Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 998 Carlos Disaster!


"Master Wu Shihua!"

"I see the light!"

"I can see that the Kalos region is about to face unprecedented challenges!"

"In the center of the whirlpool, I saw the faces of the people gathered in Baike City!"

"The one with the deep green pupils!"

"There is also someone who leads the way!"

"And, unpredictable people!"



"There is still one key left to advance to the master level!"

Serena held the second princess key she had obtained and said excitedly to her little Eevee and Yurika.

Serena and Eevee won the Baike City Pokémon Tribeca Tournament with a wonderful performance, and successfully obtained the second princess key!

"It's really beautiful!" Yurika looked at the two princess keys in Serena's hand with starry eyes.

"Of course, I have to ask Ibrahimovic next time."


"Serena has won, we can't lose to her. Brother Ozawa, Pikachu!"

"Of course!"


Lu Ze and Pikachu nodded at the same time and responded.

After one person and one Pokémon finished speaking, they looked at each other at the same time.

Lu Ze smiled and stretched out his palm towards Pikachu.


Pikachu's little paw slapped Lu Ze's hand.

"Let's work hard for the next gym battle!"

"Pika! Chuu!"

Pikachu slapped his cheek hard, causing electricity to shoot out.


Ibrahimovic was startled, and quickly ran behind Serena's shoulder, lying on Serena's shoulder, watching this scene with a look of fear.

"It's okay, Ibrahimovic."

Serena comforted Ibrahimovic, but Citron looked at Lu Ze and Xiaozhi curiously.

"By the way, I heard from Tierno that the gym leader in Baike City is a super-type."

"It doesn't matter, just come here no matter what, I will definitely get the seventh gym badge!"

"me too."

Lu Ze also nodded in agreement with what Xiaozhi said.

"Then let's go!"

Xiaozhi said and ran outside quickly: "Let's compete and see who reaches the gym first!"

"Ah, so cunning!"

Yurika shouted and quickly followed Xiaozhi.

Serena and Ibrahimovic also quickly chased after him.

"How childish."

Citron helplessly raised his forehead and said to Lu Ze, who was also motionless next to him.

"It's really childish."

Lu Ze nodded: "Go on, Lucario, stop Xiaozhi!"


Citron was stunned for a moment, and then saw Lucario rushing past him.


Immediately afterwards, Lu Ze also rushed past him: "I must be the first one to arrive at the gym!"


Citron didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Why is Brother Ozawa also coming along?"

After shaking his head helplessly, Citron also had a smile on his face and quickly followed.

"Wait for me!"

Citron also quickly chased after him, and a lively scene appeared on the streets of Baike City.

Xiaozhi happily ran ahead with Pikachu, Yurika followed behind, and there was an equally excited Dongdong mouse above his head.

Serena followed behind with Ibrahimovic in her arms. Ibrahimovic's two big eyes were bright, as if he had never encountered such a situation.

Behind him, a Lucario was catching up, and behind the Lucario were two panting people.

"No, I didn't expect Brother Ozawa to have such poor physical strength!"

Citron followed Lu Ze and laughed at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze was also happy: "You, a native of this world, have the same physical strength as me, a person from other worlds."


Citron was stunned for a moment.

Yes, why?

Lu Ze laughed loudly and continued to chase forward.

"Pikachu, Electric Ball!"

When Lu Ze followed up, he happened to see Xiaozhi fighting.

Pikachu released [Electric Ball] and hit the symbolic bird, but the symbolic bird dodged it.

Xiaozhi didn't hesitate and took out the Poké Ball.

"It's up to you, croaking frog!"

The croak-headed frog appeared on the field, and [Water Wave] hit the eye on the ground directly.

The symbolic bird also launched an attack under the girl's command. [Psychic Power] directly hit Pikachu and knocked Pikachu back a few steps.

Guhunyan also stood up, rushed towards the frog and used [Shadow Claw].

"Pikachu. One hundred thousand volts!"

"Lucario, Shadow Ball!"

Two voices sounded at the same time, one from Xiaozhi and one from Lu Ze.

The target of both sides is the bird, the symbol of Psychic-type Pokémon, in the air.

[One Hundred Thousand Volts] and [Shadow Ball] hit at the same time, knocking the symbolic bird down directly and losing its ability to fight.

"Damn it, how dare you!"

"Ecstasy eye, power gem!"

After the girl took the symbolic bird back into the poke ball, she gritted her teeth and commanded her eyes to attack again.

"what's the situation?"

Lu Ze came to Dr. Buratano and asked curiously.

Now the opponent is left with a weak Soul Eye. Not to mention that Lucario is still by his side, Ash alone can easily solve it.

"I don't know what happened, but they attacked us as soon as we met and destroyed our research equipment." Dr. Buratano said with regret as he looked at the broken machinery on the ground.

On the other side, [Water Wave] and [Power Gem] collided, causing an explosion in the air.

At the same time as the explosion ended, Xiaozhi once again commanded the frog to attack.

"croaking frog, swallow back!"

The frog jumped into the air, and in the frightened eyes of the eye, he directly knocked the eye to the ground.

Ecstasy Eye lost the ability to fight!
  "Ecstasy eyes, come back!"

After the girl in purple clothes put her seductive eyes back into the elf ball, she still had no intention of giving up. Instead, she fiercely scolded Xiaozhi and the others again.

"Get out of here, for the sake of Baike City, for the sake of Carlos!"

With that said, the girl in purple clothes took out an elf ball again.

Lu Ze frowned, left Baike City, left Carlos?
  Will we bring disaster?

Lu Ze looked up at the girl, but before he could speak, the elf ball in the girl's hand flew into the air under an inexplicable effect.

"Ah?" The girl turned her head and looked into the air in surprise, and Lu Ze also saw the sudden appearance of a figure.

The purple-haired woman was floating in mid-air, and beside her were two super-powered Mews, one female and one male, also floating.


Lu Ze raised his head and asked Deoxys curiously next to him.


Deoxys nodded, but did not show his figure.

At the same time, the man floating in the air did not notice Deoxys.

"This is the Gym Leader of Baike City, right?"

After confirming that it was a super power, Lu Ze understood.

I think the person who appeared in front of me must be Wu Shihua, the gym leader of Baike City.

Lu Ze did not speak, but looked at Wu Shihua, wanting to know what was going on.

"Get out!"

Wu Shihua angrily scolded the girl who had just attacked Xiaozhi and the others.

But the girl looked unconvinced and raised her head to say something more.

Wu Shihua's face was serious and her eyes widened: "Back off!"

After scolding the girl again, the girl collapsed on the ground.

"Carly, what have you done!"

After Carly slumped down, another girl wearing the same clothes ran over and scolded the girl.

"Is he that trainer's companion?"

Xiaozhi saw that the two of them were wearing the same clothes, so he assumed a fighting posture again.

"We are here to dissuade Carly from being arbitrary!"

The noon flower also fell down, but it did not hit the ground. It was still suspended on the ground under the influence of super powers.

"Master Wu Shihua, I am here to protect Baike City!" Carly refused and quickly turned to Wu Shihua and shouted.

"To shut up!"


Wu Shihua scolded again, and Carly quickly closed her mouth.

"Carly, this is your bad habit!"

Another girl also came forward at this time: "How many times has this happened to me when I have to explain and judge the future that Master Wu Shihua has seen?"

"Yes, I'm so sorry!"

Lu Ze frowned: "I'm sorry, but you can do it next time, right?"

After hearing Lu Ze's words, Carly raised her head suddenly and stared at Lu Ze with resentful eyes.

"Unpredictable people, you are the one who brought disaster!"

"Unpredictable person, is this my future that Wu Shihua sees?"

Lu Ze was happy. After taking a look at Wu Shi Hua, he looked at Carly again: "Then how can you be sure that it was us who caused the disaster, rather than us who solved it?"

Lu Ze's question stunned Carly.

That’s right, there doesn’t seem to be any fragments of this aspect in Master Wu Shihua’s prophecy!

"A self-righteous guy who doesn't know the whole story, is ignorant and confident!"

Lu Ze glanced at Carly with disgust. This kind of person is the most annoying.

Not only does it have no effect, but it often makes things more complicated.

In other words, the protagonist is Xiaozhi. If it were someone else, he wouldn't be so easy to talk to.

Carly was lost, and Lu Ze didn't speak again, but looked up at Wu Shihua.

"Wushi Hua, is she the leader of the Baike City Gym?"

After the scene calmed down, Citron asked Lu Ze as if he had thought of something.

"Yes, the Gym Leader of Bai Ke City."


Wu Shihua floated forward, came to Lu Ze, nodded and said.

At the same time, another girl next to Carly also stepped forward and apologized to everyone: "I'm sorry for the offence."

"My name is Shirley Lu, and I am Lord Wu Shihua's disciple."

"Dr. Bratano, and the boys, please forgive me for my rudeness."

After Wu Shihua finished speaking, Sherry Lu motioned to Carly next to her to apologize.

"I am sorry."

Carly lowered her head and said to everyone as if she knew she was wrong.

"It doesn't matter, the misunderstanding has been resolved anyway."

Dr. Buratano nodded, with no intention of pursuing further.

The real owner didn't pursue the matter, so Lu Ze naturally didn't say anything more.

"But what's going to happen in the future?"

Dr. Buratano was puzzled, raised his head and asked Wu Shihua.

"Well, I did see it."

"Disaster in the future!"

"And it has something to do with you!"

After Wu Shihua finished speaking, Shirley Lu also explained: "It's because Carly saw the future that she regarded you as enemies based on her prediction."


Xiaozhi was a little curious, but Wu Shihua was suddenly startled and raised her head suddenly.


Wu Shihua's sudden movement also startled Lu Ze.

Lu Zezheng looked at Wu Shihua curiously, wondering why he could predict the future.

Deoxys's super power is much stronger than that of Wu Shihua, but he can't predict the future.

But just when Lu Ze was curious, Wu Shihua's body suddenly twitched, which shocked the equally serious Lu Ze.

"what happened?"

"I see!"

Wu Shihua waved her hands and stared closely at the frog.

"I saw your future!"

"The future of the frog?"

Xiaozhi was a little confused, but Wu Shihua didn't say anything else. She just raised her head and looked at Xiaozhi: "Please come to the gym and tell me in detail!"

Although everyone was a little strange, after discussing it, Lu Ze, Xiaozhi, Dr. Buratano and others followed Wu Shihua to the gym in Baike City.

The gym in Baike City was full of technology and mystery, and even Lu Ze took a few more curious glances.

"However, I am still curious about what the future holds."

However, after just a few more glances, Lu Ze quickly entered the topic and asked Wu Shihua.

"I also want to see the future!"

Yurika raised her hands excitedly: "I want to see if I can become a trainer in the future, and be my brother's bride or something."

Citron couldn't resist Yurika's narrow eyes, and he quickly blushed and stopped Yurika's intention to continue.

"The future is not easy to see. Master Wu Shihua was able to see the future because he followed the guidance of the stars."

Dr. Buratano thought for a moment: "That's right, those in the Fangyuan area..."

"Yes, the matter between Groudon and Kyogre was also predicted by Master Wu Shihua under the guidance of the stars."

"So the weather in other places was abnormal at that time, but in the Kalos area because Master Wu Shihua had predicted it in advance, it didn't have much impact."

"Could it be that a disaster related to us is coming soon?" Citron asked anxiously.

Lu Ze pondered for a moment. Is the crisis in the Kalos region the one involving Yveltal, Xerneas and Zygarde, the one involving Team Flare, or the one involving Eternal Flower?

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment. Why is the Kalos region so troubled?
  Is it because the crisis between Groudon and Kyogre was resolved last time, so they broke out together this time?
  Lu Ze looked at the noon flowers in the sky and thought with malice.

"It depends on the subsequent interpretation."

After Shirley Lu finished speaking, Carly on the side also asked in a low voice again: "Ms. Shirley Lu, will these people bring disaster?"

"If we bring disaster, you may be the first to suffer."

Xiaozhi and the others did not hear what Carly said, but in front of Lu Ze, who turned on the waveguide as soon as he entered the gym, Carly's words were no different than speaking directly into his ears.

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