Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 985: The legendary flame bird?

"Is that a volcano in front of you?"

"It seems to be Mount Aldoru."

After Serena looked at the map, she nodded to Lu Ze.

"Ah, we have to climb the mountain again."

Citron was a little helpless, but everyone ignored him and looked at the forest nearby.


Everyone was a little surprised, but the next second a strong fire dinosaur jumped out from inside.

"Wild fire dinosaur?"

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment. Seeing this fire dinosaur, he couldn't help but think of his own fire-breathing dragon.

I don’t know what happened to my Charizard in Charizard Valley.

Just when Lu Ze was lost in memories, Pikachu had already stepped forward, ready to say hello to the fire dinosaur in a friendly way.

But what greeted him was the fire dinosaur's [Flame Jet].

"What's the situation?"

After seeing his Pikachu almost being hit by [Flame Jet], Xiaozhi immediately became upset and looked at the fire dinosaur and asked.

But the fire dinosaur didn't pay attention to Xiaozhi and the others, and even wanted to attack Xiaozhi and the others.

When Lu Ze came to his senses, Metagross had appeared on the field.

"Fire Dinosaurs!"

Suddenly a voice came, and a person emerged from the forest again.

The man was very surprised when he saw the fire dinosaur.

It seems that he should be the trainer of the fire dinosaur.

Just as Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief, the fire dinosaur used [Flame Jet] again.

The target was none other than his trainer.

"Hey, this scene looks familiar."

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene, and then turned to look at Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi naturally understood what Lu Ze meant, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Wait, Toloba, is it Toloba?"

Xiaozhi came back to his senses and looked at Toloba, who had turned into an African.

Although it is somewhat difficult to confirm, it seems that it is indeed Toloba.

Xiaozhi hurriedly stepped forward. Toloba had also recovered and tidied himself up.

"Xiao Zhi, why are you here!"

Toloba was also very excited, but the fire dinosaur in his arms was very restless.

"You're still so energetic."

Xiaozhi looked at Toloba's fire dinosaur and recalled the time when he was a small fire dragon.

"Ah, be more honest!"

Toloba, who was about to speak, noticed the strange movement of the fire dinosaur and quickly used his arms.

"Yes, we have already obtained the insect badge!"

"This kid was so excited during the gym competition!"

Hearing what Toloba said, the fire dinosaur became excited again and struggled to get out.

"Do you want to fight?"

Lu Ze looked at the restless fire dinosaur strangely.

His Charizard often does this as well.

But Lu Ze didn't pay much attention.

After all, as soon as this happened to his Charizard, he immediately went to find Suiyan's Charizard.

Whether it's while eating or half asleep.

There were several times when Lu Ze woke up in the morning and found that the fire-breathing dragon next to him was fine before going to bed, but when he woke up in the morning, he was covered in bruises.

Lu Ze was a little confused at first, but later he heard from Sui Yan that Charizard knocked on the window of his house in the middle of the night and called his Charizard out. After a fight between the two Charizards, he came back to be honest. of sleep.

Not only his own fire-breathing dragon, Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon would also do this occasionally.

So seeing the familiar restlessness of the fire dinosaur in front of him, Lu Ze asked curiously.


The fire dinosaur nodded excitedly and agreed with Lu Ze's statement.

"In that case, leave it to me!"

Xiaozhi took a step forward, and then released his rocket bird in Toloba's surprised eyes.

"Then, the battle begins!"

Toloba excitedly directed the fire dinosaur to attack.

However, although his fire dinosaur was well cultivated, it did not reach the senior level of strength, and was still inferior to the rocket sparrow.

So within a short time, Rocket Bird easily defeated the Fire Dinosaur.

"Are you also here to look for the Flame Bird?"

After the battle, Toloba asked Xiaozhi and the others curiously.

"Hey, Flame Bird?"

Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, and Toloba was also a little strange: "Isn't it?"

"The flame bird, is it the legendary one?"

"Well, one of the three idiots."

Lu Ze nodded, and then saw everyone looking at him in shock.

"Uh, Three Holy Birds, you said it wrong."

Lu Ze patted his forehead. Although Xiaozhi had seen many legendary Pokémon, Citron and the others...

Well, okay, Hupa brought so many mythical beasts last time, and we saw a lot of them.

But it was precisely because of that time that Citron probably thought that the Flame Bird was also on the same level as Giratina and the others.

But in Lu Ze's opinion, they are indeed three idiots.

Not to mention Deoxys, even the cross-shaped bat is worthless.

Although Kirbymon is slow, if Kirbymon catches them, there will probably be no problem at all.

Not to mention Charizard. Judging from the news from the administrator of Charizard Valley that day, his Charizard's strength has surpassed Xiaozhi's Charizard.

The two Charizards fight every day, and Xiaozhi's Charizard is no longer a match for his Charizard.

Ash's Charizard can kill Freeze Bird, there's no reason why his own Charizard can't.

What's more, his fire-breathing dragon can also super evolve, and his strength can be improved to another level.

Others, such as the Electric Shock Monster, Iron Claw Lobster, and Onion Rangers, they don't know.

They have never faced off against a mythical beast.

But it should be no problem for San Shaoniao.

In Lu Ze's impression, the Three Foolish Birds have basically become a floor tile in combat power among the mythical beasts.

There's really nothing worth pursuing.

But looking at Toloba's appearance, the three silly birds are still very charming.

Well, he is indeed quite handsome, except for a certain guy with fried hair.

That one is really not in line with his aesthetics.

"Yes, Zapdos, Freezedos, and Flamedos. Each of the three Pokémon definitely exists, but it is a legendary Pokémon that is hard to see!" Citron also explained to everyone excitedly.

"I collected all kinds of information, and the results of the analysis indicate that the Flame Bird may be on Mount Arudolu."

"Is Toloba going to take photos of the Flame Bird?" Xiaozhi asked curiously.

"Of course!"

“It’s my dream to see and take photos of all the Pokémon in the illustrated book!”

After Toloba nodded excitedly, he showed his photo to everyone.

"look at this."

"This is Zapdos."

Lu Ze looked at the lightning bird on the photo and had to say that Toloba's photography skills were really good.

There were dark clouds and thunder, and the figure of the lightning bird shuttled through the thunder and lightning, which looked very handsome. "Well, there's also this."

Toloba moved to the next picture, and a frozen bird appeared in the picture.

The frozen bird landed on the branch, staring into the distance with a hint of sadness in the ice and snow, its tail behind it dancing in the wind like the top ribbon.

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment after seeing this photo.

Isn't this the frozen bird he sent to find her mother?

Lu Ze thought for a moment, then shook his head.

I guess this was taken by her.

"Next, if we can collect photos of the Flame Bird, we will have all the photos of the Three Sacred Birds!"

Toloba said excitedly, but Ghoststone, who had come up to him at some point, was looking at the picture in confusion.

"This white butterfly is rare!"

! …

Xiaozhi and the others were silent for a moment, but they really didn't see anything special.

"Is it rare there?"

Ghost Stone also tilted his head. Is this an ordinary white butterfly?
"What are you talking about? Pay attention to her tentacles. Each one is different in length!"

Lu Ze blinked, but he really didn't see anything different.

"Okay, that's great."

Everyone had no choice but to praise him against their will.

"Encountering these white butterfly insects and collecting pictures is a very difficult task, especially this rare version, which is a treasure that is difficult to obtain!"

When Toloba said this, his eyes were shining.

Lu Ze and the others also understood his situation, but they really couldn't see any difference.

Maybe in people's eyes, this is the most precious.

"And Catfish King, Longlongyan, they are all..."

As Toloba was talking, he suddenly saw Ghost Stone who was listening carefully and looking at the differences in the pictures in his hands.

"Wow, white ghost stones are really rare!"


Toloba's sudden voice startled Ghoststone, and the entire Pokémon was about to turn into a phantom, and its body became thinner.

"I want to take a picture!"

Toloba looked excited, and Ghost Stone immediately became frightened when he heard that he was going to take a picture of him.

He put his two paws horizontally in front of him and made a handsome movement, and then the movement was frozen.

"However, the white ghost stone, I seemed to have seen a white figure just now."

Toloba looked at the photo of Ghost Stone in his hand and thought for a moment, then turned to look at Lu Ze and the others.

"Aren't you still looking for the Flame Bird? How about we hurry up?"

Lu Ze knew Metagross's temperament. Compared to Ghost Stone's extroverted personality, his character was a bit introverted.

Well, it's time to let the Shock Monster lead him.

Although Dengeki Monster is not that outgoing, he is a fan of Dengeki Monster.

This kind of personality is more suitable for this kind of battle-crazy Pokémon.

Just like the electric monster, when he fights, his strength will be one level higher than usual.

Metagross only does this occasionally.

"Well, then let's help search together!"

"I also want to see the Flame Bird!"

After Xiaozhi finished speaking, Yurika also quickly raised her hands to express her gratitude.

"Then it's up to you~"

After everyone made their decision, they set out on the road.

The Flame Bird should be on this mountain. As evidence, Toloba took out a photo.

In a huge rock, there is an orange-red flame-like wing.

"I only captured this little bit, are you sure it belongs to the Flame Bird?"

"Of course, it's not wrong. No other Pokémon has wings of this shape. In addition, some people have witnessed the existence of Flame Birds on Mount Aldolu before."

Toloba explained: "This photo was taken on this mountain, but no one realized that it was a flamingo. But as long as we can find that huge rock, we should be able to find the flamingo!"

Toloba was very excited, and Citron on the side was also very excited.

"In that case, it's my turn to appear!"

Citron stood up excitedly: "Now is the time for science to expand the future!"

With that said, Citron took out a robot.

"Citron is specially made for this situation and is named Rock Seeker One!"


Seeing this robot, Lu Ze silently took two steps back.

I was really frightened by Citron's invention.

Yes, he has also been affected.

Citron kept making inventions along the way, but it seemed like he didn't have much staying power.

It exploded within a short time.

As for this robot, if nothing happens, it's better to stay away.

After giving the photo in Xiaozhi's hand to the robot, the robot began to search.

I kept scanning the stones along the way, but wrong sounds came out.

Slowly, Lu Ze began to believe in this robot.

Maybe, Citron's invention this time is indeed useful.

Slowly, everyone came to the side of the crater.

But at this moment, the passing of a rock-dwelling crab diverted Toloba's attention.

Everyone had no choice but to wait for him to finish taking photos.

The robot took the first step, and Lu Ze could clearly see it. The Rocket trio followed the robot with excitement on their faces.


Less than a minute after the Rockets trio disappeared, there was a sudden explosion.

Xiaozhi and the others panicked, but Lu Ze followed them leisurely.

Basically nothing about the Rockets trio can succeed.

Don't worry about it at all.

Just because of this, he didn't pay attention to those three guys.

"what's the situation?"

"Since you asked the question sincerely!"

Xiaozhi looked at the smoke caused by the explosion and just asked, Musashi's voice came from the smoke.

As the smoke dissipated, a claw stretched out and grabbed Pikachu.

"Although there is no Flame Bird, Pikachu is not bad either!"

Team Rocket said, while Lu Ze looked at the machine and breathed a sigh of relief.

Ah, as expected, I did not escape the fate of the explosion in the end.

"I won't let you succeed, Rocket Sparrow!"

"Go ahead, Pumpkin Monster, Shadow Ball!"

"Okay squid, phantom rays!"

The two sides started fighting instantly. Everyone was an old rival. Although the fight was fierce, it did not cause much damage to the Rockets.

Rocket Bird kept dodging the attacks of Pumpkin Monster and Holla Squid.


The dodged [Shadow Ball] hit a boulder, and the boulder instantly fell off and fell into the magma.

The magma boiled instantly, and then a pillar of flame composed of magma rose into the sky.

You can still vaguely see a Pokémon inside.

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