Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 981 Ghost’s Taunt

Xiaozhi nodded excitedly and came to the opposite side of Lu Ze with an expectant smile on his face, ready to learn from Lu Ze's training plan.

Some of his Pokémon follow similar routes to some of Lu Ze's Pokémon.

For example, my own Crotal Frog and Lu Ze's Iron Warrior and Cangyan Blade Ghost follow similar routes.

But as soon as Xiaozhi sat down, the ceiling light flickered twice and then went out completely.

"Hey, what's going on?"

Xiaozhi looked up at the light bulb, and Lu Ze also looked up.

"Please calm down, everyone."

Miss Joy said quickly after seeing the panicked Pokémon and her own chubby Pokémon in the Pokémon Center.

"This is no longer useful."

Miss Joy looked at the computer screen and sighed helplessly.

"What happened, Miss Joy?"

The enthusiastic Xiaozhi had already arrived in front of Miss Joy and asked Miss Joy.

"No matter which device it is, it can't be started." Miss Joy frowned slightly.

"Maybe there is an abnormality in the main system. Can you show me the mechanical room?"

After Citron finished speaking, Lu Ze was stunned for a moment.

However, Lu Ze quickly realized that what Citron was talking about should be the main system of the control, not the main system of the computer.


After Miss Joy nodded, she led Xiaozhi and the others towards the mechanical room.

But as soon as he opened the door, Citron already discovered a problem.

"It seems that the machine is short-circuited due to rain leakage."

The main control machine is leaking. Water is dripping on the main control machine little by little. There is still a puddle of water on the ground. It seems that the leakage is not short-lived.

"Can it be solved?"

Looking at the flashing machine, Lu Ze took a step back and asked Citron.

"Yes, there are many Pokémon that are being treated." Miss Joy also looked at Citron expectantly.

"Wait a mininute."

Citron did not guarantee it, but turned on the machine and took a look.

"No. 002, no problem. I'll try to fix it."

"Really, thank you so much, it's been a big help!"

"Please teach me. If you just repair it, it will be a piece of cake."

Xiaozhi was also very excited: "Then I'll leave this to you. Is there anything you need our help with?"

"Let's turn up the electricity in the Pokémon Center first." Lu Ze said, looking at Citron.

He knew that electric Pokémon could generate electricity, but he didn't know how to use the electricity from electric Pokémon in facilities.

Professional matters should still be left to professionals.

Obviously, Citron is more professional.


After Citron turned around and released his Roentgen cat, he began to adjust the generator.

"Minimum use of electricity should be fine."

"In that case, let Pikachu come and help." After Citron said, Ash looked at Pikachu and asked.


"Then dong dong rat come and join us."

Xiaozhi and Yulijia both put their Pokémon on the field, and Lu Ze naturally also released the electric monster.

"Electric Shock Monster, I'll leave this to you."


The electric monster nodded and then joined the power generation team.

With the addition of Shock Monster, the electric current released by the generator instantly lit up the lights in the Pokémon Center.

"Come on, I'm going to look at the roof outside." Xiaozhi looked at the leaking area and said, "If you don't care about this, it will still leak even after repairing it."

"Then let Lucario go with you. He can help you get things or something." Lu Ze said, and released Lucario.

"Okay, Lucario, please give me some advice!"

"A lot of advice."


After hearing Lucario's words, Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Lu Ze and Serena.

However, they did not show any special expressions.

Xiaozhi scratched his head: "Did I hear wrongly?"

"There's a raincoat here, I'll give it to you."

After seeing Xiaozhi and the others doing her a big favor, Miss Joy became happy and said to Xiaozhi quickly.

"In that case, let's help." After Yurika looked at Miss Joy, she cheered and pulled Serena and Miss Joy away together.

"By the way, what am I going to do?"

Lu Ze felt helpless after seeing everyone busy. He looked around and saw that there seemed to be no place where he was needed.

"I'm very sorry, but the recovery device cannot be used now, so we have prepared tree fruits first. Please come here to get them."

Serena and Yurika came to the hall wearing nurses' clothes and pushing a trolley.

"Miss Joy went to check on the status of some Pokémon that need to be treated, so it's up to us to help here."

After Serena winked at Lu Ze, she began to distribute the fruits.

"Iron warriors, blue flame blade ghosts, and onion soldiers, please go up and maintain order."

Looking at the chaotic crowd of people and Pokémon, Lu Ze frowned and then sent out his Pokémon.

Thanks to the efforts of the three Pokémon, order was soon restored.

After Lu Ze nodded with satisfaction, he walked outside.

"Megan monster, I'm sorry to trouble you."


When Lu Ze went out, Metagross instantly released a superpower barrier above Lu Ze's head, blocking out the falling rain.

"How is it, do you need help?"

"It doesn't matter for now."

Xiaozhi had just climbed up the ladder to the top of the building, and when he was about to go to the leakage area, his foot suddenly slipped.

"Golden Monster!"

Lu Ze was shocked, but luckily, Xiaozhi did not fall.

"It's okay, Brother Ozawa."

After Xiaozhi sat down again, he smiled at Lu Ze and took out the elf ball.

"Come out, wrestling hawk, croaking frog."

After releasing the frog, Xiaozhi stretched out his hand towards the frog.

"I want to fix the roof, can you help me?"

After seeing the two Pokémon nodding, Ash also laughed.

"Then, in order to avoid slipping, let's make some footholds with Guagua Mousse."

Ash said, Lucario also jumped up from the ground holding the board.

Lucario looked at the frog with some strange eyes. The frog waved his hand and threw the foam-like mousse on the roof.

Guagua mousse is not only sticky but also non-slip, so it is undoubtedly the best choice in this case.

After Lucario stepped up and stepped on it out of curiosity, Xiaozhi came over on Guagua Mousse.

"Lucario, help me suppress this place."

After Xiaozhi put the board up, he turned to look at the Wrestling Eagle: "Wrestling Eagle, look if there are any other leaks."

Lu Ze looked at Xiaozhi and the others, and after seeing that there was nothing he could do to help, he returned to the Pokémon Center again.

After taking a look at Serena and the others who were in full swing, Lu Ze entered the mechanical room.Electric Monster, Roentgen Cat and Pikachu are generating electricity, and Digg is mopping the floor with the mop in his hand.

Lu Ze became happy after taking one look.

Dong Dong Mouse has fallen asleep.

It's hard for him to fall asleep in this place.

Lu Ze smiled and saw Citron waving to him.

"Brother Ozawa, you came just in time. This part needs to be replaced, but the Pokémon Center does not have spare parts."


As soon as Lu Ze spoke, Citron's elf ball opened, and Halili jumped out of the elf ball.


Ha Lili patted his chest, which made Lu Ze also laugh: "Then I'll leave it to you, can you?"


Ha Lili patted his chest again with a proud look on his face.

of course!

"Then it's up to you, Harry."

Citron also laughed and handed the parts in his hand to Harry.

"Dug Rabbit, do you want to go with Harry?" Citron said, looking at Digg Rabbit again and asked.

After Digdigu nodded, Ghost rushed out.


"Do you want to go too?"


Guisi nodded, and Lu Ze waved his hand: "Okay, I'll leave it to you."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, Guisi smiled and got into Ha Lili's shadow.

Ha Lili looked at his shadow strangely, then stepped on his shadow uncertainly.

Guisi poked his head out of the shadow, grinned at Harry, and then entered the shadow again.

Seeing this scene, Ha Lili felt relieved and walked outside with his head held high.

"Remember to show this to the clerk." Citron handed a small bag with accessories written on it to Harry.

Ha Lili carried the small bag and nodded, feeling even happier.

Looking at Ha Lili striding forward, Lu Ze also followed them.

Also go out and point them in the direction of the store.

"It just happened to stop raining."

It has cleared up after the rain. Although the sun has not come out yet, the sky has turned blue.

"The store is over there, go early and come back early."



After Halili nodded, Guisi also poked his head out of Halili's shadow and waved to Lu Ze with his hand made of gas.

After Ha Lili and the others left, Lu Ze also looked in Xiao Zhi's direction.

Lucario and Ash cooperate quite well.

The frog threw the board up from below, and Lucario caught it and handed it to Xiaozhi for him to repair.

After Lu Ze looked at it for a while, he entered the house.

Well, as expected, I am just an idler.

In this case, continue with your training plan.

With the help of Shock Monster and Roentgen Cat, the lights in the Pokémon Center were also on at this time.

Lu Ze had nothing to do, so he started writing in his notebook.

"What's wrong, Wind Fairy?"

Before Lu Ze could write a few sentences, the elf ball at his waist opened, and the wind fairy came out of the elf ball.

"Do you want to go out and have a look?"

Lu Ze glanced at the wind fairy a little strangely, then turned to look outside.

After taking a look outside the window, Lu Ze understood immediately.

The air is best after it rains and the sky clears up. It is normal for the wind fairy to want to go out and breathe fresh air.

"Okay, don't run too far."

The wind fairy nodded happily and floated outside.

At this time, Harry and Diguru, who were shopping, were also walking on the streets of the town.

Compared with the excitement of Harry and Ghost, Digger is relatively calm.

Or helpless?

After once again pulling Harry back, who was distracted by other things, Digwutu spoke to Harry with a serious face.

"We came out for business!"

"I know, buy this thing!"

Ha Lili nodded excitedly, then untied the small bag from his neck and took it in his hand.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by, and Ha Lili's hand was suddenly empty.


Ha Lili was stunned for a moment, and then he saw the big-billed bird holding his red bag.


Halili yelled and chased after him, but Digwutu was stunned for a moment.

However, he quickly reacted and followed Ha Lili in chasing the big-billed bird.

Harry and Digger ran very fast and were about to catch up with the Toucan in a short time.

However, the Tobacco is a flying Pokémon after all, and it is difficult to deal with the ground and the air.

Ha Lili used [Vine Whip], but he almost caught the Toucan.

At this time, Ha Li was filled with anger and evil in his heart.

Since [Vine Whip] is a little bit short, let’s make up for the difference!
After glancing at the digger rabbit next to him from the corner of his eye, Ha Lili chose to catch the digger rabbit without hesitation, and then stretched it towards the toucan.

The sudden turn of events prevented Chuchutu from reacting to what happened. He was already in the air.

While shedding tears, after seeing herself getting closer and closer to the toucan, Quchutu also showed an excited look on her face.

After reaching the limit distance of [Vine Whip], Ha Lili used force again to push Dig Dig Rabbit out.

With the help of [Vine Whip], the Digger Rabbit also successfully grabbed the small bag given to them by Citron.

The toucan held the small bag with one paw, and pushed the digger rabbit hard with the other paw, trying to push the digger rabbit off his body.

However, it failed in the end, and Dig Dig Rabbit succeeded in getting the packet.

After throwing the small bag to Harry, Digqutu fell off the Toucan's body with just one effort.

Fortunately, due to the dispute between the two parties, the toucan did not fly too fast or too high, and the digger rabbit finally landed safely.

However, the big-billed bird followed closely behind, showing an aggressive tendency towards the two of them.

Harry and Digg were startled, and quickly turned around and ran away.

The ghost behind him emerged from Harry's shadow and made a face as he looked at the chasing toucan.

This behavior of Guisi made the big-mouthed bird even more angry, and it seemed to move faster.

"Dig a hole!"

After seeing the big-billed bird approaching, Guisi's expression also changed, and he quickly asked Digger Rabbit to use the [Burrowing] skill.

The big-billed bird seemed to have a special liking for that small bag. After Diggugu threw the small bag to Harry, the big-billed bird just ran after Harry.

Or are you just chasing ghosts?
After all, Guisi is still making faces at the big-billed bird.

(End of this chapter)

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