Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 984: This was given to me by Lu Ze, my most precious item

[Freeze Fist] hit the front, and with four times the damage, the buzzing bat lost its fighting ability without any surprise and fell from the air.

"Humming Bat!"

Xiaozhi shouted anxiously, but [Rejuvenating Roar] was not released successfully.

"Buzz Bat loses the ability to fight, and the winner is Ghost Stone!"

"Awesome Ghost Stone!"

Lu Ze reached out his hand excitedly, and Ghost Stone also came over excitedly and slapped Lu Ze's palm with his paw.

Now that I have claws after evolution, I no longer need to use gas to transform, or extend a claw.

"In the end, we still failed to defeat Brother Ozawa." Xiaozhi hugged the buzz bat and shook his head helplessly.


Buzzbat opened his eyes weakly and glanced at Xiaozhi apologetically.

"It's okay, he evolved suddenly this time. We will definitely defeat him next time!"


Hum Bat nodded firmly, and then closed his eyes with some fatigue.

After all, it is still just a Pokémon that has just been born. After losing another battle, it still needs a good rest.

"The town ahead is not far from us. How about we go there to rest and heal our Pokémon?"

Seeing the buzzing bat like this, Serena also glanced at the map in her hand and asked everyone.

"I'm OK."


After Lu Ze and Xiaozhi expressed their opinions at the same time, everyone walked towards the small town not far away.

Along the way, the Pokémon who had just won were smiling happily.

As for those Pokémon that didn't win, such as Crossbat and the others, although they weren't very happy, they weren't too disappointed either.

The battle just now was indeed like that. If it weren't for the sudden evolution of Ghost, the victory would probably belong to Buzzbat.

Although they also understand that the evolution of Ghost Stone has been suppressed for some time.

But it’s not a big problem. Although they lost, they also saw the efforts and strength of Hum Bat.

After all, Buzzbat is just a Pokémon that was born not long ago.


After arriving in the town, because there were no large-scale celebrations or activities, everyone went directly to the Pokémon Center without stopping.

After handing over their Pokémon to Miss Joy, Lu Ze and the others sat down to take a rest.

"Let's go out for a while~"

Serena looked at the princess key in her hand and felt a little excited.

Coupled with the inspiration that suddenly appeared on the road, she could no longer control it.

"Just get two more princess keys..."

Thinking of this, Serena immediately stood up and said hello to Xiaozhi and the others, then ran towards the training ground outside.

"So hard."

After seeing the princess key in Serena's hand, Lu Ze immediately understood what Serena was thinking.

"Well, we have to work harder!"

After Lu Ze finished speaking, Xiaozhi was also cheering himself up.

His loss to Lu Ze just now made him feel anxious again.

After all, Lu Ze also said that he would also participate in the Carlos Conference.

I am going for the championship.

If I can't defeat Brother Ozawa, wouldn't my championship be just a fantasy?

Xiaozhi reviewed his training plan, and Serena had also arrived at the training ground.

"How about we try practicing new combos for the next Pokémon Tribeca Tournament?"


The long-tailed fire fox and the naughty panda nodded at the same time, and then Serena found a small wooden stick and started making signs on the ground.

But what Serena didn't know was that the trio of Team Rocket were watching her from the shadows.

"Humph, what's the use of that little girl working so hard?"

Musashi looked at Serena dancing: "The champion of the next Pokémon Tribeca Tournament must be me!"

Kojiro and Meowth showed helpless expressions to Musashi, but forced by Musashi's power, they could only nod in agreement.

Serena here quickly told the long-tailed fire fox and naughty panda about the thoughts that had just emerged on the road.

"This is an improved version of the last performance. Do you want to give it a try?"

After Serena finished speaking, the long-tailed fire fox and the naughty panda nodded confidently.

"Then, let's get started!"

Serena waved her hand, and the performance of the long-tailed fox and the naughty panda began.

At the beginning, it was still the flames of the long-tailed fire fox, and the naughty panda kept shuttling in the flames.

After seeing that the time was almost up, Serena directed both parties to change their dominant position.

Next, the naughty panda launched the [Stone Blade] attack, and asked the long-tailed fire fox to cooperate.

The naughty panda activated [Stone Blade], but because Serena had just changed her performance method, the long-tailed fire fox did not react for a moment and was hit head-on by [Stone Blade].

"Long-tailed Firefox!"


The naughty panda who saw this scene also had a look of horror on his face, and he and Serena quickly ran towards the long-tailed fire fox that fell to the ground.

"Long-tailed Firefox, how are you?"

Serena helped the Long-tailed Firefox up, and she breathed a sigh of relief after finding that there was nothing wrong with the Long-tailed Firefox.

However, the long-tailed fire fox was already aggrieved and his eyes were red.

Holding the branch that had been broken into two pieces, he looked at Serena with a pleading look on his face.

"Serena, what's wrong?"

Serena's voice just now also alerted Lu Ze and Xiaozhi in the Pokémon Center.

At this time, Lu Ze and Xiaozhi also ran out quickly and saw this scene.


The long-tailed fire fox showed Lu Ze and Xiaozhi aggrievedly the branch that was broken into two sections in his hand, and he was so anxious that he spoke.


Lu Ze was stunned for a moment. He heard correctly. Did the long-tailed fire fox say "broken"?

But what was even more surprising was how the branch in the long-tailed fire fox's hand broke.

But having said that, Cong Youbing’s green onions seem to be broken.

This green onion was specially bought by Lu Ze from Lu Province.

After all, all the green onions in Shandong Province know it.

I guess the branch in the hand of the long-tailed fire fox should be in the same condition as the green onion in the hand of the green onion soldier.

Seeing the long-tailed fire fox's aggrieved look, Serena was also a little at a loss.

"It's important to the long-tailed fox."

"Yes, but the naughty panda didn't do it on purpose."

Facing Yurika's question, Serena nodded, and then comforted the naughty panda in her arms who blamed herself.

The naughty panda glanced at the long-tailed fire fox with some embarrassment, then jumped out of Serena's arms with a determined look and ran towards the forest.

"Naughty Panda!"

Serena exclaimed, but soon the naughty panda came back with a wooden stick.

"Naughty Panda, did you come here specifically?" Serena asked in surprise.

But obviously, the long-tailed firefox didn't accept this stick very well. "In that case, let's find a stick that the long-tailed firefox can accept!" Xiaozhi thought for a while and then said to everyone.

Everyone nodded, and then entered the forest together and started looking for sticks.

After a while, with the efforts of everyone, wooden sticks of various sizes and shapes were placed in front of the long-tailed fire fox for her to choose.

But in the end, the long-tailed fire fox was not satisfied with any stick.

After shaking his head and yelling in collapse, the long-tailed fire fox ran into the forest with the original stick that had been broken into two sections.

"Don't you like it?"

Serena chased after her, but Xiaozhi was a little confused: "How about we go look for it again?"

"it is good!"

After Citron and Yurika nodded, the three of them ran towards the forest again.

But this time Lu Ze did not go with him.

The long-tailed fire fox doesn’t seem to mean this?

"What are you angry about, meow?"

Miaomiao looked at Kojiro strangely, not understanding why he suddenly became angry.

"Isn't it? They don't understand what the long-tailed fire fox wants at all?"

"For the long-tailed fire fox, there is nothing that can replace that branch!"

Seeing Kojiro's serious look, Musashi was also a little surprised: "Do you understand her mood, Kojiro?"

"Of course!"

Kojiro looked serious and nodded indignantly.

"You simply don't understand that there is no difference between a person and a Pokémon when it comes to being passionate about a certain item!"

As he said that, Kojiro suddenly became sad again: "You must have had this experience when you were a child."

Kojiro recounted his past experiences.

His favorite thing, or what he still likes now, is collecting bottle caps.

Especially bottle caps with various patterns.

He once collected a whole iron box of bottle caps, but they all disappeared overnight.

Just because as a child of a nobleman, he couldn't have those "dirty" bottle caps.

In other words, as a child, he cannot have hobbies that his parents don't like.

All his bottle caps disappeared.

To this day, he can still remember his mood at that time.

"To me, every bottle cap has a story."

Kojiro couldn't help but shed tears as he spoke.

The branches in the hands of the long-tailed fire fox are like their own bottle caps.

There is simply no substitute.

Because nothing can replace the emotion placed on that item.

"Onion Ranger, why does the long-tailed fire fox do that?"

"Tooth! Tooth!"

"Onion Youbing said, because there should be some kind of emotion on that branch, just like the green onion you gave me. If one day it is damaged, I will also be very sad. This kind of emotion is very difficult. Replaced by other items, even if they are identical.”

When Cong Youbing said this, Lu Ze suddenly understood.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of your green onions."

After Lu Ze smiled and touched the head of Onion Ranger, he asked Lucario to call them back.

A smile appeared on Cong Youbing's usually calm face, and then he quickly returned to the elf ball as if he was a little embarrassed.

Lu Ze also had a happy smile on his face.

No wonder after replacing the green onions, Chong Youbing cherished the green onions very much. Every time he took care of the green onions, he would watch nervously.

It was because of this.

"Right, that is it!"

Kojiro looked at Onion Ranger's Poké Ball with tears in his eyes: "That's right!"

Soon, Lucario came back with Xiaozhi and the others who were picking up branches, and the long-tailed fire fox who was still sad.

"What happened?"

"Is this branch given to you by Serena?"

Lu Ze did not explain to Xiaozhi, but turned to look at the long-tailed fire fox.

The long-tailed fire fox glanced at Serena with red eyes and nodded.

And Serena also remembered.

I seemed to have said this when I gave this branch to the long-tailed fire fox.

To be with this branch, together they ascend the throne of Queen Carlos!
As a result, the branch is now broken.

"So, Long-tailed Fire Fox, are you like this because of me?"

Serena looked at the long-tailed fire fox with some emotion, and the long-tailed fire fox also nodded seriously.

"In that case, let's see if we can repair this branch."

After understanding what was going on, Xiaozhi's eyes suddenly lit up and he said to Serena and the others.

"it is good!"

After Serena nodded, she pulled the long-tailed fox and ran towards the Pokémon Center.

But Lu Ze shook his head.

This branch is obviously difficult to repair.

In this case, even grass-type Pokémon would have a hard time acting on it.

Even if Xerneas comes, repairing this branch will only make it grow again.

Lu Ze looked at the naughty panda following behind in a clumsy and panic manner, and he suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"Sorry, I can't repair this branch successfully."

After Lu Ze came in, he heard Miss Joy say with an embarrassed look on her face.


Xiaozhi and the others were a little disappointed, but the naughty panda glanced at Lu Ze.

After seeing Lu Ze nod to him, he walked towards the long-tailed fire fox with a determined expression.

"Sorry, I can't help much, but if you can reconnect the branches, you can..."


Before Miss Joy could finish her words, she was interrupted by the voice of a naughty panda.

The naughty panda came to the long-tailed firefox with firm eyes.

Then, under the confused eyes of the long-tailed fire fox and Serena, the naughty panda took out a branch from his pocket that he had been looking for and selecting for a long time.



The long-tailed fire fox looked at the naughty panda and was a little moved.

"Naughty Panda said that this was a branch that he had been looking for and choosing for a long time, which was suitable for the long-tailed fox. Although it was not the one that Serena gave her, he also wanted to give himself a gift on this branch. Because of his emotions, he asked the long-tailed fire fox to carry this branch, pass the test in one sentence, and finally win the title of Queen of Carlos together with Serena!"

Hearing what Lu Ze meant by Naughty Panda, Xiaozhi and Serena also looked down at Naughty Panda.

After seeing the naughty panda nodding seriously, Serena also took a deep breath.

"In that case, let's take it with us, which represents the bond between the three of us, and let's climb to the top of Queen Carlos together!"



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