Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 987 The final collision, the winner is decided!

The iron-clawed lobster stepped forward quickly, but although the speed of the flame bird was not very fast, it still successfully returned to the home court of the sky before the iron-clawed lobster arrived.

[Big Character Explosive Flame] is released to lift into the air. Flamebird is not the kind of Pokémon that has not experienced any battles.

At this time, the Flame Bird looked down at the Iron Claw Lobster below, his eyes full of fighting intent.

The flame bird opened its beak, and [Jet Flame] was released again.

The iron-clawed lobster quickly dodged and was chased by [Jet Flame].

Lu Ze also had a headache after seeing this scene.

Although Iron Claw Lobster's special attack ability is not bad, obviously physical attack is his forte.

But now that he can't touch the Flame Bird, he can only choose to use his special attack ability.

"Brother Ozawa's Iron Claw Lobster is so powerful!" Xiaozhi said in awe as he looked at the battle in front of him.

"You can actually fight against legendary Pokémon!" Toloba was also a little surprised.

Compared to the two of them, Citron was more excited.

Although the fighting style of Crayfish is different from that of its Pokémon.

But the battle between the Iron Claw Lobster and the Flame Bird was still of great help to him.

Just like the two offenses and defenses between the two sides just now.

When facing Flame Bird, or other flying Pokémon, knock them down first.

After all, the sky is the home of flying Pokémon.

Plus the air-to-ground advantage…

Therefore, when facing a flying Pokémon, it is best to pull the opponent down first and bring it to your home field.

After all, he is the gym leader, and he faces all kinds of strange Pokémon, so he naturally needs more experience in fighting various Pokémon.

And the battle between powerful Pokémon such as Iron Claw and Flame Bird.

It was a perfect learning object for him.

The battle between the flamingo and the crayfish continues.

In other words, the flame bird is still attacking the iron claw lobster.

The iron-clawed lobster was in a state of misery and could only avoid and resist the attacks of the flame bird.

Lu Ze also frowned and looked at the flame bird in the sky.

We need to find a way to pull him down.

Otherwise, the long-range attack of the iron-clawed lobster would be difficult to cause much damage to the flame bird.

"Brother Ozawa!"

Suddenly, the iron claw lobster was hit by the attack of the flame bird, and almost fell into the lava by accident.

Fortunately, the lobster reacted quickly and grabbed a raised rock with its claws, preventing it from falling.

But even so, Xiaozhi and the others who were watching the battle were frightened into a cold sweat.

After Xiaozhi and the others saw Lu Ze still had no reaction when they saw Iron Claw Lobster like this, they quickly shouted to Lu Ze.

Lu Ze looked at the lava, and after looking at the slightly proud flame bird in the sky, his eyes suddenly lit up.

After Lu Ze thought for a while, he was ready to start his plan.

First of all, the current venue needs to be changed.

Although this mountain is a volcano, it is obviously not the kind of active volcano that is prone to eruption.

Moreover, the entrance of the magma is not big. Try sealing the magma first?
When Lu Ze thought of this, he directly commanded the Iron Claw Lobster to use [Rock Crash].

But unfortunately, the power of [Rock Collapse] is still too small for an entire magma.

The rocks fell into the magma and were directly melted by the magma.

Lu Ze didn't pay attention, but stared closely at the movement of the flame bird in the sky.

Lu Ze understood after seeing that the Flame Bird was unmoved, with just a hint of disdain in his eyes.

The Flame Bird does not rely on this magma pool.

If that's the case, then it's fine.

Next is the time for the fort to bombard!
"Iron-clawed lobster, mud wave!!"

The iron-clawed lobster returned to the ground. After finding a good position while avoiding it, Lu Ze's eyes lit up and he quickly commanded the iron-clawed lobster to attack.

[Sludge Wave] The overwhelming purple slurry headed towards the flame bird in the sky.

The Flame Bird couldn't help but frowned, and once again increased the distance, avoiding the attack of the Iron Claw Lobster.

Lu Ze also did not expect the attack of the Iron Claw Lobster to hit the Flame Bird.

He was thinking about something else.

After all, the long-range attack ability of the Iron Claw Lobster is not as good as its close combat ability.

If this is the case, then of course you have to choose to strengthen yourself.

After using [Sludge Wave], the Iron Claw Lobster turned over and landed behind the stone and used the [Trick] skill.

By the time the Flame Bird reacted and found the Iron Claw Lobster, the Iron Claw Lobster had already been strengthened.

The two layers of special attack bonus increased by [Trick] finally allowed the Iron Claw Lobster to be almost as good as the Flame Bird in terms of special attack skills.


Facing the [Jet Flame] that swept over again, Iron Claw Lobster did not dodge this time, but used [Water Cannon] to attack.

Water and fire collided in the air, making a "sizzling" sound at the moment of contact.

A large amount of water vapor rose from the place where water and fire met, forming a white mist that obscured the sight of the two Pokémon.

Lu Ze did not hesitate. As soon as the waveguide was opened, he commanded the Iron Claw Lobster to launch an attack.

The blessing of [Scheme] can only keep the Iron Claw Lobster from falling behind. If you want to defeat the Flame Bird, the Iron Claw Lobster still needs to show what it is good at.

"Shoot down!"

Following Lu Ze's plan, he stepped onto the rock and jumped up again. The claws of the iron-clawed lobster fell on the flame bird.

The strong attack caused the Flame Bird's body to bend, and the whole person fell from the sky.

Because of the previous experience, the Flame Bird's range of activity has been above the magma since he started flying again.

At this time, he only fell into the magma.

Lu Ze could naturally see it.

All the Flame Bird thought about was just in case.

To prevent yourself from being knocked down again, you will become passive when you land on the ground.

And falling into the magma, the iron-clawed lobster would not pose any threat to him anyway.

The idea of ​​the Flame Bird is correct, and can even be said to be very good.

But what he didn't know was that Lu Ze also thought of this.

Now that we know this, we naturally have the idea of ​​​​countermeasures.

Originally, Lu Ze planned to put [Poison] into the magma.

As long as the flame bird enters the magma to recover its physical strength, or is knocked down into the magma, it will be directly infected by [Poison].

But after the [rockfall] fell, Lu Ze understood.

This idea obviously doesn't work anymore.

After all, the temperature of the magma is so high that rocks would melt if it fell into it, not to mention being [highly poisonous].

However, high temperatures are not without their benefits.

Just like now.

After the Flame Bird fell into the magma, it was quickly ready to rush out.

The pride brought by the name of the legendary Pokémon prevented him from hiding in the lava to escape.

He will defeat the Iron Claw Lobster and that human openly!

"Iron-clawed lobster, sludge wave!"

Sensing that the Flame Bird wanted to come out, Lu Ze immediately commanded the Iron Claw Lobster to launch an attack.

[Sludge Wave] was released and directly covered the magma with a layer.

At the same time, due to the relatively high temperature of the magma, [Sludge Wave] is also constantly being evaporated.

After seeing that the [Sludge Wave] was almost evaporated, the Flame Bird rushed out without hesitation.

"Hi!" The moment the flame bird rushed out, it released [Flame Jet] at the iron-clawed lobster that was about to jump over.

However, the sudden pain in his body made his skill release freeze for a moment.

And it was at this moment that the iron-clawed lobster had jumped over.

To be honest, Lu Ze was really relieved when he saw this scene.

The iron-clawed lobster jumped on the back of the flame bird, although it could indeed be an effective blow to the flame bird.

But if you are not careful, you will be thrown off by the Flame Bird.

It would be fine if it fell on the ground, but if it fell in magma...

Lu Ze tensed up, and the iron-clawed lobster that landed on the Flame Bird's back immediately launched a fierce attack on the Flame Bird.

The [Crab Claw Hammer] hit the Flame Bird's back time and time again, causing the Flame Bird to let out an endless wail.

"Flame Bird, are you poisoned?"

Serena below saw the flash of purple light on the flame bird and asked strangely.


Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, and then carefully observed the situation on the Flame Bird.

Sure enough, the flame bird's body would flash a purple light from time to time.

"Sure enough, you were poisoned. When?"

Xiaozhi felt a little strange, and Citron also started thinking hard.

"After the iron-clawed lobster landed on the back of the flame bird, it seems that it didn't use poison skills, right?" Serena thought for a while and asked a little strangely.

After hearing this, everyone nodded seriously.

They also know Brother Ozawa's iron-clawed lobster quite well.

At least they still know the characteristics.

Since the Iron Claw Lobster with the [Adaptability] characteristic is already close to the Flame Bird, it will naturally not use poison attribute skills that have no characteristic bonus or attribute restraint.

Water attribute skills have double restraint, as well as bonuses of this system and characteristics.

Isn't this delicious?

But if this is the case, then the problem lies in the poison attribute skills used by the iron claw lobster before this.

"Two [Sludge Waves], one missed and the other was evaporated by magma..."

When Citron said this, he suddenly realized something and looked at the sky above the magma.

There is still some purple gas floating above the magma.

"I understand!"

Citron was instantly excited and immediately began to explain to Xiaozhi and the others.

"That's it. Seriously, the sludge wave is composed of water and poison. When the water is evaporated, only the poison is left! This is the first layer of trap!"

"What about the second floor?" Xiaozhi asked curiously.

"The second level is steam!"

"The temperature of magma is very high. After the water is evaporated, it turns into water vapor. After the poison is evaporated, it directly turns into poisonous gas floating in the air due to the temperature. This is the second layer of trap!"

Citron was very excited: "With two layers of traps, there will always be one layer that the Flame Bird cannot notice."

"And this is the reason why the Flame Bird was poisoned!"

Citron was chatting away, but Lu Ze didn't pay attention.

If he had noticed, he would have said that Citron was right.

That's exactly what he thought.

However, the situation of the iron-clawed lobster in the sky was not very good at this time, so he did not have time to pay attention to Citron and the others.

Lu Ze looked nervously at the iron-clawed lobster in the sky.

Needless to say, the Flame Bird is indeed a mythical beast.

Despite being in the [poisoned] state, I ate the Claw Lobster three times and hit [Crab Claw Hammer], but I still tried to throw the Claw Lobster away vigorously.

And now, the Flame Bird is about to do it!
The iron-clawed lobster clamped the feathers of the flame bird tightly, but the flame bird was also a decisive creature.

Feeling the pain coming from behind, the flame bird swung wider and wider.

The iron-clawed lobster felt that he could no longer hold on.

In other words, the feather in his hand can no longer support it.

He will soon fall off the flame bird.

Don't fall into the lava!
The iron-clawed lobster was thinking in his mind and looking down.

Finally, when the flame bird swung again.

The crayfish let go.

The iron-clawed lobster fell downwards, but the flame bird had no intention of letting him go.

Hit the falling Iron Claw Lobster with [Big Character Explosive Flame]!
The flames engulfed the iron-clawed lobster, and then the iron-clawed lobster fell heavily to the ground.

In an instant, the iron-clawed lobster was at a disadvantage.

The iron-clawed lobster struggled to get up, feeling bitter in his heart.

I didn’t find the feeling that the eldest sister told me!

Isn’t the pressure enough?

The iron-clawed lobster looked at the flame birds roaring in the sky and quickly calmed down.

The eldest sister said that there is a feeling when you are about to break through.

Then there is the strength of the mind.

She wanted to get more power!
She doesn't want to lose!

So when that feeling came, she successfully grasped it and finally succeeded in breaking through.

But what about yourself?

Do you feel it?

not at all.

The iron-clawed lobster looked up at the swooping flame bird, with determination in his eyes.

I don’t want to lose either!

The pliers were wrapped in water, and with indomitable force they smashed towards the flame bird swooping down in the sky.

[Bird Slam] collides head-on with [Crab Claw Hammer].

The violent explosion roared in the valley, so shocked that Xiaozhi and others had to cover their ears.

But even so, their eyes were still fixed on the place where the iron claw lobster and the flame bird collided, wanting to see who won the final victory.

After a while, the roaring sound disappeared, and the white light produced by the collision slowly dissipated.

Lu Ze's face was expressionless. Although he was a little disappointed, it was reasonable.

The Flame Bird is a mythical beast after all.

Yes, the crayfish failed in the end.

The result of Lu Ze's waveguide power was known after the collision between the two parties.

Although it is a bit disappointing, in this case, it is very good that the iron-clawed lobster can do this.

The site is composed of magma and a small amount of land, which directly limits the performance of Iron Claw Lobster.

The Flame Bird is a flying type and a mythical beast, and the Iron Claw Lobster is even more difficult to achieve ground-to-air advantage.

Coupled with the powerful flying skill [Storm] of the Flame Bird, even the Iron Claw Lobster [Rainy Day] dare not open.

In the end, it looked like this, and the iron-clawed lobster was also very good.

After the battle, Lu Ze took out the Iron Claw Lobster's Poké Ball and took the Iron Claw Lobster back.

“Great job on the lobster.”

Lu Ze comforted the lobster with a gentle smile on his face.

But when he looked up again, he saw the flame bird staring at him with an evil look.

(End of this chapter)

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