Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 15 Fengping City 【Favorites + Recommend】

The next day, Li Qiuyu practiced as usual. After breaking through to the fifth floor, he became more energetic, especially after comprehending the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix.

Although the nine changes of the phoenix are cultivated by imitating the phoenix, the phoenix is ​​a natural noble bird, so after comprehending the nine changes of the phoenix, I feel more confident in my heart.

Li Chongyang and Li Huamin also came to the small courtyard a few times during the time they came to the small courtyard. They didn't have much hope for their own cultivation, so they let Li Qiuyu do it.

Every time Li Qiuyu saw his parents and grandfather, there was a trace of worry in his eyes. He learned from Lan Yan that several other big forces were suppressing the business of Tianxing Pavilion.

The reason for this is nothing more than seeing that there is no successor in Tianxing Pavilion. Although there is Li Qiuyu, there is no one in the machine power who does not know about the situation without spiritual roots.

Li Chongyang is the only one in the Tianxing Pavilion who is a master of the tenth level of Qi training, but he can't last long, and the other forces are not deeply rooted.There are also several ten levels of Qi training in each force.

There are even more disciples under it, and there are many people with outstanding aptitude, but there are only a few disciples in Tianxing Pavilion.If it weren't for Li Chongyang, Tianxing Pavilion would not have gained a foothold in Fengping City at all.

Li Qiuyu just shook his head helplessly, there was nothing he could do about it, who said that his cultivation base was low, the fifth level of Qi training was okay in Tianxing Pavilion, but in other forces, he could do nothing at all.

Li Qiuyu secretly planned, thinking that if he was going to the city for a while, the ingredients for the elixirs were the most important thing. Although he still had a few batches of ingredients on him, they would not last long.

Although the Tianxing Pavilion is still considered a big force, there are not too many materials for the Qi training period, because he has visited the medicine garden a few times before, and there are very few materials that he can use.

Besides, he doesn't want to be a monk who works behind closed doors. Only by seeing a lot can he know a lot. It is best to go out and see a lot.

He gave Lan Yan a few words and walked out of the small courtyard. When he left the vicinity of Tianxing Pavilion, he always chose remote places with few people, trying not to let people know that he came out of Tianxing Pavilion.

Tianxing Pavilion is more than 100 li away from Fengping City, he didn't hurry on his way, instead he took a leisurely walk, admiring the scenery along the way.

Fengping City

In the afternoon, I finally came to the outside of a fairly tall city, with a wide moat, and in front of the tall city gate, there were more than ten guards guarding the city. Although they were not monks, they were all good fighters in the eyes of ordinary people.

The city is extremely lively, and the sound of hawking is never heard. Li Qiuyu has practiced in Tianxing Pavilion all year round, and rarely comes to the city. Now that he has finally come here once, he should relax.

Walking around in the city, I also got a general understanding of Fengping City. The whole city is composed of four streets, and other places are some residential areas.

Li Qiuyu found a quieter inn in the west of the city, and stayed in it. Although the place is quieter, the house price is not cheap.

He asked for a secluded courtyard, one tael of silver a day, and this tael of silver can feed an ordinary family of three for a month.But these have nothing to do with Li Qiuyu.

The family of Tianxing Pavilion has a great career, and as the only young master of Tianxing Pavilion, these money are not in his eyes, besides, he has no concept of money at all.

After Xiaoer led him to the courtyard, Li Qiuyu left excitedly after paying him a tael of silver. It was no wonder that this was his monthly salary.

As the saying goes, short-lived people are soft-hearted, he plans to live here for a while, and he still needs this little girl.

After having some dinner, I left the inn and headed towards the busiest place in the city, because there were shops of other powerful forces, and of course the medicine shop was indispensable.

The purpose of his coming here is to find alchemy ingredients. Although there are pharmacists in other forces, he believes that the ingredients for qi training pills can still be found there.

Refining qi training pills is not something that ordinary pharmacists can do, otherwise there would be no qi training pills with the power of Tianxing Pavilion.

Chen's Herbal Medicine Shop

This pharmacy is quite famous, it was opened by the Chen family, the head of the four major powers in Fengping City, and its scale is as large as several large inns.

"Is there anything I can do for you little brother?" A male voice came into my ears.

As soon as Li Qiuyu entered the pharmacy, he was warmly greeted by someone, a guy in his twenties.Smiling all over the face, this is the unique smile on the face of a businessman.

"I need these medicinal materials, do you see them?" Li Qiuyu handed over a list full of medicinal materials after speaking, and there were more than ten kinds in it.

But the ingredients of the qi training pill are also included, and the other medicinal materials are some low-level things that are not very useful.

"Oh, we don't have all the medicinal materials you want in our shop, and there are still several kinds of medicinal materials that are not available." The guy respected the practitioner after reading the list.

"Which ones are in your shop, show me." Li Qiuyu was startled.

"I'll get it for your Excellency right now, Your Excellency, wait a moment." After the man finished speaking, he turned and went to the medicinal materials.

After Li Qiuyu finished reading the medicinal materials, he also had a general understanding in his heart. Sure enough, someone in the Chen family refined Qi training pills, and six of the medicinal materials he wanted were the materials of Qi training pills.

They can only sell one of them, but it is also the kind of medicinal material that is not too difficult to find, but it is not without harvest, there is actually a material for refining Tianyuan Dan.

Although it was much more expensive than other medicinal materials, he had to get them. In the end, he bought the ingredients of Tianyuan Pill without showing any signs of expression, and even bought all the few plants in the medicine shop.

I also bought the ingredients for the qi training pill, needless to say, I also bought a little bit of useless medicinal materials.

I went to five or six pharmacies in a row, and bought all the precious materials from several pharmacies, so it was very late when I arrived at the inn.

The situation is terrible. After shopping all night, I basically got several materials for the Qi training pill, but the quantity is pitifully small, at most it can only be refined for three furnaces.

This shows that at least one person in Fengping City is refining Qi training pills, maybe there are more than one family, otherwise the materials for Qi training pills are so few, it is worse than Tianxing Pavilion Medicine Garden.

However, I bought a lot of higher-level materials. There are four kinds of materials for the Tianyuan Pill. It seems that only Tianxing has no one to refine the Qi Training Pill.

It's no wonder why the other families are so much stronger than Tianxing Pavilion. It turns out that there are Qi training pills to take, even if the success rate of pills is small, it's strange that there are not many masters after years of practice.

The situation of Tianxing Pavilion is not optimistic. He is a member of Tianxing, and even the young master of Tianxing Pavilion. Although he doesn't care about Tianxing Pavilion, he doesn't want his parents and grandfather to be oppressed.

Li Qiuyu took out the alchemy furnace and alchemy utensils, ready to start alchemy. After getting the space necklace, he put all the necessary things into it.

Fortunately, he said hello to Xiao Er, don't bother him in the courtyard if there is nothing to do, the rich is the master, who in this lonely courtyard has nothing to trouble him

Since he refined the eight qi-training pills last time, it is a must for him to comprehend "Danshu" every day, and now he is more familiar with the techniques in "Danshu".

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