Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 982 A talent that cannot be envied

"Well, in this case, you won't be afraid even if it rains heavily again."

Not long after the heavy rain stopped, Xiaozhi came in with Lucario, Frog and the others.

"The way you two are dressed..."

Looking at Serena and Yurika in nurse uniforms in front of them, Xiaozhi also asked with a little curiosity.

"Xiao Zhi~"

"Miss Joy said that since she wanted to help, it would be better to dress up so that everyone can clearly see her, so she changed into this dress."

Serena's face turned red, and Yurika was equally excited: "So Miss Joy lent it to us~"

"That's it."

"How about it, won't it be strange?"

Seeing Xiaozhi and Serena's blushing faces, Lu Ze raised his camera without hesitation, took a photo and sent it to Dawu.

"It's very convenient to move around and suits you very well."


"of course."

Xiaozhi smiled and nodded, and Lu Ze also smiled.

Although I knew that what Xiaozhi said was true, fortunately, he was not the kind of straight man who spoke.

"By the way, why haven't they come back yet?"

After eating melon, Lu Ze also looked at the time and looked out the window with some curiosity.

"Wind Fairy, do you want to go take a look?"


The wind fairy who was floating in the wind outside heard Lu Ze's words and nodded, happily drifting along the wind in the direction Lu Ze pointed.

"Xiao Zhi, why are you going?"

After looking up at the wind fairy walking away, Lu Ze saw Xiaozhi running out in a hurry.

"Halili and Digger are running errands and haven't come back yet. I asked Rocket Sparrow and Buzzbat to have a look."

"Okay, if you see the wind fairy in front of you, you two can catch up."

Looking at the two Pokémon released by Xiaozhi, Lu Ze pointed directly at them.

"Ah, the wind fairy has gone."

"Yes, it did take a long time for them to go."

Xiaozhi nodded thoughtfully, and then the buzz bat and rocket sparrow flew towards the wind fairy.

The wind fairy was not so much flying in the air as drifting with the wind, so within a short time she was overtaken by the buzzing bats and rocket sparrows.

"Just in time, now that the rain has passed and the sky is clear, there is a gentle breeze. I will let you feel the power of the wind."

The wind fairy looked at the two Pokémon following and said with a smile.

She can also be regarded as one of Humbat's little teachers, and she also specializes in flying.

As for Harry and Diguru, she had already seen them, so there was no need to worry.


Hum Bat nodded excitedly, and everyone including Rocket Bird became serious.

No matter it is the Crossed Bat or the Wind Fairy, they will not avoid him when teaching Hum Bat.

In other words, I was taught along with him.

"Hehe, this is the skill of controlling the wind that I secretly learned from my eldest sister."

The wind fairy's eyes swept over the two Pokémon: "Compared to Rocket Sparrow, Buzzbat should be easier to learn."

"Sister-in-law said that once you become more proficient in ultrasonics, you will become more sophisticated. You can get the perception of wind flow through ultrasonics."

Buzzbat and Rocket Bird nodded thoughtfully, but unfortunately, before the teaching started, something happened to Ha Lili and the others.

"I want you to be the bait to lure Pikachu out!"

"Just get caught!"

Musashi, Kojiro, and the Meow Meow trio stood in front of Harry and Diguru, and said to the two little guys with arrogance.



Facing Team Rocket, Harry turned directly to them and patted his little butt.

At the same time, Guis also emerged from Harry's shadow and stuck out his tongue at them.

"Huh? White ghost?"

"Is it a strange ghost?"

The Rocket trio looked at Guisi who was sticking out his tongue in a strange way, and soon became excited.

The three looked at each other.

"Catch the heterosexual ghost!"

"Dedicated to Boss Sakaki!"


"Salary increase!"

"Replace the cat boss!"


After the four members of Team Rocket cheered, they suddenly rushed towards Guisi.

"By the way, Guisi's strange color is not white, right?"

While rushing forward, Kojiro seemed to have suddenly thought of something and said something strange.

But obviously, Meowth and Musashi, who were already on top, didn't notice Kojiro's words at all.

"Pumpkin Monster! Shadow Ball!"

After seeing that Musashi had released his Pokémon, Kojiro also quickly sent out Squid.

The Pumpkin Monster's [Shadow Ball] hit Harry.

However, Ha Lili just jumped back and dodged the [Shadow Ball] attack.

"Go ahead and capture it!"

Ghost looked at them angrily, but obviously, his strength was not as good as the two Pokémon of Team Rocket.

So facing two arrogant Rockets, he could only get angry.

Not only Guisi, but also Harry was also angry.

This is an errand that Citron asked me to do. How could you stop me here?
Thinking of this, Ha Lili rushed towards Team Rocket.

"Okay Squid, impact!"

But obviously, his strength was not that strong. When he collided with Haola Squid, he flew back upside down.

"Okay squid, phantom rays!"

Looking at Harili who fell to the ground, Kojiro commanded the good squid to pursue the victory.

Dig Dig Rabbit glanced at Harry, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and he stood up and used [Mud Shot] to block the Squid's attack.

Ghost also came out of Harry's shadow, staring at the pumpkin monster with a wary expression.

"You really know how to resist. Such a disobedient child must be punished!"

Musashi's face looked a little ugly. He obviously had it within his grasp, so couldn't he give up his resistance and let us catch him directly?

"Pumpkin freak, seed bomb!"



Facing the Pumpkin Monster's [Seed Bomb], Harry and Guisi stood up at the same time.

[Shadow Ball] and [Vine Whip] were released at the same time, intercepting all [Seed Bombs].


After the successful interception, Ha Lili happily gave Guisi a high-five.

But Musashi's face was obviously not that pretty.

"Damn it, I'm angry, Pumpkin Monster, Shadow Ball!"

The Pumpkin Monster released the [Shadow Ball] again, but this time before the [Shadow Ball] could fall, it was penetrated by a white light in the sky.

"Destruction of Death Light?"

Kojiro was stunned for a moment, then looked up at the sky.

In the sky, the wind fairy is flying towards here with the rocket sparrow and hum bat. "what's the situation?"

Kojiro, Musashi and Meowth were stunned for a moment.

Just when they were stunned, Dikututu's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he possessed Guisi and Harry and said something in their ears.

After finishing speaking, while their attention was still on the wind fairies in the sky, they directly used the [Burrowing] skill to enter the ground.

"Then get rid of the three of them first!"

Musashi roared and was about to command his pumpkin monster to attack, when the Digger Rabbit jumped out of the ground in the surprised eyes of the wind fairies and others.

"Bang bang bang!"

After balls of mud smeared on their faces, Harry and Guis also rushed out very excitedly.

[Seed Bomb] and [Sludge Bomb] are released at the same time.


After a flash of white light explosions in the sky, Team Rocket returned to the sky again.

"What a disgusting feeling!"

Seeing Team Rocket's appearance, the three little guys, Harry, Digg and Ghost, excitedly high-fived their hands.

"not bad."

The wind fairy looked happily at the three little guys below.

I didn’t expect that the three of them could solve it on their own.

Well, it was a waste of time.

But it's not bad.

The two little guys scratched their heads in embarrassment, but only Harry held his head high with only his chin exposed.

After feeling a little proud, Ha Lili walked towards the store with the wind goblin, rocket sparrow and hum bat coming from behind.

It didn’t take me a while to buy things and get ready to go back.

"Harry Harry~"

"Halili, welcome back!"

Citron, who was doing maintenance, quickly poked his head out after hearing Ha Lili's voice.

"Thank you so much, Harry."

After taking the small red bag handed over by Ha Lili, after checking that it was correct, Citron put his hand on Ha Lili's head and rubbed it.

"The stuff is right, Harry Li is awesome."


Halili, who was proud in front of outsiders, felt a little embarrassed when faced with Citron's praise.

Citron burst into flames again: "Then let's do the finishing touches!"

Roentgen Cat, Pikachu and Electric Monster are still generating electricity.

However, compared to the Electric Monster, the weaker Roentgen Cat and the smaller Pikachu were a little tired.

There is no pressure to shock the monsters, and it even feels like I can do it alone.

However, he did not show it. Instead, he increased the current again and helped Roentgen Cat and Pikachu.

Compared to the four Pokémon at the beginning, now that the rat is asleep, he will naturally have to work harder.

After the last part arrived, Citron quickly repaired the device.

After the three Pokémon stopped generating electricity, Citron pushed the switch.

The Pokémon Center became bright again.

Lu Ze, who was writing Guisi's training plan, looked up and had a happy smile on his face.

"It seems they've got it done."

After murmuring, Lu Ze put his hand on the head of Guisi, who was joining in the fun and looking at his notebook: "Guisi, what do you think? Is this okay?"


Guisi's face looked a little embarrassed, and he turned into a hand and scratched his smooth little head.

Lucario on the side couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

"He said he didn't know how to read, so how did he know whether the one you wrote was okay?"


Hearing what Lucario said, Lu Ze was also happy: "Yes, then you don't have to worry about it, just follow what I wrote."


Guisi was a little helpless, so you asked me just now.

Soon, Xiaozhi and Citron came out from behind.

In order to thank everyone, Miss Joy also took the initiative to treat everyone to food.

"Everyone, I'm really grateful to you today for not causing any major confusion and for being able to continue to heal Pokémon."

"It helped me a lot!"

Miss Joy said, bowing slightly to Citron and Lu Ze.

"To put it bluntly, we are the ones who have always been taken care of by Miss Joy."

"If anything happens again, you can tell us at any time."

While Xiaozhi and Serena were talking, Kirby on the side was already stuffing pineapple buns one after another into his mouth.

The pot above the head and the wind fairy on the pot shell were also eating happily.

"Halili is great today, don't be restrained and eat more."

Seeing Harry's excitement, Citron also poured a lot of Pokémon food for Harry.

After Harry raised his head and glanced at Kirby, he also imitated Kirby and kept stuffing Pokémon food into his mouth.

After a while, Kirby was still eating, but Harry was lying on the ground with his belly and cheeks bulging, rolling his eyes slightly.


After seeing Ha Lili like this, Citron was also shocked.

"I said you're welcome, but there's no need to eat so much!"

After Kirby gave Harry a funny look, Miss Joy and Fatty quickly pushed Harry into the treatment room.

"In a sense, this can be considered the first patient since the Pokémon Center recovered."

"Well, why doesn't it count?"

Lu Ze smiled and continued eating the food on the table.

There are not many types of food in the world where Xiaozhi lives.

Well, at least it's too little compared to the Dragon Kingdom where this world is located.

During this time, Lu Ze was getting tired of eating.

I really want to try Xiaogang’s craftsmanship.

Lu Ze sighed. After a while, he might not be able to help but start cooking.

Lu Ze shook his head slightly, and a moment later, Miss Joy and Fat Keding also pushed out the recovered Harry.

Guisi floated in front of Harry with a wicked smile, and smiled at the monster Harry.

After fighting side by side in the afternoon, the two of them became familiar with each other.

After Harry glanced at Guis unhappily, he looked at Kirby with envy.

Kirby was eating before he went in. He was full, and even after he was full and healed, Kirby was still eating.

This is a talent that cannot be envied.

Ha Lili shook his head slightly, but all this was seen by the electric monster.

The electric monster gently bumped Kirby's stomach with his elbow, and nuzzled in the direction of Harry.

"He envies you for being able to eat."

"This is a skill you can't envy."

Kirbymon glanced at Harry, who had recovered and was playing with Ghost, and said proudly.

Electric Shock Monster was amused for a moment, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

Every time Xiaozhi makes delicious food, Kirbymon eats the most.

And although they still wanted to eat some more, they really couldn't eat anymore.

Thinking of this, the Electric Shock Monster shook his head with a smile and continued to eat slowly.

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