Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 1008 The Eve of the Great War

"This seat is to unify the spirit world. You all go back to your respective posts and rectify the disciples of the Xiaoyao League. After half a year, Haiyun Shenzhou will be unified."

Li Qiuyu said loudly, with a shocking aura of superiority all over his body, now that the Mietian Sword has been refined, there is no need to worry about the powerful masters in the spirit world.

One's own cultivation base can also be improved quickly, and there is no need to survive the catastrophe, as long as the mana is reached.It will naturally reach the realm, the peak of the early Mahayana, the seven primordial spirits.

"Subordinates obey."

Hundreds of Mahayana disciples saluted respectfully, and finally left the island quickly and flew towards the distance, leaving Li Qiuyu and five people behind.

"Brother Qiu Yu, don't you need to comprehend your Heaven Miting Sword Formation?"

Seeing that Li Qiuyu's Mietian Sword was successfully refined, Lingling didn't comprehend the sword formation, and worried that Li Qiuyu didn't have enough control over the sword formation, so she reminded Li Qiuyu.

"You don't need to comprehend it anymore. As long as you refine the ninety-nine 81 Mietian Sword Formation, it will automatically form the Ninety-Nine Heavenly Extermination Sword Formation. In the past, you had to comprehend the Wujiu Sword Formation because you hadn't reached the level of extinction. The number of Heavenly Swords."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, and after explaining the reason for the Mietian Sword Formation, she naturally knew that Ling Ling was worried about herself, and felt warm in her heart.

"Then we don't have to worry about it now. Young master's cultivation has soared now, so naturally we don't have to worry about the powerful masters in the spirit world."

Xiao Hanyue said softly, the last five people also left the island in the Celestial Emperor's Chariot, and flew towards Wan Yao Island, intending to rest there for a while, and take control of the Heaven Extinguishing Sword Formation by the way.

When leaving, Li Qiuyu shot down a red and blue beam of light, the beam of light carried the power of destroying heaven and earth, there was a loud noise, and the beam of light hit the island fiercely.

Immediately, several thousand-foot-sized flames rushed up, straight to the sky, and the entire island sank slowly, and an island with a radius of tens of thousands of miles disappeared just like that.

Seeing such power, the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue were very excited. Now Li Qiuyu's cultivation base and strength are basically two levels from before.

On the Heavenly Emperor's chariot, it didn't take long to return to Wanyao Island. After returning to Wanyao Island, Li Qiuyu did not retreat to practice, but played with Xiao Hanyue's four daughters to calm down and prepare for the battle.

Half a month later, the disciples of the Xiaoyao League in the entire Haiyun Shenzhou were actively preparing for the battle, and the atmosphere of the war spread in Haiyun Shenzhou. Half of Haiyun Shenzhou now belonged to the Xiaoyao League, and the other half belonged to other cities and forces.

Knowing that the Xiaoyao League was going to fight, they all began to think about how to deal with it, whether to submit or resist, because in the past, the Xiaoyao League calmed down after ruling half of Haiyun Shenzhou.

Now that Li Qiuyu's Xiaoyao League is going to fight again, it will naturally be more violent. In the face of the big battle, the general strength simply disappears like a speck of dust.

But all of this has nothing to do with Li Qiuyu and the other five. The five are practicing leisurely on the island, and they rarely pay attention to the outside affairs.

However, Li Qiuyu has also thought about some things. After the Haiyun Shenzhou War, he will go to the ruins of the gods and take out the two treasures in the ruins of the gods.

My Heaven's Punishment Sword has not been comprehended yet, and I have to comprehend it. There are still various things that have not been resolved, but the current Shouyuan, for these small things, is a piece of cake.

Half a year later, Li Qiuyu finally played the third note of the Tianmoqin, and also comprehended the field of nothingness in the seventh form of the nine forms of shocking heaven.

Within a certain range, he is the master. Such a field is basically a mystery of heaven and earth, a truly powerful monk's innate secret technique.

With a higher level of cultivation, even some low-level spells can use the power of forbidden spells. If Li Qiuyu uses the power of transforming gods now, he can completely kill Mahayana monks in seconds. This is the authority of realm and strength.

And when Li Qiuyu is not doing anything now, he is completely an ordinary mortal, but if he wants to do it, he can definitely kill the monks who are at the peak of the late Mahayana in seconds. more and more powerful.

"Half a year is so fast, it's time for us to start, the spirit world is slowly trembling."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, his tone was flat, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing, unifying the spirit world, killing his enemies, demon king, sea emperor, supreme, all of them.

In this spiritual world, the existence of the Transcending Tribulation Period is not allowed, there cannot be the Demon King and the Sea Emperor, and the Supreme cannot exist. In front of him, there is no such thing as a cat or a dog.

"Hey, I really want to see how those powerful monks bow their knees in front of the young master."

Xiao Qiuyue said softly, in the past, when Li Qiuyu's cultivation base was only at the late stage of Dongxu, he was able to instantly kill the Mahayana stage, and even killed Qiongqi in the Transcending Tribulation stage.

Now that he has reached the Mahayana stage, and has received the inheritance of the blood of nothingness, his strength has skyrocketed, even he himself does not know to what extent.

"Let's go, this Heavenly Emperor's Chariot can be fully displayed in front of the spiritual monks in the future, to see who dares to kill and seize the treasure."

With a move of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, the Heavenly Emperor's Chariot appeared in front of Li Qiuyu, and Li Qiuyu came to the Heavenly Emperor's Chariot in a flash, and then Xiao Hanyue and the others also went up.

Several powerful monsters have been cultivating in the space necklace. With Li Qiuyu's current cultivation base, there are no need for a few monsters at all, but during the war, he can let them out so that he doesn't have to do anything.

At least a few of them can protect the safety of Xiao Hanyue's four daughters. Although the four daughters have reached the Mahayana stage of strength, Li Qiuyu is still worried.

The Celestial Emperor's chariot flew in the air quickly, and flew straight towards the southeast of the Xiaoyao League. Because all the forces of the Xiaoyao League were gathered in the southeast, there was no unity in the southeast of Haiyun Shenzhou. This time, Xiaoyao League attacked Haiyun Shenzhou again. , is to take the remaining territory in the southeast direction.

Ten days later, the Heavenly Emperor's chariot arrived on Huangyun Island, which was also the address of Huangyun City, and the entire city completely occupied an island.

"The subordinates welcome the return of the master. The master is invincible in the world and dominates the spiritual world."

Seeing the arrival of the Heavenly Emperor's chariot, the disciples of the Xiaoyao League in Huangyun City saluted and shouted respectfully after they found out, and their voices reached Li Qiuyu's ears.

With a move of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, the Heavenly Emperor's chariot was put away, and he landed with Xiao Hanyue's four daughters, nodded to the saluting disciples, and then headed towards the City Lord's Mansion in Huangyun City.

"Subordinates welcome the Lord."

After receiving news from Huang Yuncheng that Li Qiuyu had come, these Mahayana monks were all waiting for Li Qiuyu's arrival at the City Lord's Mansion. After Li Qiuyu arrived, they all saluted respectfully.

Li Qiuyu nodded, and walked directly to the middle of the hall, and came to the main seat. The four daughters of Xiao Hanyue stood beside Li Qiuyu. After Li Qiuyu sat down, these Mahayana monks dared to sit down.

"How is the Xiaoyao League going?"

"Return to the Lord, all the disciples of the Xiaoyao League above the stage of transformation are ready, just waiting for the order from the Lord."

A monk at the peak of the Mahayana period said loudly, and sat down after saluting respectfully. This monk at the Mahayana period was also one of the few trusted by Li Qiuyu.

His name was Zhang Huatian, and he was originally a super powerful elder who surrendered to Li Qiuyu and admired Li Qiuyu's strength.

"Okay, all the disciples of the Xiaoyao League will go to Bingxin City, take Bingxin City down, and I will conquer it myself."

Li Qiuyu said loudly, when he comes again, he will also take a good look at the map of the entire Haiyun Shenzhou. This Bingxin City is the first big city he attacked by the Xiaoyao League. It is several times larger than Huangyun City, although it is not comparable to the top ten cities. One of them, but it is not an ordinary small city.

The first battle is very important, not to bring negative impact to the Xiaoyao League, and to raise the morale of the Xiaoyao League in one fell swoop, this depends on one's own strength.

"Subordinates obey."

All the Mahayana monks saluted respectfully, and Li Qiuyu also strode out. After leaving the hall, there were disciples waiting for a long time. Without Li Qiuyu opening his mouth, he came to a quiet mansion next to five people before.

"This is for you."

Li Qiuyu handed a psychic treasure to the disciple of the transformation spirit stage, said indifferently, and then walked towards the middle of the mansion, and the elders of the Xiaoyao League will handle other matters.

"Thank you Lord for the reward."

The cultivators in the transformation stage were very excited when they saw the top-level psychic treasure handed over by Li Qiuyu. They saluted and thanked Li Qiuyu happily, and then retreated to let Li Qiuyu and the other five rest in peace.

After Li Qiuyu entered the mansion, there were already more than ten maids waiting for the Qi training period. Li Qiuyu was not pretentious, and went directly to a courtyard. Xiao Hanyue ordered these maids to do something.

Li Qiuyu naturally knew what Xiao Hanyue wanted these maids to do. Apart from making some meals for ordinary people, there was nothing else. The five of them were all in the Mahayana stage, so naturally they would not ask the disciples in the Qi training stage to do other things.

Sure enough, the five of Li Qiuyu didn't have a long rest, and more than a dozen maids brought trays of exquisite food to Li Qiuyu. After placing the meals on the table, they stood respectfully aside and waited for orders.

"You go down."

Xiao Hanyue took a look at these maids, and felt that someone was watching her while eating. She was not used to it, so she let these maids leave, took out more than ten storage bags, and handed them to these maids.

"Thank you fairy for the reward."

After more than a dozen maids saluted respectfully, they left excitedly, knowing in their hearts that the man in front of them was the god-like lord, and the fairies were also the lord's wives, so it was natural for them to offer a lot of rewards.

After they went out, they quietly opened the storage bag, and their eyes were fixed. There were a hundred thousand low-level spirit stones in it, as well as some top-grade magic weapon spirit energy, even magic weapons, and pills.

Although he knew that Xiao Hanyue spent a lot of money, he didn't expect that there would be so many spirit stones and treasure pills, and then he left happily, waiting for Xiao Hanyue and the others to finish their meal before packing up.

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