
Li Qiuyu nodded, with a satisfied look on his face, and then took the token back.

"The disciple welcomes the return of the Holy Master."

The alchemy disciple quickly asked the foundation establishment disciple behind him to kneel down to salute Li Qiuyu, and he also knelt down respectfully to salute, and then quickly transmitted the sound to Tianlong Palace.

Li Qiuyu walked straight ahead, admiring the scenery inside Tianlong City along the way. Although Tianlong City is not as grand as the existence above the spirit world, it has a special flavor here, maybe this is his hometown.

After walking for a quarter of an hour, they finally came to the square outside the palace. At this time, countless Tianlong masters stood in two rows in front of the square, and a middle-aged man stood respectfully in the middle.

"Li Yun, a junior of the Tianlong Empire, welcomes the return of our ancestors."

After finishing speaking, he knelt down respectfully. After he knelt down, the other two rows of masters knelt down respectfully, and several old men behind the middle-aged man also knelt down respectfully.

"Forget it, the lower realm of this seat, let's take a look."

Li Qiuyu waved his hand, without stopping at all, he passed the middle-aged man directly, walked inside, walked for a while, and entered the palace, which is no longer familiar.

Li Yun and the other old men followed behind respectfully, not daring to show any airs. The old men were all in the Nascent Soul stage, but in front of Li Qiuyu, they were not even as good as ants.

Coming to the main hall, Li Qiuyu sat down on a chair casually, and Xiao Hanyue and the three daughters also sat on the seats beside Li Qiuyu.

"Sit down, you're shy, you don't have the courage of Li Zhenglong at all."

When Li Qiuyu saw Li Yun coming in front of her, she didn't know whether to stand or sit, she was restrained, like an imperial emperor.

"Junior obeys."

Li Yun said respectfully, he was startled, Li Zhenglong was his great-grandfather and the first emperor after the establishment of the empire, he didn't expect that in the mouth of this young man, he had no appearance at all.

Then he hurried back to his seat, this was the first time he felt uneasy sitting on this dragon chair, he was a young man but his ancestor.

"Sit down, can this seat eat people? This seat is just passing by here, and I will go back in a few days."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, with a smile on his face, and looked at these old men and some ministers. It is normal for these mortals to restrain themselves in front of him.

"The old ancestor passed by here, where does the old ancestor live, it is better to live in the palace."

Hearing Li Qiuyu's words, Li Yun thought that Li Qiuyu was practicing in seclusion somewhere in the Fengyue Continent. If Li Qiuyu returned to the palace, no one would shake the safety of the palace, and he would not let himself worry about the affairs of the demons alone. .

"Haha, I don't live here, it's up there."

Li Qiuyu laughed, stretched out his hand and pointed upwards, then drank tea by himself, ignoring these ministers and Li Yun.


Li Yun and several ministers all looked up, and above was the building of the main hall, and looked at Li Qiuyu in puzzlement, only a few Nascent Soul stage monks showed horror on their faces.

"The Holy Master came down from the previous session?"

The monk in the Nascent Soul Stage asked tentatively, looking horrified, what kind of power would it be to tear apart the lower realm of the void as he imagined.

"That's right, I practiced today and tore through the void. I didn't expect to come here, and I have to go back in two days."

Li Qiuyu said indifferently, glanced at this Nascent Soul cultivator, and swept away his consciousness, this Nascent Soul cultivator is also Li's blood.

"Old ancestor, don't leave. Now the demons in Fengyue Continent, you can only find a way to solve it, otherwise Tianlong Empire will disappear in smoke."

Li Yun heard that Li Qiuyu came from the upper realm. Although he didn't know anything about cultivation, he must be as powerful as a fairy if he could come down from the upper realm. Seeing that Li Qiuyu was going back to the upper realm in two days, he was anxious. The matter of the demons has not been resolved yet.

"You kid, if it wasn't for the demons, I would have gone back a long time ago. Don't worry, you are just a few clowns. I will naturally take them back to the demon world and make them disappear in the demon world."

Li Qiuyu smiled unhappily and said, this guy can't hold his breath, but such a mundane person is only like this, how can he compare with himself.

"The old ancestor has great powers, and the old ancestor has to worry about these things. The younger generation is really unfilial." After listening to Li Qiuyu's words, Li Yun was extremely happy. With Li Qiuyu taking action, it is naturally much easier.

Afterwards, Li Qiuyu lived in the palace for a day, and then flew towards Diyanfeng. When Li Qiuyu returned to the palace, Diyanfeng already knew that Li Qiuyu was back.

When the four of them arrived not far from Diyan Peak, countless disciples of Diyan Peak came to greet them, all of them were great monks and masters in the junior and middle stages of Nascent Soul.

Seeing the four of Li Qiuyu returning with colorful clouds, all of them were excited and envious, and felt extremely proud. In just a few hundred years, Li Qiuyu had ascended to the spirit world.Now the cultivation base is even more unpredictable.

"The disciple welcomes the arrival of the master."

All the disciples saluted the four of them respectfully, with sincerity on their faces, respect from the bottom of their hearts.

"Okay, let's all get up."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, with supreme majesty in his voice, and an irresistible force lifted all the monks up.

Then I went to the main hall of Diyan Peak and checked the cultivation of the disciples of Diyan Peak. Li Qiuyu didn't bother to ask about other things. Diyan Peak.

"You all step back. After two days, you all follow me to the Great Merchant Empire to learn more and gain experience."

Li Qiuyu said indifferently, and then went to Zilin Pavilion. Some old people who lived in Zilin Pavilion before, I don't know if they are still there, and there are also relatives of his Li family.

After a while, the four of them came to the Purple Scale Pavilion. The scene inside was the same as before, but it was a little more angry, and some voices came from time to time

The four walked along the sound, and saw five or six children playing inside, and three or four middle-aged monks, but their cultivation bases were not high.

An old man in his seventies stood there smiling and looking at the children in front of him. He didn't notice any outsiders coming until the children saw Li Qiuyu and the others coming.

"Brother, sister, how did you come in?"

An eleven or twelve-year-old girl asked crisply, looking at Li Qiuyu and Xiao Hanyue's three daughters with surprise in her eyes. The four of them are all fairy-like figures, and their temperament and aura are naturally different.

"Hehe, we just walked in like this. I don't know which family you are a junior from."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, the little girl in front of her has a kind of kindness, a kind of kindness of blood, and her voice is much more kind.

"Junior Li Xiangya, I don't know how senior got into the Purple Scale Pavilion?"

When the little girl was talking, the old man also noticed Li Qiuyu and the others, and he was horrified. No one had ever entered this Zilin Pavilion, and they couldn't enter without a token. Why did the four people in front of them easily enter? From the looks of the four of them, they are definitely masters.

"Li Zhengqing, you should know him."

Hearing the old man's words, Li Qiuyu knew that the people in front of her were her own Li family, and she felt a little closer in her heart, and her tone was more peaceful.

"Old ancestor, juniors naturally know, don't you know that seniors are friends of ancestors?"

The old man was surprised, Li Zhengqing's status in Diyan Peak was also very high, but Li Zhengqing had been practicing in Diyue Peak, and he had never seen him a few times. He didn't expect that the young man in front of him would know Li Zhengqing's name, and he would call Li Zhengqing directly. The name of Zhengqing is taboo.

"Hehe, not a friend, his brother, my name is Li Qiuyu."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, Li Zhengqing is indeed not his friend, but his brother. In the Li family, only Li Zhengqing can be valued by him, and others are unsightly.

"You are the Holy Master? The junior doesn't know that the ancestor is coming, and the ancestor forgives the sin."

The old man was shocked. He naturally knew Li Qiuyu's name. This is the most legendary ancestor of the Li family. He didn't expect to appear in front of him again after ascending hundreds of years ago, and immediately let everyone turn to Li Qiuyu. salute.

"Get up, after hundreds of years in the upper realm, it is a blessing to meet the younger generation of the Li family once in the lower realm."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, and after finishing speaking, an invisible force lifted everyone up, and then sat down and asked about the situation of the Li family.

After a while, he also got a general idea. The Li family in Tianlong City is now the same as before, and its status is only second to the royal family. Master, mainly because of the influence of Li Qiuyu.

"Do you want to go to the Upper Realm?"

Li Qiuyu looked at the two little girls in front of her. They were very talented. If they were in the Fengyue Continent, they would be able to become a great monk at most, but if they went to the spirit world, it would be easy to become a Transcendence Tribulation Stage.As long as my current strength is below the tribulation period, it is not a matter.

"Did the ancestors mean the spirit world? Didn't they mean that you can't ascend if you haven't reached the stage of becoming a god?"

The little girl looked at Li Qiuyu curiously. She also knew about these things from Li Zhengqing. When she heard Li Qiuyu's words, she was naturally a little skeptical.

"Xiaoling, don't talk nonsense, don't be disrespectful to your ancestors."

Li Xiangya was terrified when he heard Li Qiuyu's words, and then calmed down. Li Qiuyu's current strength must be sure, otherwise he would not have said it.

"That's for monks, but I'm not a monk now, so it's of no use to me."

Li Qiuyu reached out her hand to stop Li Xiangya from speaking, and looked at the little girl in front of her kindly. Although she didn't know this little girl, she was a child of the Li family at least.

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