Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 1009 The Field of Nothingness

Two days passed, and the disciples of the Xiaoyao League also hurried towards Bingxin City. There were hundreds of monks at the Mahayana stage, thousands of monks at the Dongxu stage, and countless monks at the stage of transformation.

Tens of thousands of Xiaoyao League disciples came to Bingxin City, and the monks and strength of Bingxin City were horrified. The situation of Xiaoyao League's previous invincibility and attack can be vividly seen.

If you don't resist, I'm a little unwilling, but the end result of resisting is not the opponent of Xiaoyao League at all. At this time, monks from Tiansong City, Tongming City, and the other six Mahayanas all rushed to Bingxin City.

The strength of Bingxin City soared, and for a while, the monks of the Mahayana period were almost the same as those of the Xiaoyao League. Seeing this situation, the monks of the Mahayana period from other places rushed to Bingxin City to support.

We all know that if Bingxin City is defeated, the end of Haiyun Shenzhou can be imagined. At that time, it will completely become the power of Xiaoyao League and become a servant of Xiaoyao League forever.

"My lord, the other cities in Haiyun Shenzhou, the monks who are a little further away from Bingxin City have rushed to Bingxin City. Now the strength of Bingxin City has surpassed Xiaoyaomeng."

Zhang Tianhua reported the situation of Bingxin City to Li Qiuyu, then stood aside and waited for Li Qiuyu's order, wondering if Li Qiuyu was going to attack Bingxin City.

"Exactly, this is what I want, lest I go to them and solve it together. It's time for me to make a free alliance and stand up. Since I'm here, let's stay."

After hearing this, Li Qiuyu laughed loudly. A mere monk in the Mahayana period didn't pay attention at all, and he was secretly happy. He didn't expect that the first battle of the Xiaoyao League would have a chance to stand up.

"What does the lord mean?"

Seeing Li Qiuyu laughing, Zhang Tianhua was puzzled, Bingxin City was stronger than Xiaoyaomeng, so he didn't know how sure Li Qiuyu was, but he was so happy.

"This time, all the disciples of the Xiaoyao League are coming to Bingxin City. Don't make a move. Let you see what real strength is."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, showing a strong aura on his body, a natural aura of a superior, so that the following Mahayana monks had no chance of rebounding.

"Subordinates obey."

After Zhang Tianhua finished speaking, he walked out. Li Qiuyu glanced at the other monks, and then waved his hand, indicating that these monks could leave.

After leaving with some monks, Li Qiuyu slowly closed his eyes, and finally fell into deep thought. The purpose of unifying Haiyun Shenzhou by himself is to establish his own power. When he meets the enemy, he will also have the strength to resist the enemy's power.

I will not be so stupid as to fight alone. This kind of thing, if it happens for the first time, will never happen for the second time. What's more, with my own power, it is much more convenient to do anything.

After Li Qiuyu asked Zhang Tianhua to pass on the word, all the disciples gathered towards Bingxin City, they didn't intend to do anything, they were all puzzled.

After waiting outside Bingxin City for two days, there was no movement at all, and even the monks in Bingxin City were puzzled, but Xiaoyaomeng didn't do anything, and they didn't know what the situation was like for a while.

"City Lord, the disciples of the Xiaoyao League have no intention of doing anything. This happens to be the time for us to destroy the Xiaoyao League. Anyone with a discerning eye will know that the Xiaoyao League is waiting for Li Qiuyu. If we wait until Li Qiuyu arrives to attack, the chances will be much smaller. "

A late Mahayana monk said lightly, in this place, there are only seven in the late Mahayana, and the others are in the middle and early stages.

The late Mahayana monks are already standing at the peak of the spiritual world. When they come here, they naturally want to kill Li Qiuyu in one fell swoop. Li Qiuyu has many treasures in his hands, and this is their real purpose.

"Brother Chengtian is right. We are all late-stage Mahayana practitioners. We will destroy the strength of the Xiaoyao League first, and then go to that Li Qiuyu. No matter how powerful he is, we will be alone without helpers. Anyone can kill it."

Zhang Xianting also said that he still has a little friendship with Chengtian, and the two of them helped Bingxin City this time, probably because of the treasure in Li Qiuyu's hands.

It was rumored that Li Qiuyu had several top-level treasures in his hands, all of which were heaven-reaching treasures. Who wouldn't want such treasures? If he got a heaven-reaching treasure, his strength would be greatly improved.

"Since the two Taoist brothers have said so, let's start. We will destroy the Xiaoyao League while Li Qiuyu is not here, and then kill Li Qiuyu at that time, and get rid of this culprit for the peace of Haiyun Shenzhou."

Lan Mingzi, the lord of Bingxin City, pondered for a while, and said lightly, his strength has also reached the late stage of Mahayana, but his strength is still a bit weaker than the other six late Mahayana monks.

"Alright, since Daoist Lan Mingzi has agreed, let's do it right away. The speed of your troops is precious."

Long Tianjiu said with a smile, as long as the Lord of Bingxin City agrees, he can wait for someone to make a move, lest other forces have anything to say. Although he is not afraid of others talking, it is always better to have fewer such things.

"This time, I need the help of all the Taoists."

Lan Mingzi looked at the dozens of Mahayana stage masters present here, clasped his fists and said gratefully, the monks here are all overlords and powerful elders.

A moment later, 800 masters of the Mahayana stage appeared in the sky above Bingxin City, and there were countless masters of the Hollow Stage and Transformation Stage, and the ones standing in the front were masters of the late Mahayana stage.

"Is Li Qiuyu from the Happy League here?"

Lan Mingzi looked at the forces of the Xiaoyao League under Binglin City, and for the sake of safety, he shouted loudly, if Li Qiuyu was here, he could think of other ways, if Li Qiuyu was not here, he could first destroy the Mahayana period here kill.

There are more than 600 masters in the Mahayana stage of the Xiaoyao League, and although there are more than 800 in Bingxin City, these are all Mahayana stage masters. It is not that simple to kill them. It is almost a thousand enemies and eight hundred.

"Since Li Qiuyu from the Xiaoyao League is not here, it is self-evident that you Xiaoyao League came to Bingxin City. Bingxin City will naturally keep you all here and contribute to the tranquility of Haiyun Shenzhou."

After Lan Mingzi finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a concentrated beam of light shot up into the sky. After this beam of light appeared, all the monks from Bingxin City flew towards Xiaoyaomeng. The distance between the two sides was only a hundred miles.

For the monks of the Mahayana stage and the Dongxu stage, this is not a distance at all. They collided with the monks of the Xiaoyao League in an instant, and the battle between the two sides immediately started.

Seven late Mahayana monks entered the Xiaoyao League disciples, and almost every move took away a Mahayana monk. The gap between the late Mahayana and the early Mahayana was exactly the same as that of the Dandan stage and the Nascent Soul.

In a short while, dozens of Mahayana monks in Xiaoyao League were lost, but Xiaoyao League didn't intend to back down at all, because Li Qiuyu was coming soon.


"Haha, didn't you guys look for this seat? Automatically delivered to your door, this seat is impolite."

A faint voice sounded in the air, the voice didn't fluctuate at all, but the air was frozen immediately, even the late Mahayana monks clearly felt that their cultivation had been suppressed, and they felt panic for a while.

"This is His Excellency Li Qiuyu, the leader of the Xiaoyao League."

Lan Mingzi was startled, the strength of the incoming man was beyond his imagination, although he was a late Mahayana monk and had already stood at the peak of the spiritual world, but in front of this voice, he didn't have much chance at all.

"All the disciples of the Xiaoyao League retreat."

Li Qiuyu drove the Heavenly Emperor's chariot to the sky a hundred miles away from Bingxin City, and stood firmly in the air. The Heavenly Emperor's chariot was put away, and Xiao Hanyue's four daughters were also protected by more than ten Mahayana monks. A pet monster.

"Hey, Your Excellency Li Qiuyu, do you want to leave like this?"

Hearing Li Qiuyu speak like this, what he said before and after did not match at all, and he didn't know what Li Qiuyu meant, but if all the disciples of Xiaoyao League retreated, they also understood the meaning of this sentence and Cheng Xiaoyao League surrendered.

The disciples of the Xiaoyao League didn't know why Li Qiuyu did this, but Li Qiuyu's words were orders, no one dared to disobey them, so they could only back off, after a full fifty miles away.

"Haha, who said that I will leave."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, the whole body's aura surged out, and the destructive momentum beyond the Mahayana stage was displayed, and suddenly solidified in the air, the strength of the monks in the Mahayana stage was greatly reduced, and they could only display the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul stage, and even more terrifying Yes, in these auras, it is impossible to move at all.

"The power of the field?"

"Are you a senior in the Transcendence Tribulation Period?"

Seeing such a power of confinement in space, several late Mahayana monks said in horror, because they were fortunate to have seen such power once before. In the face of such power, Mahayana monks are as vulnerable as ants.

"Go to hell."

It was rare for Li Qiuyu to pay attention to these Mahayana monks at all. When his consciousness moved, a golden light flashed out, and then the golden light turned into ninety-nine 81 golden short swords, which quickly formed a huge circular sword array.

After the ring-shaped sword array appeared, the entire sword array suddenly turned into seven-colored sword lights, and the sword lights kept flickering. Li Qiuyu stood firmly in the sky, and his spiritual consciousness controlled the sword array to roll towards the Mahayana monks in Bingxin City.

Where the sword light passed, all the monks turned into nothingness and were completely swallowed up by the sword light. Even the monks in the Mahayana period could not resist at all.

"Fight him."

A late Mahayana monk saw the power of the sword array and was terrified. He had never seen such a method, and he had never even heard of it.

But before he finished yelling, the sword light rolled straight over, and immediately rolled him into the sword light. The sword light didn't respond at all, and this late Mahayana monk had disappeared without a trace.

In Li Qiuyu's realm of nothingness, these monks have completely become lambs to be slaughtered, and under the heaven-defying power of the sword formation, there is no chance to escape at all. Even if there is no realm of nothingness, not many monks can escape.

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