Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 997 The power of Metagross!

Chapter [-] The power of Metagross!
  "Water arrow turtle, water cannon!"

After dodging Ghost Stone's attack, Tialno also commanded the Blastoise to launch a counterattack.

At the same time, Pikachu jumped into the air again and threw an [Electric Ball] at Metagross!
  "Cannon Cannon!"

Metagross quickly moved in front of Ghost Stone. Facing the water columns and thunder and lightning flying in the sky, his expression did not change at all.

As the silver-white light beam spurted out, it suddenly exploded as the three attacks collided!

"Not bad!"

Lu Ze praised: "But do you want to guess where Ghost Stone is?"

Lu Ze's words shocked Xiaozhi and Tierno for a moment, and they quickly looked at their Pokémon.

But just as Lu Ze spoke, the shadow of the water arrow turtle changed.

Just when Metagross moved in front of Ghost Stone, Ghost Stone had already sneaked into the shadow of Metagross.

With the help of the attraction of the explosion, Ghost Stone also came from the shadow of Metagross to the shadow of Water Arrow Turtle.

Pikachu and Blastoise are about the same strength, but compared to Blastoise with a turtle shell, Pikachu's defense is much lower.


The Water Arrow Turtle turned his head, and Lu Ze also shouted.

The two Pokémon looked at each other, and the next second Blastoise fell to the ground and fell asleep.

After Ghoststone and Metagross glanced at the sleeping Water Arrow Turtle, their eyes turned to Pikachu.

Pikachu panicked and subconsciously took a step back, staring at Metagross in horror.

Ghost Stone smiled slyly and dived into the shadows again.

Lu Ze's tactics were obvious. He would first control the Blastoise, which had a relatively high defense, and then attack Pikachu with all his strength.

After Pikachu fell, the remaining Blastoise was nothing more than a plaything.

Without giving Pikachu a chance to react, Metagross directly used [Bullet Punch] to come to Pikachu.

Although Pikachu tried his best to block it, in the end he was unable to block Metagross' attack due to the difference in strength.

Pikachu took two steps back and stared at Metagross closely, but he ignored Ghost Stone.

"Watch out for Stone!"

Pikachu didn't notice, but Xiaozhi was always alert to Ghost Stone's movements.

Ghost-type Pokémon are elusive, and many of their skills are quite troublesome.

Pikachu was shocked, and the next second Ghost Stone appeared behind him.

"Get out of the way!"

Xiaozhi waved his hand, and Pikachu began to run flexibly on the field.

I have to say that Xiaozhi's "dodge quickly" is indeed a bit cheating. [Shadow Ball] kept hitting Pikachu, but was dodged by Pikachu again and again.

"Blastoise, wake up!"

When Lu Ze concentrated the power of Metagross and Ghost Stone to attack Pikachu, Tialuno did not give up his efforts and shouted anxiously to Pikachu.

Seeing the Water Arrow Turtle slowly wake up, Lu Ze was also shocked.

Here comes Ash's signature skill, the Great Awakening Technique!
  But how could you, Eluno, do this?
  "Metrogross, speed up!"

The water arrow turtle fell asleep for too short a time, which was not in line with Lu Ze's expectations.

I originally thought that the Blastoise would at least be able to sleep a little longer, but Ash's skill was really a bit shameless when it was used on Tierno.

Metagross rushed towards Pikachu quickly, and a silver-white afterimage streaked through the air at extremely fast speed.

Tialuno looked at the silver-white Metagross with some envy.

It's rare to see a Pokémon with different colors, let alone a quasi-god with different colors.

His strength is still that of a king.

so good!
  "Blastoise, the ultimate impact!"

Tialuno felt envious, but still commanded the Water Arrow Turtle to prepare to resist Metagross' attack.

The Water Arrow Turtle moved quickly and sprinted directly in front of Pikachu, facing Metagross head-on, preparing to resist Metagross' attack.

The silver-white fist suddenly waved, and the golden thunder and lightning flashed on it, hitting the Water Arrow Turtle.

The Water Arrow Turtle also has a temper, and he immediately fights back when faced with Metagross, which is stronger than himself.

[Ultimate Impact] and [Thunder Fist] collided head-on, and they both took a step back almost at the same time.

However, Metagross still had the ability to fight again, but the Water Arrow Turtle froze in place due to the reaction force of the skill.

"Pikachu, protect Blastoise!"

Upon seeing this, Xiaozhi quickly directed Pikachu to step forward to protect the Blastoise.

This is exactly the cooperation between the two. The Water Arrow Turtle helps Pikachu block powerful melee attack skills.

After the Water Arrow Turtle was frozen due to the reaction force of the skill, Pikachu came to help with the attack.

This is the meaning of doubles!
  Tialuno's smile was a little bitter.

I originally thought that [Ultimate Impact] could repel Metagross, but I didn't expect Metagross to be so strong.

Facing the powerful [Ultimate Impact], it was just a step back.

Pikachu rushed forward quickly, its tail flashing with silvery white light.

【Iron Tail】!
  The tail is condensed with Behemoth Slash, and Pikachu is also very confident.

But Lu Ze is not just a Metagross, there is also Ghost Stone.

As soon as Pikachu rushed over, Ghoststone noticed Pikachu.

When Pikachu rushed over, it directly blocked Pikachu's path.

Seeing the evil smile in Ghost Stone's eyes in front of him, Pikachu hesitated for a moment and then gave [Iron Tail] to Ghost Stone.


[Iron Tail] hit the ground hard, shattering the concrete floor.


Ghost Stone, who entered a different space through [Stealth Surprise Attack] and avoided this attack, was also a little frightened when he saw this scene.

If you hit yourself this time...

Ghost Stone couldn't help but tremble, but he still launched the attack.

The claws with ghost energy hit Pikachu on the back, causing Pikachu to stagger and fall forward.

The Metagross on the other side has also hammered the [Thunder Fist] on the Water Arrow Turtle.

The Blastoise let out a cry of pain. He was relieved of his stiffness and was about to launch a counterattack when he saw Metagross's sapphire blue pupils covered with pink hazy mist.

"Brother Ozawa's two Pokémon work very well together."

"Indeed, compared to Ash's Pikachu and Tierno's Blastoise, it's a bit too rough."

Citron nodded in agreement: "But after all, they are two people's Pokémon, so it is normal for them not to have such a tacit understanding in terms of cooperation."

After Citron finished speaking, he saw that the Water Arrow Turtle was controlled by Metagross' [Psychic Power], lifted up, and hit Pikachu who had just stood up.

Pikachu looked at the Blastoise flying towards him quickly with a look of horror on his face, but the next second he was hit directly by the Blastoise.

Ghoststone shook his head, his face full of pity.

Before the smoke from the explosion dissipated, a [water cannon] was suddenly fired from the smoke.

[Water Cannon] has Pikachu's [[-] Volts] wrapped around it!
  "Martial soul fusion skills?"

Lu Ze's eyelids twitched. Is this Pikachu?
  As expected of the protagonist Pokémon who cheats, it can do this!

Not only did he not lose his fighting ability under the successive blows, but he was also able to release his martial soul fusion skills, perfectly wrapping his signature skill [One Hundred Thousand Volts] on the Water Arrow Turtle's [Water Cannon].

The [Water Cannon] with thunder and lightning hit the unsuspecting Ghost Stone head-on, knocking Ghost Stone out of the field and into the wall.

The attacks of both men were obviously very powerful. Ghost Stone, who was weaker, could not withstand this attack at all. He lost his fighting ability after sliding down from the wall.

"Brother Ozawa is in danger now." "I was careless for a moment."

Yurika looked at Metagross with some worry and did not answer her brother's question.

She didn't want Pikachu to lose, nor did she want Metagross, who carried her out every time she wanted him to, to lose.

Metagross is a very good Pokémon.

"One against two?"

Yurika was a little worried, but Metagross's face and even his eyes didn't change at all.

Lu Ze shook his head helplessly, took the ghost ball back and looked at the field again.

The smoke and dust on the field had dispersed, and Blastoise and Pikachu were standing panting on the field looking at Metagross.

"Well done Blastoise!"

"Amazing Pikachu!"

Tialuno and Ash cheered.

Now two against one, they have the upper hand!
  "After defeating Metagross, we will win!"

"Pikachu, come on Blastoise!"

Tialuno and Ash encouraged their Pokémon.

"Then, Metagross, let's use all its firepower!"

Lu Ze also showed fighting spirit on his face.

The two-on-two fight just now was a bit boring.

After all, you know the strength of your Pokémon.

Although Pikachu is cheating, after killing the Blastoise, Pikachu is just a piece of cake.

But Lu Ze really didn't expect that Xiaozhi could wake up Pikachu so quickly.

Similarly, he did not expect that neither Pikachu nor Blastoise lost their ability to fight in that situation.

In this case, let’s have a passionate one-on-two!
  In a one-on-two situation, Lu Ze was really mobilized to fight.

"Metrogross, shadow ball!"

After Metagross nodded in agreement, he threw the [Shadow Ball] towards the Water Arrow Turtle.

Without any surprise, Tialuno once again chose to let the Water Arrow Turtle use rhythm tactics to avoid Metagross' attack.

Looking at the dancing Blastoise and Pikachu trying to sneak attack, Lu Ze also had a smile on his face.

The smile on Lu Ze's face was not noticed by Xiaozhi and Tierno who were focusing on the battlefield.

Xiaozhi found a good opportunity at this time and once again directed Pikachu to use [Iron Tail] to hit Metagross hard.

"If it's delivered to your door, don't be polite!"

Lu Ze waved his hand: "Stomp your feet!"

Metagross stood upright and faced Pikachu's "Behemoth Slash" head-on!

The attacks from both sides collided, and a huge sound suddenly erupted in the field.

After the sonic boom disappeared, everyone began to pay attention to the situation on the field.


Seeing Pikachu lying on the ground and losing his ability to fight, Xiaozhi couldn't help but exclaimed.

Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief. Pikachu finally lost his ability to fight.

so far so good.

Lu Ze put a smile on his face again and looked at Xiaozhi.

I was just going to let Metagross find Pikachu.

Unexpectedly, Pikachu came to the door by himself.

[Stomp] If the last attack misses, the power is doubled.

The power of stomping is not very low to begin with, but after doubled, it almost catches up with [Destructive Death Ray].

In addition, [Stomp] is a ground-based skill, which can cause double restraint damage to Pikachu.

Under this situation, if Pikachu does not lose its fighting ability, Lu Ze will really file a complaint with Arceus.

Although Arceus seems to have been hacked by Pikachu.

"Now we're one-on-one, the advantage is mine!"

After Xiaozhi shook his head sadly, he held Pikachu in his arms and continued to watch their battle quietly.

The battle rules are one Pokémon per person, so he has been eliminated at this time.

Next is the battle between Lu Ze and Tialuno.

Seeing the smiling face of Lu Ze across from him, Tialuno also panicked.

How to fight this?

"Water arrow turtle, water cannon!"

Tialuno gritted his teeth and finally chose to attack first.

The Water Arrow Turtle has triggered the [Riptide] feature, which increases the power of water-based skills. The two barrels release water at the same time.

"Mega monster, wall of light!"

After the transparent pink light wall appeared, the water flow of the water arrow turtle was also weakened a lot.

Metagross' eyes were once again filled with hazy pink light, and a superpower barrier was once again formed behind the [Light Wall], blocking the Water Arrow Turtle's [Water Cannon] attack.

After blocking the attack, Metagross's counterattack is about to come.

The pink super power formed a crescent light blade in front of Metagross, and slashed towards the Water Arrow Turtle.

"Water Arrow Turtle, get out of here!"

There is no need to use rhythm tactics for a single attack, just avoid it.

But Metagross came with [Psychic Blade].

Even the speed of [Bullet Punch] is only one step slower than [Psychic Blade].

Although the Water Arrow Turtle successfully dodged the [Psychic Blade], he was punched in the face by Metagross.

The Water Arrow Turtle fell heavily to the ground. Under Tialuno's worried eyes, the Water Arrow Turtle did not lose its fighting ability.

But before Tialuno could breathe a sigh of relief, Metagross hit the Water Arrow Turtle with a [Thunder Fist] punch.

"The Water Arrow Turtle loses its ability to fight, and Metagross is the winner in the end!"

As Citron's results were announced, Tialuno also smiled bitterly and took back his Water Arrow Turtle.

"Blastoise, you've done a great job."

The Water Arrow Turtle did really well, but it faced Lu Ze's Metagross.

Metagross is more powerful and has plenty of combat experience.

After evolving into a metal monster, he maintained a rhythm of one battle every day.

The opponents of the challenge are naturally Lu Ze's other Pokémon.

Including the eldest sister, the cross-shaped bat.

"Brother Ozawa is so strong."

Xiaozhi stepped forward, looked up at Lu Ze and sighed again.

"You're making rapid progress too."

Lu Ze smiled: "Do you want to continue the special training before challenging the gym?"

"Of course!"

 Push the book Push the book!
    A new work by a veteran author, worth reading!
    (End of this chapter)

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