Lu Ze sat cross-legged on the body of the Metagross, looking at this scene with a confused look on his face.

After taking a photo and sending it to Dawu, Lu Ze waved his hand and motioned for them to lead the way.

The ivory pig knows the way, so the ivory pig that Xiaozhi and Serena rode led the way, while Lu Ze followed at the back.

Daigo: It’s great. It’s a close contact.

Lu Ze: Of course, in order for the two of them to have close contact, I didn’t choose to ride the ivory pig.

Daigo: Isn’t Metagross more comfortable than the ivory pig?

Lu Ze: Who knows, I have never ridden an ivory pig.

Lu Ze sat cross-legged on the silver-white Metagross, following two ivory pigs.

He and Daigo had told him this before he left last time, asking him to share with him all the places where Xiaozhi and Serena could enjoy each other.

He has known Xiaozhi for a long time, but Xiaozhi has never been so close to other girls.

In other words, I didn’t see it when it was intimate.

But now between Xiaozhi and Serena, he really wants to eat.

So I asked Lu Ze before I left last time.

Lu Ze lived up to his expectations and gave all the melons they could eat to Dawu.

The melon-eating duo was established.

Maybe we should also add Mi Keli, after all, Dawu and Mi Keli are also the kind of friends who talk about everything.

"This slope is a bit steep."

Just as Lu Ze finished sending the message, Xiao Zhi and the others in front stopped.

Compared to Xiaozhi and Serena, Citron was more panicked.

It seemed like it was his first time sitting on an ivory pig. It was probably too high.

Especially now looking at the steep slope in front of me, I feel even more panicked.

"It's okay, Citron?"

"Nothing, right?"

After Citron said something nervously, Xiaozhi spoke.

"Let's do this, let's try to climb up first, and you can follow behind."

"it is good."

"Xiao Zhi, it's not okay to act recklessly. You have to take your time and be cautious."

Citron nodded firmly, but Serena spoke to Ash in front of her.

"Well, Serena also needs to hurry up."

"it is good."

After the two nodded, they began to climb up the steep slope.

The ivory pig took one step at a time and soon covered almost half the distance.

But just when they were about to reach the top, the ivory pig suddenly slipped and slid down with them.

"Are you okay?"

After seeing them sliding down, Metagross also used his super power to hold them up so that they didn't slide down so fast.

But it was obvious that both Ash and Serena looked frightened.

"Are you okay Serena?"


After Serena nodded in panic, Ash also looked at Metagross.

"Thank you, Metagross."


After Metagross nodded at Xiaozhi, Citron asked Xiaozhi.

"Would you like to find another route?"


"Will you let me come?"

Xiaozhi hesitated for a moment, and Serena behind him quickly said: "Have you forgotten, my skills were trained by my mother, who is an armored rhinoceros rider!"

"Yes, then I'll leave it to you, Serena!"

"give it to me!"

After the two changed positions, Serena sat on the driver's seat and gently comforted the ivory pig with her palms.

"Okay, let's get fucked, ivory pig!"

"Calm down and take your time."


The ivory pig nodded, and after suddenly spurting out two streams of white mist from its nose, it walked up again.

With Serena's comfort and encouragement, the ivory pig walked up the hillside step by step.

The ivory pig was not slow and quickly reached the hillside.

“Awesome ivory pig!”

Serena cheered and patted the ivory pig on the head: "Thank you, dear."

"As expected of Serena!"

After Xiaozhi praised them, he prepared to bring Citron and the others up.

After throwing down the prepared rope and tying the two ivory pigs tightly, the ivory pig that Xiaozhi and the others were riding strongly pulled the ivory pig that Citron and the others were riding.Lu Ze sat on the Metagross, floating in the air and watching this scene.

Citron looked at the ivory pig walking up step by step with a panic look on his face, but Yurika was very excited.

Lu Ze smiled and shook his head. Yulijia was too young, otherwise it would be best for Yulijia to drive.


After Citron cheered, he looked behind him and panicked again.

"It's so high, let's go down quickly!"

"Brother, what are you saying? We have just gone up the mountain."

"Brace yourself Citron."

Seeing Citron's sluggish look, Xiaozhi also laughed.

Everyone continued to move forward. Although the road ahead was not very smooth, there was no great danger.

Two ivory pigs walked on the snow-covered mountain road with ease.

"so beautiful!"

Xiaozhi, who was sitting behind the ivory pig, went up to the suspension bridge in the mountains and couldn't help but sigh when he looked at the scenery next to him.

"It's really beautiful."

Lu Ze sat on Metagross. What was beneath Metagross was not a suspension bridge, but a river between the canyons.

People with high skills are bold, or Lu Ze, who knows that Deoxys is protecting him, has no fear at all.

But Serena was different. She was not in the mood to look at the scenery next to her at all. She was also a little panicked at this time.

This height is really too high, not to mention much higher than the steep slope just now. As long as one accidentally falls, there is basically no possibility of survival.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew by, causing the suspension bridge to sway uncontrollably.

Serena screamed, and Lu Ze was blown off the Metagross by the sudden strong wind in the mountain.

"Is the wind so strong?"

Lu Ze fell downwards, his mind went blank, and he had only one thought in his mind.

"Brother Ozawa!"

Xiaozhi was comforting the frightened Serena and didn't notice Lu Ze's condition, but Citron could see it.

Not only could he see it, he could even clearly see the confused expression on Lu Ze's face when he fell.


When Metagross saw this scene, he ignored the strong wind and directly used all his mental strength to wrap Lu Ze with super powers.

With Metagross's strength and the help of Deoxys' superpower, Lu Ze was soon back on Metagross' back.


"It's okay, I'm just too arrogant."

Lu Ze understood what Metagross meant, and after comforting Metagross, he smiled bitterly.

I was really too arrogant just now. I couldn't help but sit down and didn't say anything. I even wanted to take out my mobile phone and take a photo.

Lu Ze shook his head slightly, and the Pokémon in Lu Ze's poke ball also breathed a sigh of relief.

After some discussion among the Pokémon, Crossbat finally came out of the Poké Ball directly.

"It's okay, Cross-Character Bat. I'm fine. Oops!"

Before Lu Ze finished speaking, the wings of the cross-shaped bat lightly hit Lu Ze on the head.

"Okay, not next time."

Seeing the cross-shaped bat's angry look, Lu Ze also expressed something sarcastic.

The cross-shaped bat pursed its lips helplessly at Lu Ze, then flew behind Lu Ze.

"It's so cold outside, why don't you go back to the Poké Ball, I'll be fine."


Crossed Bat shook his head, his meaning was very firm.

She was so worried when she didn't keep up just now that she didn't go back to the elf ball now.

Unless we wait to go down the mountain.

Besides, I'm not afraid of the cold.


Seeing the cross-shaped bat's appearance, Lu Ze understood what she meant and could only nod in agreement.

"Brother Ozawa, are you okay?"

At this time, Xiaozhi and the others had also passed the suspension bridge. After Citron's explanation, Xiaozhi realized what had just happened.

The wind was so strong that the two of them didn't even hear Citron's cry.

"It's all right."

Lu Ze felt a little pity that he couldn't take a picture of the scene where Xiaozhi's boyfriend comforted Serena just now and sent it to Dawu.

Otherwise, Dawu would definitely say that Xiaozhi's steel bar has enlightened him.

"Keep going, it's too cold."

After Lu Ze shook his body, he said to Xiaozhi and the others.

"it is good."

Everyone continued to move forward. This time, Lu Ze did not sit on the Metagross as casually as before. Instead, he hunched over and tried to make his area of ​​stress less large.

Metagross also deployed all its mental power, protecting Lu Ze while blocking the wind and snow blowing in front of him.

After all, Lu Ze still has an elf egg in his arms.

After what happened last time, Lu Ze no longer dared to place the elf eggs in Guisi's alien space.

Who knows when this elf egg will hatch.

Fortunately, Metagross' super power was able to resist it, and Lu Ze's down jacket was thicker. When he placed the elf egg in his belly, the elf egg was also blown by some wind.

"The road ahead is blocked by huge rocks?"

Everyone continued to move forward, but as soon as they turned a corner, they saw a huge boulder falling on their path.

"There is no other way."

Just when Xiaozhi and the others were worried, the ivory pig beneath them snorted fiercely.

"This is?"

"Golden Monster, Comet Fist!"

Lu Ze jumped off Metagross, looked at the two ivory pigs sprinting forward and said to Metagross with a big smile.


Metagross nodded, followed the two ivory pigs first, and then hit the boulder amidst the horrified cries of Xiaozhi and others.


"What a powerful force!"

After a loud noise, the boulder turned into small stones.

"What an awesome ivory pig, Metagross!"


After Xiaozhi praised them, Ivory Pig, Metagross and Pikachu looked at the same place at the same time.

"What's wrong?"

After Lu Ze trotted two steps, he jumped on Metagross and asked Metagross.


As soon as Metagross responded, the two ivory pigs nodded and walked in the direction they just saw.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"No, the route is not this route."

"Go and see what they want to do. There should be some problem."

Facing the panic of Xiaozhi and Serena, Lu Ze was a little strange, but he still comforted them.

The two ivory pigs were not very fast, so the cross-shaped bat passed first.

She also felt it just now, a Pokémon was asking for help!
"Is there anything in here?"

They soon followed the Crossbat.

In other words, the Crossed Bat was at the entrance of a cave and did not enter.

"what's the situation?"

After Lu Ze asked, a Blizzard King walked out of the cave.

Seeing the strangers, the Blizzard King seemed to give two warnings, and then released [Snow] directly at them!

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