Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 980 Correction of training plan

"What's behind it, a Pokémon?"

In [Fine Snow], Citron saw the snow hat monster in Shandong and asked with a strange look on his face.

"Mega monster, wall of light!"

After Lu Ze directed the Metagross to block [Xixue]'s attack, everyone saw clearly.

The face of the snow monster in the cave is red, it must be sick.

"The snow monster is not in the right state, it may be sick!"


As soon as Lu Ze finished speaking, Xiaozhi jumped off the ivory pig.

"Blizzard King, we are not enemies, so stop attacking."

"Pickup pickup!"

"Blizzard King, please believe us!"

Xiaozhi and Serena stepped forward to persuade the Blizzard King, but Lu Ze looked at the Blizzard King nervously.

Blizzard King is ready to release [Freeze Beam].

This is not a warning attack like [Xixue].

But the amazing thing is that Blizzard King looked at Xiaozhi and the Pikachu on Xiaozhi, and quickly became quiet.

Turning slightly sideways, Serena trotted into the cave.

"Blizzard King, are you worried about the snow monster?"

"If you don't mind, we should have something to do."

After Xiaozhi stepped forward, Lu Ze also took two steps forward and said to the Blizzard King.

The Blizzard King's brows relaxed, but he still looked worried.

"believe us."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, he led Citron forward.


After Serena put her hand on the forehead of the snow monster and tried it, she said to Citron next to her.

Yurika was a little worried: "Brother, can it be cured?"

"If there are magic wood moss and dragon gate flowers nearby, these two can cure the snow monster."

After hearing Citron's words, Lu Ze silently put his medicine back.

If there is no other way, he will take out this medicine, if it is available, forget it.

After all, although this medicine is used to treat Pokémon's fever, it is from this world. Who knows what it will do to Pokémon in this world.

"Then let's go look for it."

Lu Ze said and looked at the Crossed Bat.

After the cross-shaped bat nodded clearly, it flew towards the hot spring where the magic wood moss might grow deep in the cave that Citron said.

"Serena and I will come too."

After Xiaozhi saw the Crossed Bat flying in, he said to Serena.


After Serena nodded, Citron also looked at Yurika.

"Then Yulijia and I will go find the Dragon Gate Flower."

"Okay, I'll wait for you here."

Lu Ze said, looking at Metagross: "You go with them."


After Metagross nodded and agreed, Yurika cheered.

"Brother Ozawa, can I let Metagross take me?"

"Of course you can, but be careful."

"Well, don't worry!"

After making the decision, Citron released his Harili.

At the same time, Pikachu also jumped off Xiaozhi's body.

"Then please."

"Well, let's go."

Lu Ze nodded and released his wind fairy.

Also appearing were Ghost and Serena's long-tailed fire fox.

"Then let's go."

After Xiaozhi and Serena got on the ivory pig, they walked towards the cave.

The Crossed Bat was waiting for them inside.

Yurika on the other side had also excitedly followed Lu Ze's example and sat cross-legged on Metagross, and was led out by Metagross.

Behind him is Citron riding on an ivory pig.

"It's okay, just wait until the medicine comes back."

Looking at Blizzard King's worried eyes, Lu Ze also comforted Blizzard King.

The strength of this Blizzard King is quite strong and has reached the level of a king.

Among wild Pokémon, it is considered a very powerful one.

The Blizzard King nodded and looked at the snow monster with some concern.

"Which way are we going?"

Xiaozhi in the cave looked at so many forks in the road and looked at the Crossed Bat with a blank expression.

The cross-shaped bat looked at Xiaozhi, then stretched out its wings and touched a poke ball in Xiaozhi's arms.


The buzz bat appeared, and Xiaozhi understood it instantly.

"Buzz, use ultrasound to see which way you can go!"


The buzzing bat nodded, looked at the cross-shaped bat looking at him with an encouraging smile, and then spread the ultrasonic waves.

With the help of ultrasound, the buzz bat quickly found its way.

Excitedly, he turned to look at the Crossed Bat. The Crossed Bat did not hesitate to praise him and lightly patted the buzzing bat on the head with his wings.

"Okay, let's go then!"

Xiaozhi also had no intention of taking back the Poké Ball from Buzzbat.

Although buzzing bats don't like this kind of cold weather very much, I guess buzzing bats don't care if they are around cross-shaped bats.

You can tell it by looking at the way the buzzing bat looks at the cross-shaped bat with expectation and envy.

"It's so hot."

Lu Ze, who was on the other side, saw that the Snow Lid Monster was breathing rapidly, and he also put his hand on the Snow Lid Monster's forehead and tried it.

Lu Ze frowned, Pikachu, I followed Lu Ze's example and tapped the snow monster's forehead with my finger.

"Pickup pickup!"

After Pikachu shook his somewhat red fingers, he quickly directed Harry and the others to go outside and bring in some snowballs.

Harry nodded and walked outside with the demon fire red fox, wind elf and ghost.

"Physical cooling, okay?"

Lu Ze was a little confused. He had never faced a sick Pokémon in person.

His Pokémon basically go to the Pokémon Center every once in a while.

If you have any problems, just go to the Pokémon Center for treatment.

Another reason is that because he prepares the food himself, his Pokémon rarely get sick.

When a person has a fever, physical cooling is done. In the case of Pokémon...

Especially ice-type Pokémon like Snowcat, he really didn't understand.

If an Ice Pokémon has a fever, can it be cooled down physically?

Just when Lu Ze was puzzled.Harry Li and the others have already come in with small snowballs.

The small snowball was placed on the forehead of the snow monster, melted instantly under Lu Ze's curious eyes, and then evaporated.

Lu Ze was shocked. How high was the fever?
But then, after the long-tailed fire fox and the wind fairy's snowballs fell one by one, the situation of the snow monster also improved a little.

At least I can now open my eyes and my breathing is not so rapid.

"Lucario, can you use healing wave?"

Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene, then released Lucario and asked Lucario.

Lucario shook his head: "He is sick, not physically damaged. Healing waves can heal trauma. For his kind, it is better to use aromatherapy."

"That's it."

Lu Ze nodded and glanced at the Snow Li Monster.Fortunately, after the physical cooling, the situation of the snow monster has improved a lot.

The Blizzard King also breathed a sigh of relief and cast a grateful look at Lu Ze and Pikachu.

Soon, Xiaozhi, Citron and the others came back.

Citron mixed the two drugs into a paste and fed it to the snow monster.

"Okay, now we just need to rest for a while."

After Citron finished speaking, Lu Ze and the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the big net that suddenly appeared at the entrance of the cave directly captured the Blizzard King.


"Team Rocket?"

Unlike Xiaozhi and the others, Lu Ze's first reaction was Team Rocket.

After all, the trio of Team Rocket are essentially Ash's followers.

Moreover, this method of catching Pokémon looks very familiar.

"Cross-shaped bat, destroy the death ray!"

Without listening to the opening remarks of the Rocket trio, Lu Ze directly commanded the cross bat to launch an attack after seeing Team Rocket.

When the Team Rocket trio heard Xiaozhi's question and were about to say their opening remarks, the Crossbat's [Destructive Death Ray] directly hit the hot air balloon.

The hot air balloon exploded and Blizzard King fell, and the Rocket trio also turned into meteors.

"What a disgusting feeling!"

"The opening words haven't been spoken yet!"

After the Rocket trio were blown away, the snow monster that had recovered also trotted out of the cave.

"The snow monster has also recovered."

Lu Ze, Xiaozhi and others couldn't help but feel happy after seeing that the Snow Lid Monster had also recovered.

After saying goodbye to Blizzard King and the others, dusk came.

Fortunately, according to the map, there is a town not far away.

"Let's speed up!"

"We'll be in town soon!"

Xiaozhi and the others were full of energy, but Lu Ze was recording what happened to Blizzard King and the others this time.

Pokémon seem to be similar to humans.

Even if you have a fever, you can still use physical cooling methods.

Even if he is an ice Pokémon.

"looks like it's going to rain?"

"It's raining again."

Lu Ze was a little helpless because it started raining again just after he came down from the snow-capped mountains.

Just as Lu Ze finished speaking, small raindrops fell from the sky.

"There's a Pokémon Center out front!"

After Citron shouted, everyone started running towards the Pokémon Center.

The ivory pigs were returned to others when they went down to the snowy mountains, so they are now on foot.

Fortunately, the Pokémon Center is not very far away.

Lu Ze was a little helpless, don't run, they are too scattered and Metagross can't stop you.

However, it seemed quite amusing to see the panic in Metagross's usually calm eyes.

"Metrogross, the next training goal is to add control of super powers."

Lu Ze smiled and pointed at Xiaozhi and the others in front: "At least in this case, we can give each of them a piece of super power on top of their heads to protect them from the rain."


After Metagross agreed with some despair, he looked at a place in the sky where no rain had fallen.

Deoxys nodded with a smile in his eyes: "Don't worry, I'll teach you."

In terms of mastering and using superpowers, Deoxys is still much stronger than the current Metagross.

It's perfect for him to teach Metagross.

Seriously speaking, Lu Ze has always made the plan for Metagross, and Deoxys has come to teach Metagross some superpowers or attack techniques.

"Great, just a little wet."

After everyone arrived at the Pokémon Center, they couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and began to wipe the water droplets off their bodies.

"Really, he's running so fast, even Metagross's superpowers can't catch up."

After Lu Ze came in, he couldn't help but smile when he saw everyone with drops of water on their bodies.

"It's just a little distance away. I'll be here in a short run." Xiaozhi wiped his hat and said with a smile.

"Just in time, check all your Pokémon."

After Lu Ze smiled and shook his head, he handed his elf ball to Miss Joy and Pang Keding who came over.

"it is good."

Xiaozhi and the others also nodded and handed their pokeballs to Miss Joy.

However, Pikachu was still unwilling to enter the Poké Ball, so he sat alone on the car.

"I will keep Pikachu and Pokémon first. They will be refreshed soon."

After Miss Joy finished speaking, she and Pang Keding pushed the trolley into the treatment room.

"When will the rain stop?"

Yurika looked at the heavy rain outside the window and said worriedly.

"Okay, now is the time for science to expand the future!" Citron's eyes instantly turned white, with a confident look on his face.

"Citron special gear on!"

"The perfect machine with this situation in mind!"

Lu Ze held his chin and watched Citron's performance.

"Weather forecast machine!"

After Citron cheered, he began to control the four-legged machine and walked towards the door.

"Okay, let's start collecting data!"

"Aim the machine at the sky and observe various data on the movement of rain clouds, wind, temperature, humidity and wind!"

“By the way, how long does it take to collect data, and then how do you change it?”

Lu Ze saw that Citron was not professional this time and couldn't help but became interested, so he asked Citron.

"It will take about a day to collect the data!"


Lu Ze was stunned for a moment, then twitched the corner of his mouth and waved his hand: "Well, you can continue playing. I'll go see the Pokémon."

"It will stop raining in a day." Yurika complained helplessly.

"That's it."

After Xitron thought for a while, he continued to fiddle with the controller in his hand.

"If we speed it up, it should be faster."

After a moment, the machine met the same fate as the machines made by Citron before.



Lu Ze couldn't help but feel happy when he heard the noise coming from behind.

I have heard this sound so many times during this time.

"Everyone is refreshed."

After Miss Joy came out pushing the trolley, she said to everyone with a smile on her face.

"Thank you so much."

After receiving the elf ball, everyone also thanked Miss Joy and Fat Keding.

Lu Ze looked at Fat Keding thoughtfully.

By the way, is your team lacking a team doctor?

"It seems that the rain has no intention of stopping yet." Xiaozhi looked out the window and said helplessly.

"Then just stay here for a while." Lu Ze smiled, found a place to sit down, and said to them.

"That's right. I'll correct their training plan. Do you want to come with me?"


(End of this chapter)

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