Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 988 Lu Ze loses his composure

"What, do you still want to continue?"

Lu Ze looked up at the Flame Bird and asked with a smile in his eyes.


The electric shock monster took a step forward and vaguely blocked Lu Ze's body.

"Although I don't really want to take advantage of others' danger and come out behind my companions to defeat you, but if you want to, I have no problem."

After the Electric Shock Monster said to the Flame Bird, his signature wild smile appeared on his face.

It seems that if the Flame Bird says something wrong, he will take action directly.

The Flame Bird was silent. After taking a look at the electric shock beast, he looked at Lu Ze again before turning and leaving.

After the Flame Bird left, Xiaozhi and the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

The powerful Iron Claw Lobster failed. They were really afraid that the Flame Bird would continue to attack.

But okay.

Compared to Xiaozhi and the others, Electric Shock Monster was a little disappointed.

He quite wanted the Flame Bird to attack directly.

Unexpectedly, the Flame Bird left like this.

There really is no dignity at all for a mythical beast!

But despite saying this, what the Electric Shock Monster wants to defeat more is the Flame Bird in its heyday.

Instead of the current Flame Bird, which obviously has little fighting ability.

God-killing, among my companions, only Sister Tou and Kirbymon have done it.

When can I do it myself?

The Electric Shock Monster felt a little lost, and after saying hello to Pikachu who looked at him with a worried expression, he took the initiative to return to the Poké Ball.

Lu Ze looked at the elf ball that shocked the monster with amusement.

However, he had lost the opportunity to shock the electric monster, and he could only sulk.

Well, maybe they would mock Iron Claw Lobster. He obviously got a chance to play, but he failed to defeat his opponent and wasted the opportunity.

After the Flame Bird left, Lu Ze and Xiaozhi also climbed over the mountain.

"Nice photo!"

While walking on the road, Citron looked at the pictures on the camera in Toloba's hand and couldn't help but admire them.

In the picture, there are not only photos of the Flame Bird when it appeared, but also photos of the Arrow Eagle when it evolved.

The most important thing is that there are even photos of the battle between the Iron Claw Lobster and the Flame Bird.

"After it's washed out, can you give me a copy?"

Lu Ze couldn't help but feel excited when he saw the photos in Toloba's camera.

Although the Iron Claw Lobster failed to defeat the Flame Bird in the end.

But in the photos taken by Toloba, the iron-clawed lobster is still very handsome.

Especially the last photo of the Iron Claw Lobster facing the Flame Bird [Magic Bird Slam], with firm eyes and swinging [Crab Claw Hammer] to hit it, causing a head-on collision.

"Of course!"

Toloba nodded excitedly and agreed: "Without you, I might not have been able to take so many beautiful photos."


Toloba said, looking at Lu Ze's shadow and hesitating to speak.

But soon a happy smile appeared on his face.

The white ghost stone, this is a collection on the same level as the Flame Bird!
Toloba nodded happily, took a photo of Lu Ze and Xiaozhi, and prepared to leave.

"Then, we'll meet again later!"

Toloba smiled and waved to Lu Ze, Xiaozhi and others before leaving them.

"Mr. Lu Ze, I will send it to you after the photo is developed!"

"it is good!"

After Toloba left, Lu Ze and the others continued walking towards Baike City.

Baike City is still relatively far away.

In addition, it was night soon, and as a last resort, they set up tents in the wild again.

"The food is ready, come and eat~"

As Serena's voice sounded, Lu Ze and others who had just set up their tent quickly came to the edge of the river.

Serena was still cooking today, making curry rice.

With the help of Kirby, Lu Ze made a big pot because he had a lot of Pokémon.

"Kabimon is very talented in cooking~"


Serena touched the soft hair on Kirbymon's body and praised Kirbymon.

Kirbymon scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Then as a reward, I will help with Kirby's hair today!"

Not to be outdone, Yurika took out her small comb from her arms and said excitedly.


Kirby nodded and agreed, and then everyone started eating.

"Serena's cooking is still very delicious as always!"

"That's it!"

Ash praised Serena while eating.

Serena's face turned red when she heard Xiaozhi's praise, but she still smiled happily.


"Don't worry!"

Just after finishing their meal, Kirbymon was being groomed by Yurika with a look of enjoyment on his face, when the Electric Monster and the Clawmon walked towards the river together with their claws in hand.

"What happened to the two of them?"

Lu Ze was a little curious. Although the two of them were holding pliers, they felt that both Pokémon were a little angry.
"Electric Shock Monster said that Iron Claw Lobster couldn't seize the opportunity when it got it, so it's better to give that opportunity to him."

After Lucario finished speaking, Lu Ze and Xiao Zhi, who was equally curious, twitched their mouths at the same time.

Okay, this is indeed what the electric monster can say.

Lucario shrugged: "Then the Iron Claw Lobster said that if he went up, he might not be better than me. Maybe he wouldn't be able to touch the Flame Bird and would be knocked into the magma."

Upon hearing this, Lu Ze was happy.

No wonder these two guys started fighting just after eating.

So this is ah.

Ironclaw Lobster's words really touched the heart of the electric monster.

After all, the strength of the two of them is not much different.

But because of the [Water Jet], the Iron Claw Lobster is more flexible than the Electric Shock Monster.

It is estimated that it is for this reason that the electric shock monster chooses to fight because it cannot be argued.

"Is it okay?"

Xiaozhi looked at the two Pokémon who were already fighting over there and said with some worry.

No wonder he was worried, even Lu Ze looked a little frightened.

The Iron Claw Lobster went up and hit the Electric Shock Monster in the face with a [Crab Claw Hammer].

The Electric Shock Monster had no intention of holding back, and raised his hand to retaliate with [Plasma Lightning Fist].

Neither of the two Pokémon gave in to the other, and neither of them showed any mercy. They were really punching each other hard.

"It's okay, just have a fight."

Lu Ze shook his head helplessly: "The two of them don't fight once or twice anymore, just get used to it."

The Electric Shock Monster and Iron Claw Lobster can be considered a friendly competition mode.

No one wants to be weaker than the other person.

Because it was a virtuous circle, Lu Ze didn't care much about it.

Iron Claw Lobster still needs to shock the opponent of Warcraft.

Just like that time when the iron-clawed lobster was put out for a while.

If it hadn't been for the electric shock monster to improve its strength first, hammer the Iron Claw Lobster and show off its power, I don't know how long it would take for the Iron Claw Lobster to be in ruins.

God knows how surprised Lu Ze was that day when Iron Claw Lobster came to Lu Ze angrily to make a training plan for him.A package plan was prepared to pull the crayfish back from the ruined road.

It turned out to be completely useless.

But this is also a good thing, because since then the strength of Iron Claw Lobster and Electric Shock Monster has begun to grow rapidly.


The electric monster and the clawed lobster were fighting fiercely over there, but the Kirbymon here was enjoying being groomed by Yurika.

Seeing Kirbymon like this, the wind fairy on Kirbymon was also very envious.


"Wind Fairy, do you want it too?"

Yurika looked at the wind fairy excitedly and asked. After the wind fairy nodded, Yurika also successfully got started with the wind fairy.

Soon, the battle between the iron-clawed lobster and the electric monster over there was over.

The two of them were also relatively measured. Although they were both bruised and swollen, they were not seriously injured.

"You two."

Lu Ze smiled, and after treating the wounds of the two Pokémon, he put the two guys who still disliked each other back into the Pokémon balls.

"Okay, we're going to bed."

After Lu Ze shouted at Kirby, Yurika also speeded up.

"Only the top of the head is left, Kirbymon is too big!"

Yurika said hurriedly, and while being held by Kirbymon's hand, she began to carefully comb the last hair on Kirbymon's body.

Soon, all the hair on Kirby's body was combed by Yurika.

Looking at the smooth and shiny hair on Kirbymon's body, Yurika also smiled happily.

"Why doesn't Dongdong rat have so much hair on his body?"

After Kirby put a sticker on Yurika's face to express his gratitude, Yurika held the dongdong mouse and asked teasingly.

Dongdongshu pointed at his belly, his meaning was obvious.

There are some there too!


Yurika smiled happily and got into the tent after Kirby was taken back into the poke ball.

"I'm going to wear these pajamas today!"

"It's so cute, Yurika."

"Hey hey hey~"

Hearing Yurika's happy voice from the tent, Lu Ze, Xiaozhi and Citron also laughed and took their belongings to the river to wash up.

"How is it, does it look good?"

While Lu Ze and the others were washing up, Yulijia and Serena also rushed out of the tent.

Yurika was wearing pajamas of the same style as the Monsterjawsaurus, with her hands on her hips, and asked a few people with an excited look on her face.

"Yeah, she's very cute, Yurika."

Citron smiled and praised, and Yurika started to wash up with satisfaction.

After washing up, everyone returned to the tent and fell asleep.

Lu Ze, Xiaozhi, and Citron share a tent, and Serena and Yurika share a tent.



"Brother, brother!"

Early the next morning, Lu Ze was woken up by Yulijia's voice.

"What time is it?"

Lu Ze had not yet opened his eyes in a daze, and Citron was also groping for his eyes.



As the two opened their eyes at the same time, Lu Ze and Citron were both startled.

Deoxys looked at this scene with a smile in his eyes.

Well, it’s rare to see Ozawa like this.

Do you need to consider a camera? Otherwise, it would be a pity not to record at this time.

Deoxys smiled. This may be why the little guy came in and didn't remind Lu Ze.

"What's wrong, you two?"

After Xiaozhi heard the voices of Lu Ze and Citron, he opened his eyes in a daze.

But as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a dragon head looking at him curiously.


Then, Xiaozhi exclaimed like Lu Ze and Citron just now, and he almost jumped out of his sleeping bag.

"what's going on?"

"Baby Tyrannosaurus?"


Three people, three tones.

Xiaozhi was still a little confused and didn't react.

Lu Ze was a little surprised by the appearance of the baby Tyrannosaurus.

Only Citron understood that this was Yurika's fault, so he yelled at Yurika.

"Hahaha, brother, get up quickly and I will explain to you later."

Yurika laughed outside the tent. Lu Ze, Xiaozhi, and Citron looked at each other, smiled helplessly, and then got up.


After getting up, Lu Ze and Xiaozhi looked curiously at the baby Tyrannosaurus next to Yurika.

"Is it wild?"

"It's not that there are no wild ones, it's just that they are relatively rare." Citron nodded and said.

Citron was also a little amused when he saw the baby Tyrannosaurus clinging very closely to Yurika who was wearing a strange jaw dragon pajamas.

"Yurika's pajamas look like a strange jaw dragon. He must think of you as one of his kind."

Seeing Yurika happily coaxing the baby Tyrannosaurus, Lu Ze and Xiao Zhi also laughed.

However, the baby Tyrannosaurus soon became excited under Yurika's teasing, and then fell down and ate shit with the dog.

"Ouch, be careful."

Yurika looked at the current state of the baby Tyrannosaurus, and took out the brush she used to groom Kirby from her arms yesterday.

"It's covered in mud, let me help you." Yurika said, combing the dirt on the neck of the baby tyrannosaurus.

I'm quite happy to see the baby Tyrannosaurus.

"By the way, what's going on with this baby tyrannosaurus?" Citron asked curiously.

"Yurika said that when she went to the river to drink water this morning, she saw the baby tyrannosaurus stuck in the rocks, and then she went up to rescue the baby tyrannosaurus, and the baby tyrannosaurus stuck to her. "

After Serena finished speaking, Lu Ze seemed to have thought of something.

He had almost forgotten the plot, but he still remembered some of the plot points quite clearly.

Many years later, Yurika went on a trip.

When going through the first gym: "Go ahead, it's decided that it's you, Dong Dong Shu!"

At this time, it's okay if you don't defeat the Dongdong Rat. If you defeat the Dongdong Rat, the Monsterjawsaurus will come on stage next!

What if we defeat the Strange Jaw Dragon again?
So congratulations, you are about to face the ecological guardian of the Kalos region.


Thinking of this, Lu Ze couldn't help but laugh.

If you put it this way, this baby tyrannosaurus will be subdued by Yurika.

Well, it’s also a good choice.

After all, after the baby Tyrannosaurus evolved into the Strange Jaw Dragon, it became very powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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