Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 983 Ghost Evolution!White?Purple?

"Brother Ozawa, let's have a Pokémon battle with me!"

After eating, Xiaozhi watched Guisi jump up from the ground as he was about to start training, and seriously invited Lu Ze to fight.

They haven't arrived at Baike City yet and are still in the wild.

After these two days of training, Xiaozhi was able to clearly notice the progress of his buzz bat and Lu Zeguisi.

He is very aware of how quickly Ozawa's brother's Pokémon are improving.

If you don't challenge the two Pokémon now when their strength is about the same, then your Buzzbat will most likely not be able to catch up with Ghost's improvement speed.


After Lu Ze glanced at Xiaozhi and Buzzbat, who was also full of energy and had a fighting spirit on his face, he nodded and agreed.

"One on one, or three on three?"


After thinking about it for a while, Xiaozhi finally chose a one-on-one battle.

Compared with Brother Ozawa's current Pokémon, his other Pokémon are still a bit inferior in strength.

First one-on-one, and after challenging the gym in Baike City, then have a three-on-three match with Brother Ozawa!

"it is good!"

After Xiaozhi made his decision, Lu Ze also stood up and called Guisi back.

"Guisi, get ready to fight!"


Guisi's white figure moved quickly in the air and soon arrived in front of Lu Ze.

"Well, now the game begins!"

Citron watched the match between Lu Ze and Xiaozhi and acted as a referee directly beside him.

"What is going on now is the one-on-one Pokémon competition between Lu Ze and Xiaozhi. Players from both sides are invited to send their own Pokémon!"

As Citron finished speaking, Guisi and Humbat also left the two of them and came to the field.

Serena and Yurika were not the only ones watching the battle between the two little guys.

Including the Crossed Bat, Kirby, Iron Claw Lobster, Lucario, and Wind Fairy, they were all watching.

On one side are the Pokémon headed by Crossbat who support Buzzbat.

On the other side are the Pokémon led by Shockmon who support Ghost.

After seeing the two little guys enter, both sides started cheering.

"Don't let them down!"

Seeing the scene on the sidelines, Lu Ze and Xiaozhi said to their Pokémon at the same time.

The Hum Bat was taught by the Crossed Bat, while the Ghost was taught by the Electric Shock Monster and the Wind Fairy.

Naturally, they support their "disciples".

"Both sides are ready, the battle begins!"

"Guess, shadow ball!"

"Humbat, blade of air!"

As Citron announced the start of the game, Lu Ze and Xiaozhi also commanded their Pokémon to attack.


Lu Ze glanced at Xiaozhi in surprise.

It seems that I was read first?
Lu Ze also laughed after watching the buzz bat's [Air Blade] slice through the [Shadow Ball] and cut it open.

"Ghost, freezing wind!"

Guisi was a little stunned. His attack was just neutralized by this little guy on the opposite side?
But despite this, after hearing Lu Ze's voice, Guisi launched another attack.

There was a little joy on Buzzbat's face. Not only him, but also Xiaozhi's face was filled with the joy of succeeding in reading first.

Because of this, Xiaozhi did not choose to pursue the victory.

And this gave Lu Ze a chance.

The ghost who launched the attack disappeared, but as the white [Frozen Wind] attracted attention, neither Humbat nor Xiaozhi noticed the trace of ghost.

"Buzz bat, the wind is rising!"

After Xiaozhi looked nervously at the [Freezing Wind], he quickly commanded his buzzing bat to use skills to resist it.

The strong wind brought by the beating of wings withstood the [Frozen Wind].

After a moment of stalemate, the two forces disappeared at the same time.

"Where's Ghost?"

This time, Xiaozhi learned his lesson and was about to pursue the victory, but found that Guisi was no longer on the field.

"No, buzz bat uses ultrasonic waves on its own shadow!"

Xiaozhi reacted quickly and understood what Lu Ze was thinking after seeing that Guisi was not on the field.

The unhesitating movements made Buzzbat act firmly in accordance with Xiaozhi's wishes.

The moment he released [Ultrasound] at his own shadow, Guisi poked his head out with a smirk on his face.

But when he poked his head out, the evil smile on his face froze.

Looking directly at the buzzing bat, he was hit head-on by [Ultrasonic Wave] in the next second.

Not only did my head feel very painful, I even felt a little dizzy.

Lu Ze helplessly covered his face.

Guisi's speed is still too slow.

If he were faster, he could reach the shadow of the buzzing bat before the [Freezing Wind] ended, and then launch an attack on the buzzing bat.

Instead of being reacted to by the buzzing bat like now, and then bumping into the buzzing bat's [ultrasonic wave] at the same time as it came out.

Lu Ze shook his head helplessly when he heard the cheers from the Cross-Character Bats next to him.

But when he looked up at the field, he immediately understood why Crossbat and the others cheered.

Guisi fell into a state of [chaos].

Looking at Guisi spinning around on the field, Lu Ze quickly shouted at Guisi, trying to wake him up.

But unfortunately, the bond between him and Guisi doesn't seem to be very strong.

Anyway, after shouting twice, Guisi was not awakened.

Fortunately, the current venue is grass, Lu Ze did not issue an attack command, and Guisi did not hurt himself for the time being.

But the buzzing bat that was excited to the naked eye would not wait for Guisi to recover.

"Buzz Bat, Shadow Ball and Wave of Evil!" Xiaozhi also became excited.

He is about to defeat the powerful Brother Ozawa!

This is something that many people fail to do!
I didn’t expect that I succeeded!

Although he only defeated Ozawa's weakest ghost.

But it’s also a victory!
Oh, no, the weakest thing in Brother Ozawa's hands should be the elf egg in his arms that hasn't hatched yet.

Xiaozhi was very excited, especially when he saw the [Shadow Ball] hitting Ghost.

"Guisi, cheer up!"

Lu Ze also became anxious when he saw this scene.

As we all know, ghost and evil skills can cause double damage to ghosts.

With Guisi's fragile body, if he was hit by both of these skills, he would most likely lose his ability to fight.

Although I was a little surprised why Xiaozhi suddenly used a skill with attribute restraint.

But now is not the time to think about this.

The most important thing now is to wake up Guisi first.


I don't know if it was Lu Ze's voice or the reason for the [Shadow Ball] just now.

Anyway, Guisi has recovered now.

Although the pure white body looked a bit gray, one could clearly feel Guisi's displeasure.

Also, let’s not talk about being beaten when I was dizzy.

He beat himself up, and when he got up, he saw someone on the other side and wanted to beat him.

Who can bear this?
After Guis roared at the buzzing bat, he also used [Evil Wave].Two black energies collided in the air and exploded immediately.

The black smoke from the explosion slowly fell, but Xiaozhi suddenly became excited again.

"Buzz bat, the wind is rising!"

He flapped his wings again, blowing the black smoke towards Guisi.

Guisi, who was about to hide again, was enveloped in the black smoke produced by the explosion, and accidentally choked.

"Ahem!" After two sounds, a [Blade of Air] slashed towards Guisi.

In the black mist, Guisi noticed it too late. After being accidentally hit by the [Air Blade], Guisi almost knelt down.

At this time, the black fog dissipated, and Guisi was very unhappy when he saw the buzzing bat flapping its wings excitedly.

"That's enough, give it a try!"

Suddenly, Lu Ze's voice came, and Guisi's eyes lit up as he fell on the ground.

Lu Ze felt a little emotional and didn't know whether his step was right or wrong.

Ghost could evolve before.

However, Lu Ze was afraid that Guisi's body color would change after he evolved. He was not mentally prepared yet, so he did not choose to let Guisi evolve for the time being.

Of course, part of the reason is because Guis has not yet mastered some of his skills.

But you can tell by looking at Guisi's current state.

It’s time for Ghost to evolve as well.

He has almost mastered his skills, but since his strength has not evolved, it will be difficult to improve further.

It seems that the strength of Buzz Bat now seems to be slightly stronger than that of Guisi.

Judging from Guisi's appearance, it was obvious that his lack of strength made him very unhappy.

Lu Ze understood after seeing this scene.

Pokémon is also an independent entity.

If Pokémon is unhappy, will you be happy?

Obviously not.

The mini dragon doesn't evolve because it doesn't want to evolve.

Otherwise, the green dragon is not impossible.

After all, Guan Erye has the same model as Kuailong, and he is also handsome.

But the mini dragon didn't want to evolve or fight, so Lu Ze would naturally follow his wishes.

The same is true for Soraya. Although she was probably influenced by the mini dragon, since she didn't want to, Lu Ze wouldn't force it.

But Guisi, to be honest, Lu Ze felt that he was a bit selfish.

That's why Lu Ze said this to Guisi just after Guisi showed that look.

Since Guisi wants strength, he can't be suppressed.

It is true that Guisi can also improve his strength without evolving, can make progress, can break through to become a king-level strength, and can break through to become a master-level strength.

However, in that case, he would have to put in much more effort than evolution.

Lu Ze wanted him to gain the powerful strength he wanted.

But as his own Pokémon, Lu Ze also didn't want him to work too hard.

Guisi smiled excitedly, and then his body was enveloped in a richer white light.


"Ghost has evolved!"

"It's evolution!"

The surrounding Citron and Serena, including the Pokémon, were equally excited to watch the evolving Ghost in the field.

Lu Ze also laughed when he saw this scene.

The purple fat man is also very cute.

Is not it?
Soon, evolution was over.

White light exploded, and a larger ghost stone appeared on the field.

To Lu Ze's surprise, the ghost stone was also white.

Lu Ze was surprised and disappointed.

Surprisingly, the ghost stone is still the white one I like.

I am disappointed that the purple fat man I just thought about is no longer there.


"Congratulations on your successful evolution, Ghost Stone."


Lu Ze showed a happy smile to Ghost Stone, and Ghost Stone also showed Lu Ze a toothy grin.

"Although he has evolved, it doesn't matter to us. Let's defeat him in one go!"

After seeing Ghost evolve into Ghost Stone, Xiaozhi became even more excited.

He waved his big hand: "Buzzing bat, the wave of evil!"

"Ghoststone, the wave of evil!"

Seeing that the opponent used [Evil Wave], Lu Ze also commanded Guisi to use [Evil Wave].

After Guis evolved, his strength successfully broke through and became the strength of a high-level Pokémon.

Facing the mid-level Pokémon with the strength of Buzzbat, Ghost was not afraid at all.

Two [Evil Waves] collided together.

But this time it didn't explode like the one just now, but one side continued to oppress the other.

Obviously, Ombat is the oppressed other party.

"Humming Bat!"

In the end, Buzzbat couldn't withstand the pressure, and was hit by [Evil Wave] amidst Xiaozhi's worried voice.

The buzzing bat flew out and landed heavily on the ground.

But soon, the buzzing bat flapped its wings firmly and flew up again.

"Well done Buzzbat, that's it, use Dragon Dive!"

Xiaozhi pumped his fist excitedly and commanded the buzz bat to attack again.

[Dragon Dive] is the genetic skill of Buzzbat.

In addition to this skill, there is also a [Reverse Scale] among the genetic skills of the buzz bat.

It can be roughly seen from the genetic skills that at least one of Buzzbat's parents is a powerful dragon-type Pokémon.

(Again, the setting of this book is that the probability of a Pokémon being born to follow the race of its parents is 50.00%.)
This genetic skill was something Lu Ze told Xiaozhi last time.

Otherwise, I'm afraid Xiaozhi still doesn't know that Humbat knows these two skills.

Although Hum Bat didn't practice the skill [Reverse Scale] very much, he practiced [Dragon Dive] under the guidance of Cross Bat.

So at this time, the buzz bat also used the [Dragon Dive] skill smoothly.

"Ghoststone, sludge bomb!"

Seeing the toughness of the buzzing bat, Lu Ze did not let his ghost stone dodge, and directly chose to fight head-on!
The entire Pokémon of Buzzbat was wrapped in dragon-shaped energy and rushed towards Ghoststone.

Ghost Stone just calmly rubbed a ball of purple energy with his newly acquired, real, non-transformed claws.


The purple energy group was thrown out and hit the buzz bat who used [Dragon Dive].

After all, due to the awareness of his strength, Buzz Bat finally failed to maintain the power of [Dragon Dive] and came to Ghost Stone.

Although it passed through the [Sludge Bomb], and it was wrapped in dragon energy, it probably didn't suffer any damage.

However, after he passed through, the dragon energy wrapped in his body also disappeared.

At this time, Hum Bat was looking at Ghost Stone, who was so close to him with an embarrassed look on his face, and his faces were almost touching, and smiled.


Ghost Stone also smiled kindly.

Then, the ice-smeared fist hit Hum Bat's body.

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