Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 1017 Arriving at Fengyue Continent

"Haha, there is really someone who recognizes me!"

Li Qiuyu laughed loudly, he didn't pay attention to the tens of thousands of demons below, and he was naturally happy to be known by others hundreds of years later.

"The disciple welcomes the coming of the Holy Master."

All the monks knelt on the ground and shouted respectfully, their hearts were full of excitement. Now Li Qiuyu's cultivation base, I and others can't see clearly at all, and can tear the void and come down. Naturally, it is powerful. With Li Qiuyu coming, There is hope for Fengyue Continent.

"The jumping clown, don't tell me he still wants to play tricks in front of me. Since I came to my former residence, I think I'm looking for this thing."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, his voice was extremely cold, and he looked at countless demons. Li Qiuyu, the largest of these demons, was a master of the Tianlong Empire, so there was naturally some movement, and he wanted to take the opportunity to deal with Li Qiuyu.

After finishing speaking, with a movement of consciousness, a long sword appeared in front of him. The long sword continued to rotate, and a mysterious arc flashed on it. The whole space was immediately suppressed, as if frozen.

"Sword of Heaven's Punishment, Sword of Heaven's Punishment really appeared."

Seeing the Heaven's Punishment Sword in Li Qiuyu's hands, countless powerful demons shouted loudly, with surprise on their faces, and then their faces were extremely ugly. This Heaven's Punishment Sword fell into the hands of the young master in front of them. If you want to get it, Kind of impossible.

"It turns out that you really came here for the Heaven's Punishment Sword. Last time, you also came here for it. Since you want him, let me give it to you."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, seeing the expressions of these demons, they naturally understood that the demons came to find this thing, and the Heavenly Punishment Sword disappeared ten thousand years ago, it seems that they have not given up.

After speaking, the Heavenly Punishment Sword flew away from his hand, and quickly came to the sky above countless demon monks. Immediately, tens of thousands of colorful arcs emanated from the Heavenly Punishment Sword, hitting tens of thousands of demon monks.

"Ah, ah. ah"

"Ah, ah, ah"


Countless screams came, and suddenly, the earth turned into a piece of scorched black, and none of the tens of thousands of demon monks stood up anymore.All turned into coke, and the dead couldn't die anymore.

"Holy Lord, Holy Lord."


Seeing Li Qiuyu's one move, he completely killed countless demon monks. The powerful demons had no resistance at all. Among these demons, there were countless gods and caves, and even a Mahayana period. The Demon Ancestor was also instantly killed.

The monks in the human world have seen such a powerful method. Such a method, a complete god-like existence, even treats Li Qiuyu as a god-like existence.

"This seat was also cultivating in the upper realm. I accidentally tore apart the void and came here. I also want to go back to the upper realm. This seat needs to be unified. That's all, all the demon ancestors of the Mahayana period came to the human world. Seat, there is no one to clean up these guys, so let's clean them up and go back."

After Li Qiuyu killed all these demon monks, he was also horrified. His own strength is very strong, but this Heavenly Punishment Sword is too powerful. Was spiked.

He didn't rely on his own strength to kill them at all, but the power of the Heaven's Punishment Sword. It seems that the power of this Heaven's Punishment Sword is far more than that. I need to learn more about it in the future.

He glanced at the monk below, and said calmly, originally he wanted to return to the spirit world, but he thought that he had already come down, and if he didn't make a move himself, the human world would definitely become a demon realm in a short time.After pondering for a while, he spoke his thoughts.

"It is the great fortune of Fengyue Continent for the Holy Lord to come to the human world and save all the souls in Fengyue Continent."

Countless great cultivators heard Li Qiuyu's words, and they almost couldn't help feeling overwhelmed. In the upper world, they wanted to unify the spirit world. Those who came to the Fengyue Continent just came here unintentionally while tearing apart the void while practicing.

In this case, if other people say it, they will naturally regard him as a lunatic and a fool. How powerful it is to unify the mysterious and powerful spirit world.

Except for the god-level figures, they dare not speak like this at all. Li Qiuyu has only ascended to the spirit world for 700 years, and he has reached the level of a god in just 700 years. I really can't imagine.

"Okay, you guys wait, I'll go to Tianlong City to have a look first."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, and after finishing speaking, he was about to take Xiao Hanyue's four daughters to fly towards Tianlong City, and then thought of something, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

"Qingluan, this place is entrusted to you."

Looking at Qingluan, the strongest monks in the human world in this place are only in the early stage of transformation. It is simply delusional to face the senior monks of the demon race. If she stays here, she will be at ease.

"Okay, you go."

Qingluan nodded, then landed, came to these monks, said to Li Qiuyu lightly, and then Li Qiuyu took Xiao Hanyue and the three daughters away.The huge Celestial Emperor chariot disappeared into the sky with supreme coercion.

"Fairy, what is the cultivation level of our Holy Master now?"

This cultivator at the transformation stage was worried when he saw Li Qiuyu and others leave, leaving only a delicate girl behind, but what Li Qiuyu said did not dare to resist at all.

"This deity is in the tribulation period, and your holy master can instantly kill you with a single thought. What kind of cultivation do you think he is?"

Qingluan turned around and looked at the human monk. This human monk was really too weak, and he could blow him away with a single palm, but these human monks were Li Qiuyu's relatives, so he put his posture aside. a little bit.

"The fairy is in the tribulation period? Can a single thought from the Holy Master kill you instantly?"

Hearing Qingluan's words, the cultivator at the transformation stage was stunned, and his mind suddenly exploded. What kind of state is it in the stage of crossing the catastrophe? It is the most peak existence of a cultivator. There is a Mahayana above the virtual, and above the Mahayana period is the transcendence of catastrophe.

What made him even more horrified was that the fairy in the Transcendence Tribulation Period actually said that the Holy Master could instantly kill her with a single thought, and neither a single thought could instantly kill the Transcendence Tribulation Period.

"Yes, you go to sleep, leave this to me."

Qingluan said indifferently, and then waved one hand, a strange mask covered him, then closed his eyes, ignoring these human monks.

"The order will go on, the whole army will be rectified, and rest in place."

The cultivator at the transformation stage heard Qingluan's words and believed it. A cultivator at the crossing stage was here, who else could be her opponent?

"By the way, send someone to collect the treasures of the demons. Don't take them privately. These are items from the demons. After your Holy Master returns, he will take them back to the demon world."

Qingluan suddenly thought that there were tens of thousands of demon monks killed by Li Qiuyu in front of him, and there were countless treasures there, but these treasures could not stay in the human world, so as not to cause trouble, so he warned the monks of the transformation stage.

"Disciple obeys."

The cultivator at the transformation stage replied respectfully, and quickly sent someone to clean up the treasures of those demon cultivators, and explained Qingluan's words again and again, so as not to cause any trouble. There are tricks to play.

Li Qiuyu drove the Heavenly Emperor's Chariot slowly through the air. Originally, when he used the Heavenly Emperor's Chariot, he could reach a distance of a million miles every hour, and he could reach Tianlong City in just one hour. But when he came to Fengyue Continent, it was like Back to the same, slowly appreciate all this.

It took a full half a day before they came to the sky above Tianlong City. The huge coercion shocked everyone in Tianlong City. Human monks did not have such a powerful supreme coercion at all. They thought that the demons were coming. here we go.

They all looked at the Heavenly Emperor's chariot with a radius of thirty feet in the sky, and were horrified by this huge monster, but this huge monster didn't have the slightest demonic energy, so they couldn't understand it to the extreme.

Li Qiuyu took a look at Tianlong City, and then stopped the Heavenly Emperor's chariot at a distance of a hundred miles, and the four women walked slowly towards the city. Although they were walking, the distance of a hundred miles was only a moment.

"It's been 700 years since I left here, and this place has become more and more prosperous. It's just the invasion of the demons, which makes the people of this seat live in fear."

Li Qiuyu looked at the tall city walls and gates, and a trace of familiarity spread over him. This familiarity made him extremely comfortable. Thinking of the demons, his face showed a trace of coldness.

"Excuse me, do you have any tokens?"

A monk at the alchemy stage led more than a dozen disciples at the foundation stage to check at the gate of the city. The demons invaded, and Tianlong City also checked extremely strictly. Seeing the arrival of Li Qiuyu's four daughters, they couldn't see the cultivation base of the four of them. But the clothes and aura on his body were by no means ordinary, so he asked politely.

"The token, I'm looking for it, I don't know if it exists."

Li Qiuyu was stunned, she really had this token, but thousands of years had passed, and she didn't know where it was put, so she could only look for it in the space ring and the space necklace.

Hearing Li Qiuyu's words, the alchemy stage and more than a dozen foundation-establishment stage disciples looked at Li Qiuyu vigilantly, thinking that Li Qiuyu was doing something, their eyes showed vigilance.

"Here, can I see it?"

Li Qiuyu's spiritual sense found a golden token in the space necklace, and handed it over casually, with a slight smile on his face, wondering if these disciples still recognize this thing.

"you you you……."

"Uncle, what's the matter?"

The monk in the alchemy period saw the golden token in his hand, his face showed horror, he couldn't even speak clearly, and looked at Li Qiuyu in horror.

Seeing their uncle like this, the disciples in the back were extremely puzzled, so they hurried up to ask their uncle, and looked at Li Qiuyu and the others with wary eyes.

"You, you, you are, you are the Lord, the Lord."

The monk in the formation period kicked a sigh of relief. This brand is the token of the Xiaoyao King of the Tianlong Empire. The Xiaoyao King fought in the Northern Jin Dynasty. In the Tianlong Empire, the Xiaoyao King is the supreme existence, even the emperor has to call his ancestors in front of the Xiaoyao King.

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